Toy thread part 2 - Forums

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3253th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Toy thread part 2" , posted Wed 9 Feb 04:34post reply

Since the other thread got so big, I decided to create another one. If you missed the previous discussion, check it out here:

To open this new thread, some websites have posted a pic of Kyo and Iori with articulation added.


118th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Toy thread part 2" , posted Wed 9 Feb 07:16:post reply

I'm feeling the toy addiction coming on once again, thanks to some pictures of repainted Microman Lady figures DOAONLINE posted...

(mirrored on my site)
image 1
image 2
image 3

Edit: guh, fixed 403s

And even the stock figure is nice, but she's a special magazine item and out of print...orz
Link Here

The most recent figure I bought was a small Tekki VT. Very cool, but the upper half sits too loosely on the spindle.

And I like Cool/Cy Girls, but not at that price...!

I never seem to do much with the figures but let them sit on my shelf and eventually give them to my little brother, though.

I really need to build that MG Strike...

[this message was edited by jiji on Wed 9 Feb 12:31]

3257th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Marvel Legends IX" , posted Thu 10 Feb 14:32post reply

Most of the figures look awesome, with a couple of exceptions...

Looks like the recycled Colossus legs and arms for Deathlock, and the movie Prof X body. Nightcrawler might have an Spidey body, War Machine is a heavily retooled Ironman from series 1.

In any case, the figures look good, and Galactus looks awesome.

Hagen de Merak
868th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Marvel Legends IX" , posted Thu 10 Feb 14:43post reply

Most of the figures look awesome, with a couple of exceptions...

Looks like the recycled Colossus legs and arms for Deathlock, and the movie Prof X body. Nightcrawler might have an Spidey body, War Machine is a heavily retooled Ironman from series 1.

In any case, the figures look good, and Galactus looks awesome.

i wonder if they will be as hard to get as the latest series have been. ( 6,7, and 8)

Dr Baghead
3372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Marvel Legends IX" , posted Thu 10 Feb 15:36:post reply

and the movie Prof X body.

It claims to have "30 points of articulation" so that would mean they added at least 18 points.... hopefully of useful movement (balljoint shoulders would be really nice)

After looking at picture of the new professor, I think I figured out what his 18 new points are: bicep cuts (2), second elbow joints (2), wrist hinges(2), all his fingers but the thumb(8), second knee joint (2), shin cuts (2)
added to the original's 12[neck (1), shoulders (2), single elbows (2), waist (1), hips (2), and single knees] that does reach the 30 poa promised, it does however make him a fairly uninteresting figure. (seriously, they should have used the arms from Movie Nightcrawler on him, they have long sleeves AND balljoint shoulders already)

I hope I can find one, he'd make a lovely Owen figure to go with my yet to be started Armored Xanatos!

yeah it's not funny

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Fri 11 Feb 03:56]

1054th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"WOO HOO part 2" , posted Sat 12 Feb 06:37post reply

I went to Walmart to look for a Silver Surfer to go with the soon to be released Galactus figure. I haven't seen him around in a while, but I am sure I will find him eventually. But that is not the point. I got Blonde hair Black Widow, "classic" Captain America, the rereleased Doombot, and Manthing. I guess I just missed Storm, but I never liked the mohawk anywats. I paid around $30 for them there(I paid $45 for Doc Ock, regular Storm and regular Black Widow at a local comic shop two weeks ago).

I'm not sure if I will keep the varient Black Widow and Cap or trade them for something else, like Rogue from the Marvel Legends boxset or Venom from the Sinister Six boxset. Or I could be a total ass and put them on ebay. But I will definetly be keeping Manthing since my younger brother wanted him and the Doombot since thats the closest thing I have to a Dr. Doom figure.

3258th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ML X and XI" , posted Sat 12 Feb 13:22post reply

Dr baghead
3372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):ML X and XI" , posted Sat 12 Feb 13:50post reply


I'm so pre-ordering a full set of these (for Gargoyles custom fodder of course, but still it's a damn nice I'd preorder just for the figures if I still collected ML)


I wonder if Hulk Buster Iron Man is made using Mecha Hulk parts, he looks like it from the drawing which would be awesome.

yeah it's not funny

1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):ML X and XI now with Sentinel and O Red" , posted Sat 12 Feb 14:29post reply

Series X is shaping up pretty good. Here is a pic of Sentinel Link Here and Omega Red Link Here

Hopefully Scarlet Witch and Wonderman aren't the shortpacked figures since they are the only ones I care about from series XI.

