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IkariDC 286th Post

Copper Customer

| "What videogame ringtone is on your mobile?" , posted Tue 8 Feb 05:57:
Ok think of this as a "Do you whistle to fighting game music?" spinoff, not a rip-off!
What videogame/anime ringtone is on your mobile? Write down any related funny stories if that applies.
Ok, I have many ringtones on MP3 format, but my default one used to be "Holy Orders" from GGXX. I work at an office, so it's pretty common to listen to polyphonic ringtones on people's mobiles. One day I had my mobile, with the volume at maximum on one of my coat's pocket. The thing started ringing and the whole office was looking at me surprised, my friends laughing, and one of my co-workers behind me asking, is that ACDC? Can you believe I was listening to Holy Orders on my headphones from the computer, at that very moment?
I recently changed my default ringtone to Tomoyasu Hotei's "Battle without honor or humanity #1", featured on Kill Bill Vol1, and it happened again. I was listening to music, when suddenly, I started to notice some loud sound comming from far behind me. People in front of me started to look that way. I put out one of the headphones, while thinking "who is the asshole with that loud music?". Then I recogniced the song, and a moment later found out it was my mobile! I could see one of my friend's head appearing from a far colunm while I was answering, the bastard was having some laughs...
Edit: Spelling
[this message was edited by IkariDC on Tue 8 Feb 06:02] | | Replies: |
IkariDC 289th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(8):What videogame ringtone is on your mobi" , posted Wed 9 Feb 06:11
Megaman tunes... that reminds me of something I did today.
Ladys & Gentleman, today was the first time I connected my mobile phone to that thing called "the internet". Oh wait, it was just the "Vodafone Live!" service whose access is placed on a button that you can commonly press when you didn't want to.
I was taking a break from work with some co-workers, when one of them started browsing a similar service on his mobile. I then said WTF, I'm going to do it to. I browsed the videogames section and started reading some game companys out of the list ... Namco!... Taito! and then I shouted... Capcom!!! I just entered on that option and saw there were a bunch of games you could download: Megaman, Street Fighter Alpha something, RE something, and Ghouls' n' Ghosts puzzle something. Since I didn't know how much I was spending browsing those menus, I jumped at Megaman, and downloaded it for about 3$.
It's a nice port of the first NES Megaman game, with tiny graphics, the tunes you always loved from the original game and an enhaced gameplay to fit the mobile buttons and limitations. The game is a lot easier than the original, if you die, you continue in the same place you were, and the game progress is saved automatically. It's pretty sweet, now I know what I'll be doing when travelling by train from work to home!