The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade Stick.. - Forums

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1070th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade Stick.." , posted Sat 5 Feb 05:22:post reply

I've been thinking of picking one up, should I? Or should I go for the Pelican Real Arcade stick?

Now, before you reply, don't tell me to go buy a Mas stick, or worse, make my own. I'm lazy, don't have the money for the Mas, and ultimately, this is for PERSONAL use, I'm not an die-hard guy who is anal about every small detail and has to impress half the village. This is purely for fun.

I was looking at the SF stick just because of it the best pre-made market stick?
the artwork and the novelty value, but is there any other suggestions?

[this message was edited by crazymike on Sat 5 Feb 05:30]


121th Post

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"Re(1):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:08post reply

The pelican is pretty good for the price, especially if you need a stick for multiple systems. Personally, I'm not a fan of the concave buttons, but, well, maybe that's just one of those crazy things that normal people don't care about, just anal folk like myself eagerly attempting to . . . 'impress half the village'? There's a weird turn of phrase.
As for the anniversary stick: can't really say, seeing as I've never put my hands on one. Uses Happs buttons, hmmm, but liksang at least doesn't specify the joystick, just says 'arcade quality.' Pretty hefty price tag too, seeing as $20 more gets you a mas stick.
Also, making your own really isn't hard at all. Even being lazy AND lacking in basic manual dexterity, and I was still able to do it in a single evening.
Meh, but if you don't really care that much, I say go with the peilcan. Cross platform, pretty good construction and noticeably cheaper.

I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.

881th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:17post reply

They're not Happ buttons, they refer to them as "Happ style", heh. I haven't tried the SF stick yet, but I've heard lots of good things from everywhere that isn't SRK. I have the Pelican Real Arcade, and right out of the box, it's pretty shitty, but it's easy to modify into a good stick. The SF stick, if good out of the box, is probably a better option though, heh.

407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:21:post reply

If you are able to change out the sticks and buttons with actual arcade parts, I would say to go with the SF Anniv. stick. It is laid out in more of a traditional manner than the Pelican, which has an odd arc to the buttons. It is a bit heavier, though... but not much heavier than the Pelican. It is also slightly harder to mod with arcade parts, from what people have said.

If you are not going to replace the buttons or stick on these two, I would actually recommend not getting either of the sticks. Reason why is because the default stick on the SF Anniv. setup has reported problems of sticking on the down position at times. Buttons also feel very weird and don't seem solid... they feel plasticky and fickle. The Pelican stick has lousy buttons that will go out fairly quickly. And if you don't know how to fix the stick by opening it up and repairing it, you will definitely have limited use of the Pelican. The Pelican controller stick is okay, but not great. Replacing it with a HAPP makes a world of difference.

If you want a simple stick that is durable and low-maintenance, I would recommend a Hori stick from an import game shop. Of course, the prices on one of those rivals what you'd pay for a MAS, and you won't have many options for cross-platform use or using a headset for XBox Live, but it makes up for it in quality. I've had a few Hori sticks in the past (for PS2 and for Saturn) and neither of these sticks ever game me problems.

I guess you can't really escape from paying 80 bucks or more to get a great stick setup... even if it's for casual play.
If you pay some money for the aformentioned sticks available in the US, you have to anticipate the likelihood that either controller will have control issues immediately or down the road.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 5 Feb 06:28]

122th Post

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"Re(3):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:52post reply

They're not Happ buttons, they refer to them as "Happ style", heh.

Why those tricky bastards . . .

I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.

703th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"NeoGeo PS2 Stick?" , posted Sat 5 Feb 07:01:post reply

Has anybody tried the NeoGeo PS2 Stick? It's available for pre-order now at and the release date is like mid-February. I think the price tag was 59.99 with shipping included? I'm at work so I can't check cuz the site is blocked. But it would be nice to hear some reliable reviews. I'm trying to choose between this or MAS...maybe both if I'm C-R-A-Z-Y. Stay tuned.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Sat 5 Feb 08:28]

281th Post

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Copper Customer

"Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Controller" , posted Sat 5 Feb 09:58post reply

Unbelivable, those PS2 Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Controllers are being released in Spain! You know, those 4 pads (Ryu, Ken, ChunLi, Akuma) with Udon art on the box.

