Did anyone get... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Did anyone get..." , posted Thu 10 Feb 05:11post reply

Did anyone get the KOF 2-pack? I haven't gotten mine yet due to a lack of initiative on Gamestop's part.


Burning Ranger
1051th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Did anyone get..." , posted Thu 10 Feb 14:05post reply

Did anyone get the KOF 2-pack? I haven't gotten mine yet due to a lack of initiative on Gamestop's part.

Well, I was hoping the Xbox version would come out next month, but if EBGames and Gamestop are correct, then I'll have to wait until summer. At least I can get Street Fighter for online gaming goodness.

Anyway, $40 is a bit expensive for me, especially considering that I bought 00/01 collection for about $17 new (well, my bro bought it for me for my birthday).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

Variable Savior
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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Did anyone get..." , posted Thu 10 Feb 14:18:post reply

I went to several stores looking for it on 2/8/05 but surprise surprise no one had it. The guy at EB Games told me that it is actually supposed to be coming out on 2/9/05. Being familiar with their sliding 'always the next day' release schedule I didn't bother going back. I might look against next week.

Has anyone come across a review for the double pack? I was hoping the new EGM would have covered it but they only had a six or so sentence spot that talked about:

- 2002 having old characters
- 2003 having new characters and tagging
- Marshmallow shapes from Lucky Charms (I kid you not - they wasted two of their six sentences on this)

Even with this enlightening review I find myself curious about inconsequential factors such as how the games actually play. I guess I'm just funny that way...

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Thu 10 Feb 14:19]

109th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Did anyone get..." , posted Thu 10 Feb 15:39post reply

Marshmallow shapes from Lucky Charms

It comes with marshmallow?! DAMMIT! Where is my copy, I need to get some of that Lucky Charms!

31th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Did anyone get..." , posted Thu 10 Feb 15:43post reply

- Marshmallow shapes from Lucky Charms (I kid you not - they wasted two of their six sentences on this)

Bah, I can't stand Lucky Charms (I stopped eating them after breaking a tooth on one of the marshmallows way back in 1st grade...lucky, yeah right).

I plan on getting it, but I'll be getting DMC3 first.

1824th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"KoF double pack" , posted Thu 10 Feb 23:15post reply

I actually managed to pick this up last night. From the small bit of time I got to spend with the game it looks like all the blood, bounce and guns that are supposed to be in the game have been included so that's a nice switch from some of SNKP's other recent PS2 offerings. The instruction booklet is one of the most amazingly lame things I've seen in some time. It's a few pages of tiny text crammed onto gray shaded pages. There's also a note in the front stating that the rest of the manual can be found at the http://www.snkplaymoreusa.com/ homepage. Was all the trouble they went through to translate the KoF:MI extras into Engrish too much work for this title?

The 3D backgrounds in 02 make the game look like it's, oh, maybe a thousand years old but the 03 backgrounds -depending on what characters are matched against it- are a nice counterpart to the arcade originals.

From what I've seen so far it's a nice step up from the 00/01 bundle, but that may also have to do with me liking these two games more than the last set. Plus I also got a free demo disc of Shadow of Rome so it was a good purchase.

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):KoF double pack" , posted Thu 10 Feb 23:28post reply

i got it yesterday. honestly, its worth the purchase for kof2k3 alone. they put a lot of effort into 2k3, but i was they paid more attention to 2k2 (though i have it on dreamcast). 2k2 seems to suffer from the same control problems 2k/2k1 did. i'm having trouble doing qcf qcf moves. 2k3's controls are great though.

111th Post

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"Re(4):WHAA?" , posted Fri 11 Feb 01:31post reply

2k2 has control problems just like 2k1? I do not have any control problems with the 2k1 except for doing K Four Nine shotgun and moon DM's. I am using a joy stick to play these games and never significantly had any problems with the controls. Next week, hopefully, it should be in my mail box.

Burning Ranger
1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Did anyone get..." , posted Fri 11 Feb 12:46post reply

Did anyone get the KOF 2-pack? I haven't gotten mine yet due to a lack of initiative on Gamestop's part.

I got my copy today. KOF2k2 seems to have stiff controls. I found my DualShock2 to do the job slightly better than the DS1. KOF2k2 is what it is.. KOF2k2. Good stuff but will never measure up to 1998.

KOF2k3 is AWESOME. It moves so fast (is it arcade speed)? Plus the backgrounds are NICE. I also like the hi-res portraits (given the SvC Chaos Xbox treatment).

I wish the X-box version would have come out sooner, but this will do until the summer.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

32th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Did anyone get..." , posted Fri 11 Feb 13:50post reply

KOF2k2 is what it is.. KOF2k2. Good stuff but will never measure up to 1998.

As much as I love '98, I can't help but find it overrated (but that's because IMO, '02 > '98). As for '03...I'd rather not comment.

1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Did anyone get..." , posted Fri 11 Feb 16:17post reply

KOF2k2 is what it is.. KOF2k2. Good stuff but will never measure up to 1998.

As much as I love '98, I can't help but find it overrated (but that's because IMO, '02 > '98). As for '03...I'd rather not comment.

You are not alone. I rather liked 2k2 more. Better backgrounds, better music, and more teams doesn't hurt.

Hagen de Merak
869th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re: 2k3 for life" , posted Fri 11 Feb 16:29post reply

713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Re: 2k3 for life" , posted Fri 11 Feb 17:03:post reply

I just bought the game on wednesday and I must say 2 good games for 39.99 is a great deal. The games come in separate dvds. (I was expecting 1 dvd like Sonic Mega Collection) 2k2 is my favorite kof and it seems to be a faithful port with some nifty 3D backgrounds that you can turn on or off. The controls feel fine to me actually. I had no trouble pulling off my usual moves and combos.

2k3 does however seem to have smoother controls for some reason. It's like somehow almost too easy to pull off specials and stuff. The 3D backgournds look much better than in 2k2 and the game looks great overall. The best part however is the gameplay enhancements. The 2 separate modes (arcade and normal) are here from the Japanese version and normal mode fixed the issues from the arcade version. I copiped a post about it at s-c.com if you want to read it. What with the AST and everything, 2k3 alone is worth the price, but I'll probably end up playing 2k2 even more in the end.


[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 11 Feb 17:07]

1281th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Did anyone get..." , posted Fri 11 Feb 21:30:post reply

Even with this enlightening review I find myself curious about inconsequential factors such as how the games actually play. I guess I'm just funny that way...

That's really all I cared about:

That and Vanessa. She's the only reason I play 2k2.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

[this message was edited by Ammadeau on Fri 11 Feb 21:32]

1828th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Did anyone get Geese" , posted Tue 15 Feb 02:23post reply

I've never been a fan of unlockable stuff in games. The theory behind not having the entire game avaliable at the start is, I believe, that it somehow extends the life of the game. Most of the time, however, I've felt that in order to play the actual game I paid for I have to spend an inordinate amount of time completing various tasks that I don't find enjoyable instead of actually getting to play the game the way I want to.

What I'm getting at here is that finishing the Time Attack mode to unlock Geese in KoF02 was helluva dull. It wasn't the worst example of that sort of thing I've ever seen but it still managed to annoy. Now I'm worried that the home port of Tekken 5 is going to have some sort of awful tasks that need to be done in order to unlock Heihachi's T4 outfit or some other equally important thing.