Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funny! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funny!" , posted Sun 27 Feb 19:14:post reply

See, even if you don't like playing as all the characters or if you don't even like playing Tekken that much, you will still feel obliged to beat the game over 20 times so you can see all the endings.

Tekken Zaibatsu
has recently upped a few endings (asuka, baek, and anna), and they are FUNNY... and you haven't even seen Lee's one (featuring hot hot manservant Heihachi) in motion.

My favoured character, Steve, unfortunately does not have a funny ending. Boo.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sun 27 Feb 19:15]


1647th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Sun 27 Feb 19:53post reply

See, even if you don't like playing as all the characters or if you don't even like playing Tekken that much, you will still feel obliged to beat the game over 20 times so you can see all the endings.

Tekken Zaibatsu
has recently upped a few endings (asuka, baek, and anna), and they are FUNNY... and you haven't even seen Lee's one (featuring hot hot manservant Heihachi) in motion.

My favoured character, Steve, unfortunately does not have a funny ending. Boo.

So far my favorite is Roger jr. Such a touching reunion, I didn't know roos could be so expressive!

A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Off with your nose

1240th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Sun 27 Feb 20:53:post reply

paul is da man!
"Bring it on ya aliens"
oh and losing to raiven when u play as yoshi...is priceless

[this message was edited by Dragon-warrior on Sun 27 Feb 20:56]

134th Post

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"Re(3):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Sun 27 Feb 21:31post reply

That's it! KOF'94 Re-Bout has held me back on my dreams too long. I am buying this game instead of Re-Bout.

243th Post

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"Re(4):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 06:47post reply

That's it! KOF'94 Re-Bout has held me back on my dreams too long. I am buying this game instead of Re-Bout.


I am greatly enjoying this game. I am still amazed they released the home version so quickly and managed to fit so much in the game. I'm guessing the game is out in Japan now too, yea?

The endings are great. Also, if you hadn't tried it, when you play story mode and get to Match 4 (when you usually fight a "rival" or something), try LOSING the match and some characters have added story scenes as well (I know Law does, if you lose to Paul). There must be others too...back to more T5! =)

124th Post

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"Re(2):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 07:16post reply


A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Perhaps because people don't like incest?
Or maybe they do like incest, and are jealous of Jin's good fortue?

And yeah, no tekken 5 for them japanese style folks yet. Coming out next month.

I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.

120th Post

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"Re(3):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 10:08post reply

By the way, is there any real reason why the Japanese version is coming out later than the US version this time? Do the Japanese get any extras?...


445th Post

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"Re(3):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 10:38post reply


A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Perhaps because people don't like incest?
Or maybe they do like incest, and are jealous of Jin's good fortue?

Could be the fact that Asuka's ending seems to put this Devil gene nonsense to bed, which I'm all for.

Personally, I like Asuka's ending.

I'm sure Yoshi and Byran's endings won't hold any water, seeing as they kill the other guy in their ending, though having Yoshi in one less Namco fighting game series would bring a smile to my face.

1649th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 12:27:post reply


A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Perhaps because people don't like incest?
Or maybe they do like incest, and are jealous of Jin's good fortue?

That's considered incest now? Wow. I guess in their world shaking hands is just another way to get pregnant.

By the way, is there any real reason why the Japanese version is coming out later than the US version this time? Do the Japanese get any extras?...

Unless you consider fixing Heihachi to be an extra, then no.

Off with your nose

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 28 Feb 12:29]

Krzyzewski Man
1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"BY ALL THAT IS UNHOLY" , posted Mon 28 Feb 12:40post reply


Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

36th Post

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"Re(2):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 13:10post reply

A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Maybe they just don't like that weird walk she uses at the end.

Something about her ending seems off, beyond her walk. Can't really label it though. Just the feeling that it was only half as good as it should have been.

792th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):BY ALL THAT IS UNHOLY" , posted Mon 28 Feb 13:15post reply


It's even funnier when you see it animated.

125th Post

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"Re(4):Oh lordy, Tekken 5 endings are too funn" , posted Mon 28 Feb 15:41post reply


A lot of people are complaining about Asuka's for some reason. I have no idea why.

