late to the party - KOF 2003 - Forums

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2382th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 08:18post reply

I bought the double pack. There's probably a thread, but I didn't see it.

I like KOF 2003, but it feels like an old man with a shot of viagra. Which some people do like, admittedly, because he might die and leave you his money.

It feels fresher now. I like Ash (predictably), and I like that other guy. the punchy one. Shen something.

But the graphics, they've just got to go. Even compared to CvS 2, they're so dated. The sprites are small, the resolution is low, the colors are bland, and the effects are tired.

Even so - it plays like KOF. I can beat people at it. I like it.


342th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 11:07post reply

There's probably a thread, but I didn't see it.

Over here!

From what I've seen, the animated backgrounds in 2k3 look really nice (for SNK), but they seem like they would be kind of distracting. Anyone had problems with that?

1284th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 12:10post reply

I barely noticed the backgrounds, honestly, and I tried them in both funky 3d and arcade original. I think the best thing about 2k3 besides the speed up is how non-cheap the two bosses are. It's kind of amazing really. But yeah, low rez really hurts. Just look at Marin. I swear she was drawn high rez and was sampled down. Her eyes look really wrong.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

578th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 12:32post reply

I still haven't seen the 2-pack yet. Still playing in the arcade.

Let's be honest here, if you don't have a really good TV, it doesn't matter how low-res the graphics are.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

771th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 12:53post reply

Even compared to CvS 2, they're so dated.

Oh, I know. And that's compared to a technological dinosaur like CvS2.


The sprites are small, the resolution is low, the colors are bland, and the effects are tired.

I can't bear to watch Gato's supers, in part because of how nice they looked in Garou, but they are just intrinsically ugly in 2k3. The palm strike one has easily the lamest attempts at spark and lightning I've seen yet.


Even so - it plays like KOF. I can beat people at it. I like it.

Right now, even with 2k3 set at 50 cents, the 50 cents bootleg KOF 2k4 Special Edition (with hack job animated gif porn backgrounds etc) is KICKING ITS BEHIND in terms of play at my arcade. All the KOF players that are left that still play KOF play that. Then again, the NeoWave machine is a dollar.

You like Shen? I thought he seemed kinda... boring; not many special moves or variety among them.

I'm starting to like Rumble Fish.
God help me.

719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 14:41post reply

For some wierd ass reason. Ash is growing on me too. Shen Woo however I've liked from the start. His gameplay is so in your face offensive. If Shen turtles, he dies. I have mixed feelings about Duo Lon.

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 15:41post reply

Let's be honest here, if you don't have a really good TV, it doesn't matter how low-res the graphics are.

Who are you trying to fool?

Be kind to goblins.

1157th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Wed 16 Feb 16:33post reply

Let's be honest here, if you don't have any eyes, it doesn't matter how low-res the graphics are.

Fixed. ;)

1835th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 00:25post reply

For 03 I set the graphics to "soft" and found that the sprites and backgrounds meshed much better for me that way. Nothing makes a game look better than when it's filtered through the soft, hazy filter of nostalgia!

It's funny, there are some parts of 03 that look great and then there are parts -like whatever the hell happened to Gato- that don't. Also, why do the character sprites look so much better in the boss cut scenes than they do in-game?

140th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 08:10post reply

Is it just me or is the AI of KOF2003 pretty stupid? Even on expert difficulty, I can just do moves over and over again and the AI never blocks.


2384th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 08:42post reply

yeah, I feel like 2k3 is way easier...
I'm gonna have to try out some of these graphical settings, I haven't messed with them.

I mentioned CvS 2 because I've been playing it a lot lately. The girl I'm dating is really good at it (yeah, there are girls that model and play 2D fighters. Well, at least one.), and actually beats me about 60% of the time.

Regardless, to 2k3, I like shen for his offensiveness too. dou lon or whatever...I can't get into him. His specials are good, but he seems a little scattered in terms of what he can do, to me.

I wanna hear more about this piratey 2k4 though...are there any "new characters" for it? or am I missing yet another thread?

dude NOBODY plays KOF at the arcade I go to in SF, everyone's on Cvs2 or MvC2. Kinda sad...on the bright side though, any time somebody does play there, I win. haha. people are forgetting how to play it...

2930th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 09:30post reply

I bought the double pack. There's probably a thread, but I didn't see it.

I like KOF 2003, but it feels like an old man with a shot of viagra. Which some people do like, admittedly, because he might die and leave you his money.

It feels fresher now. I like Ash (predictably), and I like that other guy. the punchy one. Shen something.

But the graphics, they've just got to go. Even compared to CvS 2, they're so dated. The sprites are small, the resolution is low, the colors are bland, and the effects are tired.

Even so - it plays like KOF. I can beat people at it. I like it.

Late? The game only came out like a month ago.

What happened to the last girl. And does the new girl play because of her x boyfriend who made her get into it.

I've hardly met any girls who actually get into game on their own-- One examples are a couple of girls who mostly just went to the arcades in hopes to meet a boy.

2385th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 10:00post reply

well, this is my first time talking about/playing KOF 2003 EVER. So I'd say that's pretty late.

