Off topic smoking commercial - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Fri 18 Feb 15:29post reply

off topic but the subject has been discussed here before.

Did you see this commercial?
omg lame!
I thought there was a chance that this organization was actually against smoking, and just really bad at making commercials. Now I'm convinced that is just a front for one or more tobacco companies.


Undead Fred
2127th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Fri 18 Feb 17:58post reply

off topic but the subject has been discussed here before.

Did you see this commercial?
omg lame!
I thought there was a chance that this organization was actually against smoking, and just really bad at making commercials. Now I'm convinced that is just a front for one or more tobacco companies.

I saw the commercial... I just assumed it was another dumb sitcom idea. Too bad it was another dumb ad instead.

75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Fri 18 Feb 19:30post reply

It would be a clever reverse psychology approach. Clever in the sense that it's not really clever by itself but in spite of the fact of how easy typical plebes are to fool.

It's said that tobacco companies are supposedly "being forced" to invest some of their funds into these anti-smoking campaigns.

But believe you me, even M.Bison's evil would go straight just to knock the people in all of the commercials out.

535th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Fri 18 Feb 20:05post reply

I used to be one of those people.


Then I accidentally really insulted a teacher with that mentality.

Now when I see these commericals, and how they demonize smokers... it's sad and pathetic.

Yes smoking is bad for you, but damn, it's a choice you make. Live with the choices you make...


30th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Fri 18 Feb 23:06post reply


Yes smoking is bad for you, but damn, it's a choice you make. Live with the choices you make...

I find it funny that these folks really like to push statistics over actually looking into their own history as an american. I mean they really can't do anything at all since even on the floor of the white house the United states eagle holds tobacco in their talon as an important cash crop.

But yeah, schools are doing enough, theres no need to push any more campaigns telling smoking is bad. If they honestly don't get it the first time.. oh well? Not our faults people don't wish to listen.

1521th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Sat 19 Feb 03:59post reply


Now when I see these commericals, and how they demonize smokers... it's sad and pathetic.

Yes smoking is bad for you, but damn, it's a choice you make. Live with the choices you make...

I agree that smoking is a personal choice, and smokers certainly don't need to be demonized.

Still, I do believe that the companies that sell and market them, like most large evil corporations, are generally a bunch of scumfucks.

The problem is that a lot of people are stupid, and to reach stupid people you need stupid campaigns like this one.

Supposedly campaigns like this are having an impact, and that's fine with me. You have one group asking you to smoke and one telling you not to. Intelligent people won't listen to either and will decide for themselves.

/ / /

1631th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Sat 19 Feb 04:42post reply

I used to be one of those people.


Then I accidentally really insulted a teacher with that mentality.

Now when I see these commericals, and how they demonize smokers... it's sad and pathetic.

Yes smoking is bad for you, but damn, it's a choice you make. Live with the choices you make...

Choices are one thing. I don't care if people drink, or do drugs, because it's crap that goes into them and I don't have to deal with it. That's their problem. But air is everywhere and I breathe the crap so I just can't treat smoking the same way as everything else.

One of the arcades I used to go to was a smoking facility, and guys would just plop down and smoke right next to me. Sometimes a draft would even blow the smoke in my direction. And since this was the only arcade within 50 miles it was kind of difficult to avoid. I always had to go home with my clothes and hair smelling like shit and I've never even touched a cigarette. And this was BEFORE they discovered the health detriments of second-hand smoke, which I was just thrilled to hear after spending most of my high school years in that place.

That said, is going overboard. They've singlehandedly made the phrase "no smoking" something whiny and bitchy like the same corporate retards they're trying to parody. It makes it unnecessarily hard to be anti-smoking in this day and age.

Off with your nose

2942th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Off topic smoking commercial" , posted Sat 19 Feb 15:31:post reply

And this was BEFORE they discovered the health detriments of second-hand smoke, which I was just thrilled to hear after spending most of my high school years in that place.

I don't care if people smoke in an air lock, and then decontaminate themselves before going out in public. But if people are smoking in public in range than I have to ask them to stop. They almost always do but if they don't then you remove the cigarette from them and render it unsmokeworthy. If they want to fight you after that, than that's fine because it's Billy Kane time! No, seriously, look up my arrest record. The cool part is that it's self defense, and they're smokers so they can't fight back that well. Actually a respectful person will realize that they are putting tobacco into other people's lungs and they'll stop when you ask. Or they'll be temporarily surprised at their own rudeness and have a moment of clarity for a few seconds where they put out the cigarete, but light up again tomorrow or later in the day when you're not there.

[this message was edited by Lupin on Sat 19 Feb 15:38]