Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game - Forums

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1823th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Thu 10 Feb 10:13post reply

Marvel vs EA

Q- Currently you’re also working on something called the Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects. It’s a project we’re doing in alliance with EA. It started out being a very cool project but once you came on board it really leaped to something much larger. Tell us a bit about it, it’s a bit of a collaboration?

GP- Yep, it’s a super cool crossover miniseries which throws a team of classic Marvel characters against a team of brand new superheroes created by the brilliant folks at EA. The series will be published as a lead up to an EA video game release this fall and involves an alien scientist who clashes with a series of Marvel heroes when he comes to Earth to create a team of technologically transformed super warriors. So for the past few months, I’ve been working with Marvel editor Mark Paniccia and the EA creative team to develop a story which’ll be an exciting, compelling epic in its own right while introducing the characters and setting up the conflicts which’ll be explored in the game.

The new EA characters are incredible -- I think folks are going to be blown away by their design and powers. And the comic book art by Renato Arlem is just tremendous. He’s rendering these superheroes with a beautiful, gritty, fluid realism which really makes the characters and story come to life.

So you know there’ll be eye-popping Sci-fi superhero action. But what’s got me really excited is that we’ve found the emotional hook -- we’re exploring that hidden core of doubt which may plague even the greatest heroes as the Marvel characters and the new EA heroes struggle with the temptation of "perfection" offered by the alien scientist's transformative technology. It’s going to be a fun ride, with some real emotional consequences for new and classic characters alike.


1074th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Thu 10 Feb 12:18post reply

Typical public relations answer. "The EA heroes will blow you away" lol.

Hopefully they will at least be better than Abyss from Marvel v.s Capcom 2

4039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Thu 10 Feb 12:27post reply


Hopefully they will at least be better than Abyss from Marvel v.s Capcom 2

Rubish!!! Norimaru ownz everything, we need more real people in this business!!

Let's just hope that this doesn't take the typichal obvious way with pre-made scenes and reactions and that the saga can end in the first 20 years or so; I'm too old to still be collecting X-Men, I can't remeber everything....

See??? He is a God...

1094th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Thu 10 Feb 12:35post reply


beautiful, gritty, fluid realism

Almost every one of these four words contradicts the other three.

1515th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 00:57post reply


But what’s got me really excited is that we’ve found the emotional hook -- we’re exploring that hidden core of doubt which may plague even the greatest heroes as the Marvel characters and the new EA heroes struggle with the temptation of "perfection" offered by the alien scientist's transformative technology.

Wolvie! Don't do it! Say 'NO' to drugs transformative technology! We like you just the way you are!

Now, I suppose I don't know the specifics here but this storyline sounds a little Saturday Morning Special retarded. I mean, these guys are already mutants, right? Aren't there plenty of 'science' and 'technology' origins already?

Maybe Dr. Alien can make you "perfect" (whatever that means)... but you'll be a mind-controlled slave with a squid for a head!

I'm hoping to see more funny spoofing on these supposed EA heroes. I'd do it myself but you know, time and effort.

/ / /

Variable Savior
251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 02:11post reply


Maybe Dr. Alien can make you "perfect" (whatever that means)...

I'm sure that their idea of perfect is becoming a 100% EA owned intellectual property.

Resistance is futile Marvel; grab your ankles and submit to EA.

Blood marks heaven's path

1465th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 02:21post reply

That interview was conducted by Joe Quesada the editor of Marvel. It's not like Pak was gonna get hard questions.

At the very least, we can check out the new heroes in the comic book and judge for ourselves how good or whack they are as something to weigh in before purchasing. (while I'm negative it's really early to make any decisions.) Do I have high hopes? No. When's the last time Marvel has made a good new character? X-23? And she's just riding the Wolverine train.

Since Marvel vs. EA was a working title they should change the name of the game to "Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects" as well. 'Vs.' does not belong in the title. And the number of Marvel Heroes and Villains should FAR outnumber anyone EA comes up with so we can just ignore them if they are not cool. And chances are, they will not be.

Undead Fred
2109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Fri 11 Feb 04:00post reply


it’s a super cool crossover

Did anyone else quit reading at this point? I know I sure did.

Heh heh. Seriously, though... as soon as "super cool" came up, I pretty much stopped paying attention. If they have to tell you how cool something is several times in the same interview, you should at least be a little suspicious.

