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DarkZero 1143th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(1):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 16:27
quote: Poll
I was wondering cuz alot of fools use high high resolution and the words are so ding danged small.
Resolutions have always baffled me. On my machine, 1280x1024 is so small that it's almost unreadable, even with the text in IE set to maximum size. However, on a lot of the other monitors I look at (and that's a lot of monitors, considering I work in a computer store), 1280x1024 looks perfectly normal, like 800x600, but much more crisp. I should probably just look it up.
Then again, if I had a dedicated machine for myself instead of just a single uber-machine for the whole family, I'd probably experiment with better resolutions.
deisied 272th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(3):This be a poll, sucka." , posted Wed 9 Mar 17:39
Come on, why didn't you put 1280x1024?
But uh, I can't really stand to not save as much space on the screen as possible, and nothing is particularly unreadable for me, so yeah, works. For a while I had brightness up and a perscription that made looking at a monitor not really possible so I couldn't wear them, and I sorta couldn't see things, but I memorized where things were enough so that I didn't really notice the difference. But yeah, I'm pretty particular about being minimalist and clean with my set up, lots of space accentuates that.