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Sano 1575th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Capcom Retro Game Collection" , posted Sat 12 Mar 21:59
Capcom made resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 3. Yeah, no reason to believe in them when they only made two games everybody on this site was more or less positive about. Capcom does other things besides 2D.
Last year on Pulse, a show that used to be on G4 TV, they talked about a new chain of stores in Japan that are doing very well and are called "Sweet Potatoe" and documented on something being called 'The Sweet Potatoe movement.' Basically in Japan, there are people who are tired of the video games today that are too complex, too hard, and take to long to actually learn how to play. They are going back to play older, simpler games, such as, I dunno, games featured in this collection, and this is what the Sweet Potatoe store sells. If you think Saturn owners = Playstation 2 owners anywhere on the planet, I have a couple of bridges to sell you. (By the way, when Pulse ran this news interview it featured X-Men vs SF along with games much older than that like Pacman and so forth. Doesn't get much simpler than X vs SF in terms of fighters.)
And yeah, what's the big deal. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you live in the US, there's a chance this collection won't reach here anyway given all the Capcom collections that don't make it over here so you might not even have the option. I ain't buying it, but so what. No reason to get this upset.
Ryu and Chun-Li forever!
IkariDC 308th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Capcom Retro Game Collection" , posted Sat 12 Mar 22:33
quote: Capcom made resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 3. Yeah, no reason to believe in them when they only made two games everybody on this site was more or less positive about. Capcom does other things besides 2D.
Last year on Pulse, a show that used to be on G4 TV, they talked about a new chain of stores in Japan that are doing very well and are called "Sweet Potatoe" and documented on something being called 'The Sweet Potatoe movement.' Basically in Japan, there are people who are tired of the video games today that are too complex, too hard, and take to long to actually learn how to play. They are going back to play older, simpler games, such as, I dunno, games featured in this collection, and this is what the Sweet Potatoe store sells. If you think Saturn owners = Playstation 2 owners anywhere on the planet, I have a couple of bridges to sell you. (By the way, when Pulse ran this news interview it featured X-Men vs SF along with games much older than that like Pacman and so forth. Doesn't get much simpler than X vs SF in terms of fighters.)
And yeah, what's the big deal. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you live in the US, there's a chance this collection won't reach here anyway given all the Capcom collections that don't make it over here so you might not even have the option. I ain't buying it, but so what. No reason to get this upset.
People is complaining because Capcom could have done a better collection they would have supported, not something worse than what they've done before. Why don't they just re-release Capcom Generations? It's a very nice collection. I only miss the SF2 collection one, (the japanese fifth disc) wich was published there separately, I believe.
Iron D 2628th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Capcom Retro Game Collection" , posted Sun 13 Mar 12:03
quote: What next, Final Fight collection?
I'd love to see that. Especially if FF1 and 2 were arcade perfect translations.
In fact, what I really would like to see would be a Cap beat 'em up collection w/the Final Fights, AvP, DnD, Knights of the Round Table, Punisher, etc., etc. etc.
Kinda off topic, but who developed the arcade Spider-man beat 'em up. Cap? Konami? Sega?
Zelkin. Pimped.
sakuranbo 14th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):Capcom Retro Game Collection" , posted Sun 13 Mar 12:37
Last year on Pulse, a show that used to be on G4 TV, they talked about a new chain of stores in Japan that are doing very well and are called "Sweet Potatoe" and documented on something being called 'The Sweet Potatoe movement.' Basically in Japan, there are people who are tired of the video games today that are too complex, too hard, and take to long to actually learn how to play. They are going back to play older, simpler games, such as, I dunno, games featured in this collection, and this is what the Sweet Potatoe store sells.
OT. Not to be an ass or picky, but I believe your talking about the Super potato chain store. These are indeed VG stores specialized in so called "retro games". I think they are mainly based in Osaka, but if i recall correctly, there is one too in Akiba. I would really love to see them change the name to sweet, which would mean they would have "sweet" prices and not the current "super" (expensive) ones... Also, until recently, you could google for their page using 超芋 ハハ
わしは旅の僧、錯乱坊。 チェリーとよんでくだされ。