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Maou 532th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(3):Which company would you sell your RPG/F" , posted Fri 1 Apr 06:48
If I had a true RPG I might go to my beloved Game Arts since their games have sort of a high-energy (if smaller) fanbase, if Lunar and Grandia are anything to judge by. And if Working Designs wanted to make an English translation, so much the better.
..THEN AGAIN, what with Game Arts being part of Square Enix now without my knowing it, I guess that means by exentsion that I'd be selling it to Square? Fine with me--if I had a really good story, battle, and music team, so much the better if it's sold by a company that actually has the resources to make my RPG look really good. There's just no reason not to, if I knew that my story was good.
...bonus if selling it to Square would get me Uematsu, Game Arts' Iwadare, or my recent faves Nakano Junya and Hamamoto to compose!