Are they good enough? My SF Third Strike is screaming for one! I just love the box art from every pad but Akuma's, it's... ugly (not because he is supposed to be ugly), but Akuma's pad is the hottest and sexier one. You can almost feel the power within it. The others look... just ok. I'll put Ryu's in the second place.

By the way, I'll be very happy if somone can link me to those box arts in high quality!

1815th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Sat 5 Feb 11:11post reply

Speaking of controllers, a limited run of Tekken 5 is going to come bundled with a Hori controller. That won't be cheap, but that doesn't look like a bad deal either.

Unbelivable, those PS2 Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Controllers are being released in Spain! You know, those 4 pads (Ryu, Ken, ChunLi, Akuma) with Udon art on the box.

Are they good enough? My SF Third Strike is screaming for one! I just love the box art from every pad but Akuma's, it's... ugly (not because he is supposed to be ugly), but Akuma's pad is the hottest and sexier one. You can almost feel the power within it. The others look... just ok. I'll put Ryu's in the second place.

By the way, I'll be very happy if somone can link me to those box arts in high quality!

Checking the official site it looks like those pads are made by Nuby. The old Nuby Capcom controller I had for my Dreamcast worked fine for awhile but the directional pad gave out after several months of use. The SF pads look like they are using a lot of the same parts, including the same questionable directional pad. That, and I'm not sure I like that the start and select buttons are so close to the regular buttons.

Then again, I suspect I have big, clunky thumbs and other people might not have the same problems with the pads I would.

760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 11:39post reply

I've been thinking of picking one up, should I? Or should I go for the Pelican Real Arcade stick?

Now, before you reply, don't tell me to go buy a Mas stick, or worse, make my own. I'm lazy, don't have the money for the Mas, and ultimately, this is for PERSONAL use, I'm not an die-hard guy who is anal about every small detail and has to impress half the village. This is purely for fun.

I was looking at the SF stick just because of it the best pre-made market stick?
the artwork and the novelty value, but is there any other suggestions?

I've heard that overall, it's pretty decent.
However, if you want something that will for sure work well, you can get a Hori stick from I think they still have some in stock and the prices were pretty reasonable (like $60 US or thereabouts) last I checked. However, the square box style stick is not for everyone.

135th Post

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"Re(2):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 11:47post reply

However, if you want something that will for sure work well, you can get a Hori stick from I think they still have some in stock and the prices were pretty reasonable (like $60 US or thereabouts) last I checked. However, the square box style stick is not for everyone.

Yea, Hori sticks are great. It took me a few days to get use to the square box style. The only negative thing about my Hori stick is that it has the CFJ logo on it and the 500 year old face of Ingrid.


1071th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 12:47:post reply

Thanks for the input (no pun intended) guys. Although I just won 300 dollars tonight from the Indian (Native American) Casino so uhm...maybe I can buy a top of the line stick AND the SF stick for novelty lol.

[this message was edited by crazymike on Sat 5 Feb 12:47]

882th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Sat 5 Feb 12:57post reply

Checking the official site it looks like those pads are made by Nuby. The old Nuby Capcom controller I had for my Dreamcast worked fine for awhile but the directional pad gave out after several months of use. The SF pads look like they are using a lot of the same parts, including the same questionable directional pad. That, and I'm not sure I like that the start and select buttons are so close to the regular buttons.

Then again, I suspect I have big, clunky thumbs and other people might not have the same problems with the pads I would.

Uh? Are you thinking of the ASCII Pad FT? There were Capcom and SNK versions of that made... I have the original grey one, and I've seen the SF controllers in person and I can confirm that they're not the same controller. Similar design, but they definitely do not use the same d-pad. I can't tell you if it's any better because I didn't have any hands-on time with it, but I did have issued with that pad. I planned to pick one of those up a few months back but I never really felt the need again.

1071th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Sat 5 Feb 13:03post reply


Uh? Are you thinking of the ASCII Pad FT? There were Capcom and SNK versions of that made... I have the original grey one, and I've seen the SF controllers in person and I can confirm that they're not the same controller. Similar design, but they definitely do not use the same d-pad. I can't tell you if it's any better because I didn't have any hands-on time with it, but I did have issued with that pad. I planned to pick one of those up a few months back but I never really felt the need again.

