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DarkZero 1134th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Thu 3 Mar 22:45
Retarded religions (c'mon, no christian reads the Bible, they just listen what the others say about it), puritanism and even more retarded parents are a cancer on the American culture.
Actually, that's not the problem here. The problem isn't parents or religious people or any of that other crap. It's the perception that these people are out there, that they will complain, and that they will somehow matter. Shonen Jump is aimed squarely at young kids and it's exceptionally violent and bloody, much moreso than most American comics, and most of it involving children instead of adults. And y'know what? No one cares. There is no enormous parents' movement against Shonen Jump and there are no calls for Shonen Jump to be censored. And even if there were, just look at Harry Potter. There are a surprisingly large number of book burnings on the part of conservative Christians every time a Harry Potter book is released, but Harry Potter has been the best-selling childrens' book series for years.
The problems here are DC and Tokyopop, not some evil group out there twisting their arm. They're just being overly cautious and stupid and thus alienating their audience.
beto 818th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Thu 3 Mar 23:02
quote: Actually, that's not the problem here. The problem isn't parents or religious people or any of that other crap. It's the perception that these people are out there, that they will complain, and that they will somehow matter. Shonen Jump is aimed squarely at young kids and it's exceptionally violent and bloody, much moreso than most American comics, and most of it involving children instead of adults. And y'know what? No one cares. There is no enormous parents' movement against Shonen Jump and there are no calls for Shonen Jump to be censored. And even if there were, just look at Harry Potter. There are a surprisingly large number of book burnings on the part of conservative Christians every time a Harry Potter book is released, but Harry Potter has been the best-selling childrens' book series for years.
Shonen Jump deletes drinking and smoking, rewrites dialogue as they please, plus the upcoming "Roku´s Bizarre Adventures"...
kurushimi 23th Post
New Customer
| "Re(1):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Fri 4 Mar 03:21
As unfair and wrong as it is, I'm not suprised.
The problem is that Tenjo Tenge is more raunchy than any of the other manga that would be available in retail outlets. I mean really, picture your Borders or Barnes and Noble manga section. There isn't a title on those shelves that have the explicit nudity and sex that TenTen has.
The only alternative would be to sell it as adult manga, in the league of Bondage Fairies and Silky Whip (ironically, also done by Oh Great!). Despite what you say, TenTen really doesn't fit into this category. Retailers would then be forced to sell it in its own separate section, as they do with Playboy and Hustler magazines. Financially speaking, that is too risky of a move for DC, because it would ostracize the market they're aiming for.
The only consolation is that the sex and nudity DO get toned down in the later volumes, so there will be less editing involved. Funny that this is happening when Oh Great! considers TenTen his debut into mainstream manga.
Grave 888th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(5):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Fri 4 Mar 03:43
quote: no they don't. one piece's sanji smokes. shaman king's bokuto no ryu smokes, naruto's asuma smokes. the only glaring changes in the monthly shonen jump I notice are the crappy translation/name changes like "roronoa zolo" or "hercule" (those may have been done to stay consistant with the US airing of the anime).
Yeah, they were. Zoro was called Zoro from the beginning, until OP started airing on US TV. He remained Zoro for a month after that, and then he became Zolo while they were at Baratie. The DBZ names also follow the TV show, but considering the content in Shonen Jump thus far, I have no doubt in my mind that they'd be able to call "Mr. Satan" such with no problem.
The US Jump has me pretty happy except for some translation issues that get fixed later. Maito Gai from Naruto was referred to as "Mighty Guy" once, something I predicted but still found hilarious. He went back to "Gai", but still... "Byakugan" being renamed as "The Evil Eye" is pretty damn suspicious too, but I haven't seen them mention it again since then. I tend not to read Naruto much since I'm up to date on the Japanese run. Some of their naming of jutsu and rank is pretty clunky, but all in all, it's not bad. And since Raijin's gone, well, it's all we've got, heh.
threesixtee 849th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Fri 4 Mar 11:39
quote: I'm not sure about much else, but before the first volume was released, word got out that they were adding bras on some of the girls, even though it never even showed much. Apparently, preorders got cancelled left and right and a distrobution company or someone actually told them to fix it.
ok, I read up on it - it turns out negima DID plan to have edits when the license was first announced, but there was a massive fan uproar (similar to the one against tenten, but this time fans found out BEFORE the release) - in response to this, del rey decided to release it uncut, however sold in shrinkwrap and a "for 16+" sticker on it.
kurushimi 24th Post
New Customer
| "Re(3):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Fri 4 Mar 13:43
quote: I mean really, picture your Borders or Barnes and Noble manga section. There isn't a title on those shelves that have the explicit nudity and sex that TenTen has.
Berserk and Battle Royale may not be cover to cover naked bodies, but they are carried in bookstores while having sex, nudity, and a ton of violence. The US version of Berserk even keeps kid Guts being raped by a soldier, which would set off any number of protest groups if such things were really important.
I know I've seen Berserk, Battle Royale, and a number of others in Books-A-Million, and am pretty sure I've seen them in other chains. They didn't seem to mind as long as the books were shrinkwrapped with a warning.
Oh is THAT why they're shrinkwrapped? Here I thought it was just their attempt to stop kids from just hanging out at the bookstore and reading all the manga. But yes, I forgot about Berserk and Battle Royale. Remember though, we're in America, where boobs are always more evil than any form of violence.
Unless of course, it's violence to boobs - THERE IS NO GREATER EVIL.
DarkZero 1151th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):DC edits Tenjho Tenge manga" , posted Sat 12 Mar 18:44
quote: Another piece from a newspaper (both online and in the print edition):
"Adding to the controversy is the observation by some fans that, even with the changes CMX has made, "Tenjho Tenge" isn't suitable for younger readers. Even without the nudity, the subject matter is still racy. Again according to those who have seen the Japanese version, a future volume will include a lesbian sex scene, and it's doubtful that concerned parents will be made to feel any more comfortable with that sort of content even if the nudity is obscured."
Maybe someone who has read the Tenjho Tenge manga can fill me in on this, because I'm confused. In the first volume, isn't one of the characters raped, but now without her breasts being shown? Unless they changed "Oh God, stop! Let me go!" to a coy "Maybe we shouldn't...", isn't the US version of Tenjho Tenge still a "13+" manga that contains a rape scene?
The part where I'm confused is that from everything that I've put together about Tenjho Tenge, it seems like the author of this article skipped past such tame, non-controversial things as rape and moved on to the later volumes' horrific and disturbing consensual intercourse between females. If everything I've heard about Tenjho Tenge is true, then that's an incredibly disturbing way of thinking. Or am I totally off base?