The dream thread - Forums

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6084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The dream thread" , posted Fri 18 Mar 01:14post reply

After an extremely disturbing dream of IkariDC, I think we can all agree about the necessity to share our evening experiences. To improve the healing power of the thread and help us forget those traumas, I will put it under the patronage of Roger Jr tan.

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Thank you Roger Jr.

I’ll begin. In this dream, I’m around 7 or 8 years old. I’m the house we lived in then, in the middle south of France, a two floured house. I’m alone, upstairs, and I go to the kitchen where I find a HUGE cake; I decide to take it with me and eat it before the TV. To go there, I have to cross the living room, my two hands barely holding the cake, and it’s so big I can barely see what’s before me.
Unfortunately, in my living room lives a giant red snake of the size of that boss in the remake of Bio Hazard on GC. Of course, he wants to eat me and my cake; and while I try to explain that it wouldn’t make him any good, I discover he’s a Stalinist at heart, who still thinks Stalin is the best thing that ever happened to Russia. For the American readers, you’ll have to imagine that here in France communism wasn’t synonym with evil and Satan or anything, and we still have different types of communist people living, a little out of time but not harmful.
But Stalin is another thing and I begin to tell him everything that happened in USSR during Stalin’s era (because my hunger for the cake suddenly made me a doctor in modern Russian politics), that it was all lies, and most of all that Stalin has been dead for years.
When I talk about the perestroika, the snake is heartbroken and jumps from the windows to meet his doom (there may be 3 meters to the ground, and the snake is big enough to fill the entire living room, but whatever). I sit before the TV and begin to eat my cake, but I don’t turn it on and rather listen to the screams of agony of the snake. Because actually, all I told him were lies, and Stalin is still alive. Hahaha, what a jackass.

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?


472th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):The dream thread" , posted Fri 18 Mar 03:19post reply

Hmm. Well, I could talk about my Elijah Wood sex dream.

Actually, there's not much to say other than I was thinking about someone I used to go out with and have managed to stay on good terms with who also has a gaptoothed smile and blue eyes, which led my subconscious to connect that with Elijah Wood, apparently.

There's not much to summarize, but I think I was at school and sitting around talking with him and a couple friends. It definitely didn't look like home. Then suddenly we were alone and things happened...

Perhaps I've shared too much, though, tohoho. Then again, at this point nothing's sacred.


155th Post

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"Re(1):The dream thread" , posted Fri 18 Mar 03:22post reply

OK i'll pitch 1 dream that i've ever rememberd...but it's only the last part of the whole dream

So i was walking down a not too wide hallway of red-bricks w/ a friend. Above were some chandeliers and windows but they were really high up. It looks like a hallway down to a jailyard, but we were actually heading for a mall shopping.
There was only the 2 of us, but then suddenly a guy came up behind us and was trying to rob us saying gimme all your money
This guy looks freaky, he's got a British look like Dudley from SF3, but he's like 8ft tall and is very lean, not muscular at all, when he spoke he only looked straight ahead of him w/ dead-frog eyes. Like the 1st baddie from RyuKnight.
So i was tryin' to protect my friend and lie about it saying yo we got no money we're jus going window-shopping and look around. after exchanging few remarks he approached us closer and we back off till we hit a wall behind us
He grabbed my left shoulder and spun me around and thrust a 'shilettole' kind o' knife in my lower right side of my waist in the back area. I think my friend peed in his pants, and i was shouting like ARRGGGG. This dudley dude keep staring straight ahead like a robot, then he jerked the knife upward w/ all his strength while keeping the knife in me.

That freakin' hurt so much i woke up from it. And after i wake up, it continues to hurt in my back for several more minutes even though i'm wide awake!!! Anyone ever have this kinda dream? Matrix DejaVu?!

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!

6086th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The dream thread" , posted Fri 18 Mar 06:18post reply

Lunatic: wow wow wow, hold on a minute, you're going to suck up all the healing power of Roger Jr tan at this rate!

