(random news) good morning - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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5981th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"(random news) good morning" , posted Tue 8 Mar 18:36post reply

First, Miyamoto talk : at one point during the development of the NDS, they even thought they could get rid of the cross and buttons and make a machine with just the touch screen and the other screen. It would have been... interesting.

Taiko no Tatsujin anime
Also, I saw Taiko 7 was finished? I have the feeling the series started two years ago, and already 7 !? Konami would only dream of this.

Still Namco : they are aiming for 300 000 copies for Pac Pix. Now that's optimism.

The influence of Kutaragi's departure on the next Playstation projects.
And I'm talking of a real article, no stupid "2D is dead" nonsense.

Wanda to Kyôzô will be named "Shadow of the Collossus" in Europe.

We should see a new movie of the next Zelda GC around the 10th of the month, according to various sources. I remember the game is supposed to be finished and all.

The PSP may have new colors during spring to counter the new DS ones.

Moi : Oui bien sûr mais pourrions nous quitter le milieu de la route et discuter de cela sur le trottoir?
Amaterasu : Oh ils n'oseront pas. Je suis dans mon droit.
Moi : Vous savez je préfère avoir tord et rester en vie.
Amaterasu : Ah ? Pas moi.


rid hershel
6444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"more randomness" , posted Tue 8 Mar 22:18post reply


Tales of Mobile, the cellphone service by Namco. The character designs for Tales of Breaker surelly will impress the people that didn't liked the change in Tales of Legendia.

random news

1875th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):(random news) good morning" , posted Wed 9 Mar 01:19post reply

The influence of Kutaragi's departure on the next Playstation projects.
And I'm talking of a real article, no stupid "2D is dead" nonsense.

Another article on the change of leadership and related features dealing with the "no big deal" reaction of Japanese business leaders, a summary of the departing Mr. Idei and conjecture about where Sony is going next. Note: it's the NYTimes so the stories might be password protected.

60th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):(random news) good morning" , posted Wed 9 Mar 03:19post reply

That article was more upbeat than I thought it would be.

354th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):(random news) good morning" , posted Wed 9 Mar 06:39post reply

Taiko no Tatsujin anime

I can only assume this will be the happiest show in the whole wide world.
Also, I saw Taiko 7 was finished? I have the feeling the series started two years ago, and already 7 !? Konami would only dream of this.

I only hope that at least one more will come to America. At the rate they're coming out in Japan, we should have about 3 by now, right?

5988th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Wed 9 Mar 18:23:post reply

PS2, GC and X Box : Sonic but with guns and emo.

Also, for the other SH, the director's cut of SH2 has a movie of the sequel. The game will be released in summer, and takes place in 1929 in the US. Two characters, Shanaya (?) and Johnny appear. The name "Shadow Heart 3" doesn't appear, but "Shadow Hearts from new world" is written at a moment of the trailer.

Edit : also, これはVIPクオリティ

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 9 Mar 18:41]

558th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Wed 9 Mar 19:46post reply

PS2, GC and X Box : Sonic but with guns and emo.

...I'm gonna cry...

This reminds me of that new Looney Toons crap...why do they have to go messing with our god damned childhood memories...

Why can't they make something brilliant and 'Sonicy' again... ? I don't get it.


1144th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Wed 9 Mar 20:05post reply


Lame, lame, lame. I don't want guns in my Sonic.

I have to say that I don't understand the strong reaction to this at all. Everyone acts like a gun is some sort of unprecedented thing that they've never seen in kids' games before. And like the combat system in Sonic the Hedgehog hasn't sucked since day one, in 2D or 3D. You're trying to jump on an enemy at high speed, but if you accidentally hit them from the front, from the side, in their weapon/claws/spikes/etc, you lose all your rings. It's always been clunky and ridiculous. I wouldn't mind if you just shot at enemies instead of trying to knock into them at a perfect angle when the entire screen is flying past you.

