futanari fighters - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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2398th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 05:50:post reply

seems like with all the fetishes in japan now, there should be a 2D transgender fighting game.

Who would be in it?

Miss X (from gal fighters!)
Ash(?) - that one's borderline

past this, aside from drawing on doujin manga resources, I can't think of others. help!! are there any famous adv characters that should be included, I wonder?

oh...well...pollyanna of course.

the end result will be proposed to watanabe seisokujo.
ok not really. But maybe to somebody!

[edit] wrongness

[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 25 Feb 05:59]


Burning Kyo
2260th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 06:11:post reply

seems like with all the fetishes in japan now, there should be a 2D transgender fighting game.

Who would be in it?

Miss X (from gal fighters!)
Ash(?) - that one's borderline

past this, aside from drawing on doujin manga resources, I can't think of others. help!! are there any famous adv characters that should be included, I wonder?

oh...well...pollyanna of course.

the end result will be proposed to watanabe seisokujo.
ok not really. But maybe to somebody!

[edit] wrongness

Yuki from NejiBako.
It's seems that he's a winpose where he says : "I'm not a boy !" (look at the latest video on the official site).

Maybe Bao too ...

[Live fast // Die young]

[this message was edited by Burning Kyo on Fri 25 Feb 06:16]

296th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 06:16post reply


past this, aside from drawing on doujin manga resources, I can't think of others. help!! are there any famous adv characters that should be included, I wonder?

Wich Castlevania character designed by Ayami Kojima do you think is more androgynous?

Undead Fred
2148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 06:56post reply

seems like with all the fetishes in japan now, there should be a 2D transgender fighting game.

Who would be in it?

Does it only have to be fighting game characters, or do other game characters count? I can't think of any more either.

290th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 07:11post reply

What about Testament?

449th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 07:13:post reply


Yuki from NejiBako.
It's seems that he's a winpose where he says : "I'm not a boy !" (look at the latest video on the official site).

Maybe Bao too ...

That's not in reference to his gender, it's in reference to the Neo Geo Pocket slogan from way back when in Japan. As in "I'm Not (Game) Boy!". Yuki and Ai are full of goofy SNK references like that, and I can't wait to see how many there are in the final game.

How is anyone confused about Bao? Originally designed as a female. Changed to a boy. Voice done by a female. Still male, though, jeez. Okay...maybe I can see the confusion.

What about Baiken, especially her original incarnation? She was pretty mannish.

King! How could anyone forget about her!?

Yuiren from Daraku Tenshi...ughhh...

Akira from Rival Schools, at least with the helmet and jacket on...

Kojiroh from Last Blade 2.


[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 25 Feb 07:21]

2398th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 07:21post reply

doesn't have to be from a fighter - I chose poison.

any game will do, really! I'm racking my brain and coming up short...this might be a three character fighting game...how disappointing!

OH! there's always birdo.

40th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 07:29post reply

...Fox (Bloody Roar 1)?

292th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 07:41post reply

Oh, I forgot to mention the whole crew from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 3 !!! What a shameful mistake.....(sorry dear Vanilla, it won't happen again )

And PS2's JoJo part 5 crew concerning non vs fighting games...

5887th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 08:00post reply

And PS2's JoJo part 5 crew concerning non vs fighting games...

They're just fags, there is no transexual in Jojo...
Oh yeah, Annasui in a fighting game. Both Annasui.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

Red Falcon
5387th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 09:04:post reply

Futanari are hermaphrodites, though.. not "new-halfs" or the like, no?

Anyway, nobody's mentioned King yet.. ho ho.

Edit: Or Cammy. I thought you didn't have any problems with futanari, Exodus? Or is this just for a chuckle?

Best site EVER: Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Fri 25 Feb 09:26]

Krzyzewski Man
1045th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"SECOND GREATEST THREAD EVER" , posted Fri 25 Feb 09:13post reply

Number one.

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

485th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):SECOND GREATEST THREAD EVER" , posted Fri 25 Feb 09:43post reply

Lin Xiayou in her Tekken 3 schoolgirl outfit. Package-erific. You know what I mean.


Undead Fred
2151th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 09:45post reply

Anyway, nobody's mentioned King yet.. ho ho.

Actually, someone's already beaten you to King... heh heh.

1126th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 11:43post reply

nagisa and honoka

2953th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):futanari fighters" , posted Fri 25 Feb 12:16:post reply

seems like with all the fetishes in japan now, there should be a 2D transgender fighting game.

Who would be in it?

Miss X (from gal fighters!)
Ash(?) - that one's borderline

past this, aside from drawing on doujin manga resources, I can't think of others. help!! are there any famous adv characters that should be included, I wonder?

oh...well...pollyanna of course.

the end result will be proposed to watanabe seisokujo.
ok not really. But maybe to somebody!

[edit] wrongness

Not transgender, but

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Berg Katse (Gatchaman)

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Lupin on Fri 25 Feb 12:23]

295th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):futanari fighters" , posted Sat 26 Feb 06:10post reply

And PS2's JoJo part 5 crew concerning non vs fighting games...

They're just fags, there is no transexual in Jojo...
Oh yeah, Annasui in a fighting game. Both Annasui.

Oh, I thought we were talking about ambiguous characters...and yes, the Annasui thing is quite embarrasing.

I'm starting to believe that a friend of mine was right when he told me the most masculine characters in JoJo were Jolyne Kujo and Hermes Costello...

5897th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):futanari fighters" , posted Sat 26 Feb 06:31post reply

I'm starting to believe that a friend of mine was right when he told me the most masculine characters in JoJo were Jolyne Kujo and Hermes Costello...

Jolyne is just a strong female character. Hermès, on the other hand...

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Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):futanari fighters" , posted Sat 26 Feb 07:00post reply

Yuki from NejiBako.
It's seems that he's a winpose where he says : "I'm not a boy !" (look at the latest video on the official site).

He's actually saying "I'm not boy", which was the NeoGeo Pocket Color slogan against the Game Boy...

Undead Fred
2155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):futanari fighters" , posted Sat 26 Feb 07:12post reply

He's actually saying "I'm not boy", which was the NeoGeo Pocket Color slogan against the Game Boy...

Nate's already beaten you to that post...

74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):futanari fighters" , posted Sat 26 Feb 07:18post reply

He's actually saying "I'm not boy", which was the NeoGeo Pocket Color slogan against the Game Boy...
Nate's already beaten you to that post...

Oops. Missed it.