I'll continue with some of my recurrent dreams : my erotic dreams always involve either gorgeous guys I met but never had the chance to fuck, or that one guy I fucked once and whom I never had the opportunity to have after that and it's still aching.
My partners are always identified people I met in person, even though sometimes they are totally uninteresting in real life and appear gorgeous in my dream, which always leave me with a bad taste in my mouth when I wake up (pun intended).

Another dream I make almost every night or so, is one where I go to school (it's always several years backwards; now, I begin to dream I go to the university, but until now I only had dreams about going to college; when I was in college, I was going to high school, etc). And they are dreams where I forgot my pants, my socks, my shoes, or everything. And someone, without being surprised, makes me notice it, and I either have to go back to my house to pick up my clothes, or I look down and see them on the ground two feet away from me, even if I just stepped inside the room.
If someone has an explanation for this particular theme, it would be greatly appreciated.

I'll wait until tomorrow for my whale dream.

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

Krzyzewski Man
1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):The dream thread" , posted Fri 18 Mar 13:56post reply

One time, I was talking to a squirrel, and he turned into a lion, and we rassled.

Krzyzewski Man:
Lowering the tone since 1985.

317th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 10:26post reply

The snake dream is awesome! Can't wait to the whale dream.

That painful thing even when being awake never happened to me, it's quite a serious thing, don't you think so?

I never dreamt of harmful things, I've never died or I've been chased by a monster, or had any of those kind of nightmare types of dreams. It's always me going to places, meeting people and doing things.

Also, it happens to me that sometimes, I dream of something and when I'm awake, I think that it really happened until I think about it and realize it was just a dream. So, once I thought I had a PS2, or I thought I failed a maths exam (it's always a maths exam, although it hadn't anything to do with maths), and then I say "Wait a moment, I didn't buy a PS2 yet" or "Wait, I don't have maths as a subject since highschool!". I really hate maths...

I also remember that once, I dreamed about something that really affected me. I dreamed that I asked out a girl. I was in love with that girl in collage, but I didn't have feelings for her anymore. In the dream, she became my girlfriend, and I really had fun talking to her and being with her. When I was awake, I started considering if I had feelings for her now, if it was a premonition or something like that, and couldn't think about anything else. I remember I had to study for an exam, and that I culdn't get that stuff out of my head. I started looking for her telephone number, etc. In the end I did nothing, and when I met her again, I understood that it was just a dream and that I shouldn't have been troubled by it.

Later I dreamed again with her, in that dream I told her that I dreamed she was my girlfriend, and we made fun of that! Talking in a dream about another dream, try to beat that!

Yesterday I saw that girl, she looked quite pretty...

120th Post

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"Re(5):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 10:39post reply


I also remember that once, I dreamed about something that really affected me. I dreamed that I asked out a girl. I was in love with that girl in collage, but I didn't have feelings for her anymore. In the dream, she became my girlfriend, and I really had fun talking to her and being with her. When I was awake, I started considering if I had feelings for her now, if it was a premonition or something like that, and couldn't think about anything else. I remember I had to study for an exam, and that I culdn't get that stuff out of my head. I started looking for her telephone number, etc. In the end I did nothing, and when I met her again, I understood that it was just a dream and that I shouldn't have been troubled by it.

Later I dreamed again with her, in that dream I told her that I dreamed she was my girlfriend, and we made fun of that! Talking in a dream about another dream, try to beat that!

Yesterday I saw that girl, she looked quite pretty...

Man, that's a sad story, really.
I often dream about girls who I like/liked, and it's all like that shit.

(It's been I while since I had that kind of dream though)

Lemme see
I once dreamed about Watari Hiroshi, this tokusatsu actor who did Spielvan and Sharivan and stuff. He was at some theater, drinking Jack Daniels and shooting at ramdom otaku at the audience with a .38, and the exits were guarded by strange-looking men with katana and baseball bats.


Joe Randel
388th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 11:06post reply

My dog died a year ago (11 days shy as of this post). I was extremely heart broken for months. The day after I lost her I only worked half a day. I came home drained and lost and fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon and dreamed...