1057th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Street Fighter Round 2 is out" , posted Sun 13 Feb 12:24post reply

I got back from the mall and Hot Topic had them for $14 each. Action figures always look better in person. They really capture the essence of Blanka and Alpha Ken's head isn't all that bad. I ordered mine from southernisland a couple of months ago. I hope to get them soon.

3259th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New Round 3 pics" , posted Tue 15 Feb 12:40post reply

It seems that Guile's head hasn't been reworked yet, but I hope they fix it in the upcoming months.

Dr Baghead
3375th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter Round 2 is out" , posted Tue 15 Feb 12:49post reply

I got back from the mall and Hot Topic had them for $14 each. Action figures always look better in person. They really capture the essence of Blanka and Alpha Ken's head isn't all that bad. I ordered mine from southernisland a couple of months ago. I hope to get them soon.

I went to the mall today... when I got to Hot Topic I saw two little kids with the last Ken and Blanka. Which really made me sad, I ordered a set from SI as well, but I wanted to check them out before they got here.

yeah it's not funny

1058th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):New Round 3 pics and Sakura" , posted Tue 15 Feb 13:16post reply

It seems that Guile's head hasn't been reworked yet, but I hope they fix it in the upcoming months.

Sakura pic.

Hagen de Merak
871th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Street Fighter Round 2 is out" , posted Tue 15 Feb 13:17post reply

I got back from the mall and Hot Topic had them for $14 each. Action figures always look better in person. They really capture the essence of Blanka and Alpha Ken's head isn't all that bad. I ordered mine from southernisland a couple of months ago. I hope to get them soon.

damn they're out? I preordered some for that nigga onslaught at gamestop but they told me they were coming out in march. I guess i'll ask them to see whats going on.

1477th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):New Round 3 pics" , posted Tue 15 Feb 17:51post reply

It seems that Guile's head hasn't been reworked yet, but I hope they fix it in the upcoming months.

I like the comb!!!! This wave is the best so far. I preordered two sets of series 2 from SI my my SF motiff is coming along nicely

1829th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Round 3 pics and Sakura" , posted Tue 15 Feb 23:35post reply

The comb is a great accessory for Guile.


Sakura pic.

Sakura! Hmm, but if they make her in scale to the other characters she's going to be kind of stumpy. I wonder if she's going to come packed with anything else in order to make up for the fact you're not getting as much raw plastic for your money as you would with, say, Sagat.

3261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sakurita" , posted Wed 16 Feb 00:11post reply

I wonder if she's going to come packed with anything else in order to make up for the fact you're not getting as much raw plastic for your money as you would with, say, Sagat.

I bet she will come with an alternate head, an alternate pair of hands, a little Ryu portrait, and perhaps an unarticulated Kei (very unlikely, but I can dream).
What are your ideas for Sakura accesories? A Saikyo Dojo diploma?, a Hadoken in various stages of progress?

1832th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Sakurita" , posted Wed 16 Feb 00:33post reply


I bet she will come with an alternate head, an alternate pair of hands, a little Ryu portrait, and perhaps an unarticulated Kei (very unlikely, but I can dream).
What are your ideas for Sakura accesories? A Saikyo Dojo diploma?, a Hadoken in various stages of progress?

I was hoping for a Kei as well. That, or maybe an unconscious pile of Dan that you can have sprawled on the floor next to her.

Dr Baghead
3376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"GODDAMN SOUTHERN ISLAND!!!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 04:06post reply

Everyone who has a pre-order coming from Southern Island take one step forward... not so fast Adon, Geki, myself, and several others.

Check out, they announced it on the message boarders.

Apparently since they're going into the toy manufacturing business instead of retail, they're not honoring their pre-orders and have canceled and refunded them.

Personally, I'm going to go order from Corner Store Comics like I should have to begin with.

Also, Let's band together my betrayed brothers: BOYCOT SOUTHERN ISLAND'S TOYS!!!

(which I'm sure most people will do, after Round 1 wasn't their fault, but I NEVER got a bonus, this IS there fault, and whatever toys they make are probably going to be shit anyway.)

yeah it's not funny

1478th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):GODDAMN SOUTHERN ISLAND!!!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 05:57post reply

Everyone who has a pre-order coming from Southern Island take one step forward... not so fast Adon, Geki, myself, and several others.

Check out, they announced it on the message boarders.

Apparently since they're going into the toy manufacturing business instead of retail, they're not honoring their pre-orders and have canceled and refunded them.

Personally, I'm going to go order from Corner Store Comics like I should have to begin with.

Also, Let's band together my betrayed brothers: BOYCOT SOUTHERN ISLAND'S TOYS!!!

(which I'm sure most people will do, after Round 1 wasn't their fault, but I NEVER got a bonus, this IS there fault, and whatever toys they make are probably going to be shit anyway.)