And I wouldn't really trust EA's involvement either. They're trying to throw brand new "heroes" with no real comic book history in with household name superheroes. It could work, but I would think that EA's characters wouldn't really stick.

1469th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 06:32:post reply

Since Marvel vs. EA was a working title they should change the name of the game to "Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects" as well. 'Vs.' does not belong in the title. And the number of Marvel Heroes and Villains should FAR outnumber anyone EA comes up with so we can just ignore them if they are not cool. And chances are, they will not be.

Looks like they did change the name. And it seems like Spider-Man and Daredevil might be in it. Can we get Ben Affleck and Tobey Mcguire to voice'em? C'mon, EA, you have money! Use it! You can probably get Afleck for chump change nowadays.

Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 11 Feb 06:34]

274th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 07:21post reply

Marvel vs. EA

I'm seriously thinking not to post here anymore...having to read these kind of things made me really depressed.........

I never thought a simple crossover name could suck so much...

1623th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 09:11post reply

Something tells me Marvel vs. Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids would make a better crossover.

Off with your nose

Variable Savior
252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 10:21post reply

I have to wonder at what stereotypical knockoffs EA's going to come with as heroes. I'm not that versed in comics but it seems like an awfully long time since Marvel, DC, or whoever came up with a novel superhero. And if comics companies can't manage it I just don't see EA pulling off anything really remarkable. I imagine EA will be hitting the stereotypes hard - real hard.

Likely EA hero motifs:

1) A Superman ripoff (built, super strong, possibly a cape)
2) Batman/Dark Knight ripoff (dark and gritty, can fight without powers)
3) Big gun character (kinda old school Cable - also dark and gritty, lots of ridiculous guns)
4) Armored Suit hero (uses technology to fight crime! Wow!)
5) Mr. Runs Real Fast
6) Sexy Girl in Terribly Inappropriate Costume (like American Maid from the Tick minus all wit or cleverness)

EA will probably adopt some of Marvel's trappings/origins to try and make their characters mesh with Marvels (i.e. mutants). I'm sure that will make American Captain all the more interesting....

Blood marks heaven's path

1276th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Fri 11 Feb 12:46post reply


Did anyone else quit reading at this point? I know I sure did.

I stopped reading when EA came up. What was the last game they made that was worth a damn? And they've come out with a ton of games churned out recently. Stranger doesn't really count since they just published, but I passed on that partially because of their logo on it.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

Burning Ranger
1054th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Nemesis..." , posted Fri 11 Feb 12:54post reply

... is an evil biomechanical killing machine who hates "Stars" and was created by the alien scientis called "Reksew" of the planet "Allerbmu."

Got nothing...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 14:22post reply


Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects

Wow. IGN just filled the majority of the article with paragraph-long quotes from the "interview", filled the rest of it in with vacuous, over-excited hyperbole (comic fans were abuzz, true believers!) and asinine predictions (Spider-Man and Daredevil? They might be in it, 'cause they're Marvel characters!), and never even mentioned that this supposed interview from Newsarama was actually between two guys that work at Marvel, not between a journalist and an actual interviewee.

I knew IGN sucked, but I didn't realize that they -- or anyone -- sucked that hard.

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Fri 11 Feb 16:15post reply


I stopped reading when EA came up. What was

Well I believe EA should be bashed because they make crap products now and treat their employees like dirt, but seriously, 10 years ago they really did used to make decent games like Desert Strike, or publish good games like populous. Hate EA for what it is now, not because it is fun to bash EA for being EA.

518th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Fri 11 Feb 16:58post reply

They DID make great games. Now they're killing the industry. Bashing EA is good. Probably won't do much though.


276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Fri 11 Feb 17:14post reply


Well I believe EA should be bashed because they make crap products now and treat their employees like dirt, but seriously, 10 years ago they really did used to make decent games like Desert Strike, or publish good games like populous. Hate EA for what it is now, not because it is fun to bash EA for being EA.

Yeah, dude, that's exactly the point. They were a good game publisher (I still remember all those Genesis/Mega Drive games I enjoyed thanks to them here in Europe...) but everything changed when EA got the rights to make FIFA games...that's what brought us here, and I hate EA for it.

5780th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 18:10post reply

(like American Maid from the Tick minus all wit or cleverness)


Damn, i loved these shows.


