Original message (1954 Views )
Phoenix 730th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Favorite RPG girls Results Thread" , posted Fri 25 Feb 11:15:
Once again, sorry for the delay. I blame my computer being out of action but alas I have no real excuse. Almost every single RPGs I know and do not know got mentioned and everyone got love thanks to the honorable mentions. However, I'll only count the votes from the favorite 3. And now, without further delay, here is the winner:
1. TIFA from Final Fantasy 7 with 7 votes
Was there any doubt? Now, I like Tifa too but her absolute dominance is quite surprising. As the other winners were far far behind her as you will see. Here is the breakdown.
2. Tied for second place are the following girls with 3 votes each:
Rydia 3 Quistis 3 Freya Crescent 3 Agrias 3
I just realized that everyone's from FF so far.
3. Tied for third place are the following girls with 2 votes each:
Goombella from Paper Mario 2 Rikku 2 Persona 2 Ulala Serizawa 2 Beatrix 2 Yuffie 2 Ayla from Chrono Trigger 2 Nina (Breath of Fire 2) 2 Celes 2 (thx to the illegit Celes/Terra combo vote hehe) Terra 2 (ditto)
Needless to say, this was a very close race for everyone except Tifa. So much variety in the choices led to all kinds of RPG girls getting love. Here are the girls who got one vote each.
4. I guess you could say they are tied for 4th place...
Sheena from Tales of Symphonia Rinoa, FFVIII Selphie - FFVIII Faris from Final Fantasy V Feena from Grandia 1 Aya Brea AZEL from Panzer Dragoon Saga Lenneth, from Valkyrie Profile Lisa Silverman (Persona 2: Innocent Sin Eriko Kirishima (Persona series Pearl from Legend of Mana Luna from Lunar Silver Star Story Lynn from GBA Fire Emblem Red Ring Rico from Phantasy Star Online Virginia (Wild Arms 3 Meliadoul (FF Tactics) Momo (Breath of Fire 3) Ursula from BoF Nel Zelpher (Star Ocean Till the End of Time) Lulu - Best Black mage ever Paine - Badasser Legend of Mana : Matilda SMT3 : Chiaki U: Saga : Laura Aika (SoAL): Kid (Chrono Cross) Nino (Fire Emblem) Mirage (Star Ocean 3 Koudelka Opera Vectra, Star Ocean 2: too hot Pepper Box, Evolution Archie, Tales of Phantasia LUCIA, Lunar~Eternal Blue Maria (Star Ocean Till the End of Time) Kelvena (Xenogears) Lin - Breath of Fire V Mint (Dewprism / Threads of Fate) the broad on the everquest cover Female version Sanzo from Saiyuki Riesz (Seiken Densetsu 3 Purim (Seiken Densetsu 2 Farah (Tales of Destiny II/Tales of Eternia Kururu (Puppet Princess series) Katt - As with Yuffie, I'm a sucker for tomboys. I like Nina2 as well, but it's Katt's salt-of-the-earth, strong personalilty that won me over. And she's a cute catgirl. Lemina from Eternal Blue Jeane Suikoden 4 Kika Suikoden 4 Mizuki Suikoden 4
Well, that's typical I think. Perhaps, I should do the breakdown according to games later. Some characters got so much support in the honorable mention category but only one actual vote such as Lenneth and others.
Due to the no rules regarding honorable mentions, some people mentioned none while others mentioned dozens. Anyway, here's everyone that got mentioned.
Honorable Mention:
KOS-MOS Lenneth and Freya Flonne Rinoa, Lunar Ellen Carson (design, uses axes and fists), Katarina (design, uses big swords and has a unique weapon early in the game...even if she loses it), Tatyana (design, good at nearly any attack type), Muse (same as Tatyana, also my avatar). Etna, and when she grew up and changed her name to Millenia Quina from FFIX Celes (Final Fantasy 6), Lenneth or Freya Karna (Ys 4), Eimi/Aelia - Valkyrie Profile Nel/Mirage/Welch - Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Rikku - FFX-2 Goombella (Thanks Grahf for reminding me of her), Celes, Tifa, Faris, Generic Female Geomancer, Freya, Beatrix, Quistis, Lucca FFVI cast (Relm!), Aerith Paine, KOS-MOS, Freya, Yuffie, Eiko. Tio (Grandia II), Paine (FFX-2), Aya (Parasite Eve series), Beatrix (FFIX), Fuujin (FFVIII), Jean (Lunar 2), Kanon (Wild Arms 2), Margarette (Shadow Hearts), Orlha (Chrono Cross), KOS-MOS (Xenosaga), Miyuki (Xenosaga), BlackRose (.hack), Shana (Legend of Dragoon), Rose (Legend of Dragoon), Meru (Legend of Dragoon)
Thanks to everyone for participating. It was interesting to see who plays what kinds of RPGs in the cafe and remember the past.
[this message was edited by Phoenix on Sat 26 Feb 03:47] | | Replies: |