Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossover? - Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossover?" , posted Wed 9 Feb 17:35post reply

Link to GAF

Supposedly, the newest issue of Shonen Jump has an interview with Hiroshi Yamaguchi from Namco. He states that part of Soul Calibur 3's engine is going to be used in a certain boss fight in Devil May Cry, then adds that a very popular Capcom character is going to appear in the PS2 version of Soul Calibur 3, giving us the feeling that he's not allowed to say that it's Dante, even though that's the only character his clues make sense with.

Until more people see this issue of Shonen Jump and report on the news, it's just a rumor. Like all rumors, every part of it is almost too believable. Dante would fit perfectly in a Soul Calibur game, the boss fight in question is obviously the duel between Vergil and Dante in the rain that's in all the DMC3 trailers, and the crossover RPG is obviously Namco X Capcom.


5767th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Wed 9 Feb 18:24post reply

After a quick search through some Calibur 2 forums, nobody talks about it.
There is nothing in the Jump of this week, and I think it's a little early to have the flying get of the next Jump.
Neither Namae no Nai nor Quiter are talking about it.

And finally, this kind of information is totally not for Jump. DMC and Calibur are not games aimed to 6 years old.


74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Wed 9 Feb 18:57post reply

But it would be really cool. I expected somethind like this after the NxC announcement.

5769th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Wed 9 Feb 19:08:post reply

But it would be really cool. I expected somethind like this after the NxC announcement.

Indeed. And they have to find something big to top Link and Spawn.

But Calibur 3 isn't even officially announced, and the whole part about "using the engine of..." is just stupid, even if it was the engine of Calibur 2. You don't give away the engine of a game the way you give a character, especially the engine of a game you'll release in 8 month.

Also, the latest info on DMC3 is that you can have the theme song on your I mode.

Far more interesting crossover : the robots of Virtual On in the next SRT.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 9 Feb 19:11]

Burning Ranger
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Thu 10 Feb 00:22:post reply

But it would be really cool. I expected somethind like this after the NxC announcement.
Indeed. And they have to find something big to top Link and Spawn.

I hope its not Dante. I think Samonoske or Jaques Blanc would be better choices. Can you imagine Ivy and Jean Reno fighting?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

[this message was edited by Burning Ranger on Thu 10 Feb 00:22]

411th Post

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"Re(4):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Thu 10 Feb 04:40:post reply

All the crossover news between different companies makes me wonder if there is really that sort of passion to make gamers' dreams come true with dream matchups... or is it because game companies are hurting bad for fresh and different content, so they have to go the crossover route to make it more marketable. The whole thing with Mario and crew being on NBA Street, "Little Mac" in Fight Night, and now these rumors. I guess the whole sequel-itis theme that video games have experienced for years has become a bit stale, and this may be a temporary way to jazz up the game without overhauling the main game formula or creating a brand-new game altogether.

I'm looking forward to Namco Vs. Capcom, though. At least that game will be a new experience for me, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a sequel to the game in the near future.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Thu 10 Feb 04:45]

1116th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Thu 10 Feb 05:02post reply

Soon it will be a crime to make a videogame without Dante in it.

1822th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Thu 10 Feb 05:45post reply

All the crossover news between different companies makes me wonder if there is really that sort of passion to make gamers' dreams come true with dream matchups... or is it because game companies are hurting bad for fresh and different content, so they have to go the crossover route to make it more marketable. The whole thing with Mario and crew being on NBA Street, "Little Mac" in Fight Night, and now these rumors. I guess the whole sequel-itis theme that video games have experienced for years has become a bit stale, and this may be a temporary way to jazz up the game without overhauling the main game formula or creating a brand-new game altogether.

I'm looking forward to Namco Vs. Capcom, though. At least that game will be a new experience for me, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a sequel to the game in the near future.

Thing is, I can't point to some golden age of video game production where every thing that came out was fresh, new, and original. When something successful comes along -be it Pac-Man, Super Mario, Street Fighter, or whatever- there have always been a slew of imitations that follow. Crossovers are just the latest trend.

Speaking of crossovers, I'm personally for them. They can be a lot of fun when done right and it beats the old method of making a barely disguised clone of the character when they couldn't get the original. With this fake Dante/SC3 news, Namco could have made a character called "Alighieri" but the rumors instead insisted that it's Dante himself who would show up.

Just a Person
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Soul Calibur 3/Devil May Cry 3 Crossove" , posted Thu 10 Feb 10:14post reply

I hope its not Dante. I think Samonoske or Jaques Blanc would be better choices. Can you imagine Ivy and Jean Reno fighting?

I agree. That would make more sense than having Dante in it (even if Jacques is from nowadays, he was already sent to the past once...).
But I'd prefer Oyu in SC3.

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