Fighting game boss tourney? - Forums

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1803th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 17:37post reply

Comments? Yay or Nay?

I think it should be fun to do one, but I don't know...maybe the majority here think otherwise.


Bata kun
2567th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 18:58post reply

Comments? Yay or Nay?

I think it should be fun to do one, but I don't know...maybe the majority here think otherwise.

Ask yourself this: "Do I allow former bosses?"

Then, decide from there.

6107th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 19:55post reply

And, like Bata-kun said, do mid-boss also counts ? Because then, I believe Kula (00) and Anhel (02) will be OK? And what about the hidden bosses of SvC? Goenitz and co, but also Athena and RA ?
And most of all, is Jedah OK, even though he was a default character ? If he is, then he gets all my votes. Now I think of it, same question for Heihachi.

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

2983th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 20:05post reply

Comments? Yay or Nay?

I think it should be fun to do one, but I don't know...maybe the majority here think otherwise.

Ask yourself this: "Do I allow former bosses?"

Then, decide from there.

Former ones? Like from older titles in a serries? I think should allow.
So, a different playable character acting as a middle boss depending on who you are playing as wouldn't count, but a character that is an otherwise a regular middle boss would count, yah?

I nominate
Mukai from King of Fighters 2003.

Undead Fred
2242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 21:21post reply

I nominate
I - N O

411th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Mon 21 Mar 22:18post reply


Krzyzewski Man
1058th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 00:26post reply

Comments? Yay or Nay?

I think it should be fun to do one, but I don't know...maybe the majority here think otherwise.



595th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 02:45post reply

I vote Kanna.

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"

508th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 02:48post reply

Verily, yay.
I bet we'd do better than the butch boss rush thread the Kman showed, er hopefully. But if it does include former bosses, I think ol' Vega/M.Bison might try to steal the show. Or at least if the hat club shows up. Make sure Justice Gakuen's Hyou is in there! 見るがいい、斬!


6483th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 02:55post reply

Sounds good, post rules and limits when you do.

If you do one, I'll run a non-fighting game boss thread then ^_^

122th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 03:16post reply

I vote I-no

Krzyzewski Man
1059th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Fighting game boss tourney?" , posted Tue 22 Mar 08:11post reply



1806th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 11:51:post reply

1. Nominations are open to anyone that is/was once the last character to fight in a fighting game, including character for a special/alternate/the real ending.

2. Doesn't matter if he/she has been reduced to a normal playable character, but no sub-bosses.

3. Different incarnations of the same characters will be counted as one even though their styles might differ- e.g. Young Geese/Geese Howard, Shin Akuma/Akuma... )

So that means you can vote for Wolfgang Krauser or Ryo Sakazaki in Fatal Fury Special; Krizalid, Kyo or Iori in KOF99; Shin Akuma, Mr Karate, Athena or RA in SCV Chaos. (If I remembered correctly, you won't fight Geese Howard in Fatal Fury 1 if you are not good enough, right? So that means Billy Kane can be in the running too.)

No other restrictions or limits, unless there are some potential unfairness that you guys can think of.

So far, not much of comments here...Do I take it that it is not really a good idea?

[this message was edited by TheBeast on Tue 22 Mar 12:02]

412th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 13:16post reply

So far, not much of comments here...Do I take it that it is not really a good idea?

It's not bad. People probably just can't pick since there are too many badass bosses (and a lot of lame ones as well).

6113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 17:28post reply

How many can we nominate ?

If we can only nominate one, I'll take Jedah.
If more, I'll extend to Rashôjin Mizuki, then to Amakusashirô Tokisada.

So really what's the difference between a metrosexual and a homosexual?
Metrosexuals are better dressed. Homosexuals are so last season.
What role will the homosexual play in the future?

Undead Fred
2247th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 17:37post reply

1. Nominations are open to anyone that is/was once the last character to fight in a fighting game, including character for a special/alternate/the real ending.

