Cave Story: great single player goodness! - Forums

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756th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Cave Story: great single player goodness!" , posted Wed 2 Feb 15:30post reply

Get it here.

It's a really, really good game.

Don't be put off by the crummy looking screenshots and not-so-fun start to the game... This little gem is f'n QUALITY.


2903th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Thu 3 Feb 10:07post reply

Get it here.

It's a really, really good game.

Don't be put off by the crummy looking screenshots and not-so-fun start to the game... This little gem is f'n QUALITY.

Thank you

Red Falcon
5372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Thu 3 Feb 10:15post reply

Thanks!I'll toy with this as I work late.-_-

Best site EVER: Link Here

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Thu 3 Feb 11:32post reply

Thanks!I'll toy with this as I work late.-_-

We've had a couple of useful related topics on IC :
Conversation, walkthrough and FAQ on Doukutsu Monogatari
Specific topic on the translated version

Hope it helps.

260th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Thu 3 Feb 18:05post reply


Hope it helps.

Oh, thanks both for the game and the FAQs!!! I find the game very entertaining, but I'm stuck in a place and I don't have lots of time to figure the solution out ( besides, I'm not the patient type), so I'll get a look to those FAQs...

19th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 07:33post reply

Excellent game.

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By the way, does anyone have a good strategy against the "2nd form" of the Tank boss in the Labyrinth? You know, after it starts shooting homing missiles. It's driving me insane. Thanks in advance.

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"Tsuki yo ni agake."

263th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 08:34post reply

Well, I think I can give you some advice now that I finished the game. That's how I defeated it...

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Just try to get to it with a level 3 missile launcher plenty of ammo (it'd be better to get a level 3 sword and sniper as well). Try to stand on the wheels or jump across the tank in the opposite direction of the one it comes until it stops. Then when it opens the bodywork, shoot at the green spheres with your missiles. If you run out of ammo, just try either with the sniper or the sword. At least this worked for me...

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2909th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 10:21post reply

Well, I think I can give you some advice now that I finished the game. That's how I defeated it...

I have a bubble gun, fire ball, and missle launcher. I defeated a toaster~monster twice... I got to where I need a password to get through the last egg on the egg level. Also on the grassland I need to break down a door to let the guy out, and there is a door at the end of the level that won't open and says "gum" on it. How do I advance past any of these points?

2910th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 11:55post reply

Well, I think I can give you some advice now that I finished the game. That's how I defeated it...

I have a bubble gun, fire ball, and missle launcher. I defeated a toaster~monster twice... I got to where I need a password to get through the last egg on the egg level. Also on the grassland I need to break down a door to let the guy out, and there is a door at the end of the level that won't open and says "gum" on it. How do I advance past any of these points?

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OK, I pulled the robot out of the ground... Now i just need to find the gum base in order for him to make a bomb...

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264th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 17:43post reply

Did you get the other two "ingredients"? If so, just...

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talk to the trapped man, and he will give you a key with a label which says "gum" attached to it

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2911th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 4 Feb 20:23post reply

Did you get the other two "ingredients"? If so, just...

Yup! Now I'm in the junk labyrinth thing.

2461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Cave Story: great single player goodne" , posted Fri 4 Feb 21:48post reply

Uwoah! Now my rest / sleep time has turned into Cave Story time. Just downloaded it earlier today.

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The Nemesis Weapon is really a specialist weapon. Learning how to use it properly.

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Red Falcon
5373th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player " , posted Sat 5 Feb 03:34post reply

Lots of fun. I need to try for another ending now .

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Anybody find the red demon? No clue where he is...

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Best site EVER: Link Here

2912th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sat 5 Feb 13:42post reply

Uwoah! Now my rest / sleep time has turned into Cave Story time. Just downloaded it earlier today.

Dang you guys are playing even more than me. Also this game rocks.

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sat 5 Feb 15:20:post reply

Finished the game today. But lots of things were left unanswered... so I'd like to see if anyone here can help me out:

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1) What's the point of that golden place with statues, and some dude that doesn't talk?
2) Also, before the room with the statues, there's a room with a door in the bottom that I can't seem to access... any clues on that?
3) Where is the Red Demon? In the secret Hell level I've heard about?
4) How do I get the Booster 2.0? I was supposed to prevent someone from dying at some point, right? If that's correct, who is it, and how do I prevent him/her from dying?
5) There was a chest near the end that I couldn't open. How do I open it?