I awoke in my dream in a wooded area beside a small stream. I looked ahead of me and saw my beloved dog running towards me. She knocked me down and licked me all over my face, then she jumed off me and ran in to the woods. I got up and followed her but she was too fast. I kept on in the direction she headed in and I came to a clearing in the woods where the grouns sloped up slightly and then down in to a large valley filled with pine trees. In the the clearing was a small wood cabin. The grass was short and there was a fence around the cabin that was only up to my mid shin. Behind the cabin I could see a whole forest of evergreens and huge cool grey mountains. I walked up to the door and pushed it open. Inside there was only one room. In it, going counter clockwise starting to my left was a kitchen area with a basin for washing and some shelves on the wall, a window that looked on to the front lawn, a round table with two chairs, a woodstove with a pot on it, a bed with a thick patch work quilt and a window over it and then the door which I entered. No running water and not electricity. In the middle of the floor, laying on a rug was my dog. She layed there looking at me and sighed. I then felt myself floating back out the door and in to the sky. I got a whole birds eye view of the cabin, the woods, mountains, everything. It was beautiful. Then I woke up.

I'll never forget that dream.

"I can't take any more illicit drugs... I can't afford any artificial joy" - Pursuit of Happiness

409th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 12:19post reply

Joe Randel - woah, sad but cool dream.

I dreamt that I was in a friend's house, with the whole gang (around 20 or so boys and girls), we were having a party or a reunion or something. Then someone I don't know says to us, "One of you is different".

(I know we should've all went WTF since there was a stranger in the house, but this is dream logic)

By 'different', I immediately realized (again, through infallible dream logic) that he meant one of us has either been body-snatched, or is actually a demon in disguise. It went a little fast forward at this point, when people were deducing who was the 'different' one, and at the end, it dawned on me that I was the 'different' one; the only human one.

Then they all smiled at me, the freaky kind of smile, and the lights went out. Then I woke up.

If I have the heart, I'll try to write down that "Korean Zombies from the Sea" nightmare I had.

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 20:08post reply

One of my best structured and "logical" dreams (if a dream can be measured by the laws of logic after all) was the one I had about my discovery of some ancient texts in Laredo beach (a known holiday resort in northern Spain where I spent almost half of my life). The dream goes as follows...

I was getting a peaceful, summer walk in the beach, when I suddenly ealized there were some kind of rocks half buried near a dune. I decided to pull them off, and how surpised I was when I realized it was some sort of aztec calendar full of geometric figures and some unknown, ancient inscriptions. It was a big boom in the local newspaper, so big some scientists came to help me to decipher the meaning of the writings. They came to be accurate plans to create some kind of starship, so we decided to build it and try to make contact with the alien civilization that left the "aztec calendar" in the beach. After some quick mechanical job a la A-Team, we finished the vehicle near a fictional wooden peer. The starship appearance resembled a bus floating near the shore, but the vision of the finished project just made me eager to begin my journey, so I went aboard with almost a tenth, or a dozen of volunteers I knew nothing about. Then, the starship bean to move alone, as if it were remote-controlled, so we just sat down and relaxed. After we reached the space began the problems...someone told me we were approaching Venus, and, being unprotected as we were (in the dream we were dressed in summer clothes, and there were no trace of a single spacesuit) that could be deadly for us...Then, everyone heard a voice, some kind of recorded message (I assume it was coming directly into our brains, but it could perfectly come from an speaker, who knows) welcoming us. The voice told us they (their race, I suppose) were very happy to make contact with an alien intelligence after so many aeons because they, being life forms baed on pure energy had an almost infinite life. The last thing the recorded voice told us was something like : "Relax and enjoy the trip, you'll reach your destination very, very soon. Welcome to our home-planet, the SUN". We all looked each other, speechless. We knew we were doomed.

When I woke up, I felt as being the main character in an "Outer Limits" story. I can't describe how distressing a dream like this can be...

