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Juke Joint Jezebel 3319th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):[ot] [poll] hosting company name" , posted Tue 8 Feb 19:44
oh wait i was supposed to be serious or somewhat serious
quote: Well, does "Tilda" mean anything? If it's just an arbitrary name, I think...maybe you/he/she can come up with something better, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
Tilda has a long history to it that i don't feel like going into. but i'll touch it anyways. out of my old group of friends, one of us used the tilde key for all/most of his online messages. he used it alone when he had nothing else to say, he replaced all standard punctuation and capitalization with it, he used it to signal when he wanted to go to the bathroom, etc. most of us thought he was just inherently retarded, but one of us consumed the tilde and utilized it for daily life
now, that frail, simple-minded friend has passed on (or is locked in a cage somewhere. i dunno what the hell happened to him), and his tilde lasts forever~
the -a at the end comes from years of our backwards dialect. tilde, like so many other words, was transformed
quote: Is it supposed to be tilde? Like, this ~ tilde? Or are you just trying to come up with something that's got a nice sound to it?
"The earth has become a grave of rotten sticks."