Grandia 3 - Forums

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6186th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Grandia 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:37post reply

The computer I have here is so full of shit it will only load 1 every 12 pages, but APPARENTLY, the MEGATON new Squenix game announced in this week Famitsū would be Grandia 3.
It seems really awesome, with fields even more beautiful than those in FF12. The characters are less detailed, but you seem to have 4 characters in your team.

I can't seem to access the most basic pages that would help me see if it's true or not, but it does sound plausible. At least the Grandia series would be saved from Sega's mischiefs.



276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Grandia 3 Screenshots" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:47post reply

Holy crap..Grandia 3 looks awesome. Also, the other surprise was Code Age for the PS2. Thanks to Scott for posting the scans.

Burning Ranger
1139th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:01post reply

Square Enix is now doing Grandia!?! WTF?!? This is wrong... WRONG I tell you. While Squenix may have considerable experience with RPGS, Grandia was fine with whoever was making it in the first place.

Still... while I'm upset that Squenix is involved, I'm glad there is another Grandia game in the works (That Grandia Extreme never interested me). Grandia has to be one of only 2 RPG series I am a fan of. Guess this is good news.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

6515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:06post reply

No Millennia = not a winner?

Looks great, anyway. But all Squenix games do.

39th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 00:05post reply

No Millennia = not a winner?

Looks great, anyway. But all Squenix games do.

With FFXII being more of a realtime battle system, Grandia 3 looks to be a good choice for their next project. I just hope they don't tinker with the battle system too much, if at all - I remember Grandia 2 being really fun. Those backdrops look great!

83th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 00:37post reply

Square Enix is now doing Grandia!?! WTF?!? This is wrong... WRONG I tell you.

Enix bought Game Arts a while ago, before "absorbing" Square.

So. This doesn't look like Grandia. Why don't they call it Star Ocean IV instead ? Why did no one at Game Arts ever understand what made the first one good ?

1312th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 02:59post reply

Looks kind of lame. I'll buy it when it drops to $10 like I do with most Square-Enix games.

Got Next - it's a gaming site I write stupid things for

526th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 04:28post reply

Wait, Square-Enix owns my beloved Game Arts now?! Next, you're going to be telling me that General Electric owns the American NBC or something!...
......uh oh.

Guess this is what happens when the last Game Arts game I played was 2000's Lunar~Eternal Blue remake. Grandia 2's in the mail so I can finally weigh in on whether Grandia 3 freaks me out!


963th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:45post reply

Yeah...seems to remind me a bit too much of Star Ocean, but it's pretty at least. I didn't feel like there was too much in common between Grandia I and Grandia III, so as long as this has as much in common, I can still say "it's Grandia". I hope I can still say "it's Game Arts."

I'm mostly excited about 4 people parties...and all those enemies on the screen, too! I loveeee the Grandia battle system.

51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 06:11post reply

It does look a bit different for an installment in the Grandia series. Either way, I enjoyed Grandia II, so I'll be looking forward to III.

307th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):What-the-HELL!?!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 14:03post reply

Hm. I'm pretty impressed. Besides the characters (sorta) that all looks pretty great to me. Especially that logo. Sometimes logos get me more excited than screens, heh.

Anyway, I'm not a big Grandia guy, but I do note some of the distance from the original direction of the series, but I'd kinda say, (besides the characters, again) it just looks more mature to me. Not that that's 100% necessarily better, but at least there's a chance I might play it for something besides the battle system.

1668th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Grandia 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 14:28post reply

I haven't liked Grandia much and I'm no fan of Game Arts, but at least this looks pretty nice. Can't say I dig any of those characters, though...

Off with your nose

777th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Grandia 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 15:08post reply

Does this mean Squenix will be doing Lunar 3 later? And yes, that was a rhetorical question. Count me in on the Game Arts fan club.

5th Post

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New Customer

"Official homepage is up" , posted Fri 8 Apr 22:00:post reply

New images, movies, more info and some bgm. Nice, very nice.

In shooters graphics are tertiary.

[this message was edited by Cdammen on Fri 8 Apr 22:05]

1244th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Grandia 3" , posted Sat 9 Apr 01:48post reply

Does this mean Squenix will be doing Lunar 3 later? And yes, that was a rhetorical question. Count me in on the Game Arts fan club.

I wouldn't say that quite yet. Ubisoft is making a Lunar game for DS... as bizarre as that sounds.

550th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Official homepage is up" , posted Sat 9 Apr 02:38post reply


New images, movies, more info and some bgm. Nice, very nice.

Ah, thank you kind sir/madam. I can't wait to see if Iwadare is composing the music, although the sample BGM's use of ambient clarinet towards the end of the track is vintage Iwadare, so I'm almost sure it's him!

...meanwhile, Phoenix, I haven't seen your vote for Ghaleon in the bosses poll yet...


781th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Official homepage is up" , posted Mon 11 Apr 13:09post reply


New images, movies, more info and some bgm. Nice, very nice.

Ah, thank you kind sir/madam. I can't wait to see if Iwadare is composing the music, although the sample BGM's use of ambient clarinet towards the end of the track is vintage Iwadare, so I'm almost sure it's him!

...meanwhile, Phoenix, I haven't seen your vote for Ghaleon in the bosses poll yet...

Fuchikoma: Wow, talk about a LATE reply on my part. Anyway I trust Ubisoft so no worries for Lunar DS. Grandia 3 looks like something really worth looking forward to. And Maou, my internet has been shot again so I haven't been online for a while. I'm at the library now and I shall report to the voting booth right away sir. *hopes it's not too late*

2496th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Grandia III poster" , posted Thu 14 Apr 14:53post reply

Kinda reminds me of another franchise...