OT: Superman - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1116th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"OT: Superman" , posted Sat 19 Feb 14:40post reply

I love this.

It's a collection of Superman covers where Superman is... well, just click the link. I'm not sure what's better, the covers or commentary.


1497th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):OT: Superman" , posted Sat 19 Feb 16:06post reply

I love this.

It's a collection of Superman covers where Superman is... well, just click the link. I'm not sure what's better, the covers or commentary.

That site had me cracking up!

rid hershel
6411th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Superman" , posted Sat 19 Feb 23:13post reply

At least back then Superman made more sense than now! *points angrily at For Tomorrow, the current Supes arc by Jim Lee and Azarello*

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5840th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT: Superman" , posted Sat 19 Feb 23:47post reply

At least back then Superman made more sense than now! *points angrily at For Tomorrow, the current Supes arc by Jim Lee and Azarello*

You mean the current Superman is worse than this?

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

rid hershel
6413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):OT: Superman" , posted Sun 20 Feb 01:10:post reply

You mean the current Superman is worse than this?
Not worse but makes less sense. It took the writer 10 issues to explain a single mystery with not much happening in the middle (why thousands of people including Lois vanished from Earth and how it related to Superman), started something that not everybody will like and doesn't seems to be going anywhere (Superman becomes the friend of a catholic priest, and it has scenes like the priest kneeling in front of him) and now has Superman in a dreamworld apparently created by him on the phantom Zone where people are being sent, and where Clark Kent is a different character, Lois is whorey, and Zod is a big guy in armor. And everybody on this story reduces to "apparently" by a loose focus on the story and strange character interaction.

Of course Jim Lee draws it, but that doesn't makes it read better.

And there's that other Supes title written by Chuck Austen that has villains raping and killing women, but that's Chuck Austen for you, one of the most fan-hated writers that is also doing an independent porn parody of the JLA (really) and that only writes women in two ways: whory and whorier.

For a great, great, GREAT Superman story go and trace the Superman: Secret Identity miniseries by Busiek and Immonen, one of the best comic books of the last years.

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[this message was edited by rid hershel on Sun 20 Feb 01:12]

1499th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):OT: Superman" , posted Sun 20 Feb 02:03post reply

Azraello can't write super heroes, and Austen can't write period. Sooner or later, these writer's arcs will end and others will start writing Supes. It's still better than what was going on back then. Anyone remember Super Monkey? Jesus Rice!

538th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):OT: Superman" , posted Sun 20 Feb 12:30post reply


is really funny!!

Wait so, these are all just spinoff comics right...?

Does anyone have any examples of newer story arcs that are this absurd?


rid hershel
6413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 01:23post reply

Does anyone have any examples of newer story arcs that are this absurd?
Ther was a recent issue where Mxyzptlk goes out from the comic into the DC Comics offices, to know what comes next on the story (and to peek the script for the last issue of Identity Crisis, that wasn't out at the moment).

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885th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 01:28post reply

And there's that other Supes title written by Chuck Austen that has villains raping and killing women, but that's Chuck Austen for you, one of the most fan-hated writers that is also doing an independent porn parody of the JLA (really) and that only writes women in two ways: whory and whorier.

Wait, Chuck Austen still has work in comics? ...Why? US War Machine was one of the most amateurish-looking and reading comics I've ever picked up. I was downright insulted by it. Sounds like he's still sucking pretty hard.

1506th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 02:36post reply

I am convinced that somebody out there likes Austen's stuff.

When he was at Marvel, Quesada was told repeatedly to fire the guy and Quesada answered as much as people dislike him his books sell. Go figure... he's like Leifeld. Everyone says his art sucks and yet he continues to put out comic books that sell very well.

Undead Fred
2131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 18:21post reply

I love this.

It's great. I think my favorite was the one with Lois being forced to marry Titanman.

2946th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 19:25post reply

I love this.

It's a collection of Superman covers where Superman is... well, just click the link. I'm not sure what's better, the covers or commentary.

Some of them are funny, yes. But I think many of them are out of context, that is they are the exception issue where they show Superman being bad on the cover to attract attention, then we open the issue to find that Superman has been tricked/ has an evil clone/etc.

I thought this one was funny: http://www.superdickery.com/dick/15.html

Person who makes the web site: "The funny thing is, this is exactly what my friends and I used to do to my little brother."
Perhaps some guilt-projection is going on with this web site? But I don't believe in pop-psychology.

1119th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):OT: Superman" , posted Mon 21 Feb 19:55post reply

Some of them are funny, yes. But I think many of them are out of context, that is they are the exception issue where they show Superman being bad on the cover to attract attention, then we open the issue to find that Superman has been tricked/ has an evil clone/etc.

Yes, yes it is. That's called "the joke". The fact that so many of these "OMG Superman is evil!" covers were made, sometimes within just a few years, and the bizarre characteristics that they share, are the entire point of the site.

The best part is that none of these chose to show Superman as evil, as if it were some kind of Dark Superman, or Nightmare Superman, or Superman's Evil Twin. They're all just Superman looking smug, delighted, and seeming like the act of being a murderer or just being a dick is the most positively delightful thing on Earth, as if it's been his secret dream for all these years.