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Pollyanna 925th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Jump Superstars and other boring things" , posted Mon 14 Mar 04:10
Yeah, even if the Jump Superstars game sucks, I've got to play it. I just wish Nintendo (or HAL is it, that made Smash Brothers?) would make one for Gamecube. I'm not a Nintendo fan, but I feel like Smash Brothers is the only decent reason to buy a GC and since Nintendo doesn't want to create memorable new characters, it's a good opportunity to create a good, highly profitable game for a lackluster system.
But I guess, since everyone (myself included, unfortuantely) will buy Jump Superstars even if it sucks, they don't need to go to the trouble.
Also...yayyy...Brandon is alive.
Pollyanna 928th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Jump Superstars and other boring things" , posted Tue 15 Mar 17:18
quote: I hate smash brothers!
oh yeah, pollyanna.........I owe you an email! I have pulled myself out of the dark pit.
Do you just hate Smash Brothers, or do you think it sucks? I, for example, don't like Zelda games. I do not, however, think they suck. Despite the fact taht I don't like any (other) Nintendo games, Smash Brothers has won me over with its quality...although I think it's time for something new.
Also, you don't need to worry about writing back to me until you actually want to. I wondered where you went, though...