Do you whistle to fighting game music? - Forums

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356th Post

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Silver Customer

"Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 10:53post reply


Today I was so bored at work, patrolling the parking garages, and I quirkily, spontaneously ended up whistling Jun's theme from Tekken 2 "Ecological Fighter".

It echoed like an atrium in the parking garage. There was nobody in the parking garage, thank god. I whistled Chun Li's Street Fighter Alpha 1 Remix tune as well.

Hmm, maybe I should start a fighting game whistling team at a con, or a kazoo team or harmonica team and peddle for money for saving to go to Anime Expo with a sign that sez "Expo or Bust!"



1110th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 11:29post reply

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358th Post

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Silver Customer

"To Sabo:" , posted Mon 7 Feb 11:48post reply


Dude, it isn't that bad of a thread. Stop acting like an asshole! I would agree on the fact that JJJ wants you to "die fag!"


441th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 11:52post reply

I don't go beyond humming.

Can't whistle for squat.

819th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:09post reply


There was nobody in the parking garage, thank god.

Praise Allah. Nobody caught you whistling. It would have been all over the tabloids.

And I whistle things all the time, but I can't think of the last game song I whistled. It's only the "making wailing guitar noises" that's embarrassing.

3246th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:10post reply

I always end up whistling the Sushingada theme.

By the way sushi, how old are you?

Cain Highwind
510th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:18post reply

I whistle and hum various game tunes all the time. Lately I'm mostly been into KoF and Last Blade tunes. But it's mostly pretty random.

4027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:44post reply

I whistle and hum various game tunes all the time. Lately I'm mostly been into KoF and Last Blade tunes. But it's mostly pretty random.

I can't whistle very well, but I still whistle & humm NES classic tunes now and then whenever I have to walk 15 miles or so (and that's more often than what I would like to)

See??? He is a God...

Burning Ranger
1040th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 13:56post reply


It echoed like an atrium in the parking garage. There was nobody in the parking garage, thank god. I whistled Chun Li's Street Fighter Alpha 1 Remix tune as well.

Hmm, maybe I should start a fighting game whistling team at a con, or a kazoo team or harmonica team and peddle for money for saving to go to Anime Expo with a sign that sez "Expo or Bust!"


Yes, I whistle. My rotation involves "Simple Life" from Guilty Gear XX, Cammy's Theme from Super SF2, and "In the Blue Sky" from Virtual On along with miscellaneous NES tunes. I mainly whistle between class or before big projects like exams or papers.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

1513th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"twang" , posted Mon 7 Feb 17:02:post reply

I do whistle game music from time to time... more often from 'classic' RPGs though.

Also, there is an old proverb: assholes don't whistle. Or maybe it's a riddle.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Mon 7 Feb 17:05]

266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):twang" , posted Mon 7 Feb 17:45post reply

I usually hum games tunes. Most of the times it's the one that comes to my mind in this very moment, the last one I heard and liked or just one I remember like something special...

Once, I played a little joke on IkariDC, and sent him the Captain Commando 1st stage theme he requested... hummed by me!!!!

5739th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Mon 7 Feb 17:59post reply

              「 ̄ ̄了
              l h「¬丨 < Move along, We'll take care of Sushingada
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1454th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Tue 8 Feb 03:05:post reply

Lately I've been whistling songs from the SF Vocal Album and the SF vs. SF Musicians soundtrack, but whistling these remixes sounds like I'm whistling the original SF2 Tracks...

I sing songs in low tones while I'm working from the GG LA and NY soundtracks. My Favorite is the Milia vs. Eddie song from the LA soundtrack. "No God, no Heaven! No Demon, no Hell! No Angel, no Paradise! No now you know!" One day an uber religous person is gonna hear me singing that and we'll have a lenghty debate... I do believe in Heaven and all that stuff even if I love the song.

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 8 Feb 03:08]

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Tue 8 Feb 04:05post reply

I don't go beyond humming.

Can't whistle for squat.

Same for me.

284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Tue 8 Feb 05:30post reply

Of course I whistle to game music! Today I whistled "Fake" by Zuntata, from a Darius game. I have some classics I like to whistle, but I usually whistle songs that I listened to recently.

Iron D
2600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Do you whistle to fighting game music?" , posted Tue 8 Feb 08:26post reply

I always find myself whistling tunes. Most often it's one of the following three: Geese's FF theme, Bison's SF2 theme, or Sagat's SF2 theme. All the time, especially at work.

Zelkin. Pimped.