Most of the forums and sites I've seen are acting like putting a gun in a kids' game is some sort of travesty and making some sort of weird connection to Grand Theft Auto. Maybe I'm just weird, but I didn't really think of Quote in Cave Story as a gangbanger just because he had a gun.

Ratchet and Clank are phat pimps, though.

1299th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Wed 9 Mar 21:02post reply

I'm not against guns because of the violence, I just don't want Sonic to turn into another 3rd person generic action game. Now what's next, "stealth killing?"

They're saving that for the sequel.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

1879th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Thu 10 Mar 02:25post reply

I'm not sure what the big deal is with a Sonic game that packs heat. This is just my take, but I've always viewed Sonic as a series willing to follow trends. When Sonic first came on the scene he seemed designed to be everything that Mario was not. Instead of plump, round and good natured goofy, Sonic was lean, jagged, and sporting an attitude. Sonic came across like he was the mascot for both extreme sports and those screaming nit-wits in Mountain Dew commercials before either of those existed. Just like those Mountain Dew commercials Sonic came across as being built by a committee who were trying to be hip and with it like the kids. It was as if Sega wanted a platformer that would beat Super Mario Bros. and made Sonic to be a counterpoint to all the distinguishing characteristics of Mario. Plus, hasn't Sonic at various points in his history turned super saiyan and tried his hand at raising virtual pets?

Hmm, all that sounds more negative than I intended. What I was trying to get at was that while Sonic has a lot about it that is fun and/or innovative it also hasn't been above trying out ideas from outside sources as well. A run and gun game that moves at Sonic speeds sounds, to me, like it could be a blast to play. The only thing that surprises me is how realistic the gun looks. I would have thought they would go for a more stylized, E rating friendly weapon. That, or a big ol' Elmer Fudd shotgun to keep with the cartoonish theme.

3287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"NO" , posted Thu 10 Mar 02:40post reply

I'm not against guns because of the violence, I just don't want Sonic to turn into another 3rd person generic action game. Now what's next, "stealth killing?"

What's the big deal? Sonic games have always sucked, it's natural for them to try to move to new directions, to try to save the poor fucker.
Plus, is not like Sonic is carrying a gun, it's Shadow.

P.S. Sonic sucks the dogs balls.

425th Post

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Gold Customer

"Cat balls, too" , posted Thu 10 Mar 02:59post reply

I never understood the appeal of Sonic games, either. Especially the 2D games. All I experienced was runrunrun and hope something that's offscreen won't kill you while running, but if you turn into a ball, you'll be okay. I prefered 2D Mario over 2D Sonic anyday. Those Mario games seemed more involved and structured.

440th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Cat balls, too" , posted Thu 10 Mar 03:15post reply

I never understood the appeal of Sonic games, either. Especially the 2D games. All I experienced was runrunrun and hope something that's offscreen won't kill you while running, but if you turn into a ball, you'll be okay. I prefered 2D Mario over 2D Sonic anyday. Those Mario games seemed more involved and structured.

Sonic RULES. You SUCK Onslaught. Seriously.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

3288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Just a question" , posted Thu 10 Mar 04:17post reply


You SUCK Onslaught. Seriously.

Suck what? the dogs balls? the cat's balls? if so, why would I suck them seriously? Can I suck while not being serious?

147th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Just a question" , posted Thu 10 Mar 04:45post reply

the dogs balls?

It's spreading!

5993th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Just a question" , posted Thu 10 Mar 04:50post reply

the dogs balls?
It's spreading!


Undead Fred
2200th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Thu 10 Mar 06:04post reply

I'm not sure what the big deal is with a Sonic game that packs heat. This is just my take, but I've always viewed Sonic as a series willing to follow trends. When Sonic first came on the scene he seemed designed to be everything that Mario was not. Instead of plump, round and good natured goofy, Sonic was lean, jagged, and sporting an attitude. Sonic came across like he was the mascot for both extreme sports and those screaming nit-wits in Mountain Dew commercials before either of those existed. Just like those Mountain Dew commercials Sonic came across as being built by a committee who were trying to be hip and with it like the kids. It was as if Sega wanted a platformer that would beat Super Mario Bros. and made Sonic to be a counterpoint to all the distinguishing characteristics of Mario. Plus, hasn't Sonic at various points in his history turned super saiyan and tried his hand at raising virtual pets?

