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KTallguy 524th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(1):Digicube hunting" , posted Wed 16 Feb 02:34
quote: So here's one for ya, especially if you're in Japan right now: how much Digicube-published stuff remains on the shelves? I'm thinking partially of Ultimanias but especially Square soundtracks and the like... There's always those music stores in shopping centers that have had the same copy of game music in their store for all eternity, so I wonder if Digicube remains in places like that after death?
...If so, I'll happy pay anyone by mail who can find FFX and FFIX original Digicube OST's. That includes you, senior Tallguy. Really.
Wow... let's see.
Um ... my e-mail is K e n a n_A l p a y@msn.com (remove the spaces).
So basically you want the original FFX and FFIX soundtracks, manufactured before Square and Enix merged, am I correct? Is the only difference the logo on the box? What else distinguishes it? Do you have a link to the logo you can show me?
I can look around for it, I know a few places, but I just need to know exactly what you're looking for, so that I don't buy anything by mistake.
BTW, ところで、is your name from the Tales of Rebirth character? I was just playing that for the first time tonight (it rocks but I was too tired to get far into it yet).
Anyway shooting me an e-mail will help me remember... I'm going to crash. =)
Maou 481th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Digicube hunting" , posted Wed 16 Feb 04:12
quote: Well, I'm crazy enough to pay 150... Just a question Maou, why don't you want a Squarenix label if you like their music?
Wow m'man, 150? Impressive! (It's all worth it, of course.) But yeah, it's completely neurotic of me to want the original Digicube publication of IX and X music I know, but game soundtracks are the only music I'm picky about and don't buy used, so I wanted the originals. And since Square-Enix didn't exist at the time of FFIX and X, I wanted to get soundtracks that reflected that....(completely insane, but it's マイブーム!) Monsieur Tallguy, I'll talk to you shortly!
ONSLAUGHT 3265th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Digicube hunting" , posted Wed 16 Feb 04:39
quote: Wow m'man, 150? Impressive! (It's all worth it, of course.)
Yeah, I'm crazy like that (some might say stupid instead of crazy), but I live in a place where you can not get anything at all. I mean, I can barely get games, I've give up comics because the english editions are insanely expensive, I buy toys via internet at outrageous prices (thank god for that nigga Hagen), and now I'm trying to get some original soundtracks, I'm tired of this mp3 shit, I want the real deal. This hobby of ours is pretty expensive, but I think it's worthy.