Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread - Forums

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6153th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sat 26 Mar 08:24:post reply

Since this is one of my two favourite fighting games ever, I should have created its own thread from the beginning.

Official site


The collection has all 5 games (Vampire, Vampire Hunter, Vampire Savior, Hunter 2, Savior 2). It will also have the early versions of each game (for those who have one) before the games were tweaked (like the recent 3rd strike port).
The gallery will have more than 190 items, official illusts, magazine commercials and various elements and roughs (settei shiryô).
The game will be HDD compatible. It doesn't seems to be online, so it will be only used as a cache to shorten the loadings.
Finally, the game will have "tons of extras to be unlocked". Nothing more has been revealed; I'd be happy if it meant Vampire Chronicles and the extras of Savior EX (or the Chaos Tower mode), but it will probably end up being Dark Gallon and Oboro Bishamon. Or maybe the different versions of each game will have to be unlocked.

Famitsû has a mysterious pic in its last issue. It's extremely small, not totally visible, and seems to show Demitri and Jedah in the train stage of Savior 2, with some kind of comment like "OMG BIG SECRET".
If it was a Savior 2 background with Aulbath and Buletta, or a Vampire one with Jedah or Q Bee, it would have been clear, but what is the secret hidden in this pic?

Somebody here has a theory, that will probably end up wrong because it's Capcom we're talking about, but as a starved Vampire fanboy, I....

Well, the point is the character that looks like Demitri doesn't seem to have Demitri's haircut, and his mant and shoes also seem different. You can't see his name under the gauge, but the face also is not Demitri's. The color is red, and it looks like Demitri's jump weak kick, but not exactly the same.
AND, we know Devil Donovan was one of the characters that were supposed to be in Savior, and was dumped during the development. He was ditched quite late during the development, so they may even have begun to work on his sprite...

If only. It will probably end up being the even uglier Demitri from CFJ.

Also, slightly related : the Vampire characters spotted in NxC so far are :
Demitri, Morrigan, Phobos, Zabel, Felicia, Leilei, Lilith and Q Bee.
Probably more to come.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 26 Mar 08:27]


Variable Savior
268th Post

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"Re(1):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sat 26 Mar 10:59post reply

Well, the point is the character that looks like Demitri doesn't seem to have Demitri's haircut, and his mant and shoes also seem different. You can't see his name under the gauge, but the face also is not Demitri's. The color is red, and it looks like Demitri's jump weak kick, but not exactly the same.

Knowing Capcom, it's probably some idiot form of Gouki (Hyper Cyber Vampire Gouki? I dunno....). It would explain why Capcom decided to release the Vampire compilation - it's just another step towards their inevitable goal of 100% Gouki saturation.

Blood marks heaven's path

Satoshi Miwa
2771th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sat 26 Mar 11:55post reply

I don't care about the rumor now, but if the Gallery mode shapes up like I hope it will and the early modes as well than this is easily a must purchase. Hidden secrets or not...

But...Capcom work on a new sprite, surely the jest...But then...

Undead Fred
2256th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sat 26 Mar 12:30post reply

I'll take the collection regardless of what they add to it. Just as long as it's arcade perfect, they can add a special feature where you stare at a Ryu sprite in a looping basic stance over whichever background you choose, I don't care. I just need more Darkstalkers. :(

Oh yeah, any idea if it's coming to the US or not? And which platforms?

6155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sat 26 Mar 22:19post reply

Knowing Capcom, it's probably some idiot form of Gouki (Hyper Cyber Vampire Gouki? I dunno....). It would explain why Capcom decided to release the Vampire compilation - it's just another step towards their inevitable goal of 100% Gouki saturation.

Another hypothesis would be that it allows them to get some money by transfering the remaining Vamp characters to PS2/System 256, so they'll be ready for CFJ2. Normally, the next step is a SFZero compilation, then Warzard. It's a very rewarding way to develop CFJ3.

I think they were 3 to make Vamp Collection, and maybe 5 or 7 on CFJ... I wonder how many they are on this Collection.


1622th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 00:17:post reply

I hear there is a SF Zero compilation is in the works. Can't confirm it, just a rumor I came across. Iggy's theory may be true.

As far as this new character goes, is it possible he is one of the winners of the 'create a Darkstalker' contest Capcom held a few years back? That would rule.

But all in all this is very strange. What's a new character doing in a collection? Wierd...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 27 Mar 00:18]

159th Post

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"Re(1):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 02:18post reply

Somebody here has a theory, that will probably end up wrong because it's Capcom we're talking about, but as a starved Vampire fanboy, I....

Well, the point is the character that looks like Demitri doesn't seem to have Demitri's haircut, and his mant and shoes also seem different. You can't see his name under the gauge, but the face also is not Demitri's. The color is red, and it looks like Demitri's jump weak kick, but not exactly the same.
AND, we know Devil Donovan was one of the characters that were supposed to be in Savior, and was dumped during the development. He was ditched quite late during the development, so they may even have begun to work on his sprite...

If that comes true, then they might as well throw in adult Anita who was also scrapped around the same time as demon Donovan

947th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 05:56post reply


Another hypothesis would be that it allows them to get some money by transfering the remaining Vamp characters to PS2/System 256, so they'll be ready for CFJ2. Normally, the next step is a SFZero compilation, then Warzard. It's a very rewarding way to develop CFJ3.

I think they were 3 to make Vamp Collection, and maybe 5 or 7 on CFJ... I wonder how many they are on this Collection.

That's an unusually optimistic outlook. I wasn't counting on seeing another CFJ or anything else like that from Capcom, but...if they could introduce more and more characters, it might turn into something worthwhile. Nobody really liked the 1st one, though...did they? Did it sell in Japan?

