KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box Live - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
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811th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
"KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box Live" , posted Mon 28 Feb 12:01
1065th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(1):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Mon 28 Feb 12:28
quote: http://www.snkplaymoreusa.com/mb/index.php
Interesting. Maybe this will give me another chance to find a Fatal Fury hat.
819th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
"Re(1):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Mon 28 Feb 12:43
SS5, but no SupiSupe? Bastards!
Still nice to see SNK churning out some US ports... even it is of their lesser games.
"Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."
"Your denial is beneath you and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs I see through you."
Altimus 122th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(2):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Mon 28 Feb 13:45:
This is just the kind of news I was looking forward to. An online SS. =)
BTW: They need to remove the playable Yumeji and Sankuro for the x-box release.
[this message was edited by Altimus on Mon 28 Feb 13:52]
Juke Joint Jezebel
3332th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"3332" , posted Mon 28 Feb 14:03
quote: http://www.snkplaymoreusa.com/mb/index.php
maximuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum impact
KOF MI Story:
We go there every now and then, and they have a daughter who is a little younger than me. Anyway, i've always thought we had sexual tension between us because we kissed once when we were about 14. I'm now 18. I always try and get her alone - and do - but then I wuss out before I try anything.
Well this time I got her alone and to try and show her I was ready I started to breathe heaps heavy when I was behind her standing in her room. I was avoiding conversation so she knew that I wanted to move on to other things. This is usually when I would wuss out but instead I said something like "I really like those panties" because she had some on the ground. She just looked at me so I thought that was the 'all clear'. So I went straight to it and rested my hand right on her inner thigh and kissed her.
This was when it turned bad. She basically SPAT into my mouth and pushed me away, I turned around and her father was standing there. He saw the whole thing, from my underwear comment to touching her. He made me leave the house right away and I think he will call my parents.
Please help!!
dads dead set that i have to get out.. hes gonnna stick to his shit too hes given me until tonight to get my shit together and get out, i dont know how to iron clothes let alone cook myself dinner and i have like a thousand bucks and no job
is there anyone in south australia or australia even who will let me stay at their place until i can get a job
edit: ill pay like 50 bucks a week board
X-Box X-Clusive Features:
Perhaps you could utilize your impeccable social skills and go wheeze/pant at random women until their desire overcomes them and they invite you to live with them.
oh yeah, that hat's trash. if you don't believe me, i'll have to upload some convincing pictures i took
414th Post
Gold Customer
"1337" , posted Mon 28 Feb 15:41
Getting KOF:94ReBout and SSV is cool, but I really hope they put back the Japanese voices in KOF:MI. Those English voiceovers are not even laughingly bad, like Resident Evil... just really irritating.
Burning Ranger
1076th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(1):1337" , posted Tue 1 Mar 01:19
quote: Getting KOF:94ReBout and SSV is cool, but I really hope they put back the Japanese voices in KOF:MI. Those English voiceovers are not even laughingly bad, like Resident Evil... just really irritating.
Well, I don't care for KOF94 Rebout (I personally think it was a mistake to put hi-res graphics on *THAT* game. KOF98 was a better choice (or 96 at least). I'm not a SamShodown fan so I don't care for that.
However, Maximum Impact would be interesting. I happen to like it. Still, it needs better voice acting--and maybe some more characters. And Duke must not be selectable.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger "In the brightest day in the darkest night..."
1147th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(3):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Tue 1 Mar 16:43
Ya know, I'd pretty much kill to see SamShoSpecial on a console....
If SNKP doesn't release this game for the PS2 or Xbox then its crime against humanity.
Since like there is only 1 Special cabinet in Cali, to be able to play it online would be such a blessing.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón
5911th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Tue 1 Mar 18:11
quote: Ya know, I'd pretty much kill to see SamShoSpecial on a console....
With the way Imoya didn't answer my question on the Nejibako Q&A corner, I'm afraid the rumors that surfaced with that bizarre SS0 Kanzenban about Yűki and Imoya being in bad terms is true.
Moi : Oui bien sűr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir? Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit. Moi : Vous savez je préfčre avoir tord et rester en vie. Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.
1290th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(2):1337" , posted Tue 1 Mar 21:30
quote:However, Maximum Impact would be interesting. I happen to like it. Still, it needs better voice acting--and maybe some more characters. And Duke must not be selectable.
It had better voice acting until Sony insisted that it be dubbed. Hopefully, MS will not be hard on that issue. And I agree about Duke, either he needs to be toned down or cut out entirely. Even the lesser player version just overpowers everything.
I still love MI and don't really see what other people have a problem with. Maybe it's not competitive in the way VF4 is, but it's a lot of fun for me.
"Re(5):KOF MI, SSV and KOF94: Rebout for X-Box" , posted Wed 2 Mar 00:56
quote: Ya know, I'd pretty much kill to see SamShoSpecial on a console.... With the way Imoya didn't answer my question on the Nejibako Q&A corner, I'm afraid the rumors that surfaced with that bizarre SS0 Kanzenban about Yűki and Imoya being in bad terms is true.
I hope there's another reason behind the lack of SSSpecial since the idea that the game is being held up because of a creative spat doesn't put SNKP in a very good light. Just because you don't get along with someone doesn't mean you can't have basic business dealings with them. Aren't they all adults?