I know this is a bunch a bull shit. Their credibility has suffered from a top tier Sentinel Cable and Storm beating their ass and they just put their 50 cents in the for the 1st time. Did you get your official cancellation because I have yet to receive mine yet. You see I will not go scrambling to find my sets yes plural (seeing is I have 2 from them until they notify me) I mean I will not go off too badly here but alt least honor you existing business and THEN make the switch to whatever you want to do.

Dr Baghead
3377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):GODDAMN SOUTHERN ISLAND!!!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 06:54post reply

I know this is a bunch a bull shit. Their credibility has suffered from a top tier Sentinel Cable and Storm beating their ass and they just put their 50 cents in the for the 1st time. Did you get your official cancellation because I have yet to receive mine yet. You see I will not go scrambling to find my sets yes plural (seeing is I have 2 from them until they notify me) I mean I will not go off too badly here but alt least honor you existing business and THEN make the switch to whatever you want to do.

I got an offical cancelation on one of my orders, and since the paypal payment on the other hadn't gone through yet I just canceled it, I don't feel like dealing with them anymore

yeah it's not funny

1060th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):GODDAMN SOUTHERN ISLAND!!!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 07:02:post reply

I heard about it this morning at the message boards and checked my email then and saw no notice. But I've just gotten home and they sent it.

If bullshit is one word like I think it is then that is the word to decribe this course of action. What kind of timing is this? The guy at Southernisland goes to the SF message board on basically a weekly basis obviously trying to get people to buy SF at his site and when the figures are released they decide to make this idiotic move. The SI guy seemed nice enough, but he is not going to last long if this is his business sense especially with this new REALLY bad publicity.

I am going to go to Gamestop then Hot Topic to see if they have the figures still. IF they don't I will order mine through Cornerstore comics as well.


Also on top of that, didn't SOTA allow SI to have an exclusive Blanka? What is SI thinking?

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 16 Feb 07:09]

3268th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SI I curse you!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 09:45:post reply

Man, I'm so sorry for you guys, this SI fiasco is at every toy board I've seen today.
I think someone said it was just an scam to get money and finance their new venture as toy makers. It seems far fetched but there might be some truth to this.
I any case, I've heard and some other online stores are getting the SI variants and you can also get them from the SOTA online store.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Wed 16 Feb 09:46]

1479th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):SI I curse you!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 14:03post reply

Man, I'm so sorry for you guys, this SI fiasco is at every toy board I've seen today.
I think someone said it was just an scam to get money and finance their new venture as toy makers. It seems far fetched but there might be some truth to this.
I any case, I've heard and some other online stores are getting the SI variants and you can also get them from the SOTA online store.

This shit mess of theirs left me scrambling today, but in the end it cost 8.48. The difference between Voyager Toys and SI for two complete sets. I spent a lot of time researching a reading other complaints though.

Dr Baghead
3378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SI I curse you!" , posted Wed 16 Feb 17:44post reply

This shit mess of theirs left me scrambling today, but in the end it cost 8.48. The difference between Voyager Toys and SI for two complete sets. I spent a lot of time researching a reading other complaints though.

I ended up going to CornerStore Comics and it cost me a scant $4 more (originally I ordered 1 set at $50, and a sperate order of an extra Vega for a friend, and an extra Cammy, who I plan to customize into her CannonSpike self, I love that game which cost me $30 because of the insane S&H cost on two figures... which comes out to $80, CSC charged about $84)... AND that's including a Snake-Arm Skeletor figure I added on to the order browsing their site for interesting items I could pick up while there

all and all not a bad deal...

Series 3 pre-order costing roughtly $74 was kind of cringe inducer, since with SI it could have been $20 less... but Hot Topic would have charged about the same ($15 x 5 = $75) so the convience of not having to wrestle them out of the hands of two little kids makes that a bargin.

I also didn't notice Corner Store was taking pre-orders on the High Dream figures seperately... I've been looking for a store that offered JUST the SNK figures (although Chun-Li does look pretty good... I could always pretend she's SF3 Chun and SOTA's is SF2...)

... anyone know a good on-line toy store located OUTSIDE California? CornerStore will do for now since I've delt with them before and they're relible... but it sure would be nice to avoid sales tax ^__^'

yeah it's not funny

1836th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Purchasing Question" , posted Fri 18 Feb 01:02post reply

Does anyone know where I can order a complete set of these figures? I'm not sure I need them all but the chin scratching Mifune and Kurosawa with interchangable hats really appeal to me.