Hmm, all that sounds more negative than I intended. What I was trying to get at was that while Sonic has a lot about it that is fun and/or innovative it also hasn't been above trying out ideas from outside sources as well. A run and gun game that moves at Sonic speeds sounds, to me, like it could be a blast to play. The only thing that surprises me is how realistic the gun looks. I would have thought they would go for a more stylized, E rating friendly weapon. That, or a big ol' Elmer Fudd shotgun to keep with the cartoonish theme.

Personally, it's not that Shadow's carrying guns and guns kill people and make them want to steal cars and run over prostitutes and blah blah blah... I don't know, it just doesn't seem to really fit the style of the game. I'd think it could sort of work if the guns were proportioned more to Shadow's size and cartooned up a little more instead of having a big old clunky "realistic" gun dragging the ground alongside him. Of course, there are the Sonic fans that don't want Sega messing with a classic series and all that, but to me it's just one of those eye-rolling ideas... Especially after reading that Sega was wanting to make this game "dark and gritty." It has the same effect as someone telling you they're making a dark and gritty Sesame Street game or something.

61th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Shadow (the Hedgehog and Heart 3)" , posted Thu 10 Mar 06:16post reply

PS2, GC and X Box : Sonic but with guns and emo.

So Sega is making Jak II but with Sonic? Just when I can't lose any more respect for Sega they go and find a way to make me lose more.

Hagen de Merak
878th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):NO" , posted Thu 10 Mar 07:05post reply


What's the big deal? Sonic games have always sucked, it's natural for them to try to move to new directions, to try to save the poor fucker.
Plus, is not like Sonic is carrying a gun, it's Shadow.

P.S. Sonic sucks the dogs balls.

i think you suck, bitch.

sonic for life

Krzyzewski Man
1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Two Questions" , posted Thu 10 Mar 12:29post reply

1.Iggy, do they actually have emo in France, or is that horror just something you discovered via the Internet?

2.What's this sudden hypocrisy regarding dog balls? Ya'll all sucked 'em daily, didn't you! DIDN'T YOU! They were delicious then, and they're delicious now! DOG BALLS, BITCH!

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

Red Falcon
5419th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Two Questions" , posted Thu 10 Mar 12:53post reply

Onslaught brings up a good point. I don't think it's POSSIBLE to "jokingly" suck dog balls; if somebody thought they were doing that as a "joke", the joke would be on naught but them.

Best site EVER:Link Here

428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Two Questions" , posted Thu 10 Mar 13:13:post reply

Onslaught brings up a good point. I don't think it's POSSIBLE to "jokingly" suck dog balls; if somebody thought they were doing that as a "joke", the joke would be on naught but them.

You are so correct on that one.

Cat balls would be more feasable and believable.

=3 <=== sideways kitty face

[this message was edited by EddyT on Thu 10 Mar 13:14]

3291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Two Questions" , posted Thu 10 Mar 14:28:post reply


=3 <=== sideways kitty face

Those look like sideways cat balls to me.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Thu 10 Mar 14:29]

5996th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Two Questions" , posted Thu 10 Mar 17:22post reply

1.Iggy, do they actually have emo in France, or is that horror just something you discovered via the Internet?

Even thought I have recently been prooved out of touch with the youth of my dear country, I want to think all we have are goth and wanabee goth.
Unfortunately, we also have a lot of gothopoofs and gothosluts.
(I don't know if the words exist in english but they are quite close to the reality I'm thinkikng to. Fun bit of trivia : in french, gothoslut is gothopouffe, which is pronounced the same way as gothopoof)).

And stop it with this dogball nonsense already.

