The *other* game girls tournament - Forums

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rid hershel
6424th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Wed 2 Mar 22:32post reply

Since these threads are trendy lately, let's make a different one. Choose you favorite videogame female characters following these rules.

-Five choices each.

-They CAN'T be from vs. fighting games, RPG's, SRPG's or dating sims-like games.

-Post the names, games, and why you chose them. If they have no name or you don't kow it, post an acurate description so we know them.

Platformers, sidescrollers, shmups, racers, puzzles and others are allowed.

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5936th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Wed 2 Mar 22:56:post reply

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But more seriously :

Reiko, R4 : She's the one for me.
Blaze, from Streets of rage : Lambada.
Ulala : How could I forget? I will take the dust out of my DC tonight to apologize.
Osette Fumiko, from Shikigami no Shiro : best quotes ever.
Temperance, from Magical Drop 3 : Maybe horrible voice that may stick in my head and may not leave it, maybe.

Edit : sorry Valis girls, you're out.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 3 Mar 20:47]

Time Mage
2062th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 00:59post reply

The idea is better than it seems at first: It's not so easy with those restrictions!
Here are mine (not in order):

- Vanessa Z. Schneider: Just get a suit with 2 turbo upgrades, and... :D~
- Jill Valentine: Though, intelligent, but escapes a giant death machine with a miniskirt.
- Samus Aran: The original, the most badass, and you have to play well to see her.
- The witch in Cotton 100%, whose name I don't know: She's cute.
- The 2P Elf in D&D: Shadows over Mystaria: An elf. Cute. In the best beat'em up.

Red Falcon
5395th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 01:14:post reply


Koyori: Sengoku Blade. I don't NEED to explain.

Yuko: Valis. Nate mentioned they'd like to see her come back; I kind of would, too.. but I also agree it would probably suck. -_-Who owns the license to the Valis games, I wonder?

Thief: Shadow over Mystara. Hot and by far my favorite chara to use in it (I also like the mage). They actually have names, BTW; I think the Thief's default name is Moria?

Death: Magical Drop. She's awesome, she licks her scythe, and she screeches in a very harsh manner.

Anett: El Viento/Annet Futatabi. A real cute heroine, and very powerful. Shame people have forgotten about her.


Edit: Posted reasons and fixed sloppiness from the haze of sleep! It didn't even OCCUR to me I could have voted for some pop'n charas this morning, as I was 3/4 dead. I would have voted for Sumire, otherwise.. but I'm not changing my votes now. Also, the witch in Cotton is named... well, "Cotton", I do believe (I'll check when I get home, I guess) and the miko Hayato mentioned is Koyori, too.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 3 Mar 06:59]

Burning Ranger
1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 01:37post reply

Just for fun...

Chris Partn (Burning Rangers)
Tillis (Burning Rangers)
Jill Valentine (RE1 Remake Version)
Ada Wong (RE4 version)
And the heroine from Silent Hill 3 (I forget her name)

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"In the brightest day in the darkest night..."

5924th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 01:53post reply

I'll post reasons later. Oh, Iggy: URESHII KANO...

Also, your tag reminds me we could have voted for a Pop'n character...
Huuuummm.... I don't remind any female character particularly interesting, beside Chamel (was it her name) in Pop'n 1.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

1860th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 02:03post reply

Ayame from Tenchu. She can sneak around and murder people with the best of them. That's a questionable quality to look for in a girl unless you need some ninja type stuff done.

Hibana from Kunoichi/Nightshade. Another ninja girl, except Hibana is of the super ninja style of ninja. She can take full advantage of the improved 3D Shinobi game engine and her suit is wonderfully ridiculous.

Thief from D&D: Shadow over Mysteria. I loved equipping her with the frost sword so that when she uppercutted opponents she would freeze them in place and then throw bags of napalm on them as she came down. Just insane.

Lt. Kurosawa from AvP. A well rounded character from a well rounded cast. If she ever got tired of Cannon Spiking and air throwing enemies she could just pull out her gun and empty a clip into the poor sap.

Any witch girl from shooter games. I've realized one thing that holds me back with schumps is that I'm not always engaged by my avatar. The ships in Raiden may look neat but they are still just ships. If I was more into mechanical designs I might appreciate the games more but instead I feel distanced from the action. Shooters that actually have characters in them give me something I can relate to. Since witch girls seem to be a popular theme in shooters of this type I've developed the rule of thumb that I will like a shooter more if it features a witch girl.