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"Tsuki yo ni agake."

[this message was edited by Moriya on Sat 5 Feb 16:18]

2462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sun 6 Feb 06:20post reply

No work today means Cave Story all day holiday!

Also, a great Cave Story bbs:


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1) Fushiigi Mystery...
2) Is it the room which asks you for a password?
3) Yes. Hell is hell!
4) Hint: you have to ignore something in the labyrinth to get it.
Hint2: Look for a room with a red dot on the floor...
5) You need Booster v2.0 to open the chest.

Current best hell time: 8'30
Trying to decide which is better in hell, Super Beam charge lazer gun or Snake gun...

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762th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sun 6 Feb 14:29post reply

No work today means Cave Story all day holiday!

Also, a great Cave Story bbs:


Wow some of the stuff on the bbs is great! it is pervy...
...or plain STRANGE...
...yup, another day on a JP oekaki board.

Red Falcon
5374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sun 6 Feb 16:47post reply

Yaaay, the good ending.

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Anybody else find the "whimsical star"?

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Best site EVER: Link Here

2463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Sun 6 Feb 23:49post reply

Red Falcon:

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Talk to that beetle(?) guy in the Labyrinth shop when you've obtained the charge lazer and he'll give you the whimsical star

I've seen a screenshot in a bbs which shows a lipstick as a weapon???

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764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Mon 7 Feb 05:46:post reply

Oh ffs.

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I'm trying to get the good ending with the Nemesis and the Snake. And I forgot to pick up the Arms Barrier. It burns.

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[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 7 Feb 06:13]

Red Falcon
5375th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:32post reply


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I found lipstick, but it isn't a weapon... (playing through AGAIN. LOL) I'm going to try and figure out what to do with it.)

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Best site EVER: Link Here

Red Falcon
5376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Tue 8 Feb 11:53post reply

I have the feeling that I can do even more. Never did find a use for the lipstick...

Best site EVER: Link Here

764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Tue 8 Feb 13:02post reply

lol Falcon's addicted

2917th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Tue 8 Feb 14:41post reply

lol Falcon's addicted

Only a few more days of game play for this game & I'll be done for a while. Thus you have to find a new game for me to play after this one runs out. *cracks whip*

270th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single " , posted Tue 8 Feb 17:38post reply

Yesterday I managed to beat Hell. I found it quite difficult...but it was fun all the way. Now I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a new gaming masterpiece like this as well....does anyone know where to get good fangames?

383th Post

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Silver Customer

"Bulldozer battle" , posted Tue 8 Feb 19:39post reply

I found that

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Hitting the boss with a lvl 3 Blade from below (go between the two threads) is very effective, as it also generates slashes that will destroy the missiles. Once it gets moving, run like hell to one side, and pick off any pursuing missiles.

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I've still to find that damn Red Demon though.

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Tue 8 Feb 23:50post reply

Red Falcon:

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spoil me and tell me where the lipstick is? I'd love to explore every nook and cranny but I don't have the time <_<
Hell time: 6:09. Getting better!

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Joe Randel
374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Wed 9 Feb 00:05post reply

Ahhh this game is awesome! I played the Japanese version when it was first on Insert Credit and beat it. Now I'm playing it again in English, I'm gonna try and get to the Hell level this time.

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I've heard you get a different ending if you beat it under 6 min. Also... has anyone kept the girl from die'n after the water boss?

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"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single " , posted Wed 9 Feb 00:42post reply

About the girl... I'd suggest you to download the Cave Story FAQ. There you'll get all the answers...

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You'll meet her in Hell. There she covers your back (when you press fire button, one character will fire forward, and the other one backards/opposite direction).

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Red Falcon
5377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single player" , posted Wed 9 Feb 01:47post reply


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Make out with Chaco (seriously. Sleep in the bed in her house.)

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If it's true that there's ANOTHER ending in under six minutes, that would make four endings, no?

Best site EVER: Link Here

1116th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Cave Story: great single" , posted Thu 10 Feb 04:33:post reply

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Finished the secret dungeon in 5:51 (used autofire and Spur.)

