Which company would you sell your RPG/FG to? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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362th Post

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Silver Customer

"Which company would you sell your RPG/FG to?" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:11post reply


One more ressurected last gasp question:

What company would you sell your RPG / Fighting Game to?

I am choosing NAMCO most likely.

Is this a good choice?


B : "I thought I killed your ass sushi_bunny! DIE AGAIN AND STAY THAT WAY!"

(Sushi_Bunny's Ressurrected spirit has prolonged and evaporated from it's existance")

Havent created a new identity yet.



137th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 01:18post reply


One more ressurected last gasp question:

What company would you sell your RPG / Fighting Game to?

I am choosing NAMCO most likely.

Is this a good choice?


B : "I thought I killed your ass sushi_bunny! DIE AGAIN AND STAY THAT WAY!"

(Sushi_Bunny's Ressurrected spirit has prolonged and evaporated from it's existance")

Havent created a new identity yet.


If it's a fighting game, yeah, Namco.
I'd choose Konami in any other case though.


1657th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 03:04:post reply

I know I would not sell an RPG to Square. Unskipable FMVs need to die!

But seriously, RPG - My RPG will be an Action RPG, not turn based. So I'd hand it over to Nintendo/Capcom, the people behind the Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Ages. Haven't played Minish Cap yet but I heard good things.

Fighting Game - I dunno. I guess Namco so it can actually sell?

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 1 Apr 04:53]

532th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 06:48post reply

If I had a true RPG I might go to my beloved Game Arts since their games have sort of a high-energy (if smaller) fanbase, if Lunar and Grandia are anything to judge by. And if Working Designs wanted to make an English translation, so much the better.

..THEN AGAIN, what with Game Arts being part of Square Enix now without my knowing it, I guess that means by exentsion that I'd be selling it to Square? Fine with me--if I had a really good story, battle, and music team, so much the better if it's sold by a company that actually has the resources to make my RPG look really good. There's just no reason not to, if I knew that my story was good.

...bonus if selling it to Square would get me Uematsu, Game Arts' Iwadare, or my recent faves Nakano Junya and Hamamoto to compose!


1039th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 07:02post reply

Hey sushi!

My RPG would be sold to Azure or Namco. Fighter I guess Namco, but I want a sweet 2d fighter so maybe the GGX people.

Fuu is a cutie!!

Burning Ranger
1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 10:36:post reply


One more ressurected last gasp question:

What company would you sell your RPG / Fighting Game to?


RPG would go to Game Arts (if it wasn't part of Squenix now). Otherwise...uh... I dunno. Sega?

Fighting game would go to Arc Systems (to Mr. Ishiwatari himself), or to SNK or to Capcom (in that order).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

[this message was edited by Burning Ranger on Fri 1 Apr 12:36]

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 15:47post reply


fighting game: Capcom

Variable Savior
273th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Sat 2 Apr 09:21post reply

I know I would not sell an RPG to Square. Unskipable FMVs need to die!

How about skippable FMVs where you are unknowingly penalized for skipping through?? Yes FFX-2, I'm looking in your direction....

Back to the topic:

RPG - I guess I'd sell it to Atlus; if only to see it adorned in their incredible sense of style.

Fighter - I honestly don't know. I'm tempted to say Capcom or SNK but I'd hate to see my original character sprites rehashed into the next century. ARC seems like a good idea provided they don't attach a GG style soundtrack (sorry but I hate metal).

Blood marks heaven's path

535th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Sun 3 Apr 03:44post reply

Hmm...skippable FMV's? Not the biggest demand I see for new RPG's (don't people play Japanese RPG's for the story and spectacle in addition to gameplay, not so that they can tear through them, no?). More on-screen battles? Yes, very much. And Square and Enix should both know how to do that after Chrono Trigger broke the ice, I hope.

...and I'd accept Game Arts as owned by Square Enix so that I could get HAMAUZU as my composer, not Hamamoto. The man is talented enough that I'm listening to soundtracks now for SaGa Frontier II and Unlimited SaGa without ever having played them. A good enough composer to make me listen to music with no nostalgia value for a game series I hate is a good enough composer for my RPG!


2512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Sun 3 Apr 06:08post reply

RPG: I'd resurrect Team Andromeda. Failing that, Sting.

Fighter: I'd resurrect Fill In Cafe. Failing that, Watanabe. Capcom could publish it, if they wanted to.

I think Eolith could make a good game with the right concept. I think Arc could make a game I'd like too, they're just going for a slightly different market.

454th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Mon 4 Apr 01:19post reply


Don't know and honestly don't care. I've gotten out of my RPG craze and don't see myself getting back into them anytime soon.


Namco for 3D

SNK/Playamore or whatever the hell their calling themselves nowadays for 2D.

Despite having only 4 buttons, the fighters on the Neo for the most part had more than enough differences to make them stand out as individual games.

The only way I'd even consider Capcom would be it the brilliant minds behind the Vampire series worked on it.

1923th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Mon 4 Apr 06:23post reply

RPG: Koei
Fighter: Light Weight
Because I'm crazy that way.

157th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Mon 4 Apr 06:42post reply

Fighter: SNK