Bata kun
2507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Bata-kun's tough to make entry" , posted Thu 3 Mar 02:08post reply

Oh! Since Maki appeared in two fighters, this means she's out, right? Well, with your restrictions in mind, I'll have to think real carefully. So, here's my list for now, assuming that we're working with original series here.

* Samus - "Metroid"

Like what Time Mage said, this is as old school as you can get.

* Maki - "Final Fight"

Well, we do need to see ninja/ninjitsu fighter here, right?

* Star - "Magical Drop"

She's an original of the series and she's just so~ kawaii~!

* Tateha - "Espgaluda"

I better place in a more recent character in before I forget.

* Reiko - "Ridge Racer"

Well, since Rid's running this tournament, I might as well pick a Namco character. =P

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 02:45post reply

Heather - Silent Hill 3. Just a very convincing (and cute) female character, if you ask me. People say she's obnoxious or not serious enough like the other SH protagonists, but she's a teenage girl, not some middle-aged guy! I personally liked her reactions to things a lot more than those of James or Harry. She was definitely a lot more emotive than "What the hell...?", which was apparently Henry's favorite thing to say.

Empress - Magical Drop 3. Seems like a lot of people like this game. I like Empress the most because of her lines (JOOUSAMA TO OYOBI!) and the "OHOHOHOHOHO" laugh. Give me a character with an ojousama laugh and I'm set.

Yuko Ahso - Valis. Old-school heroine, and a badass one at that. She needs to come back, although I fear a new Valis game would probably suck.

Thief - D&D: Shadow Over Mystara. Why am I in agreement with so many people here!? Jeez. The Thief is a neat design and a very fun character to play as.

Gradriel - Princess Crown. Well, if she was popular enough to inspire not one but TWO other characters design-wise (Eclair and Saber), she's doing something right. Plus she was just in a really cool game.


43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 03:56post reply

-Blaze (Streets of Rage series)
-Ai (Ridge Racer V)
-Jill (Resident Evil series)
-Ken (Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner)
-Mei Ling (Metal Gear Solid series)

rid hershel
6426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid's choices part one: racing roots" , posted Thu 3 Mar 04:22post reply

Reiko Nagase (Rage Racer, Ridge Racers, Ridge Racer Type 4, Smash Court Tennis 2, Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon and more): I really like Hitomi Yoshino too, but Reiko's appearances are more... charming. Great clothing design, great FMV aimations (note her cute expressions on the three RR openings she's in) make her a good mascot for Namco's main racing games. Luckily Namco brought her back for Ridge Racers.

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146th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 06:08post reply


- Jill Valentine: Though, intelligent, but escapes a giant death machine with a miniskirt.

haha i second that,


- Vanessa Z. Schneider: Just get a suit with 2 turbo upgrades, and... :D~

can you provide a pic of some sort, i don't kno about others, but i've no idea what u're talking about

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!

306th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Rid's choices part one: racing roots" , posted Thu 3 Mar 06:21post reply

- Maiden Miko (the Shinto gal) from Psikyo's "Tengai". Because she's "here to bring justice".

- The blonde gunner (not the little princess) from "Progear no Arashi". She's so cute when shouting this "Gyun Gyun!!" thing...

- The Amazon from "Quiz and Dragons" (just check the original japanese game if you don't know her, the US version was so terribly botched that even the portarits of the main characters were changed)

- The World (Magical Drop). I'd give you a pair of bouncing reasons, but I'd assume you already figured out...

- Any of those biker gals from " The Battle Circuit". I found their design quite apealing...

Well, and that's pretty much it.

84th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 07:14post reply

Heather (SH3) - A cute, tough, wise-ass character that actually adds personality to those little on-screen messages. She's a nice change from the usual characters in a horror game, or even the genre in general.

Konoko (Oni)- Another cool, tough girl. Too bad she's been relagated to the Bungie dustbin, though.

Eri (Metal Slug) - Notice a trend with the cute, tough girls?

Yorda (Ico) - OK, she breaks the trend. She pulls off the cute, innocent, mysterious personality without falling into the whole "weak damsel in distress" stereotype.

Jade (BG&E) - Representin' the photojournalists out there.


Jill (RE1), Rebecca (RE), and Samus were in the running, but they already have enough attention. Though I still feel like I'm leaving other characters I like out...

rid hershel
6427th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rid's choices part one: racing roots" , posted Thu 3 Mar 07:38post reply

- Maiden Miko (the Shinto gal) from Psikyo's "Tengai".
Her name is Koyori, for some reason they removed her name from the US version.

