Phantasy Star Universe - Forums
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772th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
"Phantasy Star Universe on PS2/PC" , posted Sat 19 Mar 04:11:
"Unfortunately, the exact nature of Phantasy Star Universe is still somewhat of a mystery. It's definitely an RPG, and it definitely has an Online component, allowing players to adventure with friends. Jump doesn't reveal if the game is a massively multiplayer Online title, or if the Online play is more limited, as in Phantasy Star Online. Players will be able to travel back and forth between the three planets of the Grail system, adventuring through massive 3D fields on vehicles and taking on huge monsters along the way."
edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the platforms have been announced as PS2 and PC.
[this message was edited by Phoenix on Sat 19 Mar 04:43]
440th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(1):Phantasy Star Universe on PS2/PC" , posted Sat 19 Mar 09:03
I am hoping that it will make PC in the US... it's a shame that it's not coming for XBox, though. I loved using the communicator for PSO.
I'm also waiting for Blue Burst to come out for the US. Hopefully, I can play that decently with a Sega Saturn USB pad.
1305th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(1):Phantasy Star Universe on PS2/PC" , posted Sat 19 Mar 15:54
It is in fact coming for xbox, just later on.