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rid hershel 6424th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Wed 2 Mar 22:32
Since these threads are trendy lately, let's make a different one. Choose you favorite videogame female characters following these rules.
-Five choices each.
-They CAN'T be from vs. fighting games, RPG's, SRPG's or dating sims-like games.
-Post the names, games, and why you chose them. If they have no name or you don't kow it, post an acurate description so we know them.
Platformers, sidescrollers, shmups, racers, puzzles and others are allowed.
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Red Falcon 5395th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 01:14:
Koyori: Sengoku Blade. I don't NEED to explain.
Yuko: Valis. Nate mentioned they'd like to see her come back; I kind of would, too.. but I also agree it would probably suck. -_-Who owns the license to the Valis games, I wonder?
Thief: Shadow over Mystara. Hot and by far my favorite chara to use in it (I also like the mage). They actually have names, BTW; I think the Thief's default name is Moria?
Death: Magical Drop. She's awesome, she licks her scythe, and she screeches in a very harsh manner.
Anett: El Viento/Annet Futatabi. A real cute heroine, and very powerful. Shame people have forgotten about her.
Edit: Posted reasons and fixed sloppiness from the haze of sleep! It didn't even OCCUR to me I could have voted for some pop'n charas this morning, as I was 3/4 dead. I would have voted for Sumire, otherwise.. but I'm not changing my votes now. Also, the witch in Cotton is named... well, "Cotton", I do believe (I'll check when I get home, I guess) and the miko Hayato mentioned is Koyori, too.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 3 Mar 06:59] |
Bata kun 2507th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Bata-kun's tough to make entry" , posted Thu 3 Mar 02:08
Oh! Since Maki appeared in two fighters, this means she's out, right? Well, with your restrictions in mind, I'll have to think real carefully. So, here's my list for now, assuming that we're working with original series here.
* Samus - "Metroid"
Like what Time Mage said, this is as old school as you can get.
* Maki - "Final Fight"
Well, we do need to see ninja/ninjitsu fighter here, right?
* Star - "Magical Drop"
She's an original of the series and she's just so~ kawaii~!
* Tateha - "Espgaluda"
I better place in a more recent character in before I forget.
* Reiko - "Ridge Racer"
Well, since Rid's running this tournament, I might as well pick a Namco character. =P
JLG 84th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Thu 3 Mar 07:14
Heather (SH3) - A cute, tough, wise-ass character that actually adds personality to those little on-screen messages. She's a nice change from the usual characters in a horror game, or even the genre in general.
Konoko (Oni)- Another cool, tough girl. Too bad she's been relagated to the Bungie dustbin, though.
Eri (Metal Slug) - Notice a trend with the cute, tough girls?
Yorda (Ico) - OK, she breaks the trend. She pulls off the cute, innocent, mysterious personality without falling into the whole "weak damsel in distress" stereotype.
Jade (BG&E) - Representin' the photojournalists out there.
Jill (RE1), Rebecca (RE), and Samus were in the running, but they already have enough attention. Though I still feel like I'm leaving other characters I like out...
Maou 486th Post

Gold Customer
| "I say" , posted Thu 3 Mar 08:29
This really is harder than I thought, but I'm for:
1. Meryl, Metal Gear Solid--I bust my fingers against that damned Ocelot torture for a reason. I don't supposed all the "fun" scenes with her hurt either.
2. Princess Peach, Super Mario Brothers--I mean, seriously.
3. Maria, Akumajou Dracula/Castlevania--I really really like Kojima's design for her in Nocturne in the Moonlight. Gorgeous yet functional, kicks much ass, etc.
4. Valis girls--Yup, I never played the game, but always wanted to, and it was because those girls looked like they knew what was going on.
5. Red Ninja girl--I really like her design. Even the lame "edited" version of her character art is still pretty impressive. Yeah, it's ridiculous, but makes the kunoichi girl motif seem cool again with the tetsugen weapon accompanying her.
Phoenix 739th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):The *other* game girls tournament" , posted Fri 4 Mar 04:00:
Platformers, sidescrollers, shmups, racers, puzzles and others are allowed.
1. French Manager (RR4) if you have beaten R4 with the French team then you know what I'm talking about. It was a toss up between her or Reiko but to piss off Rid...oh yeah, her name is Sophie Chevalier.
2. Mako (Initial D Arcade Stage 1-3/Special Stage) Impact Blue go!!! She's hotter than Saiyuki IMO. You can't beat the Sileighty in Shin Usui. Mako, C-121 is just up ahead. Ok, Saiyuki. Get ready~ Don't stop the music tonight. Iketani is a freakin moron.
3. Blaze (Streets of Rage) Only cuz SoR rocks and she's the only girl in the game. Besides, she's pretty hot and always had pretty cool looking moves. I still remember how fast she is. Especially when you fight two Blazes with Axel...or slow ass Max.
4. Lucia (elf warrior mage from D&D Tower of Doom) I think she's in Shadow over Mystaria as well. Anyway, cute mage with a sword. It's Deedlit and she wants to have fun.
5. Sumire-san (Hanagumi Taisen 2) My friends always think I'm psycho when I play this game. But I can't help enjoying the crazy voices/pics... Granted I'm trying to scare them, but her cleavage action and energy has me going ojousama ohohohohohoho.
[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 4 Mar 04:10] |
rid hershel 6435th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Sophie Chevallier portraits" , posted Fri 4 Mar 19:17
quote: Sorry to go off-topic and sound pathetically demanding, but will you have sprite rips of Akira in the Justice Gauken section? 
Hummm, not for now. Making these took me several days (you have to play the games on emulator following all possible paths, print screen the windows, then manually remove the backgrounds pixel by pixel on MS Paint. If I ever do more, probably Akira is next, but keep in mind, her clothing style is awfully boring, and her poses aren't interesting exactly. Sad, because as a character she rocks (I'm a Powered Akira fan).
Next updates to the site, when I have time: Strider Hiryu 2 and SSFIIX Revival.
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IkariDC 302th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):Last Chance! Last Day!" , posted Tue 8 Mar 06:11
quote: Vote now if you haven't!
Ok, here we go:
1- Blaze Fielding (Streets of Rage): I always pick her up, doesn't matter in wich game. 2 Player mode fanservice!
2- Maria Renard (Castlevania Symphony of the Night): My favourite female character in a Castlevania game. I'm sorry Sonia, but I'm with IGA in this one.
3- Miko (Sengoku Blade, Taisen Hot Gimmick): Too gorgeous!
4- Empress (Magical Drop): Ok my favourite character is the Devil, but as it's too easy to counter attack his chains, Empress is my second choice. Gotta love her poses and voice!
5- Lilith (beatmania IIDX): I like her designs the best.
This has been very tough! I know I could have chosen better, but I couldn't think anything else. Damn, I can't believe I'm voting for Lilith, there must be a more worthy choice than that!