Designers of KOF - Forums

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"Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 07:23post reply


I need some information about KOF designers. Compared to others classics fighting series from SNK, KOF owns its style, since '94, although it was at he beginning, just a big tournament with SNK stars.

So, I was wondering if designers who worked on KOF were special, or hired only for this title.

Does anyone know the names of different designer of KOF ? Are they famous ? Did they work on other titles ? Does the artwork designers are different from the overall (backgrounds, sprites...) ones ?

Thank you for hour help !

Bonus question : do you know why '94 artwork are so pixelized, compared to the '95 ones ?


2902th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 09:06:post reply


I need some information about KOF designers. Compared to others classics fighting series from SNK, KOF owns its style, since '94, although it was at he beginning, just a big tournament with SNK stars.

So, I was wondering if designers who worked on KOF were special, or hired only for this title.

Does anyone know the names of different designer of KOF ? Are they famous ? Did they work on other titles ? Does the artwork designers are different from the overall (backgrounds, sprites...) ones ?

Thank you for hour help !

Bonus question : do you know why '94 artwork are so pixelized, compared to the '95 ones ?

I don't recall any of the designers on KoF for anything prior to working at SNK. except for the creator of Street Fighter was also supposed to have created Final Fight, and also Ryo and Robert from Art of Fighting were supposed to be closer to what he wanted to do originally with Ryu and Ken.

I don't recall completely, but from the credits that the background designers don't also work on the sprites very often.

My opinion always has been that they made the most improvement for a KoF in '95, and they haven't made an appropriate level of gain since. They have made improvements here and there, but I'm not counting things like getting rid of the Nests saga strikers as as much of an improvement, because it's just like they moved aside an obstacle they threw in the path, which only puts us back where we started.

[this message was edited by Lupin on Wed 2 Feb 09:07]

4025th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 09:21post reply

I don't recall any of the designers on KoF for anything prior to working at SNK. except for the creator of Street Fighter was also supposed to have created Final Fight, and also Ryo and Robert from Art of Fighting were supposed to be closer to what he wanted to do originally with Ryu and Ken.

I heard that too.... I remember Iggy saying that the crew of Samurai Spirits was also involved with KoF and how the rest of the SNK teams hated them for doing stupid things with the characters...

See??? He is a God...

32th Post

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"Re(3):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 09:32post reply

Takashi Nishiyama...............director.......piston takashi.............Street Fighter...........dimps.......ex-capcom...................ex-snk.........Mad Gear......can't write english........Avengers......producer.......KOF....sorry. :(

1204th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 11:13post reply

If you're asking about character designers, the order of KOF character artists has been Shinkiro, Hiroaki, Nona, and then Falcoon.

175th Post

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"Re(5):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 16:45post reply

If you're asking about character designers, the order of KOF character artists has been Shinkiro, Hiroaki, Nona, and then Falcoon.

That's exactly that ! May I abuse from your kindness in asking you on which KOF did they work ? Are they only responsible for sprites, of also for artworks (select screen, victory screen...) ? Who creates character profiles ? Who decides which one will be inserted in a KOF ?

To your opinion, who is really important in KOF saga ? Only designers, or team director ?

2899th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Designers of KOF" , posted Wed 2 Feb 19:50:post reply

If you're asking about character designers, the order of KOF character artists has been Shinkiro, Hiroaki, Nona, and then Falcoon.

Hiroaki????????? Where?????
As far I know Hiroaki never drawn any characters in a KOF game...
From 94 to 2000 it was Shinkiro, 2001/2002 Was Nona (Arrggg), and 2003 was Falcoon... well for the characters art works.
As for the in game art, from KOF 94 to 97 it was the same guy (sorry don't have any name) 98/99/02 have all a different artist (IIRC 2000 one is the same as Last blade 2.) 2001 seems to be Nona, as well as 2002 (not sure for the last one).
And then maybe Hiroaki for 2003.
Of course, you can always check the staff roll if you can. The problem is that sometime they show the characters designer name, but not the in-game designer, so it's hard to tell sometime.