5998th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"More random news" , posted Thu 10 Mar 17:44:post reply

Since I like the idea of nobody reading what I write, I'll continue to post in this thread.

1/6 models of famicon and stuff

Spectral vs Generation betatest has been cancelled, and the game is going to fade in everyone's memory without being released.

James Camreon working on the Xbox Next version of his next movie, Gunm/Battle angel Alita. I nearly managed to forget this movie was being made...

things about Mario 128, Revolution, the next game boy, or the network games of the DS.

short translation of that interview of Sakaguchi in Famitsu.

Homura (Taito) hompage opens

Digest movie of Rajirugi. The hero is a heroin?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 10 Mar 17:49]

1881th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):More random news" , posted Fri 11 Mar 01:35post reply

James Camreon working on the Xbox Next version of his next movie, Gunm/Battle angel Alita. I nearly managed to forget this movie was being made...

Pulled from the article:
In my next film, I can only tell you what we're planning on doing which is simultaneous developing a major motion picture and hopefully a major game title that co-exists in the same world, that share characters." He continued, "Going into that world will actually inform those watching the film and vice-versa. I don't want to say anything more than that because I don't want to give away some of the cool stuff that we're working on."

So is this going to be like most other games that are movie tie-ins or are they going more for an Enter the Matrix level of attempted interconnectivity?

98th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):More random news" , posted Fri 11 Mar 01:37post reply

Since I like the idea of nobody reading what I write, I'll continue to post in this thread.

1/6 models of famicon and stuff

Spectral vs Generation betatest has been cancelled, and the game is going to fade in everyone's memory without being released.

James Camreon working on the Xbox Next version of his next movie, Gunm/Battle angel Alita. I nearly managed to forget this movie was being made...

things about Mario 128, Revolution, the next game boy, or the network games of the DS.

short translation of that interview of Sakaguchi in Famitsu.

Homura (Taito) hompage opens

Digest movie of Rajirugi. The hero is a heroin?

May God bless you.


Krzyzewski Man
1050th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 04:42post reply

Even thought I have recently been prooved out of touch with the youth of my dear country,

Why, is it Le Pen suddenly being the frontrunner for Emperor of France again?

I want to think all we have are goth and wanabee goth.
Unfortunately, we also have a lot of gothopoofs and gothosluts.

Ah. That being said, I have two questions.
1. Are there any attractive gothosluts?
2. If there aren't, are there any willing to fellate me while wearing a paper bag over their heads?

(I don't know if the words exist in english but they are quite close to the reality I'm thinkikng to. Fun bit of trivia : in french, gothoslut is gothopouffe, which is pronounced the same way as gothopoof)).

We tend to just call them Bauhaus fans and have done with it.

And stop it with this dogball nonsense already.

I'm sorry, I can't see this, I have too many dogballs in my face.
(I've just been baited, haven't I?)

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

6002th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 05:07post reply

Ah. That being said, I have two questions.
1. Are there any attractive gothosluts?
2. If there aren't, are there any willing to fellate me while wearing a paper bag over their heads?

You might be aware I'm not the best person to answer this question.
Ask either exodus (but I'm afraid every living being with at least one hole is attractive to him; "living" or "dead for a short enough timespan to be still warm") or Chaz (but he's just a fag)(and a lesbian)(yeah, I know, he's a very complicated individual).
As weird as it might sound, I think Kikkoken may be the most trustworthy person to answer your question.
Don't ask why, just trust me.

I'm sorry, I can't see this, I have too many dogballs in my face.
(I've just been baited, haven't I?)

I don't understand your lame attempt at what you backward people of the cultural third world might call a "joke", and therefore I won't answer to it.

Krzyzewski Man
1051th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 09:19post reply

Ask either exodus (but I'm afraid every living being with at least one hole is attractive to him; "living" or "dead for a short enough timespan to be still warm") or Chaz (but he's just a fag)(and a lesbian)(yeah, I know, he's a very complicated individual).

Actually, that sounds about my speed.

