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Just a Person 697th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "MK:D bios for Shao Kahn and Goro" , posted Sun 6 Feb 03:57
The Mortal Kombat:Deception official website (www.mkdeception.com) now has the bios for GameCube's exclusive characters, Goro and Shao Kahn. Here they are:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Shao Kahn
Place of origin: Outworld Alignment: Evil Allies: Goro Foes: Kitana, Raiden, Liu Kang
My defeat at the hands of the Earthrealm warriors had left me weakened, and my dominance in Outworld was waning. Kitana's forces were closing in. It was only a matter of time before they would overrun my stronghold. Using a powerful magical item retrieved long ago by my minions, I created a clone of myself to draw my enemies' attention while I escaped into the wild. When I have regained my strength, I will destroy all who have opposed my rule.
Place of origin: Outworld Alignment: Evil Allies: Shao Kahn Foes: Baraka, Kitana
Kitana's army allied with my Shokan warriors in an attempt to destroy my old master, Shao Kahn. It was rumored that he has weakening and that our victory was inevitable. During the last battle against Kano's milita, however, I was attacked from behind by a shadow warrior, Noob Saibot. I do not know for how long I lay dying on the battlefield, but when I regained consciousness, I was greeted by the last person I expected to see...
End of Spoiler
Probably these are not their full stories, which will probably be completed by their alternate bios (not revealed yet), but now we know how Kahn and Goro are still alive (BTW, they made an incredibly lame excuse for Shao Kahn's return!). Also, it was revealed that MK:Deception for Nintendo GameCube will be released earlier, in February 28th. Personally, I didn't like these two bios, but their return may have some influence in some of the other characters (Onaga, Baraka, Mileena, Noob Saibot, Sindel, Ermac, Liu Kang, Tanya, Raiden, even Hotaru). Finally, a weird thing: although MK:D official site has added Kahn's and Goro's bios, they still don't have Liu Kang's one (well, now we know his bio, but it's still weird they forgot it in the site)...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
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Just a Person 698th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):MK:D bios for Shao Kahn and Goro" , posted Sun 6 Feb 10:20
quote: Do you know if the Gamecube version will have a special edition like how the PS2 and Xbox versions did? I accidentally put the wrong date for my birthdate and it won't let me enter the official site for me to check it out myself. I haven't had a chance to pick up a copy of MK:D yet, but now that a newer version is coming out with two classic characters I think I will now.
Good question. No one knows yet, and unfortunately, I think the GC version won't have a special edition (after all, the special versions for PS2 and Xbox were announced shortly after the announcement of the game itself). But who knows, the MK Team likes to surprise us... But even if there's no special edition, at least you'd get two more characters, starting already with 20 characters (the 12 regulars + Kahn and Goro + Kira, Hotaru, Jade, Havik, Li Mei and Noob-Smoke), and with the possibility of a third extra character (no one has confirmed yet if the "?" box in the selection screen is for random select or if it is a secret character...).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!