1484th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Round 4 winners!" , posted Sun 20 Feb 08:30post reply

* Remy
* Fei Long
* Akuma
* Ibuki
* Birdie

Toy fair news

concept art in story

Dr Baghead
3380th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Round 4 winners!" , posted Sun 20 Feb 09:23post reply

Not a bad line up

* Remy
Not bad, I don't remember who he was againist (Oro and Necro, right?) I'd have prefered Charlie one (so I can make more CannonSpike customs) but since Remy won I'm glad ol' Chucky didn't, we don't need two people with the same style in any wave.

* Fei Long
Againist Charlie and Guy right?

* Akuma
BOOOOO!!!! You're not Zangief! You're not Zangief, at all!!! (wow! one Shoto a wave so far, that's very fair, it'd be like if Marvel Legends made only 1 Wolverine instead of 17)

* Ibuki
YAY! Finall we get some SF3 characters, and TWO of them! and one of them is Ibuki (who was ROBBED in wave 3).. Gee, R.Mika didn't win, looks like Southern Island's gonna get their exclusive (roll eyes)

* Birdie
(starts doing a little jig) WOOT! Finally, Birdie! (which means those people who want SF1 figures now only need hope Joe, Lee, and Geki get made as the rest are confirmed!)

I only voted for Ibuki and Birdie, but they're all good

yeah it's not funny

1485th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Round 4 winners!" , posted Sun 20 Feb 09:34post reply

Not a bad line up

* Remy
Not bad, I don't remember who he was againist (Oro and Necro, right?) I'd have prefered Charlie one (so I can make more CannonSpike customs) but since Remy won I'm glad ol' Chucky didn't, we don't need two people with the same style in any wave.

* Fei Long
Againist Charlie and Guy right?

* Akuma
BOOOOO!!!! You're not Zangief! You're not Zangief, at all!!! (wow! one Shoto a wave so far, that's very fair, it'd be like if Marvel Legends made only 1 Wolverine instead of 17)

* Ibuki
YAY! Finall we get some SF3 characters, and TWO of them! and one of them is Ibuki (who was ROBBED in wave 3).. Gee, R.Mika didn't win, looks like Southern Island's gonna get their exclusive (roll eyes)

* Birdie
(starts doing a little jig) WOOT! Finally, Birdie! (which means those people who want SF1 figures now only need hope Joe, Lee, and Geki get made as the rest are confirmed!)

I only voted for Ibuki and Birdie, but they're all good

Yes that is correct who everyone is running against. I got 2 of 5 Birdie and Remy. I would love for them to make the SF1 figs don't forget about Jolly olde Eagle

Dr Baghead
3382th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Round 4 winners!" , posted Mon 21 Feb 16:32post reply

I got 2 of 5 Birdie and Remy.

Speaking of whom, it annoys me people over at seem to think their winning is the death of the line.

There's some logic behind Remy not selling since Player 2 Resaurus Remy warmed pegs (although I don't think SOTA Remy will warm pegs at Hot Topic, he's one of them, he'll be accepted!) but the logic behind Hugo being a better character then Birdie because he's HUGE makes no sense.

If individual taste ruled the direct of the SF line we'd have had several Dan variants by now since I think Dan is the best SF character EVER and EVERYONE would buy at least 7 Dans!

And don't get me started on how it defies logic people are confused R.Mika lost to Ibuki, Ibuki who almost beat Sakura in R3.

yeah it's not funny

1486th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Round 4 winners!" , posted Mon 21 Feb 19:00post reply

I got 2 of 5 Birdie and Remy.

Speaking of whom, it annoys me people over at seem to think their winning is the death of the line.

There's some logic behind Remy not selling since Player 2 Resaurus Remy warmed pegs (although I don't think SOTA Remy will warm pegs at Hot Topic, he's one of them, he'll be accepted!) but the logic behind Hugo being a better character then Birdie because he's HUGE makes no sense.

If individual taste ruled the direct of the SF line we'd have had several Dan variants by now since I think Dan is the best SF character EVER and EVERYONE would buy at least 7 Dans!

And don't get me started on how it defies logic people are confused R.Mika lost to Ibuki, Ibuki who almost beat Sakura in R3.

Yeah it is rather annoying to see how some people get over there. They seem to think the line is doomed just cuz Remy and Birdie are in it. The 2 that I got! They seem to forget that SOTA is trying to do what has never been done before. Produce the entire line of SF characters. You know that the Chun Li's and the Cammy's have been done to death. So many other lines have done just these limited popular characters. I like the idea of seeing the complete SF univerese rather then having 20 different of Chun Li. SOTA at this point is the only one who will do it. This Highdream is just focusing on one game CvS2 and I'm to doubt there will be a Chang and Choi 2 pack in that line

1843th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"SF Microman, er, women" , posted Tue 22 Feb 00:22post reply

Microman versions of Chun-Li and Sakura.