But...but...the holograms are so cool!

Plus they come with a comic book. Not bad for 14.99 IMO.

Now, what I want to get ahold of is the neo-geo pad for PS2 that came with KOF 94 Rebout, anyone know if it can be bought separately from the game?

407th Post

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"Re(4):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sat 5 Feb 17:58post reply

Thanks for the input (no pun intended) guys. Although I just won 300 dollars tonight from the Indian (Native American) Casino so uhm...maybe I can buy a top of the line stick AND the SF stick for novelty lol.

Hey... congrats man. What did you play to earn that kind of money?

I only won once playing at a casino... and that was on my 20th birthday (won 60 bucks from putting a quarter into some random slot machine). I never won any money ever again after that. I'm going to Vegas next weekend, so hopefully I can break that long spell of bad luck.

1138th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Um...maybe a flip of the coin type deal..." , posted Sat 5 Feb 20:53post reply

LOL seriously I'd just save a some cash and get a Hori Real Arcade Pro(theres a new version coming out in late March) or a standard MAS if you like American style sticks better. Those are the best joysticks on the market right now. I urge anyone to get those sticks over anything else.

But if you just recently jumped into lump of cash my question is: "Which do you like better, lollypop or bat sticks?" and go from there.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):The Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade S" , posted Sun 6 Feb 05:27post reply


Hey... congrats man. What did you play to earn that kind of money?

Just played a simple, traditional slot machine with one bar, called "Mount Cashmore" (always with the creative names). Made 280 out of 5 dollars.

I can't comment on Vegas though, never been there. We just have slots, poker, and blackjack here in Oklahoma. The secret is to play the slots near the food bar.

761th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Um...maybe a flip of the coin type deal" , posted Sun 6 Feb 05:45post reply

But if you just recently jumped into lump of cash my question is: "Which do you like better, lollypop or bat sticks?" and go from there.

The better question is what type of stick does the arcade you go to use for the games you play.

As for MAS: make sure you DO NOT opt for stiff spring for the stick. It is not fun to play with because unless you are hardcore 24 hours a day wailing on it, one person will never be able to wear the stick in.

Last I remember, some MAS sticks come with the concave buttons... which are fine for some people and for some games, but when you need to MASH, convex buttons are so much more comfortable.

1816th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Mon 7 Feb 07:04post reply

Uh? Are you thinking of the ASCII Pad FT? There were Capcom and SNK versions of that made... I have the original grey one, and I've seen the SF controllers in person and I can confirm that they're not the same controller.

Thanks for the correction, I was thinking of the Ascii pad. I can never keep the names of third party controllers straight.

Similar design, but they definitely do not use the same d-pad. I can't tell you if it's any better because I didn't have any hands-on time with it, but I did have issued with that pad. I planned to pick one of those up a few months back but I never really felt the need again.

What was wrong with the SF controller d-pad? Or were your issues with other aspects of the controller?

883th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Mon 7 Feb 09:10post reply


What was wrong with the SF controller d-pad? Or were your issues with other aspects of the controller?

Sorry, I was kind of unclear about what I meant. My issues are with the ASCII Pad FT. I did like the gigantic buttons, but I wasn't a fan of the d-pad at all. It felt really strange to me. Hopefully the Nuby SF pad has improved on this.

Final Showdown
53th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Tue 8 Feb 17:17post reply

Please do not but these horrible excuse for a controler. The SF pads are made of exstremly cheap plastic crap. The buttons are horrible, just everything is a waste of money... lol

Really use these as a last resort if you are to poor to buy a arcade stick, but you still need 6 buttons. The only good thing I can say for them is they "feel" somewhat comfertable. (although the start is in a ridiculous place)

Anyway yea, horrible pad, buttons are exstremly cheap, they stick after only a few uses there just bad bad bad bad..

Ok enough ranting...

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Control" , posted Tue 8 Feb 22:01post reply

Really? Thank you guys for the feedback. I really don't need a new controller, I just wanted one because they certainly looked cool.