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OYashiroForever 821th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Darkstalker Collections for the PS2" , posted Sat 5 Mar 06:38
quote: The game will be worthless without online play, and for good online play, it needs an Xbox release. Sad as it may seem.
Not quite sure I understand why anything and everything suddenly has to be playable online. Not picking on you in particular, Ranger, just something I've noticed on MBs and from the general populace.
I equate playing a fighting game online to playing a fighting game in an arcade where one of the buttons is broken on each side: you're not playing to see who's better at the game, you're seeing who's better at overcoming the handicap.
I don't care what anyone says, even when there's "no" lag, there's still a button input delay. For a lot of games, that's okay, but for the twitch, split-second timing of fighting games, current ping levels simply aren't acceptable. If the people out there are fine with that, then go ahead and knock yourselves out... I'll stick to playing with friends and in arcades, personally.
Ranting aside, hooray for a genuine DS collection and not another half-assed Chronicles port! Capcom could spend the rest of their time just churning out arcade perfect ports of their old games and I'd be satisfied... particularly if CFJ is an accurate indication of what they're capable of these days.
"Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."
"Your denial is beneath you and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs I see through you."
EddyT 421th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):Darkstalker Collections for the PS2" , posted Sat 5 Mar 08:14:
quote: Not quite sure I understand why anything and everything suddenly has to be playable online. Not picking on you in particular, Ranger, just something I've noticed on MBs and from the general populace.
I equate playing a fighting game online to playing a fighting game in an arcade where one of the buttons is broken on each side: you're not playing to see who's better at the game, you're seeing who's better at overcoming the handicap.
I don't care what anyone says, even when there's "no" lag, there's still a button input delay. For a lot of games, that's okay, but for the twitch, split-second timing of fighting games, current ping levels simply aren't acceptable. If the people out there are fine with that, then go ahead and knock yourselves out... I'll stick to playing with friends and in arcades, personally.
If it wasn't for online play, I would have never bought or kept my CvS2 or SF:AC games. Playing your local friends once in a while is swell, but the game does get boring and the will to play disappears when you are stuck playing the CPU. Playing other people online gives it new life and makes it interesting to say the least.
Sure, online play isn't perfect, but you will have to wait a long time until it will be. At least the option to play online is there, and that's great to have out of the box. Of course, the netcode has to be done decently so it's enjoyable. I remember having GGX#R, and I could not stand playing it online due to unplayable lag a majority of the time.
I agree with Ranger... if they leave online play out, it can be a big mistake for them. Not many people will buy or keep their copies... replay value is a powerful thing. Especially with Darkstalkers... where you're offering the same old stuff in new packaging. For some to most, that series has run its course, and it's going to be hard justifying a purchase when it was released nearly the same way on the PS1, Saturn, Dreamcast and PSP.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 5 Mar 08:18] |
Undead Fred 2177th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Darkstalker Collections for the PS2" , posted Sun 6 Mar 07:05
quote: Not quite sure I understand why anything and everything suddenly has to be playable online. Not picking on you in particular, Ranger, just something I've noticed on MBs and from the general populace.
I equate playing a fighting game online to playing a fighting game in an arcade where one of the buttons is broken on each side: you're not playing to see who's better at the game, you're seeing who's better at overcoming the handicap.
I don't care what anyone says, even when there's "no" lag, there's still a button input delay. For a lot of games, that's okay, but for the twitch, split-second timing of fighting games, current ping levels simply aren't acceptable. If the people out there are fine with that, then go ahead and knock yourselves out... I'll stick to playing with friends and in arcades, personally.
THANK YOU. I had never understood why games can't exist without online tacked on... especially after all I've heard about trying to play CvS2 online (little gimps quitting out of matches early if they're about to lose so BOTH players get a loss on their record).
But anyway, I'm just happy to see these games coming out with good loading times and all the frames intact (well, I'm just assuming they will... can't see why they wouldn't). I had never gotten to really play them all that much in the arcade, and I had Darkstalkers 3 on PSX, but of course, it had to be cut back a bit to work on the system. I do agree with the other posts- I wouldn't mind some more galleries or color edit modes or anything else in the way of bonus material. But as long as I get the regular games without cutting anything out, I'll be completely happy.
Lupin 2958th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):You learn something new everyday" , posted Mon 7 Mar 09:46
quote: It doesn't matter too much I would think about sales. With no new content, there is not much money put into development of the game, the only "real" losses Capcom could experience is the cost of plastic DVD's, instruction manual, and cases.
Did Capcom say they were going to include any extras in the form of a gallery? Hell, they should at least try to include the Darkstalkers anime (not the horrific US series).
B.R., I've been watching B.S.G. as pictured in your tag, it's cool. I haven't seen the original new miniserries yet though. I wasn't going in looking for a 1:1 with the original old TV show, and so I wasn't disappointed that much. Starbuck's attitude turns on and off though~ she should have that Starbuck playboy attitude more I think, if she's supposed to be him. To me it's like the actress is playing 3 or 4 different characters, one of which is the starbuck from the original show.
Lupin 2959th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Going OT again..." , posted Mon 7 Mar 20:30
quote: The cylons in the new one defeat the entire PURPOSE of the cylons. When Edward James Olmos said "Yeah, the new series is.. bad." and he plays Commander Adama in it, there's something seriously amiss. But I guess if you like something, you like something.. no? ^^
Edit: Damn, that was completely OT. So...
Vampire collection = good.
The Cylon robots are skinny moderns instead of the cool bulky masculine ones they were in the original. Also the Cylon ships in the new one look like the Cylon helmets from the old one if they grew wings and stuff, or were there ships like that in the original? But the good guy ships are close enough to the original.
Here's what some guy on a forum ( http://www.crius.net/zone/showthread.php?s=e65a38de653e4ce8c81adfb23955a1ea&p=184237#post184237 ) said that E.J.O. said:
In one of the oddest promotional appearances ever before the TV Writers Summer Tour, Edward James Olmos, who is starring in a new Battlestar Galactica miniseries due to air on the Sci-Fi Channel, gave this advice to fans of the original Galactica series, which aired on ABC between 1978 and 1980: "Please don't watch this program," Olmos said. "Buy yourself the new DVDs that they're putting out of the old episodes, and whenever we come on, just put that one in. ... Trust me. Don't watch it. If you're a real, real staunch Battlestar Galactica person, please don't watch it."
I enjoyed the original series but probably did not watch every episode nor comit them to memory when I saw it decades ago, so I'm not bothered much by stuff more serious fans might be bothered by. Also don't know what the Cylon's purposes are yet in the new one, other than guessing.
I watched Friday's episode last night, it was a little hokey, like a occasional comedy episode, which is allowed if they get back to the serious stuff soon.
They had a Cylon robot at Universal Studios that you can see as they tram ride through a B.S.G. set. This reminds me of that my favorite thing to do at Universal Studios was to trick Kit into prooving that he was really a voice actor and not a talking car. So that's why I hope the Vampire rumor is true so I can buy all 5 or however many arcade games all in one shot.