Didn't notice anything different except that on the title screen, Curly is used as the cursor that selects between NEW and LOAD.
I started a new game thinking you could play as Curly now, but Quote was still the player character.

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[this message was edited by sabo10 on Thu 10 Feb 04:41]

1118th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Thu 10 Feb 08:07:post reply

Unlocking the Secret Dungeon mini FAQ. There are places in the game you can accidently skip and mess up, so if you want to play the Secret Dungeon on your first playthrough, you should probably read this.

Here is how to unlock the secret dungeon if you don't want to read the whole FAQ.

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Labyrinth: In the room where Prof. Booster falls in. There is a red dot on the floor. Use the red dot as your marker to make a jump across the pit. Do not fall in or talk to booster. Do not get the Booster 0.8 item here.

Core boss fight: Before talking to Curly (the girl robot) in the room where you fight the Core boss, go to the lower right part of the room, and collect the tow. After the boss fight, tow Curly out of the room with you.

Water Stream: Make sure you get to the cabin and resuscitate Curly, and back out with you before fighting the Fish boss.

Village: Go to the teleporter room and get the Booster 2.0 item.

Plantation: Find Curly, and get her the blue mushroom from the village to restore her memory.

So basically, to unlock the secret dungeon you need to have the Booster 2.0 item and the heart locket thing Curly gives you after she regains her memories, before you reach the end of the game.

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[this message was edited by sabo10 on Thu 10 Feb 08:09]

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re:Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 11 Feb 03:39post reply

I am stuck in the labyrinth. Can anyone give me a hint?

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I got the cure-all from the haunted hospital, brought it back to the doctor, defeated the big machine boss, got the booster, and found the big boulder.
Looking at the boulder it says I need two people to move it, so I went back to the doctor to get the robot girl.
But she says she is still sick, even thought I brought the cure-all. What am I missing?

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Thanks for any help

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Fri 11 Feb 11:54post reply

uh, never mind, somehow it worked finally

2921th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Fri 11 Feb 16:41post reply

uh, never mind, somehow it worked finally

When I played that worked the first time, what happened to get it to work?

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Fri 11 Feb 21:23post reply

When I played that worked the first time, what happened to get it to work?

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Well, I think i did it in the wrong order, i got the cure-all first, gave it to the doctor, left, and came back to find the girl was still sick. then I battled the monster x, came back another time, and still no change.

Turned out I had to talk to the doctor again AFTER i fought the monster, leave another time, and THEN come back.

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At least that's how I think it worked

2465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sat 12 Feb 03:16post reply

Thanks for the tip, Red. Now I can play with Curly with my lipstick...
Just found out something today:

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Pass the hell stage, and make sure you have that little guy you picked up from the cemetery in your inventory for something extra.

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Red Falcon
5378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sat 12 Feb 07:18post reply

Interesting, I'll have to try that. How does the lipstick let you use Curly?? I can't! :(

Best site EVER: Link Here

2468th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sat 12 Feb 12:32post reply

Interesting, I'll have to try that. How does the lipstick let you use Curly?? I can't! :(

No, the lipstick has no use!
I just thought it would be fun if

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Quote could use the lipstick *on* Curly. After all, they're joined at the hips >_>

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Best Hell time: 4:53, thanks to the super Cave Story last boss tip posted by Stabo10 = (sabo10?) on the insertcredit forums.
Missiles really really help.

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Are they joking about getting Curly's panties?

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Red Falcon
5379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sat 12 Feb 13:40post reply


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Nope. Her panties = real.

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Best site EVER: Link Here

1121th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sat 12 Feb 14:54post reply

2469th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Sun 13 Feb 00:32post reply

Our hell speed runs are nothing compared to some of these:

Level 1 Nemesis and Missiles banzai!

Undead Fred
2123th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re:Cave Story: great single player good" , posted Mon 14 Feb 15:16post reply

Just finished the game today. Very very good game.

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Poor Curly.

And yes, I know you can save her, but I just hadn't played back through yet.

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Joe Randel
377th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re: Cave Story: great single player goodness" , posted Tue 15 Feb 04:42post reply

Okay, so how do you get Curly's panties and lipstick?

Geez.. that sounds dirty.

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Re: Cave Story: great single player goo" , posted Tue 15 Feb 21:37post reply

Okay, so how do you get Curly's panties and lipstick?

Geez.. that sounds dirty.

