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Iggy 6227th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney" , posted Wed 6 Apr 02:57
Onsy : all NARUTO rambling set aside, the problem with this is that the game is not translatable, because... well, there are things that are not translatable. Nobody is complaining about surreal early 20th century is untranslatable, they just learn the language or shut up. But this is a lazy age.
To make a "good" translation of GS, you need to rewrite everything : the names, but also some characters, which leads to rewrite some situations, and redraw other characters that would match with the new american characters and backgrounds, etc. This would already be nonsence, but only changing the names is just stupid.
Oh, I know ! Mia Freye won't be a native American, she'll be a WICCAN ! Because we all know they can talk to dead people and get possessed and be really annoying like Mayoi. (actually, I don't know, but what I've read about it is so funny I want to think they are that way. And they should add unicorns to it, because unicorn are cool).
ONSLAUGHT 3330th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Mmmmhh..." , posted Wed 6 Apr 03:10
quote: To make a "good" translation of GS, you need to rewrite everything : the names, but also some characters, which leads to rewrite some situations, and redraw other characters that would match with the new american characters and backgrounds, etc. This would already be nonsence, but only changing the names is just stupid.
Are you sure they're just changing the names and not the scenario and situtaions? Because you see, the fans of the game already know japanese, and there's no need for them to play the american version, while american guys have a completely new game, and not knowing what was changed from the original version would make the american version acceptable. The only people that complains about it, it's non japanese speakers that think they know all of Japan culture just because they've learned to say "nani?" by watching anime... Sorry, this is not aimed at you my fearless Iggy, but to those damn otakus...
Iggy 6229th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Wed 6 Apr 05:24
Pollyanna: I don't think BUTZ is that stupid and actually Phoenix Right is not bad either, since it will allow translating "gyakuten" by adapting it a LOT, but with sense. You can't keep the Japanese names, since they are part of a joke. You either all transpose, do a real port with Japanese names and tons of notes on the screen like those fansubbers do (pretty uninteresting except for the few otakus Onsy is pointing) or don't adapt. My main problem is that they are not going far enough: they have to rewrite everything related at least to the Fraye sisters, and redraw them. Amongst other differences, Zenitora's scenario would have to be rewritten with Godfather-like vocabulary and background, you can't leave a yakusa in NY or wherever the game is supposed to take place. I mean, making Mitsurugi an English lord or something is a good edition, since he's already like that in a way in the original version.
quote: Are you sure they're just changing the names and not the scenario and situations?
At least, they don't change the graphics, and whatever adaptations they'll do with the text, Mayoi / Mia Fraye still looks member of an animist Japanese cult, not a Wicca or a native American. This will cause a major problem when Naruhodô will go to her village in GS2 and meet her cousin and her aunt. They will have to redraw everything, and even then, the urn enigma won't be translatable. They'll have to rewrite everything from scratch here if they want it to work.
quote: Even after so many years of GS posts here and countless ascii arts by Iggy I still don't understand what this is. It looks like a digital comic with a courtroom scenario
It's exactly what it is. The excitement hides in the extremely well written scenario, as much the detective part as the characters interactions and nonstop gags. This is a game where you can have pretty serious stuff about murders and machinations and everything, but at the same time laugh more than with an episode of Family guy. And I insist on the laughing part: I've seen many games that made me smile "oh! It’s a clever joke", very few made me actually laugh a "HAHA!", and none ever made me laugh hours non stop like this. This is actually a novel, and as for all well written novels, you either take a skilled professional translator or you don’t translate. I very much doubt Capcom of US hired a literary translator for this, but who knows? And yeah, with all the gags in text form, you need to be really fluent in Japanese, even though the writing is clear and easy. You need to be fluent, not just "understand Japanese" whatever it may means for some ("nani" and "kawaii", as Onsy said), so I think indeed most people who claim they love the game never played it or barely understood anything beside the basic plot, and even that is not sure. But it's an easy way to make you appear cool amongst clueless people, so I understand why some people would like to play the cool kids role.
Maou 538th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "butz butz butz butz!!!!" , posted Wed 6 Apr 07:56
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, Butz????!?! A name so hilariously dumb that even Square USA changed the Japanese Final Fantasy V character's suggested name to Bartz (Butz Klauser? ooof)! Hehehehheheh, too much! So was the guy's original name part of the joke (never played the game, though, Iggy ari is priceless)? If so, I can see it being good for the American audience.
There's a line between translating the game and making changes so it keeps its original flavor (puns) and between just dumbing it down. Onsy's right that most of us obsessive enough to know about the changes probably already speak Japanese and English, but there are fans (not even annoying otaku types with their fake kawaii neko chan crap) who are legitimately interested and enthusiastic about getting the spirit of the original but who just don't know the language. It isn't unreasonable to sort of want the "cultural" experience (such as it is) in tact, even without knowing the language. This is really the good translator's mission (not the American "adaptation" editor/rewriter/censor), I think. The same is true for movies (Shaolin Soccer "adaptations" are insulting). Too bad no one in the US industry outside of Working Designs and maybe Atlus have the skill to write a translation that captures the original spirit for interested fans, like Iggy says.
Iggy 6230th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):butz butz butz butz!!!!" , posted Wed 6 Apr 17:35
quote: Onsy's right that most of us obsessive enough to know about the changes probably already speak Japanese and English, but there are fans (not even annoying otaku types with their fake kawaii neko chan crap) who are legitimately interested and enthusiastic about getting the spirit of the original but who just don't know the language. This is really the good translator's mission (not the American "adaptation" editor/rewriter/censor), I think. The same is true for movies (Shaolin Soccer "adaptations" are insulting). Too bad no one in the US industry outside of Working Designs and maybe Atlus have the skill to write a translation that captures the original spirit for interested fans, like Iggy says.