2980th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The dream thread" , posted Sat 19 Mar 20:28:post reply

After an extremely disturbing dream of IkariDC, I think we can all agree about the necessity to share our evening experiences. To improve the healing power of the thread and help us forget those traumas, I will put it under the patronage of Roger Jr tan.

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    ゛``,r'_), ┤       l <Come on, tell me everything...


When I was a kid I would have epic multipart dreams that would continue the next night where they left off before.
So anyway, sence a couple years after college started, all my dreams suck now.
My friend said he didn't want to go to college because he thought it would take away his imagination. I thought he was full of s*%~ in that idea, but now I think he was on to something correctish.

When I have a dream about something repetitive like a game I may have been playing repeatidly, I think that I should stop playing that game for a while because I've probably been playing too much.

[this message was edited by Lupin on Sat 19 Mar 20:29]

1900th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):The dream thread" , posted Sun 20 Mar 05:10post reply

This thread is pretty interesting so I might as well share one of my personal favorite moments of REM induced strangeness. In this dream I dreamt I had moved in to a new apartment. It was quite nice and very large with two floors, several bedrooms, a massive living room and -most surprisingly- a large wet bar. Not only did the apartment come with a stocked bar complete with a bartender but the bartender was Richard Attenborough. Since both Richard and I enjoyed the finer points of alcohol we got along right away. In addition to showing me where he stashed playing cards behind the bar [in the mini-fridge of all places] he promised he would introduce me to some of the more exotic types of beer available. As an example he poured up for me a pitcher of what looked like A&W Root Beer but was the lesser known A&W Beer. In my dream I could actually taste the A&W Beer. It was both sweet and bitter, very good and unlike anything I have ever tasted while awake. As I was drinking the A&W Beer I remember a sense of peace and tranquility came over me as I realized how wonderful it would be that I could come down to my living room whenever I wanted and have a beer with Richard Attenborough.

6120th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Cosmic Whale dream and random [blog]" , posted Wed 23 Mar 19:25post reply

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Thanks Yotsuba, you're a sweetheart.

So... I don't appear in this dream, which is extremely bizarre for me. It begins with a plane, a Boeing or something, loaded with people, over the Atlantic ocean, and that flies just above the waves; there, the pilot, like a guide in a tourist tour, says "and if you look on the right of the plane, you can see the white whale". And indeed, a gigantic whale is swimming there, bigger than the one in Mind Game.
This whale is special. I don't know the details, but I know it cured all diseases in the world, solved the starvation in Africa, and explained the human race how to get along with each other and stop war, amongst other things. It's the most awesome thing on Earth, and everybody loves it for all it has done.
At this precise moment, the whale suddenly decides to eat the plane. You then see some news reporter, explaining the whale ate yet another plane full of passengers. The general opinion in the world is "oh, too bad for the people in the plane, but after all it has done, the whale can have some fun now". I strongly suspect some people even take planes on purpose so they can get eaten by the whale.
Then, there is a final plot twist: the whale was not eating planes at random or because it was hungry, but because it needed the pieces to build its own spaceship. So, once it has eaten enough planes, suddenly, the rocket it has build inside its stomach is complete, so it climbs in it (so the rocket is not in its stomach and is bigger now) and the whale flies away from Earth. Everybody is extremely sad to see the rocket leaving, but they know how nice the whale was to us, so they prey it has a good trip and continue to make good around it. It ends with some child saying "mother, I want to become just like the whale".


This dream talk remind me of something I haven't done in month, but I used to do quite often: I never played any FPS after Doom 1, because I hated it and tend to despise every first person view game. And the other reason why I don't like FPS is that my dreams are far, far better.
So, it's a dream like what I imagine Counter Strike to be. I'm in some area, a building or something, I have a gun, People want to kill me, I kill them, and sometimes I take ammo or other weapons on their corpses. And sometimes, I die.
I feel the pain in my chest, it rises, it rises, and when it becomes unbearable, I die and... I instantly become the guy who killed me. I look at my corpse, I'm happy like when I killed random blue guy #43, and I continue to shoot at everyone (who seem to know I'm in this body now). And so on, and so on, until I wake up. Needless to say, it's an awesome dream.