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486th Post

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Gold Customer

"I say" , posted Thu 3 Mar 08:29post reply

This really is harder than I thought, but I'm for:

1. Meryl, Metal Gear Solid--I bust my fingers against that damned Ocelot torture for a reason. I don't supposed all the "fun" scenes with her hurt either.

2. Princess Peach, Super Mario Brothers--I mean, seriously.

3. Maria, Akumajou Dracula/Castlevania--I really really like Kojima's design for her in Nocturne in the Moonlight. Gorgeous yet functional, kicks much ass, etc.

4. Valis girls--Yup, I never played the game, but always wanted to, and it was because those girls looked like they knew what was going on.

5. Red Ninja girl--I really like her design. Even the lame "edited" version of her character art is still pretty impressive. Yeah, it's ridiculous, but makes the kunoichi girl motif seem cool again with the tetsugen weapon accompanying her.


rid hershel
6428th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid's choices part two: wrath from heaven" , posted Thu 3 Mar 08:52post reply

Valkyrie (Valkyrie no Densetsu, Family Tennis Advance, Namco Super Wars, Tales of Eternia and more): Namco's most emblematic female character, has gone from cute and naive looking to powerful and godly with the time. Her original game remains as a masterpiece from the 80's, and Namco has managed to add her to many games without ruining the character or making it feel overused. Look forward for more of her in Namco x Capcom this May.

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27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 12:57post reply

[.1]yorda | ico - despite the fact that keeping her alive is what keeps you alive, i still wanted so much to protect her from danger. i definitely agree with the previous commentor on how she doesn't fall in the usual damsel in distress stereotype.

[.2]reiko takato | siren - seriously great character to me, while not physically strong, she will go to extreme lengths to protect someone she loves. *sigh*

[.3]eileen gavin | silent hill iv - at first i dreaded the idea of having to lead around a second character, especially one who was beaten up and whatnot. but the moment i saw her take down a few enemies on her own, i was in love.

[.4]sniper wolf | metal gear solid - ohoho!

[.5]rebecca chambers| resident evil gc - i know tons of people find her annoying and whatnot but i really like her. i've yet to play resident evil 0 though ; ;;

583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 13:26post reply

- Sayo (Shikigami no Shiro) - Suits my play style in being reckless in shooters.

- Alia (Megaman X) - Well, for a female character in a generally male-dominated series, she at least stands out and doesn't die in the same game she's introduced in (not to mention she's got the most development as a mostly background character, of all the background characters in the series-- X6's story revolved a lot around her). Now if she could only admit that she loves X.

- Xun Yu (Kessen 2) - Despite Xun Yu historically being a GUY, I liked her enough to get past that fact (although in general her plots were inferior to that of Cheng Yu, but Cheng Yu isn't a woman). So I like Kessen, so sue me.

- Blaze (Streets of Rage 2) - Always use her whenever I play. Don't exactly know why.

- Moon (Magical Drop 3) - One day I decided to use her over High Priestess or Heirophant, didn't end up switching afterward.

This one I really had to think about, but I suppose that was the point.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

895th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 15:12post reply

Before I decide...does Gyakuten Saiban count as a dating sim-type game?

Bata kun
2512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 15:33post reply

Before I decide...does Gyakuten Saiban count as a dating sim-type game?

I talked to Rid about this and he said that visual novels, which fall in the same world as ren'ai games, are not allowed. Well, "Gyakuten Saiban" happens to be a visual novel. So, to answer your question, yes, it does.

rid hershel
6430th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid's Choices part three: let's shooting" , posted Thu 3 Mar 20:35post reply

Ulala (Space Channel 5): to quote the game: "Go go go go! Space Channel 5! let's dancing! let's shooting! sexy Ulala yeah!!!"

Koyori (Sengoku Blade/Tengai, Sengoku Ace, Taisen Net Gimmick): do I need to say why? Great character design, overloading fanservice, and even a fun personality.

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739th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Fri 4 Mar 04:00:post reply

Platformers, sidescrollers, shmups, racers, puzzles and others are allowed.

1. French Manager (RR4) if you have beaten R4 with the French team then you know what I'm talking about. It was a toss up between her or Reiko but to piss off Rid...oh yeah, her name is Sophie Chevalier.

2. Mako (Initial D Arcade Stage 1-3/Special Stage) Impact Blue go!!! She's hotter than Saiyuki IMO. You can't beat the Sileighty in Shin Usui. Mako, C-121 is just up ahead. Ok, Saiyuki. Get ready~ Don't stop the music tonight. Iketani is a freakin moron.

