Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing Power - Forums

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71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing Power" , posted Sun 30 Jan 21:04post reply

I kinda of forgot which thread I read about it so I think of starting a new one.

Whose playing it?

The game is really really different from normal fighters O_o;;

Somebody cure me of RO fanboy sickness.


804th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 07:28post reply

It was your own thread, you goofball.

I wish I had someone to play the game with, but it's so strange that I can't get my friends (who are already not inclined to play fighters) to play it. It's like with EFZ when I said "Just give it some time, I promise it's good, it's jusr al ittle tough to pick up."

I really appreciate how different all the characters are and how I can switch up tactics enough to keep playing through the game, though I have a tendency just to use Alice over and over. Ah...and the hidden boss is toooo cool.

72th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 09:00post reply

It was your own thread, you goofball.

I wish I had someone to play the game with, but it's so strange that I can't get my friends (who are already not inclined to play fighters) to play it. It's like with EFZ when I said "Just give it some time, I promise it's good, it's jusr al ittle tough to pick up."

I really appreciate how different all the characters are and how I can switch up tactics enough to keep playing through the game, though I have a tendency just to use Alice over and over. Ah...and the hidden boss is toooo cool.

My own thread? Man my job is slowly killing off my brain cells.

Alice? I have diffuclt using Alice =\

I am currently using Sakuya (did i get her name corret?) Her daggers seem decent.

Well my story is a tad worst. My friends are into fighters but none of them ever want to pick up EFZ, melty blood or Touhou. Its quite a torture living here out in the tiny country with few players to interact with =(

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Whose the hidden boss? I thought Suika is the hidden boss? Dun tell me I have to play on Lunatic diffuclty and not contiune to reach it. I already have alot of diffuclty fighting Suika on normal diffuclty on her last Spell card pattern.

I got 4 of the special characters usable. So I assume here there's a fifth one?

End of Spoiler

Somebody cure me of RO fanboy sickness.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 11:35post reply

I kinda of forgot which thread I read about it so I think of starting a new one.

Whose playing it?

The game is really really different from normal fighters O_o;;

Yay, other people play it! On the fighting-friendly MMCafe board too!

Anyways, I think it's neat how it retains its heritage from shooting games by being very projectile-heavy, but the fact that you can dash through them keeps it from being a trainwreck. Sakuya is my favorite character currently, as she has a decent mix of speed and projectiles (her third spellcard is killer!).

The styles are pretty different as well - having beaten the game with Sakuya, I moved onto Alice, but am having some trouble adjusting - her spellcards are kind of annoying.

Not even touching any of the other difficulties for now, I can't imagine how Marisa would be...

73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 16:11post reply

I kinda of forgot which thread I read about it so I think of starting a new one.

Whose playing it?

The game is really really different from normal fighters O_o;;

Yay, other people play it! On the fighting-friendly MMCafe board too!

Anyways, I think it's neat how it retains its heritage from shooting games by being very projectile-heavy, but the fact that you can dash through them keeps it from being a trainwreck. Sakuya is my favorite character currently, as she has a decent mix of speed and projectiles (her third spellcard is killer!).

The styles are pretty different as well - having beaten the game with Sakuya, I moved onto Alice, but am having some trouble adjusting - her spellcards are kind of annoying.

Not even touching any of the other difficulties for now, I can't imagine how Marisa would be...

Ya I'm playing it. People I know who play it are like thousands of miles away from where I live.

It gets worst when your local players dun play the game. No gaming sessions for me since 14. Man its so sad over here.

Somebody cure me of RO fanboy sickness.

Bata kun
2483th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 17:42post reply

Pardon for asking, but what's "Touhou Sumou"? Doesn't help that my mind's dead now either. ^^'

806th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 19:28post reply

If you want to know what it is, check here.

But yeah, I meant Suika. Should I call her the "real" boss instead of the "hidden" boss? That was a fun fight. Not only is her sprite great, I was so happy when she did the Goku (Wukung) move where she pulls out her hairs and blows them.

I mean, I guess you can say "Alice is hard to use", but everyone is hard to use in their own way. I guess I can only imagine playing the game against other people who own it.

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 21:21post reply

So how can you play this game? Is it a doujin game that you're supposed to buy from somewhere, or a free download, or what? I noticed that there's a 110MB download on the official site for it and I'm not really sure what that is.

And I'm guessing you need AppLocale or something to play it?

75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Touhou Sumou - Immaterial and Missing P" , posted Mon 31 Jan 22:06post reply

So how can you play this game? Is it a doujin game that you're supposed to buy from somewhere, or a free download, or what? I noticed that there's a 110MB download on the official site for it and I'm not really sure what that is.

And I'm guessing you need AppLocale or something to play it?

That's the demo. DL to play =)


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
But yeah, I meant Suika. Should I call her the "real" boss instead of the "hidden" boss? That was a fun fight. Not only is her sprite great, I was so happy when she did the Goku (Wukung) move where she pulls out her hairs and blows them.

I mean, I guess you can say "Alice is hard to use", but everyone is hard to use in their own way. I guess I can only imagine playing the game against other people who own it.

End of Spoiler

No what I mean is Alice is one of those zoneing characters where she need to stay in mid range where enemies can't reach her and not too far cause her range bullets ain't great.

Suika is funny as hell. Especially her last spell card becoming huge. You can literally walk around and stomp people to death LOL

Upon more playing I realise Remilia has broken moves. Better yet Remilia is a broken character. She has a natural launcher and moves that allow you to link to supers after a bomb which easily takes like 50% of your life. They really need to nerd her bad.

P.S. Man I wonder if all vampires are like that. Cause Slayer hits hard and fast as well.

Somebody cure me of RO fanboy sickness.

77th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Got to stop bumping the thread - useful site" , posted Tue 1 Feb 14:57post reply

Quite alot of Touhou Suimusou info. A wiki website. Japanese of course =)

Somebody cure me of RO fanboy sickness.

8th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Got to stop bumping the thread - useful" , posted Tue 1 Feb 15:28post reply


Quite alot of Touhou Suimusou info. A wiki website. Japanese of course =)

another good site is
Covers mostly the later games of the Touhou series, but the bbs has some useful info.

588th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Got to stop bumping the thread - useful" , posted Wed 2 Feb 07:36post reply

There is also a good bunch of information on and Eternal Romancia ( SRK has some doujinshi-game dedicated threads in Fighting Game Discussion, and Eternal Romancia (you can google :) was created, in a way, to discuss doujinshi games without the 430849394th 'who is top tier' or 'where to dload this game' posts.

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"