Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and trailer - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and trailer" , posted Thu 10 Mar 16:56post reply

Sonic Adventure 3: Shadow the Hedgehog with pics

Link 2, with trailer.

A gun?! o_O

Nikochan dono.

Nihon mo ingenmame wo tsukurimasu Jan


Iron D
2620th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Fri 11 Mar 06:45post reply

I was actually hoping Shadow would get his own game. I just hope that Sonic team spends a lot of time polishing this up. Playing through, Sonic Heroes, I can't help but think about how much more awesome the game would have been if Sonic Team just fleshed out some things and put a little more variety in the gameplay between the teams. Shadow the Hedgehog could be good.

I'm also not bothered by the gun. There's got to be some new gameplay mechanic, otherwise it would be pointless to make it a non-Sonic game.

Also, Sonic Team really needs to do a non-Sonic universe game. I think that has to be said.

Zelkin. Pimped.

120th Post

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"Re(1):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Fri 11 Mar 06:55post reply

Sonic Adventure 3: Shadow the Hedgehog with pics

Link 2, with trailer.

A gun?! o_O

Unlike about 99% of the people on the Internet, I think this might actually turn out to be pretty fun.

I do think Shadow looks pretty weird carrying a realistic-looking gun, though. :P

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rid hershel
6455th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Fri 11 Mar 06:57post reply

Also, Sonic Team really needs to do a non-Sonic universe game. I think that has to be said.
You mean like Puyo Puyo Fever, that new PSO or Phantasy Star Universe?

random news

Iron D
2624th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:01:post reply

Also, Sonic Team really needs to do a non-Sonic universe game. I think that has to be said. You mean like Puyo Puyo Fever, that new PSO or Phantasy Star Universe?

Hmm. My fault for not paying any attention to these games (not a fan of the Phantasy Stars or Puyo Puyo).

To be honest, what I was really thinking of was either a) something completely new and original, b)a Burning Rangers sequel or c) a Nights into Dreams sequel.

Edit: Actually, I thought about something. Why on earth does Shadow need a gun? In Sonic Adventure 2 you've got both Shadow and Sonic taking out whole mechs and freakin' fighter jets with their homing dashes. It seemed like they were powerful enough to not need weapons. So why would Shadow need a gun?

Zelkin. Pimped.

[this message was edited by Iron D on Fri 11 Mar 07:06]

rid hershel
6457th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:12post reply

c) a Nights into Dreams sequel.
I'm all for it. As long as it doesn't has Reala with a Gun as the main character.

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1883th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sat 12 Mar 01:09post reply

Edit: Actually, I thought about something. Why on earth does Shadow need a gun? In Sonic Adventure 2 you've got both Shadow and Sonic taking out whole mechs and freakin' fighter jets with their homing dashes. It seemed like they were powerful enough to not need weapons. So why would Shadow need a gun?

At least with a gun he doesn't have to throw his entire body at an enemy in order to defeat it. I wonder just how this game is going to handle. Will you have to use traditional Sonic attacks in coordination with the gun to clear an area? If this game is put together correctly there could be all sorts of interesting battles.

33th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sat 12 Mar 04:30post reply

Also, Sonic Team really needs to do a non-Sonic universe game. I think that has to be said. You mean like Puyo Puyo Fever, that new PSO or Phantasy Star Universe?

Hmm. My fault for not paying any attention to these games (not a fan of the Phantasy Stars or Puyo Puyo).

To be honest, what I was really thinking of was either a) something completely new and original, b)a Burning Rangers sequel or c) a Nights into Dreams sequel.

Edit: Actually, I thought about something. Why on earth does Shadow need a gun? In Sonic Adventure 2 you've got both Shadow and Sonic taking out whole mechs and freakin' fighter jets with their homing dashes. It seemed like they were powerful enough to not need weapons. So why would Shadow need a gun?

You mean something like Billy Hatche and the Giant Egg a wonderfully original videogame b sonic team that the whole world ignored

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277th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sat 12 Mar 05:22post reply

This game looks like a weak attempt at Jak 4. Pretty annoying if you ask me.

153th Post

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"Re(6):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sat 12 Mar 05:53post reply

yea this should be an interesting one if they maintain the speed like in the prior SA games and add a fun to it like maybe more critical DMC style
but yea shadow holding like a real fun is just... wtf ?!

but i'd much rather see sonic actually runs hard than to see this guy skates

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410th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sat 12 Mar 11:31post reply

I fully expect that we will still have the same Sega Camera that we've grown to love/hate.

Iron D
2627th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sun 13 Mar 10:04post reply

It seems that you can't shoot while moving, which is just stupid. The possibilities of being able to shoot while moving at Sonic style speeds were promising.

Kaepora, in your avatar, that's a character from Silhouette Mirage, but I can't remember who. That's Death, right?

Zelkin. Pimped.

411th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and t" , posted Sun 13 Mar 17:33post reply

Kaepora, in your avatar, that's a character from Silhouette Mirage, but I can't remember who. That's Death, right?

Yes, the Reaper.
I never was any good at the game though, so I've never actually seen him.

Iron D
2633th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pics and " , posted Mon 14 Mar 08:23post reply

Kaepora, in your avatar, that's a character from Silhouette Mirage, but I can't remember who. That's Death, right?

Yes, the Reaper.
I never was any good at the game though, so I've never actually seen him.

I haven't earned the right to fight him, either. The game's not that hard, but getting to Death is something else.

Zelkin. Pimped.

326th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Sonic Adventure 3 announced, pic" , posted Mon 14 Mar 18:24post reply

I found "Sonic Adventures" pretty impressive, but all this concept of the "Sonic renewal", making a cool, badass character out of the blue hedgehog I learned to love when I was younger, just pisses me off. All this Skysurfing, city prosecuting stuff just ruined his essence, at least that's my point of view. Sonic should have stayed in the utopical Overland, where his adventures were supposed to happen, not above the skies of Manhattan or wherever he is chased by some jets while he throws cheap jokes...and this "Shadow the Hedgehog" and this Gunslinger/Hitman role is just the end of the process.

It's as if Nintendo decided to make a videogame adaptation of "Suer Mario Bros the Movie"...I think it's totally out of place. But it can also be a signal of mine getting older...