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Iggy 6170th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Black Matrix Tangent" , posted Tue 29 Mar 06:29
quote: Awww...isn't that cuuuute? Brandon make be a fashion snob like Iggy and me, but he's not an import snob.
ゞヾ ,,.ゞヾ::ゞヾゞ:ヾ ゞ:.y.ノヾゞ..ヾ .ゞ,'ヾ ゞヾゞ ;ゞヽ,.ゞ:,,ヾゞヾ;ゞゞ;ゞゞヾゞ; ` ゞヾゞ;ゞゞヾゞ;ゞiiiiii;;;;::::: イ.ヾゞ, .,; ゞヾゞ___// ;ゞ. ゞヾゞ;ゞ ヾ;ゞゞ;ゞ ` ゞヾ ゞ;ゞ iiiiii;;;;;::::: :)_/ヽ,.ゞ:,,ヾゞヾゞ__;::/ . ゞヾゞ;ゞヾ;ゞゞ;ゞ ゞヾゞ;ゞ iiiiii;;;;::::: :|;:/ ヾ;ゞゞ;ゞ ` ヾ;ゞゞヾ;ゞゞ |iiiiii;;;;::: : |:/ ヾゞ ` ヾ |iiiii;;;;;::::: ::| ` ′ ` ` |iiiiiiii;;;;;;::: :| ` ` ` ` ` ,|i;iiiiiii;;;;;;::: :| ` ` ` ` |ii,iiiiiii;;;;;;::: ::| ` , ` ,|iiii;iiii;;;;:;_ _: :| ` , ` |iiiiiii;;;;;;((,,,)::.::| ` , ` ` ` |iiiiiiii;;ii;;;;;;~~~:| ` + , |iiiiii;iii;;;;i;;:: :::::: , │ ` |iii;;iiiii;::;:;;;;::: :::|| ` │ ,,.,.. ,..M|M|iMiiii;;ii:i;;:;i:i;;::;,.,.. , , │ / ミヽ( ,.,.. ,... ,,.. ,,,,.,.. ,.... ,,,.. ,,,,.,.. ,.... ,,.. , ┼(´(_ `=6ノ Λ_Λ ヽ ̄⌒ヽ _(・∀・ ) _ ヽ`ー' < \0 y/ 0/ ( l ヽヽ━━ ┼─ <_」∞=L_> / U'-- U'' ┌─┐(_(_ / << Brandon / │○│ / / └─┘ /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Brandon had to pay a big price for this treason.
Notice how the executionner behind Brandon is fashionable. I'm sure he wears a semi formal light uniform with a quiver. Can you be more sexy than that?
Pollyanna 961th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Re(10):Black Matrix Tangent" , posted Wed 30 Mar 04:53
quote: I can do male voices :) I've been meaning to get into voice acting for a while...I've only done it for my own projects.
I'll do my own damned male voices! Kids are my specialty! Of course, there are only birds in Bird Week. A mother bird, and baby birds. No...wait...you can be the chipmunk...and maybe the flying squirrel. That's half the cast, actually.
So you've done fandubs before? That sort of thing? I used to practice that way. I'd dub every character in a show.
Rid: I forgot to reply to you about SRWOG2. After what you said, I still don't know how to feel, but I guess I was being close-minded in assuming that you felt the way I feel about SRW to begin with. Every SRW I've played has a good system, decent to excellent music, a great cast of characters and awesome graphics. I EXPECT this from SRW games. Since they implement the system SO poorly, though (bad difficulty balance, terrible level layout) I'm forced to play the game for novelty alone. When I read reviews of SRW games, people seem to think they're perfect. They don't seem to notice the unreasonable challenge/level design issues. Furthermore, they think the plot is good, which is just SILLY.
So what I'm asking, assuming that you agree or at least understand these points, is if OG2 transcends SRW. If it has a good plot...that's an improvement, but graphics don't mean anything to me, because I expect that. I'm interested in the game, but if it ends up just being another SRW with characters I'm not as familiar with, then it's a waste of time and money.
Rid 6521th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Original Generation 2" , posted Thu 31 Mar 11:29
The only big problem that OG2 has in its storyline, is how related it is to OG1, where most of the cast and relationships were introduced.
OG1/2 overall has a good story, way better than your regular SRW. There's plenty of twists (specially in the latter half of OG2) and they managed to make all the storylines more or less cohesive, with interesting relationships between the characters. Of course the SRW characters are usually stereotyped and lack depth (like any Tales game, for example) but that's something to expect.
So yes, while not great, the story is better than the rest. And I'm sure you'll find a character you like, there's tons of them, and everybody gets some development sooner or later.