3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd. 2 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Bata kun
2557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd. 2" , posted Fri 18 Mar 06:57post reply

1. Akira/"JG" vs. 8. Mina/"SC"

5. Tiffany/"JG" vs. 4. Shiki/"SS"

3. Ivy/"SC" vs. 6. Kasumi/"DoA"

10. Lei Fang/"DoA" vs. 2. Kyouko/"JG"
Lei Fang


6090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 07:19post reply

Easy pic : Tiffany, Ivy and Kyôko.
As for Mina, I'll vote for her but only because I can't stand Akira.

VOTE TIFFANY for this round! Don't let Shiki pass through!
Remember how Shiki is a boring character to play with, and that it's a 3D tournament and you shouldn't vote for her if you haven't played Polysamu AND liked it!
Shiki is boring, Tiffany is fun to play with, designed by Edayan, and appeared in TWO dating sims! What's not to like!

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

Bata kun
2559th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 07:20:post reply

Predictions (with comments I forgot to add):


Akira/Vanessa - Akira. Come on. It's Akira.

Mina/Julia - In this Namco matchup, Mina, but barely.

Tiffany/Taki - I'm going to be against my darkhorse and say Taki.

Shiki/Sophitia - Shiki. Trust me. You can't beat the third most loved "SS" character that easily.

Ivy/Talim - Hate to say it, but Ivy.

Kasumi/Rain - Kasumi. It's hard to vote against her.

Ayane/Lei Fang - This is a toss-up, but Lei Fang will end up being the better "DoA" girl.

Kyouko/Tracy - Poor Tracy. Kyouko easily wins here.


Akira/Mina - Akira. Mina's worst scenario is her being a 3 to 1 underdog, but she will put up a fight.

Shiki/Taki - Both have style, but in the end, Shiki will win this.

Shiki/Tiffany - Shiki. My darkhorse got real lucky, but you can't rely on luck after the first round you know. So, yes, that means Tiffany is the first "JG" character out, even though I would have liked to see all "JG" characters in the semi-finals.

Ivy/Kasumi - Ivy. However, if there's an underdog that can knock out Ivy, it's Kasumi.

Kyouko/Lei Fang - Fantasy: Ivy and Lei Fang will create a Touma Yumi-san semi-final. Reality: Kyouko. Unless a miracle happens, poor Lei's "Cinderella" story is over, ending the "DoA" run.


Akira/Shiki - Akira. However, Shiki's the only character I can think of that can prevent Akira from being the favorite.

Kyouko/Ivy - Kyouko. You will actually see a "JG" final.


Akira/Kyouko - Akira wins the all-"JG" final.


Akira/Mina - Gah~! How can I choose here?! Dag nab it! I'll leave this one up in the air for now.

Shiki/Tiffany - Shiki. It's the swords pair.

Ivy/Kasumi - Kasumi. I would like to be proven wrong and have Kasumi win here.

Kyouko/Lei Fang - I so should kick myself for making these matchups. =P

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Fri 18 Mar 08:49]

474th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 07:39:post reply

As a junior member of the VOTE TIFFANY brigade, I must also encourage you all to vote for the girl who brought us "WANDAFOO! BYUTIFOO! EKSAITING!" and many other manglings of language, both Japanese AND English.

Yes, Shiki says some interesting stuff as well, but can it make you laugh?

Does Shiki jump you breast-first to restore your health?

Can Shiki crush you in a dogpile?

Is Shiki really anyone's wank fantasy?

That's right. So vote Tiffany. You won't be sorry!

EDIT: Changed my sig for solidarity.


[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 18 Mar 07:43]

1896th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 10:21post reply

Akira vs Mina

Mina lost the ability to change the color of her panties and lost my vote as well. Akira and her sensible decision to wear pants to a martial arts fight gets my vote.

Tiffany vs Shiki


Is Shiki really anyone's wank fantasy?

Shiki with the win.

