Block B - Forums

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407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Block B" , posted Sat 12 Mar 13:38post reply

Leona vs Kula

Chun Li vs Hinako
Chun Li

My own votes: Leona and Chun Li.


Variable Savior
264th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Block B" , posted Sat 12 Mar 14:17post reply

Leona's a favorite of mine (well at least spritewise and her more recent artwork) so I've gotta go with her over Kula.

I have no real preference on the second choice but as I enjoy grapplers and have always found Chunli to be rather dry I'm going with Hinako.

Blood marks heaven's path

463th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Block B" , posted Sat 12 Mar 14:48post reply

Hmm. I voted Leona because it looks like they might finally do something with her again in the next KOF (assuming her ending happened) and because Kula fanboys kind of scare me.

Then I voted Hinako because she's far more interesting than Chun-Li. Ojousama + Sumo + Airhead = WIN! It's sad that Hinako usually gets saddled with jokey endings. At least KOF 2003's wasn't so terrible. A little silly, but whatever.

Which isn't to say that Chun-Li hasn't changed or had any development character-wise, because she has. Far more than that stupid Mai (yes, I still feel that I-no deserved that win). Chun just kind of bores me, though. She's never the first female I go to in games that she's in.


307th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Block B" , posted Sat 12 Mar 19:19post reply

Leona all the way!! Yeah, it's time they continue developing her story or something...

Chun is losing?? I just can't believe that! You know, I don't like Hinako that much, but Chun losing? Come on! Where are the Capcom fanboys when you need them?

rid hershel
6462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Block B" , posted Sat 12 Mar 23:21post reply

This is the only board on the planet where Hinako can get so many votes.

I voted Kula because she's... scary-cute and lovable. One of SNK's best ideas. And because Leona has an horrible outfit.

And I voted Chun Li because of Street Fighter II and III (don't like her Zero version that much). And I don't like Hinako.

random news

150th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 01:12post reply

I chose Kula because I like her design,her movelist ,and her robot.

I chose Hinako over Ms.Thunder-Thighs because (just as Nate said) she is FAR more interesting then Chun Li. Also, Chun li is one of the few female characters in fighting games I don't play as. Hinako is currently my favorite fighting game character.



1886th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 05:00post reply

While Kula isn't a bad character she suffers from an overused design scheme. If I never see another blue haired, red eyed anime chick again it will be too soon. The scab version of Heidern gets my vote.

Hinako never struck me as being a real character and instead came across like conglomeration of clashing ideas. Chun-Li gets the vote instead because of her hidden super where she throws her wrist bracelets.

Iron D
2629th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 12:11post reply

Leona, despite having no butt, is a personal fave of mine. Meanwhile Kula's just...not interesting.

Chunli vs. Hinako? Chuns gets this no contest. Hinako is just...ugh. One of KoF's worse designs. Meanwhile, Chuns has been getting more and more interesting with time. And she's got a great butt.

Zelkin. Pimped.

Red Falcon
5425th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 12:20post reply

I'm not voting in the first one, but I'll vote for Chun. Hinako's okay, but I like Chun-Li more.

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2969th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 13:42post reply

I'm not voting in the first one


Leona 23 69.70 %
Kula 10 30.30 %
You could always cast a tie-up vote

Red Falcon
5429th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The truth!" , posted Sun 13 Mar 14:13:post reply

Leona, despite having no butt

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 14 Mar 07:59]

1579th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Block B" , posted Sun 13 Mar 14:45post reply

Leona and Chun-Li for me. No contest.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Bata kun
2549th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block B" , posted Mon 14 Mar 00:39post reply

The next person who posts after me can have my votes. =P

rid hershel
6466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Block B" , posted Mon 14 Mar 01:37post reply

The next person who posts after me can have my votes. =P


random news

149th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):Block B" , posted Mon 14 Mar 02:07post reply

Leona, despite having no butt

WHAT?! I thought that was dessert for JJJ?

322th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(9):Block B" , posted Mon 14 Mar 07:42post reply

Leona's too manly even for my taste (yeah, I'm the one who finds JoJo girls feminine). And Chun-Chun... she's a legend (and the first virtual female character I found appealing), so my vote goes to her.

Iron D
2634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The truth!" , posted Mon 14 Mar 08:28post reply

Leona, despite having no butt

Nice. Real nice, but that's fan art, no?

Zelkin. Pimped.

324th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):The truth!" , posted Mon 14 Mar 09:22post reply

Leona, despite having no butt

Nice. Real nice, but that's fan art, no?

It looks Mogudan's, but I'm not a hentai expert, so I would be wrong...

Red Falcon
5429th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The truth!" , posted Mon 14 Mar 10:43post reply

It looks Mogudan's, but I'm not a hentai expert, so I would be wrong...

Nope. Sigh, so many good artists go unappreciated! >_<

Best site EVER:Link Here

Iron D
2636th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The truth!" , posted Mon 14 Mar 11:39post reply

It looks Mogudan's, but I'm not a hentai expert, so I would be wrong...
Nope. Sigh, so many good artists go unappreciated! >_<

Well, I don't know who the artist is, but man, thanks in order for that pic. That's just one awesome pic, Red.

Zelkin. Pimped.

Undead Fred
2215th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The truth!" , posted Mon 14 Mar 12:18post reply

Leona and Hinako for me. Leona's a great character, AND she's got an Orochi form (bonus points for me). I like Kula too, but Leona's better in my book. And I voted for Hinako because she's a cute character (and I liked how she's a small girl using sumo for her fighting style...), and I wasn't really a Chun-Li fan. I kind of like her as a character and I like using her here and there, but I like Hinako more than Chun-Li I guess. Maybe because she's "newer"?

Time Mage
2071th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Block B" , posted Mon 14 Mar 22:05post reply

Leona and Chun Li here. Having to choose between LEona and Kula is not fair, because I like Kula, but I like LEona a whole lot more. She's always been part of my team in practically every KOF.
Chun Li vs Hinako, however... I like Chunny, and I don't like Hinako at all, so the choice was obvious.

410th Post

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Gold Customer

"<---- Lazy" , posted Sat 19 Mar 12:26post reply

The winners for Block B are Leona and Chun Li!

Next matches are...

Ibuki vs Jam
B Jenet vs Elena

Hopefully the fights will be a little tighter this time.

Bata kun
2577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"^ - Lazy" , posted Thu 24 Mar 01:50post reply

You're so lazy, you even forgot to keep this topic up to make an indication on when you're starting block C. =P

2442th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KULA" , posted Thu 24 Mar 04:44post reply

funny that the blue-hairs are together.

anyway, whilst leona is a better fighter, kula has a cute outfit. So! kula it is.

48th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):KULA" , posted Thu 24 Mar 06:52post reply

Too late I guess, but I'll chime in for the sake of doing it.

Kula or Leona: Kula
Chun-Li or Hinako: Chun-Li