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DarkZero 1144th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Wed 9 Mar 20:05
quote: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4497
Lame, lame, lame. I don't want guns in my Sonic.
I have to say that I don't understand the strong reaction to this at all. Everyone acts like a gun is some sort of unprecedented thing that they've never seen in kids' games before. And like the combat system in Sonic the Hedgehog hasn't sucked since day one, in 2D or 3D. You're trying to jump on an enemy at high speed, but if you accidentally hit them from the front, from the side, in their weapon/claws/spikes/etc, you lose all your rings. It's always been clunky and ridiculous. I wouldn't mind if you just shot at enemies instead of trying to knock into them at a perfect angle when the entire screen is flying past you.
Most of the forums and sites I've seen are acting like putting a gun in a kids' game is some sort of travesty and making some sort of weird connection to Grand Theft Auto. Maybe I'm just weird, but I didn't really think of Quote in Cave Story as a gangbanger just because he had a gun.
Ratchet and Clank are phat pimps, though.
Ishmael 1879th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Thu 10 Mar 02:25
I'm not sure what the big deal is with a Sonic game that packs heat. This is just my take, but I've always viewed Sonic as a series willing to follow trends. When Sonic first came on the scene he seemed designed to be everything that Mario was not. Instead of plump, round and good natured goofy, Sonic was lean, jagged, and sporting an attitude. Sonic came across like he was the mascot for both extreme sports and those screaming nit-wits in Mountain Dew commercials before either of those existed. Just like those Mountain Dew commercials Sonic came across as being built by a committee who were trying to be hip and with it like the kids. It was as if Sega wanted a platformer that would beat Super Mario Bros. and made Sonic to be a counterpoint to all the distinguishing characteristics of Mario. Plus, hasn't Sonic at various points in his history turned super saiyan and tried his hand at raising virtual pets?
Hmm, all that sounds more negative than I intended. What I was trying to get at was that while Sonic has a lot about it that is fun and/or innovative it also hasn't been above trying out ideas from outside sources as well. A run and gun game that moves at Sonic speeds sounds, to me, like it could be a blast to play. The only thing that surprises me is how realistic the gun looks. I would have thought they would go for a more stylized, E rating friendly weapon. That, or a big ol' Elmer Fudd shotgun to keep with the cartoonish theme.
Undead Fred 2200th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Thu 10 Mar 06:04
quote: I'm not sure what the big deal is with a Sonic game that packs heat. This is just my take, but I've always viewed Sonic as a series willing to follow trends. When Sonic first came on the scene he seemed designed to be everything that Mario was not. Instead of plump, round and good natured goofy, Sonic was lean, jagged, and sporting an attitude. Sonic came across like he was the mascot for both extreme sports and those screaming nit-wits in Mountain Dew commercials before either of those existed. Just like those Mountain Dew commercials Sonic came across as being built by a committee who were trying to be hip and with it like the kids. It was as if Sega wanted a platformer that would beat Super Mario Bros. and made Sonic to be a counterpoint to all the distinguishing characteristics of Mario. Plus, hasn't Sonic at various points in his history turned super saiyan and tried his hand at raising virtual pets?
Hmm, all that sounds more negative than I intended. What I was trying to get at was that while Sonic has a lot about it that is fun and/or innovative it also hasn't been above trying out ideas from outside sources as well. A run and gun game that moves at Sonic speeds sounds, to me, like it could be a blast to play. The only thing that surprises me is how realistic the gun looks. I would have thought they would go for a more stylized, E rating friendly weapon. That, or a big ol' Elmer Fudd shotgun to keep with the cartoonish theme.
Personally, it's not that Shadow's carrying guns and guns kill people and make them want to steal cars and run over prostitutes and blah blah blah... I don't know, it just doesn't seem to really fit the style of the game. I'd think it could sort of work if the guns were proportioned more to Shadow's size and cartooned up a little more instead of having a big old clunky "realistic" gun dragging the ground alongside him. Of course, there are the Sonic fans that don't want Sega messing with a classic series and all that, but to me it's just one of those eye-rolling ideas... Especially after reading that Sega was wanting to make this game "dark and gritty." It has the same effect as someone telling you they're making a dark and gritty Sesame Street game or something.
Krzyzewski Man 1050th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(2):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 04:42
quote: Even thought I have recently been prooved out of touch with the youth of my dear country,
Why, is it Le Pen suddenly being the frontrunner for Emperor of France again?
quote: I want to think all we have are goth and wanabee goth. Unfortunately, we also have a lot of gothopoofs and gothosluts.
Ah. That being said, I have two questions. 1. Are there any attractive gothosluts? 2. If there aren't, are there any willing to fellate me while wearing a paper bag over their heads?
quote: (I don't know if the words exist in english but they are quite close to the reality I'm thinkikng to. Fun bit of trivia : in french, gothoslut is gothopouffe, which is pronounced the same way as gothopoof)).
We tend to just call them Bauhaus fans and have done with it.
quote: And stop it with this dogball nonsense already.
I'm sorry, I can't see this, I have too many dogballs in my face. (I've just been baited, haven't I?)
Krzyzewski Man: Lowering the tone since 1985.
Iggy 6002th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 05:07
quote: Ah. That being said, I have two questions. 1. Are there any attractive gothosluts? 2. If there aren't, are there any willing to fellate me while wearing a paper bag over their heads?
You might be aware I'm not the best person to answer this question. Ask either exodus (but I'm afraid every living being with at least one hole is attractive to him; "living" or "dead for a short enough timespan to be still warm") or Chaz (but he's just a fag)(and a lesbian)(yeah, I know, he's a very complicated individual). As weird as it might sound, I think Kikkoken may be the most trustworthy person to answer your question. Don't ask why, just trust me.
quote: I'm sorry, I can't see this, I have too many dogballs in my face. (I've just been baited, haven't I?)
I don't understand your lame attempt at what you backward people of the cultural third world might call a "joke", and therefore I won't answer to it.
KTallguy 568th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Sonic's Appeal" , posted Fri 11 Mar 13:49:
quote: I never understood the appeal of Sonic games, either. Especially the 2D games. All I experienced was runrunrun and hope something that's offscreen won't kill you while running, but if you turn into a ball, you'll be okay. I prefered 2D Mario over 2D Sonic anyday. Those Mario games seemed more involved and structured.
I've been replaying Sonic 1-3 lately. The Sonic world has always been more appealing to me than the Mario world, at least up until the Adventure series started fucking things up.
I liked Knuckles, Sonic, Tails... Robotnik. They were all very fleshed out and interesting characters.
Sonic gameplay is very NOT Mario. I like Mario gameplay too, but the sense of speed, the need for very quick reflexes, the music, the boss battles of Sonic games: they always appealed to me.
Sonic gameplay can be what you make of it really. You're not always safe if you go into a ball, that's for sure =P You can zoom through the levels or take your time, find secrets.
I dunno man, I love Sonic. Much more than Mario. That's why taking anything associated with Sonic and giving it guns, or making it 'edgy', just makes me sad. Ever since the Adventure series, Shadow the Hedgehog was so annoying, I really disliked him. I disliked most of the new characters. I disliked the voices they gave the characters, and the cheeziness that became commonplace in the Sonic world. I also HATE Chao! I prefered the silent, but fast protagonist, who got rings, found hidden bonus stages, defeated Robotnik.
Eh... why did Sega have to ruin it...
And is this game being planned by Sega of America? I bet it is!
Edit: Sorry, I didn't look at the watermelon film...WTF!! That was kind of ... wow...
[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 11 Mar 13:54] |