Semi official - Spidey 3 villains. - Forums

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"Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 00:58post reply

According to this article at, Thomas Haden Church has been officially cast to play the villain in Spiderman 3. However, the studio did not reveal who the baddy actually will be. Speculations are that he will play Eddie Brock, and apparently, if you check the bottom of the article, some local NY newspaper revealed that the villains in the movie will actually be Venom and Man-Wolf.



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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 02:19post reply

Thomas Haden Church as Venom is not a bad choice. He can be a very intense actor at times and can also act insane. Not to mention, Venom has a sick twisted sense of humor. like when he visited Aunt May's house and said, "Can Petey come out and play?" He would need to bulk up a lot, but if Tobey McGuire can bulk up...

I sure hope they go with Man-Wolf instead of the rumor about JJJ's son becoming Venom.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

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"Re(2):Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 08:41post reply

who the heck is man-wolf...

You've been very bad~ Now off to the gas chamber!

Burning Ranger
1120th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 09:09post reply

who the heck is man-wolf...

AKA Werewolf by Night? (Might be an error on my part).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:24post reply

His exact name escapes me as well but he's JJJ's son who found a moon rock that transforms him into a werewolf in the comics.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Krzyzewski Man
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Semi official - Spidey 3 villains." , posted Wed 23 Mar 11:25post reply

who the heck is man-wolf...

John Jameson.