When I was playing Siren again and again, I even had a Siren mod of this dream, but only once I think. I had no weapons, the house (it was my parent's house this time) was loaded with shibito, who didn't know I was there, but I knew what they would do to me if they find me. I remember staying in the cellar for a long time, listening to the noises, and when everything seemed calm around, I would run from one room to another. I was scared to death; finally, I managed to jump from a window and run outside, where I could hide amongst the trees until I get to the car. There, a sniper saw me and killed me, but like in the CS dreams, I immediately became the sniper, who suddenly became human again since it was me. And I continued my stealth effort to flee, even though I wasn't sure there was anywhere to go. But since I had a gun this time, it was easier.


On a totally unrelated subject, yesterday was the last of the 3 days of the Cinema Spring in Paris. I was working and I couldn't have a day off, so I could only see 7 movies, but it was still good. Amenabar's Mar Adentro or whatever was extremely disapointing and borderline stupid, but the rest was at least interesting.
I had that movie about Mitterand, that prooves in France you can make a movie about a famous dead person without turning it into a shameless hagiography. Then a weird movie about a weird famous humorist (Yolande Moreau) having a weird love affair in the north of France; it was my classic poetry teacher's advice, and I think we're going to have a veeeery awckward discussion about it next Friday.
The next movie was Mondovino, or how american parvenus where destroying the wine worldwide with the help of a disgusting fat french asshole. Interesting and heartbreacking. Then, I had Hotel, an austrian movie, an extremely bizarre mix between Shining and Grimm's tales.
The last day, I had a senegalese movie about clitoridian excision, really great, and to finish me, the Nightmare of Darwin, or how european assholes destroyed Tanzania with the Nile perch.
So, in 3 days, I had : a tetraplegic dying, a guy dying of cancer, two retards making love in the hortensias, the destruction of a part of our heritage by american barbarians, a blonde frigid bitch, ritual scarification, and how we destroyed a part of Africa. Hooray !

But I had enough happyness in me to not be affected by all this. Why ? Because Friday was Genji day !
For the second year, every worthwile french japanologist (worthwile = working on the Heian era) and the students who dream to blow them until they have their status gathered to talk about awesome things related to the Genji monogatari, like what is the ligh semi formal costume, when do you wear it and is it really more sexy when you have your arrows with you on it? Needless to say, with such vital matters, everyone was thrilled from 10AM to 6PM, and I'm not even talking about all the drama and hot japanologist action of who's hot and who's not. Best of all, the day will continue next year and hopefully the following years, hense my new sig.

But I wanted more, because I'm never satisfied. Or am I? Just when I thought I had all that I could take, my director showed me the most awesome magazine ever. I don't have it right now, so I can't say precisely, but it's like "Weekly Genji". Every week (month?) every hot news about the Genji MG ! I don't remember precisely what was in this issue, but I think it was wonderful, like "down with Waka Murasaki", "Kiritsubo topless", "Scandal : Hikaru x Sugawara no Michizane (yaoi inside)", or "Is the Prince such a good lover ? Dirty talk with Fujitsubo".

This was the awesomestest week of the season.


6137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yotsuba vs MOK-KOS" , posted Thu 24 Mar 17:06post reply

Who will win this titanic struggle?
If even Yotsuba can't win, humanity is doomed.


74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"DAMN YOU, NEW JOB" , posted Fri 25 Mar 22:49post reply

On a totally unrelated subject, yesterday was the last of the 3 days of the Cinema Spring in Paris.


I knew I forgot something ショボーン

6148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DAMN YOU, NEW JOB" , posted Sat 26 Mar 00:44post reply

I knew I forgot something ショボーン

That's why I made this awesome resume here! And you didn't missed much, there was nothing really astounishing on screen, really. Also, I had fabulous sex saturday.
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