As weird as it might sound, I think Kikkoken may be the most trustworthy person to answer your question.
Don't ask why, just trust me.


I don't understand your lame attempt at what you backward people of the cultural third world might call a "joke", and therefore I won't answer to it.


Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

61th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 13:34post reply

Actually, watermelons arouse me more than anything else.

807th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 13:41post reply

Actually, watermelons arouse me more than anything else.

That part where you see that the seeds on her face look just like her eyes is creepy.

568th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Sonic's Appeal" , posted Fri 11 Mar 13:49:post reply

I never understood the appeal of Sonic games, either. Especially the 2D games. All I experienced was runrunrun and hope something that's offscreen won't kill you while running, but if you turn into a ball, you'll be okay. I prefered 2D Mario over 2D Sonic anyday. Those Mario games seemed more involved and structured.

I've been replaying Sonic 1-3 lately. The Sonic world has always been more appealing to me than the Mario world, at least up until the Adventure series started fucking things up.

I liked Knuckles, Sonic, Tails... Robotnik. They were all very fleshed out and interesting characters.

Sonic gameplay is very NOT Mario. I like Mario gameplay too, but the sense of speed, the need for very quick reflexes, the music, the boss battles of Sonic games: they always appealed to me.

Sonic gameplay can be what you make of it really. You're not always safe if you go into a ball, that's for sure =P You can zoom through the levels or take your time, find secrets.

I dunno man, I love Sonic. Much more than Mario. That's why taking anything associated with Sonic and giving it guns, or making it 'edgy', just makes me sad. Ever since the Adventure series, Shadow the Hedgehog was so annoying, I really disliked him. I disliked most of the new characters. I disliked the voices they gave the characters, and the cheeziness that became commonplace in the Sonic world. I also HATE Chao! I prefered the silent, but fast protagonist, who got rings, found hidden bonus stages, defeated Robotnik.

Eh... why did Sega have to ruin it...

And is this game being planned by Sega of America? I bet it is!

Edit: Sorry, I didn't look at the watermelon film...WTF!! That was kind of ... wow...


[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 11 Mar 13:54]

808th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Cat balls, too" , posted Fri 11 Mar 13:56post reply

Sonic gameplay is very NOT Mario.

It's kinda interesting how Mario games seemed to become slower and slower as time went on. Mario 3 was speedy like 1, and World was meant to be like 3, but after Super Mario World, the games seemed to have shifted to a more exploration theme... from World to Yoshi's Story to Mario 64, zipping about at turbo speed seems to not be so important.

Undead Fred
2212th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 14:10post reply

That part where you see that the seeds on her face look just like her eyes is creepy.

But she just loves watermelon...

2939th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 18:40post reply

Why, is it Le Pen suddenly being the frontrunner for Emperor of France again?

Don't talk about such things please!!

Ah. That being said, I have two questions.
1. Are there any attractive gothosluts?
2. If there aren't, are there any willing to fellate me while wearing a paper bag over their heads?

1: yes but they're rare.....
2: How many cash did you have in your wallet??


We tend to just call them Bauhaus fans and have done with it.

Why not.....


I'm sorry, I can't see this, I have too many dogballs in my face.
(I've just been baited, haven't I?)

So how can you drive????

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

6012th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 19:10post reply

Actually, watermelons arouse me more than anything else.

I had disturbing images in my mind before I saw the movie.

I still have disturbing images now, but not the same kind.

Also, my clitoridian neibourgh is going to kill me.

62th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 21:32post reply


Also, my clitoridian neibourgh is going to kill me.

Now I see why B. is staying at your house each time he visits us.

6016th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 22:32post reply

Now I see why B. is staying at your house each time he visits us.

If he want, I can trade.
For example, he stays alone at my house, while I take his place in Moetan's bed.

I'm sure everyone will agree this is a much better deal that will make everyone happy.
Have I talked already of the time when I was almost raped by 5 gorgeous big breasted female strippers just before my stairs?

