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Lupin 2923th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Damn you alien scientist" , posted Sat 12 Feb 16:47
quote: Also, I like the IGN article since in the accompanying picture it looks like Daredevil is annoyed with Spider-Man's package.
According to the movie of a comic I never read, Daredevil is blind, so he can hear Spiderman's annoying crotch sounds.
quote: I have to wonder at what stereotypical knockoffs EA's going to come with as heroes. I'm not that versed in comics but it seems like an awfully long time since Marvel, DC, or whoever came up with a novel superhero. And if comics companies can't manage it I just don't see EA pulling off anything really remarkable. I imagine EA will be hitting the stereotypes hard - real hard.
Likely EA hero motifs:
1) A Superman ripoff (built, super strong, possibly a cape) 2) Batman/Dark Knight ripoff (dark and gritty, can fight without powers) 3) Big gun character (kinda old school Cable - also dark and gritty, lots of ridiculous guns) 4) Armored Suit hero (uses technology to fight crime! Wow!) 5) Mr. Runs Real Fast 6) Sexy Girl in Terribly Inappropriate Costume (like American Maid from the Tick minus all wit or cleverness)
But then they'll have no superheros at all if they can't do one of those!1
Article: quote: emotional
A game with emotions?? I don't understand~ The only purpose of games is photorealism 1st person MMORPGs. Firing the BFG is all the emotion we need!11