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I don't know about the lipstick. But to get the panties, you must go to that place in the Sand Zone where you fought her, and go into her "room". Check your map, and you'll find a secret passage somewhere. Head to it and search the very end of it to find the panties.

End of Spoiler

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

773th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re: Cave Story: great single player goo" , posted Wed 16 Feb 13:01post reply

Does the tiny man do anything with her panties if you have both in your inventory?

386th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Re: Cave Story: great single player goo" , posted Wed 16 Feb 13:50post reply

Okay, so how do you get Curly's panties and lipstick?

Geez.. that sounds dirty.

The lipstick

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can be found in Grasstown. When you examine the fireplace and Chaco says where to get the Jellyfish Juice, take a rest in the bed afterwards. You'll wake up with Chaco sleeping beside you and the lipstick in your inventory. >>;

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22th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Fri 18 Feb 22:57post reply

Okay, I have to ask.

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I'm back to this game after one week of not playing (not touching a computer, in fact). I got to hell. I can get to Ballos in about 4 to 5 minutes, taking my time, but I always get there with 10-20 life left. And I don't have a Life Pot. So I have to ask: is it even possible to kill him without being hit more than once or twice? Are there any really good strategies against him?

Thanks in advance.

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"Tsuki yo ni agake."

1115th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Sat 19 Feb 14:35post reply

I think I'm about midway or a little further through the game, but I have a question that's been bothering me:

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Does the Tow Rope only appear in the Core Boss's room if you don't get the Booster v0.8? I was able to keep Curly with me up until then, but after like five or ten minutes of searching, the tow rope definitely WASN'T THERE in my playthrough, and it's kind of annoying that she has to die just because I didn't notice some little secret that you need an FAQ to find.

Then again, the fact that I'm actually this annoyed that a character died is a testament to how brilliant this game is. Not just the fact that the game is tailored so that you can actually succeed or fail at your hero-ing (how many other games let you do that?), but that I actually liked a character enough that I'm pissed off that she died.

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This game is more than good. This game is Ico in 2D.

780th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Cave Story: great single player goodnes" , posted Sat 19 Feb 15:31post reply

I think I'm about midway or a little further through the game, but I have a question that's been bothering me:

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She's dead. Unless you have Booster 2.0, there's no way for her to live.

Personally, I think that the way the game progresses "normally", what with people dying left and right, with no dramatic fanfare or anything, tells a much better story; the quiet soldier just survives and moves on.

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"There is no response."

1444th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Late to the party, but..." , posted Mon 21 Feb 17:54:post reply

Yeah, this game is damned awesome. Really well constructed -- the levels just seem to really work well action wise -- and with regards to fetch quests, you don't (often, at least) get the feeling that you're wasting long amounts of time running back and forth to get items.

And though the game's difficulty level ranges from decent to insanely difficult, I didn't really feel frustrated as if I just couldn't do it. The action for me felt just right.

And the fact that the simple choices you make can affect the game's outcome -- I just find myself going back for more.

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So I've run through this game twice -- first time through, I got what was probably the worst ending, relatively speaking.

Second time through, I just kind of figured the steps to the best ending with a couple subtle hints from this thread (red dot, tow cable). I beat the game with the Mimiga Mask on, then ran back through the Last Cave in reverse to get back my Booster v2.0, take off the mask, and run through the harder Last Cave and Hell. Beat it after several tries -- though, on my successful Hell run, I had to spend a good amount of time refilling my life and powering up my weapons, entering and exiting through that entrance of the third corridor. I also had to spend a bit of time gathering myself at the Statue Place. So, seeing that Time Attack of 3:30 is just incredible.

Now I guess this time, I'll run through and not forget to grab the lipstick. I'll also take the little guy with me.

Also a couple questions (prefer indirect hinting-style answers):

1) Does anything special happen if you leave Curly in the Waterway house? I'm just figuring nothing happens, since Curly doesn't have any means of escaping from there by herself -- and you just don't see her again.

2) I know the item screen says the medallion has no use -- but has anyone tried taking the Red Demon medallion back to the stone carver and noticed if anything different happens? (Is it even possible to do the hidden Last Cave in reverse? Haven't tried yet myself.) Is it even possible to get the stone carver to say anything?

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[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Tue 22 Feb 01:25]