Ibara (plus poll) - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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rid hershel
6454th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 06:47post reply

If you've been checking my site, or Click Stick's, you probably know about Cave's upcoming shooter, Ibara.

This seems to be a solid shooter from them, in the lines of DoDonPachi, but it would be fair to say that visually it doesn't innovates as much as their previous creation, Mushihimesama.

What is really interesting, is the character art, by Styleos, artist famous for working for SNK and creating characters like K', Maxima or Angel. Unfortunately SNK never had him do illustrations, but Cave knows better and he did the art here (and in Mushihimesama).

A friend helped me translating the profiles for the villains, notably fanservicey girls.

Profiles (March 10 news)

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And you knew this was coming! choose your favorite Ibara girl! And post why!

Theresa Rose

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274th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 06:56post reply

Pretty tough actually, I love this style.

Well, keep this short. I chose Lace because if it was a fighting game or something, I'd probably choose her.

461th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:09post reply


And you knew this was coming! choose your favorite Ibara girl! And post why!

Lace, because like deisied said, if she were in a fighting game I'd choose her first.

She also reminds me a lot of Vice, which is never a bad thing.


319th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:25post reply

I totally agree with you, his drawing style is awesome!!

And refering to the girls, I chose Teresa, because she's the hottest one. Seeing her design just reminds me of unwrapping one of those expensive and sweet chocolates...

805th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:28post reply

Does the first guardian look reminiscent of Mushihime or is it just me.

917th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:44post reply

I like Midi. She's the cutest with the coolest costume and no bikini bottom. Lace is, indeed really cool, but I don't like her pants.

6008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 07:57post reply

Lace has a lazy eye...
I like Kasumi myself. Plus, she's a designer.
Also, Midi is a bokuko, and I just hate bokuko.

555th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 08:02:post reply

Shasta or Kasumi, but I picked Shasta because she's flashing her rump.

I think it is still only assumed that Styleos did Mushi, but it's definitely a safe bet. It should be listed on his site though...

[this message was edited by Click on Fri 11 Mar 08:58]

594th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 08:41post reply

I pick Meidi, but not before adding the short skirt the (very cute) cosplayer of her used at AOU.

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Bata kun
2547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 09:05:post reply

I have to pick only one? Kasumi. There.

I like the short skirt of Meidi. Midi doesn't look much of a tomboy to use "boku", but eh. (Most girls I know of who use "boku" tend to be tomboys.) Whether or not Shasta posing like that means she'll end up being the Marilyn Monroe of the game, I don't know. Lace's pants could be improved a bit. I have nothing witty to say about Teresa other the fact that she's sassy.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sat 12 Mar 02:03]

1031th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 09:10post reply

Kasumi, cause she looks elegant and is very pretty.

Fuu is a cutie!!

359th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 11:21post reply

Kasumi, cause she looks elegant and is very pretty.

Seconded. Long dresses are very under represented in games :(

760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 11:52post reply

Long dresses are very under represented in games :(

As opposed to Meidi's mini skirt which is not even a skirt. She's pretty though. I pick Midi cuz she's upbeat and cool.

564th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 12:01post reply

Midi doesn't look much of a tomboy to use "boku", but eh. (Most girls I know of who use "boku" tend to be tomboys.)

Is says that she refers to herself as Boku in the profile though =) (maybe you knew and then I'd feel like an asshole for pointing it out).

But yea, I am so confused between Shasta and Kasumi, I mean, both of them in one character would rock =) I guess to balance out the Kasumi love...

Also Shasta is the name of a shitty Coke imitation (well actually it's ok) that you can buy in California.


27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 12:19post reply

I have to say, when I read the translated profiles earlier today on your site, my favourite was a tie between Kasumi Rose and Shasta Rose. So, when I came upon this poll, I decided to just vote for Kasumi (her name comes first, alphabet-wise...), but now it looks like Shasta needs my support more. -_-

1) She uses "watakushi" just like Sumire oujousama~
2) Her picture makes her out to be really elegant!

1) She sounds feisty. =D
2) I like the aggressive-types!

6009th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 17:44post reply

(Most girls I know of who use "boku" tend to be tomboys.)

I like how you talk of these girls like if they really existed.

2940th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Fri 11 Mar 18:45post reply

I vote for Kasumi, and Shasta would make a 2nd place easily.

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

rid hershel
6459th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 01:03post reply

I think it is still only assumed that Styleos did Mushi, but it's definitely a safe bet. It should be listed on his site though...
Wan't his name on the credits? (saw them on one of the videos posted on your site). Not sure, I shouldn't have deleted that.

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120th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 01:22post reply

Wan't his name on the credits? (saw them on one of the videos posted on your site).

Yup, Click found his name in the Mushi credits back when I was digging up info on the guy.

572th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 01:52post reply

(Most girls I know of who use "boku" tend to be tomboys.)
I like how you talk of these girls like if they really existed.

I know girls who use Boku ... =P

Usually it's associated with a deep voice ... very 'non-cutsy' image...


Red Falcon
5421th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 04:59post reply

Dain looks like a grown-up Luccio Roche. Just realized it.

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555th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 05:30post reply

Wan't his name on the credits? (saw them on one of the videos posted on your site).

Yup, Click found his name in the Mushi credits back when I was digging up info on the guy.

Memory shortage...

Anyway, $5 to anyone who can name the actual main characters off the top of their head...

( . . )

121th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 05:49post reply

Memory shortage...

Anyway, $5 to anyone who can name the actual main characters off the top of their head...

( . . )

Bond and Dain (Dyne?)! I stared at that page too much when waiting for them to put up the images of the girls.

Bata kun
2548th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 05:55post reply

Memory shortage...

Anyway, $5 to anyone who can name the actual main characters off the top of their head...

( . . )

Bond and Dain (Dyne?)! I stared at that page too much when waiting for them to put up the images of the girls.

Dag! Jiji beat me to it.

rid hershel
6460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Ibara (plus poll)" , posted Sat 12 Mar 09:55post reply

I stared at that page too much when waiting for them to put up the images of the girls.

We all did...

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rid hershel
6465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Poll Winner" , posted Sun 13 Mar 21:12post reply

And the winner is... Kasumi!
Thanks for voting.

Things that Cave should do now:

Ibara dating sim
Ibara mahjong game
Ibara Columns

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Bata kun
2551th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Poll Winner" , posted Mon 14 Mar 01:43post reply

dating sim

I bet Kasumi is going to be the Shiori of that game.