All Marvel covers 1st published in 2004 - Forums
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2938th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Marvel questions + All covers from 2004" , posted Mon 14 Feb 21:48:
Here are all the new marvel covers published from 2004. You might need an account to view them. You might need a new account to vote for nominations of your top 5. _____________________ Spoil (Highlight to view) - You can vote once a day, which would make you like a female teenybopper calling a radio station over and over requesting Green Day in the mid 90s.
End of Spoil _____________________
[this message was edited by Lupin on Thu 17 Feb 15:43]
2939th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Marvel questions +" , posted Thu 17 Feb 15:55:
The other thread was for MvC characters & my question was about artists. Also this thread looked lonely and the other threads 50< posts was testing my short attention span (jk!;). so I post my questions here.
So many artist like Alex Ross are freelance and work for multiple companies. Does Marvel have many artists under exclusive contract? I know they had Josh Middleton for a couple years, but it seems like they didn't use him very much. Josh Middleton's art looks like he is quite influenced by Falcoon too me, but I can't say for sure.
[this message was edited by Lupin on Thu 17 Feb 17:19]
1494th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(2):Marvel questions +" , posted Sat 19 Feb 06:18:
quote: So many artist like Alex Ross are freelance and work for multiple companies. Does Marvel have many artists under exclusive contract?
I don't think Marvel has that many artists that exclusivly work for them. They are usually under short contracts. Even Larocca who does an insane ammount of work for Marvel was able to do an SF back up for Udon. And after many artists do a Marvel stint, they go work for another company. You see people work for Marvel and DC (mostly writers) almost simoultaneously. DC has more artists on lock down from the looks of it. But we don't get to see any of these contracts and what exactly they stipulate so it's all guess work at best.
[this message was edited by Sano on Sat 19 Feb 06:19]
2942th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Marvel questions +" , posted Sat 19 Feb 20:45
quote: So many artist like Alex Ross are freelance and work for multiple companies. Does Marvel have many artists under exclusive contract?
I don't think Marvel has that many artists that exclusivly work for them. They are usually under short contracts. Even Larocca who does an insane ammount of work for Marvel was able to do an SF back up for Udon. And after many artists do a Marvel stint, they go work for another company. You see people work for Marvel and DC (mostly writers) almost simoultaneously. DC has more artists on lock down from the looks of it. But we don't get to see any of these contracts and what exactly they stipulate so it's all guess work at best.
Ah that's interesting. I would have thought they'd want a studio full of Marvel-only artists working 5 days a week on at least a few titles. Also I'd expect the producers and head writers to work out major story points like a year ahead of time, with flexability included of cource.
Also also, I'd expect them to have some titles that they couldn't change art styles on, where they'd have any new artists draw the same style as previous ones. That style being determined by a head artist/writer/director. Even though it is a comic and not a film.
1504th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
"Re(4):Marvel questions +" , posted Sun 20 Feb 07:42:
Whenever Marvel's had new artists or fill in artists copy the same art style, most of the time it looks really bad.
The Spectacular Spider-Man is coming to a close because the creative team is gone, Marvel said it was just a vehicle for them (Humberto Ramos and the writer who's name escapes me) and without them there's no point in continuing the book. The book has been continuing without these two strangely, but it is coming to a close. I wish they'd cancel Marvel Knights Spider-Man instead. Even the Spectatcular Spider-Man fill ins are doing a much better job than Marvel Knights.
[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 20 Feb 07:44]