1623th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 06:08:post reply

Capcom basted CFJ had strong sales in Japan in their financial report and that it even beat out Viewtiful Joe 2 in Japan. So a sequel does seem likely.

EDIT: Link

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 27 Mar 06:12]

1911th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 06:29:post reply

Looking over that report [note: PDF file] it does sound like Capcom is happy with CFJ and seem to contribute it's success to the synergy between the arcade and home release. Will Capcom consider doing more releases along those lines in the future? I don't know, but, like Sano noted, if Capcom is happy with the way it's recent fighter sold that probably isn't a bad thing.

EDIT: Oh, and has there been any more news about what the "big" secret might be?

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Sun 27 Mar 06:45]

6158th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 06:53post reply

Of course they are happy. CFJ brought more money than it costed : I spend more money on a broomstick today than they did to develop the whole game. It's like Gyakuten Saiban 2 and 3 : with such a cheap game, you can't go wrong Even if nobody beside the family of the developers buy the game, you still get some money.
And it's not like they are afraid it could hurt their franchises, since they are all dead.

On the other hand, the game is dead in the arcades, and people registering for the next Tôgeki are winning the preliminar selections because they were alone in their region. It's all a matter of choices.

And back to Vampire Collection: I would have been happy with just the 5 games; if they add the early version, I'm all for it, and the 190 items of the gallery are unexpected icing on the cake.
I don't really think they are going to add anyone, and I will buy the game wether they do it or not. But if by pure chance they do...


Dr Baghead
3407th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 07:29post reply

As far as this new character goes, is it possible he is one of the winners of the 'create a Darkstalker' contest Capcom held a few years back? That would rule.

Was there more then one 'Create a Darkstalker' contest a few years back?

Because the only one I remember was run by Stefan of Cammyfan not Capcom. (not that Capcom wouldn't use those characters... most them were "Cammy as...." or something these that could be a really easy existing Sprite edit)

Random: I bet Capcom offically makes Rose the adult Anita, just so they can reuse her sprite in the DS Collection as 'new character to unlock'

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1625th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 08:36:post reply

Well, it's just something I heard about so it may have just been a Stefan thing since I stopped visiting his site a few years back right around the time he snapped. He wasn't as bad back in the day as he is now, he started to loose it right around the time he started blackening and crossing out Ryu's pictures...

According to Famitsu magazine when CFJ first came out it made number 14 and then never appeared on the top selling games listing again, so I suppose that was enough for Capcom to boast strong sales of the game which wasn't made on that much of a budget. If they are happy with it it's good news, that means they can create a sequel with more characters and more options on a slightly increased budget like they did with SFZ1 to SFZ2, SF3NG to SF3SI, CVS1 to CVS2, etc.

In all seriousness I think it's really too late for Capcom to start saying Rose and Anita are the same person. It would really just complicate the Vega(Cape)/Rose deal that has been further established in Zero 2 and Zero 3. Not that it isn't complicated enough as it is. And with Rose perishing and if she's Anita, that means that Jedah is free to destroy all. But I guess they can have Dante stop him like his CFJ ending shows... but that would really get crazy. And I mean this kind of crazy - Ain't versus threads grand? LOL!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 27 Mar 08:48]

450th Post

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"Re(2):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 13:13post reply

Knowing Capcom, it's probably some idiot form of Gouki (Hyper Cyber Vampire Gouki? I dunno....). It would explain why Capcom decided to release the Vampire compilation - it's just another step towards their inevitable goal of 100% Gouki saturation.

I really hope Capcom has enough active brain cells not to stick Gouki in this thing. I'd lose what little respect I still have for them.

I still haven't gotten over the ridiculous amount of SF homage that was in X8.

6159th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Sun 27 Mar 18:29post reply

I still haven't gotten over the ridiculous amount of SF homage that was in X8.

For example?


451th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Mon 28 Mar 00:50post reply

I still haven't gotten over the ridiculous amount of SF homage that was in X8.
For example?

To add to the list, a combo counter in a Megaman game.

Why Capcom?!

6162th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Mon 28 Mar 02:10post reply


Does it really botheres anyone ? I mean, more than the command glitches the guy is talking about?
At least X 1 and 2 had hadôken then shôryûken, so this kind of little references were there from the start...
I can't be sure, but I think I remember several other bosses having what looked like SF moves, and it didn't bothered me much.
If you go that way, Vega is a shameless imitation of Heatman's psycho crusher.


1628th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Mon 28 Mar 04:54:post reply

They had a robot in the past called Magma Dragoon who kept yelling out "Hadouken!" and "Shoryuken" while he performed the moves in the past.

Yeah Iggy's right. The SF stuff's been in X for a while now. And I'm personally of the 'Who cares' crowd.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 28 Mar 05:02]

452th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Mon 28 Mar 11:19post reply

One move or boss in a game now and then can easily be overlooked.

But Capcom went overboard with it in X8.

311th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(8):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Tue 29 Mar 04:59post reply

One move or boss in a game now and then can easily be overlooked.

But Capcom went overboard with it in X8.

I find it amazing how we've gone from homages being really cool in games to them being "unoriginal" or bad. I, personally, like how those are in the game. It adds a sense of fun to having it there.

58th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Thread" , posted Tue 29 Mar 06:27post reply

I find it amazing how we've gone from homages being really cool in games to them being "unoriginal" or bad. I, personally, like how those are in the game. It adds a sense of fun to having it there.

I will always love homages.

Especially if it means rolling over Heihachi with my katamari.