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OmegaDog 1453th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Jeff Smith's BONE, in adventure game format" , posted Mon 28 Feb 13:35:
Again, a couple days old, from Slashdot Games -- but worth sharing.
Telltale Games, the group that split from LucasArts after the cancellation of Sam & Max: Freelance Police, will be doing an adventure game (or games?) of Jeff Smith's BONE series (Telltale link). I haven't read the books myself -- but I keep hearing from several folks that it's supposed to be good stuff.
Another link: An interview with Graham Annable of Telltale that mentions Bone and talks about Telltale in general.
... and if you want to at least see something of Telltale Games, you can download their Telltale Texas Hold 'Em demo -- and you can even purchase the full version for US$15 if you like it that much. Myself -- I thought some of the humor was a bit flat and some of the lines were a bit annoying, but otherwise the small chit-chat is nice, and the characters you play with do have, well, character. Either way, I'd recommend trying the demo -- it's at least a nice, fun way to spend a few minutes at a time. (And, the game does have some nice jazz music to it.)
[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Mon 28 Feb 17:19] | | Replies: |
OmegaDog 1459th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Just met Jeff Smith on his book signing tour" , posted Fri 4 Mar 15:14:
Apparently, he's on a book signing tour around a few parts of the States -- the Boneville site's Town Hall section lists where he'll visit. As it turned out, tonight he was stopping at Mile High Comics in the area, so I figured, why not? It'd be an opportunity to pick up a book and get it signed.
They had sold out of the full one-volume edition, and I wasn't in a position to afford each of the books individually -- so I just grabbed a hard-cover copy of the color edition of the first book. I was actually the last one there to get it signed -- felt kinda bad for asking for it though. He was about to start packing up, and apparently the poor guy's wrist was bothering him. He was willing to do one more signing -- though he'd had a long day.
But when I asked him about how he was working with Telltale Games, his face lit up -- he seems to be pretty excited about the project. Apparently, Telltale and he started talking about it at San Diego last year (I'm assuming he meant San Diego Comic Con), negotiating contracts and the like -- and yeah, as you all know, the project was just announced a few days ago.
He mentioned that it was going to be based off "that" -- pointing at the Volume I book I'd just acquired. And, I've just noticed on Telltale's Bone page that it is indeed based on the first volume -- so yeah, it's not based off the entire series, but just volume one. That actually means no cow racing here, I believe.
He also mentioned that at some point in the game, the player would switch from playing as Fone Bone to playing as Phoney Bone. One of the hurdles for Phoney Bone would be that, because of his attitude, nobody seems willing to help him out.
All in all, he seemed to be excited about how Bone would be represented in adventure game format.
After that, I took a photo with him, and thanked him for his time as he was packing up to leave. He'll finish off the rest of the week in the Bay Area -- Friday in San Francisco, and the weekend in Berkeley -- and he'll resume his tour a month afterward in SoCal, New York, and Illinois.
[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Fri 4 Mar 16:31] |