2. Doesn't matter if he/she has been reduced to a normal playable character, but no sub-bosses.

3. Different incarnations of the same characters will be counted as one even though their styles might differ- e.g. Young Geese/Geese Howard, Shin Akuma/Akuma... )

So that means you can vote for Wolfgang Krauser or Ryo Sakazaki in Fatal Fury Special; Krizalid, Kyo or Iori in KOF99; Shin Akuma, Mr Karate, Athena or RA in SCV Chaos. (If I remembered correctly, you won't fight Geese Howard in Fatal Fury 1 if you are not good enough, right? So that means Billy Kane can be in the running too.)

No other restrictions or limits, unless there are some potential unfairness that you guys can think of.

So far, not much of comments here...Do I take it that it is not really a good idea?

You can technically nominate anyone in Street Fighter Alpha 2 (maybe others too, but I can't remember off-hand) since they're all each other's bosses. Did you want to limit that?

2961th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 19:02post reply

Well I would choose...if only 1:Jyazu
If I can choose more, Kouryu, Shishio, Byakko.

PS: Undead fred, is there a fullbody version of you Felicia Avatar?

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

Undead Fred
2248th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 19:20post reply

PS: Undead fred, is there a fullbody version of you Felicia Avatar?

Yessir. I had posted it at the image BBS earlier today.

Time Mage
2079th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 19:43:post reply

Given the rules, my vote(s) go to:

- Gill: Bi-coloured Christ-esque cheaply powerful exhibitionist, with a great array of supers, and a cool voice ("Let me be the blesseer of all souls").

- Jedah: Original, mad, playable, great design. Basically, just plain cool.

- I-No: I can't believe I missed her. Our favorite boss-slut, complete with cheap super, speed, and strength.

EDIT: Changed Mukai for I-No

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Tue 22 Mar 21:33]

2962th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 20:38post reply

Yessir. I had posted it at the image BBS earlier today.


There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

6485th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 21:37post reply

I-No: Shiina Ringo + Kikuko Inoue is heaven. And hell.

Adelheid Bernstein: Rugal's kid has style, a great boss on a forgettable game.

Heihachi Mishima: He's THE fighting game boss.

Undead Fred
2249th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 21:45post reply


No problem!

1806th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Uh wait..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 23:53post reply

No, no, nominations are not open yet...Don't post them yet. You can put forward some characters in mind though.

I will probably do the tourney after the 3D fighting game female tourney is over. Need more comments/suggestions to make this tourney a good one. The Street Fighter Alpha 2 suggestion was great, will keep it in mind. Thanks!

1901th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):RULES..." , posted Tue 22 Mar 23:56post reply

Jedah: Not only does he have a great design, he's also a balanced member of the cast and not just the big cheeseball boss at the end of the game.

Heihachi: He's old enough and rich enough to dress however the hell he wants, he talks to bears, and he travels through time.


It's not bad. People probably just can't pick since there are too many badass bosses (and a lot of lame ones as well).

But it really wouldn't be a proper discussion of bosses if one or two lame ones didn't show up. To honor that spirit I'll nominate -and I thank Pollyana for reminding me of this clown- Karnov. Whether he's the fire breathing fat man in Bad Dudes or sailing through the air with his "Ballooooon!" power in the Fighter's History games, Karnov always brings a little bit of absurdity to whatever game he shows up in.

Iron D
2640th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):RULES..." , posted Thu 24 Mar 04:51post reply

So how many nominations do we get? I'll assume for now that we're going with three. In that case:

1. Geese Howard (Fatal Fury series): You can't keep a good man down, or in this case dead. The Raging Storm rules, and he has one of the coolest voices in fighting games. Plus, you gotta be cool to have Billy Kane work for you.

2. Heihachi Mishima (Tekken series): How could you not nominate this guy? Style, power, cool fighting stance, a bear for a pet, and his dad, son and grandson all want him dead!

3. Akuma/Gouki (Street Fighter series): He's f'in Akuma. 'Nuff said.

Man I hate having to just pick three. Honorable mention goes to a bunch of folks:
Bison, Rugal (KoF '94 version with red suit), Bilstein (Star Gladiator, Plasma Sword), Jedah, Pyron, Hyo Imawano, Sagat (last boss of SF1), Kazuya Mishima (his devil version is the last boss of Tekken 2), and even though I guess he wasn't the last last boss of any of the Soul Edge games per se, I'm going to have to throw Cervantes De Leon in there as well.

Zelkin. Pimped.