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kurushimi 18th Post
New Customer
| "Re(2):pump it up!" , posted Wed 23 Feb 14:14
quote: To me, Pump has always looked like the more interesting game... what with the diagonally placed buttons, the more interesting graphics...
For a time it was somewhat popular around here, and there were people that actually chose to dance while playing it... but for some reason more people just played DDR. Then again, the machine was often mysteriously broken for HUGE periods of time... I have more memories of it being broken than it being on, let alone being played.
And so Pump died and DDR yet lives on.
DDR has long since passed its prime in Japan (Konami released Extreme in Japan almost 2 years ago, and no word of any future releases), and it's slowly reaching an impasse here in the US, with it being relatively common thanks to the PS2 versions now.
So the timing might be right for Pump it Up to be released here - something fresh to excite US fans of the genre. I don't know about the latest version of the game, but I remember when it was first released, it was scorned by DDR fans everywhere as a cheap knock-off. Konami tried to take them to court in fact for copyright infringement, if I remember my facts right.
I might pick this up just to support Mastiff, since they released Gungrave OD, but the prospect of having to buy a new pad is annoying...
Pollyanna 881th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(5):Lazenca Save Us" , posted Thu 24 Feb 07:39
quote: And finally... What's that thing about people playing games in the arcades? What's so fun about people watching you sweat until you look like you went outside during a tropical storm of urine? That's what running is for, and at least you can listen to better music when you run.
I had to manage this very well, because I knew when I played in the arcade, people would watch me, and I couldn't possibly get really SWEATY in front of people. So....I couldn't play a lot of games in a row, and I would have to watch what I wore.
There was one time I was at an anime convention (shock) and cosplaying (shockshock) before DDR was very big in America and I played. I'm no DDR pro by any stretch of the imagination, but back then, I was really impressive to all the losers watching me. I got a lot of applause, but I was very sweaty at the end and had to try and look cool and mysterious by immediately leaving, never to return. I HAD to go take a shower immediately.
Iggy 5871th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Lazenca Save Us" , posted Thu 24 Feb 07:57
Pollyanna : I can't find anything to say beside "HAHAHAHAHA !"
quote: Or you can tell me what music you listen to..is it just pop? ballad? whatever
Actually, I judge the music I listen to seriously (opposed to the things I listen to have a cheap laugh like the crap in DDR or Tommy February6) mostly on the lyrics. An unimpressive voice and a banal melody are totally unimportant if the lyrics are well written. In Japan, I only know two person who write good lyrics, Utada Hikaru and Onizuka Chihiro (not to say there aren't more who can write, just that I don't know much about Japanese songs). Ah, and J.A. Cesar, but he doesn't count, and I haven't listened enough non-Utena things for my liking. And, well, I don't know any Korean, so I don't have access to anyone who writes well in this language.
And before anyone attack me : no, I don't like Vincent Delerm. Do I look like a bobo, really?
Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir? Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit. Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie. Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.