1061th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Damn boxsets" , posted Thu 24 Feb 11:05post reply

If you haven't seen yet, Toy biz will be releasing a box set of some Spider-Man villans with all new sculpts of Rhino and the Lizard, a slightly modified Carnage, an exclusive Vulture figure and of course a Spider-Man figure. I just bought the Ultimate Rhino and the lame classic Lizard from Spider-Man classic about month and a half ago. I wish I new about this before then so I could have waited.

Link Here

Oh Well its not coming out until September so I guess its somewhat OK and hopefully it will only be like $30 at walmart.

3275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Damn boxsets" , posted Thu 24 Feb 13:19post reply


Oh Well its not coming out until September so I guess its somewhat OK and hopefully it will only be like $30 at walmart.

I've skipped past boxsets (except for the X-Men Legends one), but this one looks very cool!
Althought I have a Rhino (and I'm trying to get the Ultimate version too), Carnage and like 4 different Spideys, I will get this set, the new sculpt on Rhino looks too cool, same with Lizard and Vulture

1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

" has series 6 and 7 again" , posted Sat 26 Feb 07:26:post reply

This is a limited time again. At you can try and order all the hard to get stuff like Phoenix, Juggernaut, Deadpool, Vision, and Hawkeye. I even order a Golaith. Remember free shipping! Internationally too. Don't miss this deal.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sat 26 Feb 07:29]

Hagen de Merak
875th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1) has series 6 and 7" , posted Sat 26 Feb 15:10post reply

This is a limited time again. At you can try and order all the hard to get stuff like Phoenix, Juggernaut, Deadpool, Vision, and Hawkeye. I even order a Golaith. Remember free shipping! Internationally too. Don't miss this deal.

thanks for the update. the other day i went to my local comic shop and to my surprise i found series 8(?) storm and black widow. i was about to get them but then i see the price tag : $55 for black widow and $50 for storm. needless to say i decided not to get them. so if you find out that they are selling these post it if you can, it would be of great help.

1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2) has series 6 and 7" , posted Sat 26 Feb 23:58post reply


thanks for the update. the other day i went to my local comic shop and to my surprise i found series 8(?) storm and black widow. i was about to get them but then i see the price tag : $55 for black widow and $50 for storm. needless to say i decided not to get them. so if you find out that they are selling these post it if you can, it would be of great help.

Was that for regular Storm and Black Widow or their varients? I think have regular Storm and Black widow for somewhat reasonable prices(the price of the vairents however are insane). Black widow is a little pricy, but I believe she is only 1 per case. I have yet to see her in a walmart or other store where I have seen Man-Things and Doc Ocks, who are also 1 per case. Ebay is also pretty cheap. There are some idiots out there who are try to sell Storm for $20, but I saw a "buy it now" of Varient Storm for only $35.

Sometimes "collectors" and comic shops over charge for somewhat rare stuff when it really isn't that justified. I was at the mall the other week and they had a few booths set up by where they had the usual collectors stuff for sale(baseball cards, toys, comics, etc) They had Juggernaut for $25, which I think is absolute BS when I got it on Marvel Collection for half the price.

Hagen de Merak
876th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3) has series 6 and 7" , posted Sun 27 Feb 07:41post reply


thanks for the update. the other day i went to my local comic shop and to my surprise i found series 8(?) storm and black widow. i was about to get them but then i see the price tag : $55 for black widow and $50 for storm. needless to say i decided not to get them. so if you find out that they are selling these post it if you can, it would be of great help.

Was that for regular Storm and Black Widow or their varients? I think have regular Storm and Black widow for somewhat reasonable prices(the price of the vairents however are insane). Black widow is a little pricy, but I believe she is only 1 per case. I have yet to see her in a walmart or other store where I have seen Man-Things and Doc Ocks, who are also 1 per case. Ebay is also pretty cheap. There are some idiots out there who are try to sell Storm for $20, but I saw a "buy it now" of Varient Storm for only $35.

Sometimes "collectors" and comic shops over charge for somewhat rare stuff when it really isn't that justified. I was at the mall the other week and they had a few booths set up by where they had the usual collectors stuff for sale(baseball cards, toys, comics, etc) They had Juggernaut for $25, which I think is absolute BS when I got it on Marvel Collection for half the price.

For storm they had both of them. one was the normal and the other one i assume was the variant since it had a mohawk. For Black widow it was just the normal one. Ridiculous prices. I'll check and ebay to see they're prices.

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"ML Series 9 is out" , posted Thu 3 Mar 06:58post reply

Only got Bullseye and Deathlok at the moment. Going to head out a bit early tommorow to see if I cen get the rest. I can't wait to put together Galactus.