Perhaps because people don't like incest?
Or maybe they do like incest, and are jealous of Jin's good fortue?

That's considered incest now? Wow. I guess in their world shaking hands is just another way to get pregnant.

While copping a face feel is not, of course, incest in the strictest sense of the word, very few standard representations of that sort of relationship are. Someone frenching their sister is not incest, but the implication is there. Perhaps I should have said 'comically incestuous behavior'? It's a personal thing I'd guess, one based on how social taboos and the like have shaped the order in which data gets processed. Some poeple see this and say 'hawhaw, he falled down in her boobies!' while others say 'hey, wait a second, isn't that his cousin? And why aren't they moving?'

I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.

4046th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 01:54post reply

By the way, is there any real reason why the Japanese version is coming out later than the US version this time? Do the Japanese get any extras?...

Ghost AI of japanese players will be included in de game, while not any kind of Ghost players will be included in the US release... Perhaps you an add your own ghost, but they don't come as default.

That and I heard that they'll get an arbook with preoder; the game is out in japan the 31th if I do recall.

See??? He is a God...

146th Post

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"Re(1):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 02:16post reply


That and I heard that they'll get an arbook with preoder; the game is out in japan the 31th if I do recall.

I think only the US got the art book with preorders. Japanese is getting Item Customation Cards with some gold already in it with preorders. I'm not sure though.

2405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 03:08post reply

kyo717 that avatar is so cute that I want to eat it.


4047th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 03:13post reply


Yes, I don't recognize if it is a monk or a champion...

.... They just reseted the sudamerican server, everything was lost and I'm novice again ;P

See??? He is a God...

734th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 04:18:post reply

Do the Japanese versions of Tekken ports usually have English subtitles option? I wouldn't mind importing for the ghost AIs if they have subtitles.

edit: Then again, Tekken endings are usually like silent films so perhaps there's no need for translation at all.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Tue 1 Mar 04:39]

4048th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 04:37post reply

Do the Japanese versions of Tekken ports usually have English subtitles option? I wouldn't mind importing for the ghost AIs if they have subtitles.

Let's see..... The first 3 japanese games where very friendly with english; Tag didn't have any dialogs and in Tekken 4 there where japanese subtitles and no way of changing them.

I think that most likely Tekken 5 will be entirely with japanese subtitles, so you we, mortals will only understand english spoken endings >-<

See??? He is a God...

5906th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Japanese Extras??" , posted Tue 1 Mar 05:13post reply

I think that most likely Tekken 5 will be entirely with japanese subtitles, so you we, mortals will only understand english spoken endings >-<

I thought everybody was talking his native language ? American in English, Japanese in Japanese, Korean in Korean ? Was I wrong?

At least, Asuka has a horrible country accent. Even in Saitama they don't speak like this.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

4049th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Tekken lenguages...." , posted Tue 1 Mar 05:58post reply


I thought everybody was talking his native language ? American in English, Japanese in Japanese, Korean in Korean ? Was I wrong?

Yes, but the subtitles are all that matters; for example Lee's Tekken 4 ending is spoken in english and always in english, but the subtitles vary depending on the country; for that ending the US version got english dialoges with english subtitles, the japanese version gets japanese subtitles and english dialogs... So if you import you will only understand english spoken endings without the subtitles; unless you are fluent at japanese, then you can read and/or hear everything just fine.


At least, Asuka has a horrible country accent. Even in Saitama they don't speak like this.

Whenever she speaks I want to beat up grannys and eat up babies, to bad I liked how the character plays and thus I select her almost oftenly.

See??? He is a God...

1649th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Tekken lenguages...." , posted Tue 1 Mar 07:43post reply

Is it me or do half the characters sound completely different in their cutscenes from in-game voices? Anna's voice is especially screwed up. When I play her in the game it's nice a smooth but when a cutscene comes up she screeches like that one annoying girl from Will and Grace. UGH.

Off with your nose

1796th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"...................." , posted Thu 3 Mar 00:05post reply

Damn, I think I am too late. I think they have taken down the videos, and leave only the intro videos around.

Is there anywhere else to download them?