Which desktop resolution do you use? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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438th Post

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Gold Customer

"Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Wed 9 Mar 16:11post reply

Desktop Resolution you use?
Higher than 1024x768?
I use Ryan Seacrest 4.0 (xp)

I was wondering cuz alot of fools use high high resolution and the words are so ding danged small.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage


439th Post

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Gold Customer

"This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 16:18post reply


I was wondering cuz alot of fools use high high resolution and the words are so ding danged small.

Bill Gates sucks.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 16:27post reply


I was wondering cuz alot of fools use high high resolution and the words are so ding danged small.

Resolutions have always baffled me. On my machine, 1280x1024 is so small that it's almost unreadable, even with the text in IE set to maximum size. However, on a lot of the other monitors I look at (and that's a lot of monitors, considering I work in a computer store), 1280x1024 looks perfectly normal, like 800x600, but much more crisp. I should probably just look it up.

Then again, if I had a dedicated machine for myself instead of just a single uber-machine for the whole family, I'd probably experiment with better resolutions.

1655th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 16:55post reply

I don't have a problem with high resolutions any more thanks to PC recycle stores and their cheap-ass big monitors. I don't have perfect vision but I have no problem seeing anything on this thing even in 1280x1024.

Off with your nose

272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 17:39post reply

Come on, why didn't you put 1280x1024?

But uh, I can't really stand to not save as much space on the screen as possible, and nothing is particularly unreadable for me, so yeah, works. For a while I had brightness up and a perscription that made looking at a monitor not really possible so I couldn't wear them, and I sorta couldn't see things, but I memorized where things were enough so that I didn't really notice the difference. But yeah, I'm pretty particular about being minimalist and clean with my set up, lots of space accentuates that.

Undead Fred
2199th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 18:23post reply

Come on, why didn't you put 1280x1024?

I had put 1024x768, but I could actually go a bit higher. A lot of programs I use for video editing and so forth have too many menus and toolbars and windows that I sort of NEED a high resolution so I can actually see things when I'm working on projects. Some day, I want to get a two-monitor setup going with at least 1024x768 on them... if not higher. That would be pretty much perfect.

Anyway, you can always up the resolution and tweak the font sizes in your Desktop settings (I think that's where it is...). That way, you can get more space, but bump up the font size just slightly so you can actually read things.

273th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 19:23post reply

Yeah I do that...except just make the font smaller. Awesome.

26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Thu 10 Mar 13:09post reply

Yeah I do that...except just make the font smaller. Awesome.

It's funny, go to any PC enthusiast forum, and you'll be ridiculed for anything less than 1600x1200.

I actually use that res on my work computer, but it has a 21" LCD, and I sit about 1 ft away, so the font sizes are manageable. It's a force of habit to maximize one window, instead of having multiple ones open, so I end up wasting space - a throwback from my 800x600 days I guess.

426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Thu 10 Mar 13:12post reply

I have 1440 x 900. Kinda weird and cool at the same time.

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Thu 10 Mar 14:01post reply

1280 x 800, widescreen 15.4" laptop.

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"

Burning Ranger
1099th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Thu 10 Mar 22:35post reply


I was wondering cuz alot of fools use high high resolution and the words are so ding danged small.

1024x768 - Its the highest Res my flatscreen monitor supports.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Fri 11 Mar 00:28post reply


I hate it when I have to use a monitor with 1024x768.

318th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:05post reply

1024x768 is enough for me.I'd like to get a bigger screen (my current one is a 17'), but I must stick to that resolution if I want to be able to read my Windows desktop...

6007th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:15post reply

1024x768 for me, and 800x600 on my computer at work. I really don't need more...

3292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Which desktop resolution do you use?" , posted Fri 11 Mar 10:20post reply

1024x768 for me, and 800x600 on my computer at work. I really don't need more...


409th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Fri 11 Mar 11:45post reply

Another 1440x900 desktop - native 17" iMac resolution. Widescreen kind of sucks.
My other machine would be set to 1280x1024 (19" screen), but I don't use it anymore.

Higher resolutions always feel like they're too small until I finally decide to switch back. Then the old resolution seems like it's really big.

308th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Fri 11 Mar 17:01post reply

1024x768, because I don't need it any higher, really. I'll run games that high or so (emulation I use either 1024x768 or 640x480) because they look better that way, but I also have the refresh turned up to 75Hz. Anything lower hurts my eyes.