PS2 Bio Hazard 4 - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 21:27post reply

English version

Japanese translation



Shingo The One
392th Post

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"Re(1):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 21:40post reply

English version

Japanese translation

Well, who knows how long it will take to declare the best PS2 action game of the year:
Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening or the "newly redone" Resident Evil.
I bet the first option has won this already.Let us see about that.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

Burning Ranger
1041th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 21:42post reply

English version

Japanese translation

Shoot... why not just wait to port the game to the next generation PS3/Xbox/Revolution in one big RE/Biohazard collection? Why waste time when quality will be so low anyway?

Or hell, wait a few generations to make a compilation. It seems to be working for lots of older games anyway (Megaman, etc).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

1084th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 21:55post reply

English version

Japanese translation

Shoot... why not just wait to port the game to the next generation PS3/Xbox/Revolution in one big RE/Biohazard collection? Why waste time when quality will be so low anyway?

One of the posts in the IGN forum reminded me of why RE4 is being ported to the PS2. Apparently Capcom's stockholders were very unhappy with the idea of a game as expensive as RE4 being a GameCube exclusive, so the exclusivity deal was nixed and a PS2 port was announced. However, this decision was made very late in the game's development, so it's not designed to be ported at all. The whole game is optimized for the GameCube and it sounds like they would have to overhaul the entire game to port it over to ANY other console, not just the PS2.

I find it amusing that the people in the IGN forum are comparing the graphics of Metal Gear Solid 3 to Resident Evil 4. The chances of Capcom's second string team porting a game over and making it look as good as the most beautiful game on the PS2 are kind of slim. It seems to be hard enough for most PS2 developers to make a totally original game that looks pretty, so I doubt that an unwieldy port of another console's game is going to look better. The reviews for a lot of PS2 ports have been horrible, so I don't think anyone should expect any better out of RE4.

Undead Fred
2098th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 22:27post reply


One of the posts in the IGN forum reminded me of why RE4 is being ported to the PS2. Apparently Capcom's stockholders were very unhappy with the idea of a game as expensive as RE4 being a GameCube exclusive, so the exclusivity deal was nixed and a PS2 port was announced. However, this decision was made very late in the game's development, so it's not designed to be ported at all. The whole game is optimized for the GameCube and it sounds like they would have to overhaul the entire game to port it over to ANY other console, not just the PS2.

I find it amusing that the people in the IGN forum are comparing the graphics of Metal Gear Solid 3 to Resident Evil 4. The chances of Capcom's second string team porting a game over and making it look as good as the most beautiful game on the PS2 are kind of slim. It seems to be hard enough for most PS2 developers to make a totally original game that looks pretty, so I doubt that an unwieldy port of another console's game is going to look better. The reviews for a lot of PS2 ports have been horrible, so I don't think anyone should expect any better out of RE4.

I'm wondering if the port will look as ugly in comparison to the original as ports of what was it... I think Wreckless was ported to PS2, and I know they ported Splinter Cell, and I seem to remember the lights not looking that great anymore or something...

1085th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Mon 7 Feb 23:03post reply


I'm wondering if the port will look as ugly in comparison to the original as ports of what was it... I think Wreckless was ported to PS2, and I know they ported Splinter Cell, and I seem to remember the lights not looking that great anymore or something...

I was thinking of Splinter Cell, too. I saw a lot of complaints in the reviews for that game. The other one I was thinking of was Sonic Heroes, which I believe was originally created as a GameCube game and then ported over somewhere in mid-development to all three consoles. I felt like the EGM reviewers kept typing "The PS2 version isn't even playable" and then backspacing over it and putting something less blunt in its place. The game ran at half the frame rate of the other versions, it had freezing and crashing issues, and it had ridiculous load times.

3248th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 01:01post reply

English version

Too bad.
Even with graphic downgrade/slowdown/loading times, I bet this game will be packed with a couple of extras, a la Code Veronica X.
I predict we will have some Wesker scenes, a better ending (involving Wesker of course), maybe a new weapon or two, new Mercenaries (maybe a new scene as well), a new costume for each character and that's it, nothing too big, but pleasant little things for the fanboys (like me).