63th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 22:52post reply

Hairy belly metrosexuals have feelings, too.


And I meant emotional feelings, not conveniently placed anal plugs.

God I am bored at work, this job is too easy. Please proceed with this stair strippers story, Iggyu-don

6019th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Two Questions" , posted Fri 11 Mar 23:44:post reply

Hairy belly metrosexuals have feelings, too.

I do not allow such rebelious attempts.
God I am bored at work, this job is too easy. Please proceed with this stair strippers story, Iggyu-don

First a vietnameese girl who tries to bait me with her flat chest, then an indian girl who tries to exort me a correction even though I specifically said I only helped gorgeous hairy guys with cute muscular bums, then this. Tell me about a shitty day.

At least yesterday I had my 3 hours walk through Paris and my CDAG test gave me a pale skin complexion which would have almost made me mistaken for the prince Hikaru (except my teeth are healthy).

Also, I will trade my breasty stripper stories for nights with hairy metrosexuals, one night per stripper.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 11 Mar 23:55]

6019th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"fushigi shadow hearts mahjong mario yûgi" , posted Sat 12 Mar 00:00post reply

The laughing spot of the month.

Mario can also kick your ass when you play mahjong

And since I was the one to mention it first and suck my dog balls and all, official site of Shadow Hearts from the new world.

64th Post

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Occasional Customer

"2 hours to go before the weekend" , posted Sat 12 Mar 00:01post reply

I specifically said I only helped gorgeous hairy guys with cute muscular bums.

I feel lucky that girls are now too desperate to stick to standards higher than "single guy with at least 70% of his organs still functional".

Also, I will trade my breasty stripper stories for nights with hairy metrosexual, one night per stripper.

I will try to convince and/or/hence drug your target when myself and other lesbian men bend over, mawn and sweat innocently together all day long as we take care of Moetan's déménagement next time I see him.

65th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):fushigi shadow hearts mahjong mario yûg" , posted Sat 12 Mar 00:04post reply


Mario can also kick your ass when you play mahjong

I want this game so much.

Finally I won't need to bring my PSP anymore to annoy people with obnoxious Mahjong BGMs. Iggyudon, if you still need someone for an april PlayAsia order, count me in with Yakuman DS.

6020th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):2 hours to go before the weekend" , posted Sat 12 Mar 00:31post reply

I feel lucky that girls are now too desperate to stick to standards higher than "single guy with at least 70% of his organs still functional".

So that's how they manage to score more than me ! Sluts.
Quality > Quantity, like Moetan or Greg > Chaz.

I will try to convince and/or/hence drug your target when myself and other lesbian men bend over, mawn and sweat innocently together all day long as we take care of Moetan's déménagement next time I see him.

You'd be a sweatheart if you could also provide some pictures of the orgy.
Have I mentionned the clitoridian girl that lives just above me is not the same as the one who seems to live next door, and that I'm not sure wether they are indeed the rappist stripteasers or anything?
Like exodus, I don't mind if the metrosexual is dead as long as he is still warm.

Also, I was stupid to forget to ask you for the April thing, but it's great and all. Hooray for shipping fees !

66th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):2 hours to go before the weekend" , posted Sat 12 Mar 01:12post reply


Quality > Quantity, like Moetan or Greg > Chaz.

I don't know how to take not being physically attractive to gay people. I do know that I only have success with them when I refer to obscure gay porn flicks of the seventies in my articles.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):2 hours to go before the weekend" , posted Sat 12 Mar 02:10post reply

I don't know how to take not being physically attractive to gay people.

It means my interest in you is not some creepy lusting after your hairless arse, but actually pure friendship motivated by my innocent interest in the help you're going to provide me with in putting Moetan in my bed.
Isn't it wonderful ? I knew you would agree with me.
I do know that I only have success with them when I refer to obscure gay porn flicks of the seventies in my articles.

That reminds me of something... Was it something that has to do with me and... something, or was it someone else and I'm thinking of yet another obscure 70' porn movie?