3. Blaze (Streets of Rage) Only cuz SoR rocks and she's the only girl in the game. Besides, she's pretty hot and always had pretty cool looking moves. I still remember how fast she is. Especially when you fight two Blazes with Axel...or slow ass Max.

4. Lucia (elf warrior mage from D&D Tower of Doom) I think she's in Shadow over Mystaria as well. Anyway, cute mage with a sword. It's Deedlit and she wants to have fun.

5. Sumire-san (Hanagumi Taisen 2) My friends always think I'm psycho when I play this game. But I can't help enjoying the crazy voices/pics... Granted I'm trying to scare them, but her cleavage action and energy has me going ojousama ohohohohohoho.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 4 Mar 04:10]

5939th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OT : Sophie Chevalier help" , posted Fri 4 Mar 05:34post reply

1. French Manager (RR4) if you have beaten R4 with the French team then you know what I'm talking about. It was a toss up between her or Reiko but to piss off Rid...oh yeah, her name is Sophie Chevalier.

By the way, there was a page with all of Sophie's drawings, but the page is gone and I didn't think to save the art...
Did the page move or does anyone has saved them?
And yeah, Sophie Chevalier needs to be one of the hidden characters of NxC. She would be the archnemesis of MOK-KOS or something.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

741th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):OT : Sophie Chevalier help" , posted Fri 4 Mar 06:18post reply


By the way, there was a page with all of Sophie's drawings, but the page is gone and I didn't think to save the art...
Did the page move or does anyone has saved them?
And yeah, Sophie Chevalier needs to be one of the hidden characters of NxC. She would be the archnemesis of MOK-KOS or something.

I'd be interested in those pics as well. Something else I've been looking for. Those loading screen arts that pop up on the Initial D PS2 game (especially those of Mako/Saiyuki)... Anyone know where to find them please?

448th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Fri 4 Mar 06:33post reply

1. Mayl Sakurai (Rockman EXE) - Roll's Net Op. I was so happy when BCC came out and I could finally show what Mayl and Roll are made of.

2. Amy (Sonic Adventure/Heroes) - Head of her own team in Heroes and plays similar to Sonic. Works for me.

3. Iris (Rockman X4) - Yeah, so she was only around for one game (2 counting the GB titles) but her death did have an impact on Zero; whose normally uneffected by the death of those he's sent after. Here's hoping you return as a Net Navi/Virus in a future EXE game Iris.

4. Roll (Rockman) - Well she does more in EXE than just sit on the sidelines.

5. Tron Boone - Her prequel game to the Dash series was loads of fun.

rid hershel
6434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 08:24post reply
It was my site btw, the rips section is in the works, just reuploaded the R4 rips.

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Iron D
2617th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 10:23post reply

Serena- Guardian Heroes. Rules, great character, and fun as heck to play as.

Shyna Nera Shyna-Silhouette Mirage. Funny and stylish. What's not to love?

Blaze-Streets of Rage series. Freakin' goreous, fun to play as, and has that whole "reserved, but you know she's a freak in the bed" thing going on. You know Axel hits that.

Orta-Panzer Dragoon Orta. It was about time the Panzer Dragoon games had a female lead, and Orta fit the role perfectly.

For some reason I'm having trouble thinking of more...but I'll be back with more.

Zelkin. Pimped.

Bata kun
2523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"No tallying today" , posted Fri 4 Mar 12:33post reply

Sorry. I'm just too tired to do tallying now. Maybe tomorrow.

85th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 13:12post reply

It was my site btw, the rips section is in the works, just reuploaded the R4 rips.

Sorry to go off-topic and sound pathetically demanding, but will you have sprite rips of Akira in the Justice Gauken section?

We now return to your regularly scheduled program.

rid hershel
6435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 19:17post reply

Sorry to go off-topic and sound pathetically demanding, but will you have sprite rips of Akira in the Justice Gauken section?
Hummm, not for now. Making these took me several days (you have to play the games on emulator following all possible paths, print screen the windows, then manually remove the backgrounds pixel by pixel on MS Paint. If I ever do more, probably Akira is next, but keep in mind, her clothing style is awfully boring, and her poses aren't interesting exactly. Sad, because as a character she rocks (I'm a Powered Akira fan).

Next updates to the site, when I have time: Strider Hiryu 2 and SSFIIX Revival.

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5948th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 19:24post reply

It was my site btw, the rips section is in the works, just reuploaded the R4 rips.

You are the badassest.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.