Dr Baghead
3392th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):ML Series 9 is out" , posted Thu 3 Mar 08:11:post reply

Only got Bullseye and Deathlok at the moment. Going to head out a bit early tommorow to see if I cen get the rest. I can't wait to put together Galactus.

So now the hunt is on for Professor X -__- I never did find a Man-thing

Wave 9 doesn't interest me much, if I collected Marvel Mini-Mates I'd be all over it though (Galactus might be too small for the 6in. line, but with 2 in. figures he'd be Ginormous!)... Wave 10 and 11 have got much cooler things like the new 'actually-looks-a-woman' female ML body is introduced (I suspected it's based on the Movie Invisible Woman figure, which is still not perfect but it's a million steps closer then Elektra/Phoneix body with either hip type or the SOTA's SF female body were) and Hulk Buster Iron Man looks like a lot of fun.

EDIT: WOOT! I FINALLY found a Man-Thing at Target, lucked out too... clerk said his friend the security guard bought a bunch of other figures from the wave the day before.

yeah it's not funny

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Mon 7 Mar 14:53]

3002th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):ML Series 9 is out" , posted Thu 3 Mar 12:39post reply

Only got Bullseye and Deathlok at the moment. Going to head out a bit early tommorow to see if I cen get the rest. I can't wait to put together Galactus.

So now the hunt is on for Professor X -__- I never did find a Man-thing

Wave 9 doesn't interest me much, if I collected Marvel Mini-Mates I'd be all over it though (Galactus might be too small for the 6in. line, but with 2 in. figures he'd be Ginormous!)... Wave 10 and 11 have got much cooler things like the new 'actually-looks-a-woman' female ML body is introduced (I suspected it's based on the Movie Invisible Woman figure, which is still not perfect but it's a million steps closer then Elektra/Phoneix body with either hip type or the SOTA's SF female body were) and Hulk Buster Iron Man looks like a lot of fun.

I'm working now so when my paychecks start coming in I'll order a set of wave 9 so I can have Galactus. I'll have to do the same with wave 10 so I can get the Sentinel, but I actually want all the characters in that wave anyway. Especially Cyclops and Angel.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Dr Baghead
3388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Leprechaun figure!!!" , posted Sat 5 Mar 17:53post reply

Call me lame, but I really like the Leprechaun movies (probably my second favorite franchise after Nightmare on Elm Street) so this figure is perfect for me (as expensive as it will probably end up being)

now if only someone could get Anthony Hopkins to let them make a Hannibal figure and someone would make a really badass Ash figure that looks like Campbell (McFarlane's looked off to me) I'd be all set.

yeah it's not funny

1870th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Capcom's Akira figure" , posted Sun 6 Mar 02:39post reply

She's actually going to be released. The figures in this line were hit and miss but it is nice to see her helmet and jacket are being included. Akira in a school outfit that looks three sizes too big for her is also avaliable. Finally, you can see the rest of the second series, which features more schoolgirls than you can shake a stick at, over on the Moby Dick toy company homepage.

Hmm, it seems I'm only posting references to Herman Melville today. I would post in the DMC3 thread to thank people for posting their impressions of the game but I can't figure out how to properly compare Dante to Bartleby the Scrivener.

3283th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Akira, Leprechaun and Saint Seiya inside." , posted Sun 6 Mar 06:32post reply

Akira in a school outfit that looks three sizes too big for her is also avaliable.

Looks cool, too bad I'm not into dollies or anything bigger than 8" (with a few exceptions of course). I see Moby Dick is still on business, I've been looking for their Nemesis Type 2, but no luck so far...

Hey a Leprechaun figure! When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be a NECA or SOTA product, but it seems it's going to be harder to get.

By the way, nobody collects Saint Seiya toys? More specifically the Myth Cloth line, they're sweet, but a bit expensive, they cost me 55 dollars each, and so far I have 3 Gold Saints and 1 Bronze Saint.
You can see them here:

3289th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Pope Shion" , posted Thu 10 Mar 05:41post reply

For those who care about SS

Dr Baghead
3392th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"YAY FOR ME!" , posted Fri 11 Mar 11:49post reply

So I went to Wallgreens today and they had completely rearrange their toy section, and what did I find...


YAY! I found the holy grail of Batman figures (well former Holy Grail, I think the unmasked 'battle damaged' SDCC exclusive from last year is rarer.)