Ivy vs Kasumi

Kasumi has a love pillow and Ivy doesn't. Kasumi gets my love because of that... er, I don't mean literally gets my love... oh, nevermind.

Lei Fang vs Kyoko

Talk about a no-win situation. After a coin toss my vote goes with Lei Fang due to her jazzy standing animation.

Undead Fred
2234th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 10:44post reply


1597th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 12:15post reply

Sorry guys, I like Tiffany but I like Shiki just a bit more. Must be the red and blue eye thing, or the kick Ass Anime Shiki was in... heh heh. It's funny how both of them have moves where they kiss their opponents, but with different effects. What would happen if they kissed each other? Good rivalry!

For the rest of my votes, I chose Akira, Ivy, and Kyouko, all of who I voted for last time. ~_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 17:01post reply

I voted again for Tiffany, I...just....can't help it!

I also voted for Ivy. Being the slutty type is enough reason to me.

I hope both of them reach the finals, which is most unlikely but, who knows?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

6477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 21:05post reply

Mina: She's my favorite SB/E/C character (well, Xianghua is close), so I couldn't resist. I've been using her since the first game hit the arcades.

Shiki: As much as Tiff is fun, Red Falcon here made me a Shiki fan.

Ivy: Eeeeasy. I don't like Kasumi, and Ivy is great (but in SC2 she got a bit on the scary, masculine side). And her weapon would make a Belmont cry of joy.

Kyouko: Just hurry up, I want her to win the whole tourney. Go Nurse Go!

Time Mage
2074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Fri 18 Mar 22:32post reply

Mina: One of my favourite SC females, behind Sophitia only.

Shiki: Just to see Tiffany loss. I'll avenge you, Taki!!

Ivy: Any SC character >>> any DOA character. And on top of that, we're talking about Ivy, the laughing, sado, good-evil, sexy Ivy.

Kyouko: Just hurry up, I want her to win the whole tourney. Go Nurse Go! (Yes it's Rid's words). Go Kyoko, go!

6478th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Tiffany = evil?" , posted Sat 19 Mar 02:52post reply


770th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Tiffany = evil?" , posted Sat 19 Mar 03:36post reply

Mina: Father, I will not lose! Possibly the most cheerful/determined girl ever.

Shiki: It's the Makie factor. Makie owns me as the ultimate female bad ass.

Kasumi: Only cuz my SC2 rival owns me with Ivy and she scares me with the pain thing.

Lei Fang: Hot tai chi user out to beat Jann to thank him for saving her/my best DOA char.

Undead Fred
2238th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Sat 19 Mar 07:01post reply

Ivy: Eeeeasy. I don't like Kasumi,

Shiki: Just to see Tiffany loss.

Bata kun
2559th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Times" , posted Sun 20 Mar 04:33post reply

Since I forgot to mention the times, I might as well say them now.

Madman time: Monday, 7:00.

Local time: Sunday, 14:00.

1661th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):3D Fighting Game Girls Tournament - Rd." , posted Sun 20 Mar 10:22post reply


I already voted but I haven't posted at all, so here is my deep-seated reasoning

* I refuse to let a doll farm like DoA with its weak ADD-infected story and characters get anywhere in this competition.

* I don't like total trainwrecks of character design. Some people obviously do but I don't. So Tiffany is out.

* For ousting Julia and having a terrible voice in any language, Mina has to die.

Off with your nose

Bata kun
2561th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Owari!" , posted Mon 21 Mar 07:02post reply

Well, round two is over. I never got to use my votes for the first and last matchup, but eh. Using my votes wouldn't have mattered anyway because of the results I see now. (I would have picked Akira and Kyouko though.)

The top seeds have made it to the semi-finals. (My favorite is still in, which is not surprising.) So, you have Akira facing Shiki and Kyouko facing Ivy. Whether or not we'll see a "Justice Gakuen" final remains to be seen.

Well, that's that. I'll begin the semi-finals in a bit. Oh and I'll announce new rules while I'm at it.