846th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 21:06post reply

Mary from Sega's Quartet
Valkirie from Gauntlet
The Great Giana Sisters
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Mrs Pacman

rid hershel
6439th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rid's choices the finale: Mahou Sensei" , posted Sat 5 Mar 08:24post reply

And my last choice is obvious...

Majoria | Gunbarich: Great NPC from a great game by Psikyo. Gomoku Akatsuki's design is perfect, while he always draws lolis, it's on older female characters when he's at his best. Sexy, cute, and has been a great mascot for my website for a while.

Results coming when the thread falls too much! Vote now that you can! and you can still change your votes!

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350th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Rid's choices the finale: Mahou Sensei" , posted Sat 5 Mar 09:06post reply

Marina from Mischief Makers. "Shake, shake!"

304th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Rid's choices the finale: Mahou Sensei" , posted Sat 5 Mar 14:34post reply

*head spins*

Alrighty, only 5, only 5...

1) Valkyrie: Legend of Valkyrie (enough has been said of her already :P)

2) Valis girls (all are equal, in my eyes.

3) Tron Bonne (rocks in Rockman Dash, shines in Tron ni Kobun. Hope to see her in another game from that series)

4) Sonia Belmont (screw you, Igarashi, I liked her)

5) Kya (should I run now for putting a Western creation into the mix?)

I'd put honorable mentions, but that list'd be only slightly smaller than my RPG and fighting one. -_-

rid hershel
6440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Mon 7 Mar 20:39post reply

Vote now if you haven't!

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302th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 06:11post reply

Vote now if you haven't!

Ok, here we go:

1- Blaze Fielding (Streets of Rage): I always pick her up, doesn't matter in wich game. 2 Player mode fanservice!

2- Maria Renard (Castlevania Symphony of the Night): My favourite female character in a Castlevania game. I'm sorry Sonia, but I'm with IGA in this one.

3- Miko (Sengoku Blade, Taisen Hot Gimmick): Too gorgeous!

4- Empress (Magical Drop): Ok my favourite character is the Devil, but as it's too easy to counter attack his chains, Empress is my second choice. Gotta love her poses and voice!

5- Lilith (beatmania IIDX): I like her designs the best.

This has been very tough! I know I could have chosen better, but I couldn't think anything else. Damn, I can't believe I'm voting for Lilith, there must be a more worthy choice than that!

147th Post

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"UPRIGHTLEFTDOWN ChuChuChu!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 07:00post reply

My picks are:

Ulala (Space channel 5) - She is the coolest new reporter in the world.

Mew (Jet Grind Radio) - Even though she looked like an alien, I liked her design.

Tronn Bonne - I like her servbots (KOBUN!)


Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 07:06post reply


3- Miko (Sengoku Blade, Taisen Hot Gimmick): Too gorgeous!

Miko = Koyori.

Best site EVER:Link Here

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 13:18:post reply

1. Samus Aran - Still in shock to this very day when I beat Metroid 1 and found out she was a girl. Kudos to the Captain N cartoon along with every instruction booklet for keeping the secret!

2. Jill Valentine - I have no idea why. I still haven't played Resident Evil 3 so to me she seems like a usless victim that needs either Barry or Alice from the Movie to bail her out, and her cornball appearance in MVC2 sure doesn't help "Oh no! A Zombie is going to eat me! I better get out of the way so it can eat Cyclops!" making me never want to see her in another 2D fighter again unless she's seriously overhauled but still. In most games I immediatly pick the guy first, RE 1 marks ths first time I picked a girl. And in "Under the Skin" my number one goal in Zombie land is to become Jill. I guess I must find her cute on some level. Or could just be the mini skirt...

3. Tronn Bonne. I just find her really cute and she's not like Zelda and Princess Peach always getting captured. She stands alone in her villainy and plays a mother figure to the Servebots. And if Megaman Legends hooks up with Roll instead of Miss Tronn he's an idiot. Doesn't he realize that he and Roll were brother and sister in a formet life? Ewwww....

4. Amber of Crimson Tears - This game sucks donkey balls but she's hott!

5. Kadie of Crimson Tears - See above. I'm not proud...

Overall it was very difficult for me to pick five girls that were not from fighters. Most of the women in other games are pathetic, waiting for men to come save them, always getting captured and so on. Or I just don't like them. Never been a fan of Dante's Trish for some reason. Of course Dante's basically dating his mother, ewwwww..... I'm digging the girl from Devil May Cry 3 so far. Didn't care much for the one in part two.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 8 Mar 13:21]

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 15:59post reply

Well, can only think of Samus Aran, so thats it

rid hershel
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"*CLOSED*" , posted Tue 8 Mar 21:14post reply

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