Also, for those who don't give a crap about Mattel's Batman line...update on the Leprechaun figure!:

yeah it's not funny

3294th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):YAY FOR ME!" , posted Fri 11 Mar 12:14post reply


Also, for those who don't give a crap about Mattel's Batman line

Well, I don't have interest in the Batman line, but I have the Zipline Batman which inmediately caught my eye and just had to buy it.
I've seen pics of a super articulated Batman, but I don't know if the figure is out already. Could you enlighten me on this matter please? I'm interested in that figure.

...update on the Leprechaun figure!:

Any info on who's going to distribute the figure in the States?

Now, this is unrelated to Batman or Leprechaun, it's more a custom thing.
I saw on the spawn boards, a guy that repainted his Endoskeletons with chrome paint, and they look great.
I attempted the very same thing, but couldn't find chrome paint, just a silver can of spray. I couldn't make it shine and reflect images like the other guy did, I just made my Endoskeleton a a bit less dull and more metallic like, but not chrome like.
This gave me another idea though, I repainted my Colossus with that silver spray, and it came out really good, it now looks metallic.

I'll try to hunt down chrome paint, to retry my previous effort with the Endoskeleton.
I'll post some pics tomorrow, I just need to clean this mess and dust off some figures.

Dr Baghead
3393th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):YAY FOR ME!" , posted Fri 11 Mar 15:56post reply

I've seen pics of a super articulated Batman, but I don't know if the figure is out already. Could you enlighten me on this matter please? I'm interested in that figure.

He's out already in Canada, the Philipines, and Europe... he'll be out in the US (through Diamond Distribution, NOT mass retail) in June.

There are actually 2 Super Articulated Batmans, one is called "Attack Armor Batman" he's the one you're probably thinking of the stylized Blue and Grey one with ball jointed hips and neck... the other is "Batsingal Batman" who has all the new articulation EXCEPT for the neck (still just a cut joint instead of a ball) and the hips (still a T joint)

Attack Armor is supposed to be 3 per case, Batsingal 2, and some other crappy unarticulated figure is 1... and since Delux figures are only 6 per case you can be pretty sure he'll be really easy to get if you order on-line.

Any info on who's going to distribute the figure in the States?

I've got no clue... I suspect he'll have to be bought from Warwick himself and shipped in from the UK.

So you know that scene in Leprechaun 2 (and I think it's in 5 and probably a few others as well) where he breaks off a guy's finger and takes his gold ring... I assume paying for one of these figures is going to feel exactly like that!

I attempted the very same thing, but couldn't find chrome paint, just a silver can of spray. I couldn't make it shine and reflect images like the other guy did, I just made my Endoskeleton a a bit less dull and more metallic like, but not chrome like.
This gave me another idea though, I repainted my Colossus with that silver spray, and it came out really good, it now looks metallic.[/quoute]

I always wanted to steal my friend's silver spray paint to recolor my Colossus, I'd really like to see how your's came out.

I'll try to hunt down chrome paint, to retry my previous effort with the Endoskeleton.

I'm not 100% certain, but I think you can it in some higher end auto supply stores in spray form...

yeah it's not funny

3298th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"For Baghead's eyes only, others may go blind" , posted Tue 15 Mar 03:24post reply


I always wanted to steal my friend's silver spray paint to recolor my Colossus, I'd really like to see how your's came out.

Here's the Colossus pic.

And a few pics of my small collection.
I still need to get a few shelves, but I'm broke at the moment, and can't afford them. I'm thinking in building a big glass display case, that will look great.
Excuse the dirtyness of some parts, I haven't had the time or the will to finish the painting of my room...

Dr Baghead
3395th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):For Baghead's eyes only, others may go " , posted Tue 15 Mar 04:32post reply

Here's the Colossus pic.

Wow, he's so shiny, he looks good.

And a few pics of my small collection.
I still need to get a few shelves, but I'm broke at the moment, and can't afford them. I'm thinking in building a big glass display case, that will look great.
Excuse the dirtyness of some parts, I haven't had the time or the will to finish the painting of my room...

I think my favorite part was the little pig (was it a pig?) on the shelf with all the badasses, there was Master Chef, Hellboy, the Teriminator, Spawn, a bunch of demons, and cute little pig! It was silly!

I'm impressed by the amount of stuff you have on display, I recently had to put a lot of my figures into a box and into the closet because I ran out of space for them. (though at admittedly I'd have a lot more space if I mixed lines instead of being all "OH NO! I can't mix Batman with Street Fighter! eeeeey!")... so who's mask is that in the Final Fantasy box?

yeah it's not funny

3300th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):For Baghead's eyes only, others may go" , posted Tue 15 Mar 12:51:post reply


I think my favorite part was the little pig (was it a pig?) on the shelf with all the badasses, there was Master Chef, Hellboy, the Teriminator, Spawn, a bunch of demons, and cute little pig! It was silly!
Yes, it's a little piggy. I have a couple of cute piggy banks, one is pink and the other is white with flowers and stuff on his belly.

