Adventure Player - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Adventure Player" , posted Fri 25 Mar 08:00post reply

kick ass.

I like the idea of this a lot. I hope someone will bring it to the US, especially if that puzzle option is full-featured! The whole downloadable content, and free sharing of games sounds great to me. Especially since data can be downloaded directly, so content can't be controlled!! mmmm, I love it. Maybe I will get a PSP after all!?


1174th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Adventure Player" , posted Fri 25 Mar 12:06post reply

kick ass.

I like the idea of this a lot. I hope someone will bring it to the US, especially if that puzzle option is full-featured! The whole downloadable content, and free sharing of games sounds great to me. Especially since data can be downloaded directly, so content can't be controlled!! mmmm, I love it. Maybe I will get a PSP after all!?

I really like this idea too, but then again, when's the last time you played a good RPG Maker game on the PC? Or any RPG Maker game? There's plenty of amateur game development software out there for RPGs and the like, but I've never seen anyone create anything worthwhile with it.

2458th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Adventure Player" , posted Sat 26 Mar 02:17post reply

yeah, but this allows you to do puzzle games too. plus, there are lots of amateur artists out there that would like to do something like this, on the ADV side. I mean all you need are images, music and text, really. Further - imagine the 'unofficial ports' people could do!!

1474th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Adventure Player" , posted Sat 26 Mar 07:14:post reply

Like with Adventure Game Studio?

I agree that this has great potential -- but potential means nothing without good talent and motivation behind it. And with adventure games, it's more than just art & animation, music & sound-effects, and a script (which in themselves take a hell of a while) -- a good adventure game requires well-designed puzzles that aren't either mindnumbingly dull or frustratingly illogical. (If you want a good read on the challenges of making good adventure games, check out some of the entries of the company-wide blog of Telltale Games, along with the comments.)

Even if the game is just a remake, it takes a hell of a lot of work. Just look at AGDI -- they're dedicated to their Sierra remakes, and it still takes them a few years to put out each of their remakes. (Though, they have a comparatively high standard of quality, even going through several phases of alpha and beta testing.)

Unless you're itching to develop a game for the PSP, I'd wait around first to see what this scene produces -- especially since the money you'll be spending on this player software will be good ONLY for checking out this specific scene of amateur PSP adventure game developers. Who knows, though -- maybe one game by itself will make the purchase worthwhile. Maybe there'll be several quality games. Maybe there'll even be a bunch of cool small projects that, collectively, make the purchase worth it. Or, maybe all we'll get are experimental efforts that, though they might be good learning experiences for the authors, really aren't worth your time in playing them.

(If there was no entry fee, which here is in the form of the player software, I'd be thinking a bit differently.)

In the meantime, you can check out what folks have already done with existing adventure game creation software at Adventure Developers.


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Sat 26 Mar 07:39]

2463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Adventure Player" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:41post reply

well, japanese AVG are a bit different - and yes, I am relying mostly in japanese homebrew types to make something happen with this. I'm really just hoping it'll get the homebrew scene rolling, more than anything.

1476th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Adventure Player" , posted Mon 28 Mar 15:23:post reply

well, japanese AVG are a bit different - and yes, I am relying mostly in japanese homebrew types to make something happen with this. I'm really just hoping it'll get the homebrew scene rolling, more than anything.

Hrm... well yeah, despite the negative tone of the previous message, I do actually think it's cool that this kinda software is coming about -- even moreso that it's to create adventure games.

Though, yeah -- as said before, let's not expect consistent utopic experiences. Now sure, we might get different kinds of developers from the PSP crowd -- but at least from what I've seen from Adventure Game Studio for PC, along with the quality stuff, we've gotten some stuff that just isn't worth the time to play. Not that I can create a better experience by myself -- but when folks put stuff out there where the focus really was just on provide an exercise for the game authors instead of providing an entertaining experience for the players -- unless the authors have requested opinions & critique on where they can improve (like I will eventually on music tracking) -- it's still time I'm spending on the game when I could be using for better stuff.

Like improving my writing ability!

... on message boards.

... where -- few people actually care.

The lesson here is...


... aw, screw it.


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Mon 28 Mar 15:38]