She got into it because she works at an arcade, part time. Got into games in general because of a family member. We had a long talk about ffvi last night. haha.

these girls exist, they're just rare. I mean - pollyanna exists, in theory.

2932th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 10:04post reply

well, this is my first time talking about/playing KOF 2003 EVER. So I'd say that's pretty late.
oh. Also I dun have 2k2/2k3 quite yet.

She got into it because she works at an arcade, part time. Got into games in general because of a family member. We had a long talk about ffvi last night. haha.

these girls exist, they're just rare. I mean - pollyanna exists, in theory.

I agree with you -- in theory. In theory, communism works. In theory.

777th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 11:35post reply

I wanna hear more about this piratey 2k4 though...are there any "new characters" for it? or am I missing yet another thread?

There are no characters in it that weren't already in in 2k2, except that boss Rugal is playable through the character select menu.

There are a few "fun" options... like have a tiny sized sprite (which flickers with the normal sized sprite... think a low low tech Roger Jr.) that has normal sized hitbox etc. The backgrounds are all new and suck profoundly; they're REALLY amateurish. Music and sounds are the same I believe, but it's kinda hard to hear in the arcade.

Gameplay is 2k2. Nothing new.

Amazingly, there are two of these devil machines, and both are on JP head-to-head cabs. 50 cents a game. There are people who are regularly playing it who do not suck.

580th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 11:46:post reply

Let's be honest here, if you don't have a really good TV, it doesn't matter how low-res the graphics are.

Who are you trying to fool?

If you are reading this, you aren't blind.

Bunch of jaggie-whiners. Guilty Gear XX and KOF cabs are right next to each other and the KOF doesn't even look significantly worse.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

[this message was edited by Amakusa on Thu 17 Feb 11:47]

5813th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 17:24post reply

Guilty Gear XX and KOF cabs are right next to each other and the KOF doesn't even look significantly worse.

Then your cabs are of poor quality.
I still remember the first time I noticed you could see Venom's eyes compared to Shermie.


Undead Fred
2126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Thu 17 Feb 19:25post reply

For some wierd ass reason. Ash is growing on me too.

It's because Ash is a giiiiiiirrrrrrrl...

Anyway, I'm interested in getting the game... I guess it's mostly because Yamazaki's in it. I just hope I can find it for cheap enough.

And yeah, SNK's graphics are incredibly dated (and I don't complain about GGXX or CVS2 or anything like that), but I still enjoy their games because I like the characters a lot. ...and I've pretty much given up on them making KOF look anything like Last Blade or CVS or GGXX or Samurai Shodown 3/4 or anything semi-smooth at all at this point.

121th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):very late to the party" , posted Thu 17 Feb 23:39post reply

For some wierd ass reason. Ash is growing on me too.
It's because Ash is a giiiiiiirrrrrrrl...

Anyway, I'm interested in getting the game... I guess it's mostly because Yamazaki's in it. I just hope I can find it for cheap enough.

And yeah, SNK's graphics are incredibly dated (and I don't complain about GGXX or CVS2 or anything like that), but I still enjoy their games because I like the characters a lot. ...and I've pretty much given up on them making KOF look anything like Last Blade or CVS or GGXX or Samurai Shodown 3/4 or anything semi-smooth at all at this point.

I just got mine about an hour ago but I am still at work. Graphics doesn't really bother me...yet. As long the graphics aren't 8 bit type, it doesn't bother me.

rid hershel
6405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Fri 18 Feb 00:16post reply

these girls exist, they're just rare.

But do you really want to dat a girl that can kick your ass in Puyo~n and Puzzle Fighter? (personal bad experience).

random news

281th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Fri 18 Feb 18:51post reply

these girls exist, they're just rare.
But do you really want to dat a girl that can kick your ass in Puyo~n and Puzzle Fighter? (personal bad experience).

Mine kicks my ass in Puzzle Bobble, and is a really tough opponent in Puzzle Fighter or Marvel Superheroes (well, only if she chooses Dr. Doom). Sometimes I feel as if all the time I spent playing those games wasn't worth a damn thing...

5826th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Fri 18 Feb 19:15post reply

girls exist, they're just rare.

If only.


2387th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Mon 21 Feb 02:39post reply


But do you really want to dat a girl that can kick your ass in Puyo~n and Puzzle Fighter? (personal bad experience).

well - I didn't mention that at all, so heh. but anyway, if a girl is evenly matched with me, that's ideal.

iggy - girls aren't being phased out til 2015.

127th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Mon 21 Feb 03:48post reply

girls aren't being phased out til 2015.

Great. So all girls will be replaced by digital girls or something else? <shudder> On that note I think I need to change my user name.

442th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):late to the party - KOF 2003" , posted Mon 21 Feb 03:54post reply

I think the best thing about 2k3 besides the speed up is how non-cheap the two bosses are.


Rugal's snot nosed kid maybe, but Mukai not cheap?! Gonna have to disagree on that one.

The noteworthy thing I can recall in KOF 03 that I liked is no more jumping CD whoring, for the most part...