I'm impressed by the amount of stuff you have on display, I recently had to put a lot of my figures into a box and into the closet because I ran out of space for them. (though at admittedly I'd have a lot more space if I mixed lines instead of being all "OH NO! I can't mix Batman with Street Fighter! eeeeey!")... so who's mask is that in the Final Fantasy box?

I'm running out of space, that's why I need a few shelves more and the glass display. My brother is leaving to the USA in a few months, so I intend to use this whole room as a place for my collection, and I'll move to his room.

That's the mask of Dr. Wagner Jr., the best luchador in the whole world. And that's not an opinion, it's a fact.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Tue 15 Mar 15:37]

Dr Baghead
3398th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):For Baghead's eyes only, others may go" , posted Tue 15 Mar 16:25post reply

Yes, it's a little piggy. I have a couple of cute piggy banks, one is pink and the other is white with flowers and stuff on his belly.

Neat, I have a little bird with googlie-eyes that doubles as a tooth-pick dispencer among my toys.

That's the mask of Dr. Wagner Jr., the best luchador in the whole world. And that's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Is he the one currently in your sig/avatar?

yeah it's not funny

3303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):For Baghead's eyes only, others may go" , posted Tue 15 Mar 16:30:post reply


Is he the one currently in your sig/avatar?

Yeah, the very same.
I have a pic of me with the mask on, I think I've posted it before, but I might be wrong.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Tue 15 Mar 16:40]

Dr Baghead
3402th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Street Fighter Series 2 is shipping now" , posted Sat 19 Mar 10:27post reply

Quiet to my surprise when I went out to mail today I found a large box setting on my pourch... have had some crazy dream a few nights ago about it being rain and grey outside and I got a mysterious box from a serial killer, I was freaked out by the sudden appearence of a large box on a rainy grey day.

I'm honestly insanely impressed CornerStore Comics sent them to me so fast, I mean I preordered last month and they just got them on Tuesday... I thought for sure I'd be waiting another month since their had to be a lot of people before me and even then I'm sure they would have sat on their duffs and sent them on a Thursday to make me wait longer... much better shipping time then with SI.

So now with Ken's thumbs-up hand my Dan custom can be completed!

yeah it's not funny

1494th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Street Fighter Series 2 is shipping now" , posted Sat 19 Mar 13:04post reply

Quiet to my surprise when I went out to mail today I found a large box setting on my pourch... have had some crazy dream a few nights ago about it being rain and grey outside and I got a mysterious box from a serial killer, I was freaked out by the sudden appearence of a large box on a rainy grey day.

I'm honestly insanely impressed CornerStore Comics sent them to me so fast, I mean I preordered last month and they just got them on Tuesday... I thought for sure I'd be waiting another month since their had to be a lot of people before me and even then I'm sure they would have sat on their duffs and sent them on a Thursday to make me wait longer... much better shipping time then with SI.

So now with Ken's thumbs-up hand my Dan custom can be completed!

Yeah that is good. I have to wait longer I went with Voyager Toys. They will not have their's until next week. So if am lucky maybe late next week or possibly the following week. What do you say Wave 3 already sold out to the retailers!!!!!

3316th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New Akuma pic" , posted Tue 22 Mar 14:25post reply

Dr Baghead
3403th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Akuma pic" , posted Tue 22 Mar 15:13post reply



I originally the only Capcom character of HighDreams I planned to get was Chun-Li because I like Chun-Li... but I am TOTALLY getting that Akuma.

I'm sure SOTA's will be nice, but THAT would represent Shin Akuma a million times better then any repaint they could produce

yeah it's not funny

3008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Akuma pic" , posted Tue 22 Mar 15:49post reply



I originally the only Capcom character of HighDreams I planned to get was Chun-Li because I like Chun-Li... but I am TOTALLY getting that Akuma.

I'm sure SOTA's will be nice, but THAT would represent Shin Akuma a million times better then any repaint they could produce

Which SNK characters will they be making?

Hungry Like the Wolf

Dr Baghead
3404th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Akuma pic" , posted Tue 22 Mar 16:13post reply

Which SNK characters will they be making?

Highdream can make any in CvS2, but right now they've only confirmed:
For April: Kyo, Iori, Mai (and a Chun-Li)
For May: Terry (and Akuma)
For June: Haohmaru and Nakaruru
(for July: Guile and Sakura)

I don't know if there will be more characters after that, but I'm hoping they finish off the cast.... I can customize a few KoF characters, but it'd be real nice to get as many offical figures as possible.

yeah it's not funny