1112th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 01:02post reply

The PS2 version will have 50% more quality.

Burning Ranger
1043th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 02:34post reply


Even with graphic downgrade/slowdown/loading times, I bet this game will be packed with a couple of extras, a la Code Veronica X.
I predict we will have some Wesker scenes, a better ending (involving Wesker of course), maybe a new weapon or two, new Mercenaries (maybe a new scene as well), a new costume for each character and that's it, nothing too big, but pleasant little things for the fanboys (like me).

I sincerely hope you are wrong... I just can't bare to think that my GC copy will be the "obselete" version when the PS2 version, with downgraded everything, will be "definitive" because of afew extras.

Damn you, Sony-- for being in the game industry! Look what you've done!

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

5751th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 03:10post reply

I sincerely hope you are wrong... I just can't bare to think that my GC copy will be the "obselete" version when the PS2 version, with downgraded everything, will be "definitive" because of afew extras.

I guess this is another game that won't have a "definitive" version... Like, the beautiful but not complete GC version, and the ugly but loaded with extras PS2 version.


831th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 03:16post reply

I sincerely hope you are wrong... I just can't bare to think that my GC copy will be the "obselete" version when the PS2 version, with downgraded everything, will be "definitive" because of afew extras.
I guess this is another game that won't have a "definitive" version... Like, the beautiful but not complete GC version, and the ugly but loaded with extras PS2 version.

But they'll release an unexpected Gameboy Color port that'll settle it.

Burning Ranger
1045th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Mmmmmhh..." , posted Tue 8 Feb 04:43post reply


But they'll release an unexpected Gameboy Color port that'll settle it.

Speaking of portables, what are the chances that Nintendo DS or PSP versions of Resident Evil may appear? Could they even be capable of running the games? I can see ports of the original PS versions, but perhaps the remakes or Code Veronica?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

823th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Tue 8 Feb 08:20post reply


However, this decision was made very late in the game's development, so it's not designed to be ported at all. The whole game is optimized for the GameCube and it sounds like they would have to overhaul the entire game to port it over to ANY other console, not just the PS2.

I find it amusing that the people in the IGN forum are comparing the graphics of Metal Gear Solid 3 to Resident Evil 4. The chances of Capcom's second string team porting a game over and making it look as good as the most beautiful game on the PS2 are kind of slim. It seems to be hard enough for most PS2 developers to make a totally original game that looks pretty, so I doubt that an unwieldy port of another console's game is going to look better. The reviews for a lot of PS2 ports have been horrible, so I don't think anyone should expect any better out of RE4.

Ah, I was going to say something like this, but you beat me to it. While it's true that the GC is more powerful than the PS2, this is happening because the game is MADE for GC, not because the PS2 sucks. If they made the game properly for PS (which would have to be nearly from the ground up) it would look...probably not as good, but decidedly DIFFERENT either way around.

I'm sort of surprised and sort of not surprised to see how many more polygons Leon has in reference to Snake. They're doing some tricky things with polygons these days. The renders in Final Fantasy 12 have fairly low poly counts as well.

48th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Tue 8 Feb 10:48post reply

I wish they would port it to PSP. It already is letterboxed so that's half the battle. Plus people wouldn't mind the lower polygons and lesser textures because it is on a handheld.

Dear exodus your forums are broke. A lot of us are hiding out in Largeprimenumbers. Ok thanks.

832th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):PS2 Bio Hazard 4" , posted Tue 8 Feb 19:29post reply

I wish they would port it to PSP.

I don't know, I don't see the point of having this game on a handheld system. After all, when you play this sort of game, you generally play a couple of hours on end, so a handheld system would not be too comfortable for that sort of play: eyes get sore, wrists get cramps, etc. Not to mention the fact that the PSP needs recharging every two hours and bears heavy on your hands given the awkward way you must hold it to access the extreme right button.
I hardly ever play more than 30 minutes on a handheld, if I want to play more, I switch my gameboyplayer on. I think I would prefer a good home cinema system to play that game with friends around and glasses of wine than play it in the bus, on the loo, or in my bed.