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Wed 2 Feb 19:53]

2905th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Designers of KOF" , posted Thu 3 Feb 10:17:post reply

If you're asking about character designers, the order of KOF character artists has been Shinkiro, Hiroaki, Nona, and then Falcoon.

Hiroaki????????? Where?????
As far I know Hiroaki never drawn any characters in a KOF game...
From 94 to 2000 it was Shinkiro, 2001/2002 Was Nona (Arrggg), and 2003 was Falcoon... well for the characters art works.
As for the in game art, from KOF 94 to 97 it was the same guy (sorry don't have any name) 98/99/02 have all a different artist (IIRC 2000 one is the same as Last blade 2.) 2001 seems to be Nona, as well as 2002 (not sure for the last one).
And then maybe Hiroaki for 2003.
Of course, you can always check the staff roll if you can. The problem is that sometime they show the characters designer name, but not the in-game designer, so it's hard to tell sometime.

Right, those are just some of the main artists not necessarily the character designers.
Also how do I buy some of Nona's stock.

[this message was edited by Lupin on Thu 3 Feb 10:17]

1205th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Designers of KOF" , posted Thu 3 Feb 14:52post reply

Hiroaki might have designed some of the older KOF characters... but I mostly put him down for his KOF EX characters. He's also done a good amount of KOF artwork, his work on 2k is my favorite.

4026th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 03:38post reply

Hiroaki might have designed some of the older KOF characters... but I mostly put him down for his KOF EX characters. He's also done a good amount of KOF artwork, his work on 2k is my favorite.

Hiroaki made the in game pictures for KoF 2000 & KoF 2003

See??? He is a God...

176th Post

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"Re(9):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 05:29post reply

Hiroaki might have designed some of the older KOF characters... but I mostly put him down for his KOF EX characters. He's also done a good amount of KOF artwork, his work on 2k is my favorite.

Hiroaki made the in game pictures for KoF 2000 & KoF 2003

It wasn't Falcoon for 2003 ? I'm so confused... Who worked on sprites ? Who worked on ingame artworks ? Can you give me a list of them, plz ? Or an url who made it ? Thanks ^_^

279th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 05:45:post reply

Man, you're very confused between the character designers, and the ingame art designers.

The character designers are the people that draw all the art outside of the game, I mean, the covers, promotional art/illustrations and the drawings of the characters that appear on the manual, on the official websites, etc.

Character designers:

Shinkiro: KOF '94 - KOF 2000
Nona: KOF 2001-2002
Falcoon: KOF 2003 & Maximum Impact
Hiroaki: KOF Ex1 & Ex2

Read carefully the previous posts about the ingame art designers.

The sprites of the characters are drawed/edited by many and different people.

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Fri 4 Feb 05:46]

15th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 05:52post reply

If you ever get a chance to see the original KoF 2001 promotional poster. (the one with K' on it)That's the work of Hiroaki. I had no idea he was move involved with the kof ex series.

5704th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 08:18post reply

The character designers are the people that draw all the art outside of the game, I mean, the covers, promotional art/illustrations and the drawings of the characters that appear on the manual, on the official websites, etc.

I would have said something more like "the character dsigner is the guy who designs the characters". Like, you know, what it means.
It depends on each character. Each one has a supervisor, who works on different characters at once (and usually manages each of his characters in all the KOF games they are in) and who does the concept, the name, scenario, basic moves, etc. He creates the character. Most of the time, he works hand in hand with the character designer, by tellin him "I want him more like this, and that, and that", until the designer draws something that fits with the character he has in mind. Sometimes, that character designer is also the guy who draws the official stuff, like Falcoon in 2003 who also had to draw dozens of less revulsing faggots before he created Ash.
Sometimes, it's not the same, since I know at least Shinkirô didn't create the NFT team (and maybe neither Goenitz).


2907th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Designers of KOF" , posted Fri 4 Feb 09:06post reply

For example, K', Maxima, and Angel it seems to me were designed by one of my favorites, Styleos. While the first main art works of them were drawn by Shinkiro for K' and Maxima, and by Nona for Angel.