1279th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Fri 11 Feb 21:28post reply

I knew IGN sucked, but I didn't realize that they -- or anyone -- sucked that hard.

They gave Tao Feng an 8.7
You can only go up from there.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1826th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sat 12 Feb 02:17post reply


Likely EA hero motifs:

1) A Superman ripoff (built, super strong, possibly a cape)
2) Batman/Dark Knight ripoff (dark and gritty, can fight without powers)
3) Big gun character (kinda old school Cable - also dark and gritty, lots of ridiculous guns)
4) Armored Suit hero (uses technology to fight crime! Wow!)
5) Mr. Runs Real Fast
6) Sexy Girl in Terribly Inappropriate Costume (like American Maid from the Tick minus all wit or cleverness)

That sounds like the list of characters from most early titles that Image comics put out. Using familiar conventions isn't bad in and of itself -it's what you do with the story that's important- but does anyone look to EA for new insight into the mythology of superheroes?

Also, I like the IGN article since in the accompanying picture it looks like Daredevil is annoyed with Spider-Man's package.

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Sat 12 Feb 02:39post reply

Clearly this is all leading up to doomsday. Can we expect Team Marvel to also appear exclusively in Madden 2006?

Dear exodus your forums are broke. A lot of us are hiding out in Largeprimenumbers. Ok thanks.

Undead Fred
2118th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Marvel vs EA, the comic and the game" , posted Sat 12 Feb 09:21post reply

Clearly this is all leading up to doomsday. Can we expect Team Marvel to also appear exclusively in Madden 2006?

Yes. And you can take Team Spider-Man to the Super Bowl.

2923th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sat 12 Feb 16:47post reply

Also, I like the IGN article since in the accompanying picture it looks like Daredevil is annoyed with Spider-Man's package.

According to the movie of a comic I never read, Daredevil is blind, so he can hear Spiderman's annoying crotch sounds.

I have to wonder at what stereotypical knockoffs EA's going to come with as heroes. I'm not that versed in comics but it seems like an awfully long time since Marvel, DC, or whoever came up with a novel superhero. And if comics companies can't manage it I just don't see EA pulling off anything really remarkable. I imagine EA will be hitting the stereotypes hard - real hard.

Likely EA hero motifs:

1) A Superman ripoff (built, super strong, possibly a cape)
2) Batman/Dark Knight ripoff (dark and gritty, can fight without powers)
3) Big gun character (kinda old school Cable - also dark and gritty, lots of ridiculous guns)
4) Armored Suit hero (uses technology to fight crime! Wow!)
5) Mr. Runs Real Fast
6) Sexy Girl in Terribly Inappropriate Costume (like American Maid from the Tick minus all wit or cleverness)
But then they'll have no superheros at all if they can't do one of those!1

A game with emotions?? I don't understand~ The only purpose of games is photorealism 1st person MMORPGs. Firing the BFG is all the emotion we need!11

Dr Baghead
3373th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sun 13 Feb 10:17post reply



are you referring to the psuedo "American Maid" type character in the live action Tick?

Because that's CAPTAIN Liberty, not Lady Liberty!!

(I think it's supposed to be some kind of joke, like the government respects her enough they refer to her by rank instead of by gender, but they don't respect her enough to give her a uniform that's ridiculous.... or something, maybe they just thought it was funny no one outside of the show calls her "Captain")

yeah it's not funny

Undead Fred
2122th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sun 13 Feb 10:41post reply

are you referring to the psuedo "American Maid" type character in the live action Tick?

Because that's CAPTAIN Liberty, not Lady Liberty!!

(I think it's supposed to be some kind of joke, like the government respects her enough they refer to her by rank instead of by gender, but they don't respect her enough to give her a uniform that's ridiculous.... or something, maybe they just thought it was funny no one outside of the show calls her "Captain")

I remember that show... I could only watch one episode... the Tick's antennae or whatever those things were were REALLY distracting. Plus, I couldn't understand why American Maid and Die Fledermaus were changed for the TV show...

Dr Baghead
3374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sun 13 Feb 11:05post reply

Plus, I couldn't understand why American Maid and Die Fledermaus were changed for the TV show...

Legal reasons (apparently the company that made the animated series owned rights to all the characters except Tick and Arthur)

yeah it's not funny