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Iggy 6095th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Did that Tekken TV ad just say that Tek" , posted Sat 19 Mar 09:23
|\ /~! >┴〈 {"/ ン ,rぇ 'i´ 〔エ.._,,,. l <Did someone called Jr names in this thread? ノ ヽ. | i ヽ l i i l \ l | ノ ノ \ | /,>' / ,......._ ヽ { i´,. イ /" ` i ゛``,r'_), ┤ l 。'’,~,-'l ,. l ~T"`''' ヽ .;;.' ! ヽ、,,,,,;;;| iー''く ヽ T l | \ \ ____l l. | ヽ、 ` ー------------:.:.:.:.:.:.:.....、 -="-ニ二二"____,! `ー─--------───''''''''"""~
So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual? Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season. What role will the homosexual play in the future? Gooseberry.