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beto 833th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Game Developers Rant (Panel from GDC)" , posted Sun 20 Mar 07:54
Gamespot posted a full transcript of the GDC Game Developers Rant:
quote: How many of you were at the Microsoft keynote? I don't know about you, but it made my flesh crawl! The HD era, bigger, louder, more photo-realistic 3-D, teams of hundreds, and big bucks to be made. Not by you and me of course. Not by the developers--developers never see a dime beyond dev funding--by the publishers (and Microsoft, presumably]. Those budgets--those teams ensure the death of innovation. This is not why I got into games. Was your allegiance bought at the price of a television?
quote: Then there's the Nintendo keynote. Nintendo is the company that brought us to this precipice. Nintendo established the business model under which we are crucified today. Nintendo said, 'pay us a royalty not on sales, but on manufacturing.' Nintendo said, 'we will decide what games we'll allow you to publish,' ostensibly to prevent another crash like that of 1983, but in reality to quash any innovation but their own. Iwata-san said he has the heart of the gamer, and my question is what poor bastard's chest did he carve it from?
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Lupin 2981th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Game Developers Rant (Panel from GDC)" , posted Sun 20 Mar 09:22
quote: Gamespot posted a full transcript of the GDC Game Developers Rant:
How many of you were at the Microsoft keynote? I don't know about you, but it made my flesh crawl! The HD era, bigger, louder, more photo-realistic 3-D, teams of hundreds, and big bucks to be made. Not by you and me of course. Not by the developers--developers never see a dime beyond dev funding--by the publishers (and Microsoft, presumably]. Those budgets--those teams ensure the death of innovation. This is not why I got into games. Was your allegiance bought at the price of a television?
Then there's the Nintendo keynote. Nintendo is the company that brought us to this precipice. Nintendo established the business model under which we are crucified today. Nintendo said, 'pay us a royalty not on sales, but on manufacturing.' Nintendo said, 'we will decide what games we'll allow you to publish,' ostensibly to prevent another crash like that of 1983, but in reality to quash any innovation but their own. Iwata-san said he has the heart of the gamer, and my question is what poor bastard's chest did he carve it from?
Before I read the article:
Random game developer at GDC: oh my god the industry is so stagnent and it's blah blah and blah blah's fault. We must change!
Game developer's next game: More of the same.
Now to read the article.