Be quiet, you. I never said anything like that. The "fans" that want the "original cultural experience intact" but don't know the language just shut up. They want the cake without the hard work before? Screw them. They are the infamous otaku poseurs who speak japanese because they know nani and bakayarô, and don't want to invest their oh so precious time in anything constructive like, I don't know, LEARNING the language, because they don't have time with all the kakkoi kawaii nekochan anime they download all day. Translating GS by "Gyakuten Saiban" and keeping Naruhodô and Yahari would have been a horrible translation. The concept of Translation is to "translate" as many things as possible from an original language to another, not make an half assed thing with bits of original language in it because it's so funny when you know what it means in Japanese. IF SOMEONE KNOWS JAPANESE HE'LL BUY THE GAME IN THAT LANGUAGE, NOT THE TRANSLATION. I really think the translation has a chance to be well done, if only because of the Phoenix thing (if it goes where I think it goes). My only problem with it is the Mayoi case, which can't be well done if you don't change her appearance on screen. And Butz is a good name.
You want Naruhodô and everything ? LEARN THE GODDAMN LANGUAGE. And no "but it will take too looooong, and I want to play it noooooow" will be accepted. Case closed.
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NARUTO 2977th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney" , posted Wed 6 Apr 19:03
quote: Oh, come on Naruto, please! How's the serie ruined by a simply change of name? I mean, how many of you non otakus can relate to a game called Gyakuten Saiban?? And how in hells name can the average joe relate the game to an attorney simulator with such name?? They're not ruining the series, they just want to sell more to the average consumer. And why do you say "those morons have SF rights in their hands now"? As far as I know, Capcom Japan has done nothing new with the property, SF is as dead as my cat (I miss you Licho ) and Capcom Japan is not interested in the license anymore.
Damn otakus...
You're right Onslaught. but like Iggy said the game is really complex and a name change only won't do it. I've tried it myself until I give up after 10 mins of play since my japanese was so weak, and even a friend with far better japanese knowledge didn't understand all the subtility of the game. Of course translate a game to make it more accesible isn't a bad thing, but maybe, sometimes there is some games that aren't made to be played by everyone. They should stay in their own country for some particular reason.
As for the SF licence, sure capcom didn't make anything of it those last days, but why?? Because of Money? Or because most of the SF names are gone, because fan always scream when the games have some bugs in it. Beeing somehow a fanboy, I would give a lot to see a SF4 made by the old crew, but maybe us player didn't show enough interest in SF game later, to make Capcom interested in it.
 There is two infinite things in the world. Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....
DarkZero 1191th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):butz butz butz butz!!!!" , posted Wed 6 Apr 20:38
Be quiet, you. I never said anything like that. The "fans" that want the "original cultural experience intact" but don't know the language just shut up. They want the cake without the hard work before? Screw them. They are the infamous otaku poseurs who speak japanese because they know nani and bakayarô, and don't want to invest their oh so precious time in anything constructive like, I don't know, LEARNING the language, because they don't have time with all the kakkoi kawaii nekochan anime they download all day. Translating GS by "Gyakuten Saiban" and keeping Naruhodô and Yahari would have been a horrible translation. The concept of Translation is to "translate" as many things as possible from an original language to another, not make an half assed thing with bits of original language in it because it's so funny when you know what it means in Japanese. IF SOMEONE KNOWS JAPANESE HE'LL BUY THE GAME IN THAT LANGUAGE, NOT THE TRANSLATION. I really think the translation has a chance to be well done, if only because of the Phoenix thing (if it goes where I think it goes). My only problem with it is the Mayoi case, which can't be well done if you don't change her appearance on screen. And Butz is a good name.
I think the part that you're forgetting is that this game is really only going to cater to the American otaku anyway. Much like Katamari Damacy, Gyakuten Saiban isn't the sort of game that hardly anyone is just going to pick up off the shelf and be interested in. A Japanese courtroom adventure game is going to be a purely niche game no matter what you do to it, so changing it around and replacing a lot of the jokes with the sort of "wit" and "humor" that we see in the Megaman Battle Network series is just going to alienate that niche and get "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" tossed in the bargain bin at GameStop.
It's become a very simple system with anime, manga, and Japanese games in America: They are going to sell to a niche. Do not alienate that niche and you will enjoy modestly good sales. If you alienate that niche, like CMX did with Tenjo Tenge, Mainstream America isn't magically going to find you and give you millions of dollars in revenue. Mainstream America still won't care about your product, but now the otaku won't, either. And now your product is in the bargain bin.
I don't know why we keep going over this conversation over and over here. Outside of anime aired on American TV that's aimed at kids, such as Dragonball Z or Yu-Gi-Oh, extensively editing and rewriting a Japanese work has never brought any company piles of money. These mainstream Americans who just randomly pick up titles with funny names and say, "Oh! I find this blandly inoffensive and palatable to my local tastes! I must exchange monetary funds so that I can possess it and its numerous blandly inoffensive sequels!" do not exist. They are a myth.
If Gyakuten Saiban is really so difficult to literally translate, they probably shouldn't have bothered, because I don't think that anyone was really begging for either a poorly translated work that they can't understand or a heavily adapted work that is very different from the original GS.
Maou 540th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney" , posted Thu 7 Apr 01:35
Ah, but you did say soemthing like that, the adaptation! I was trying to say adaptation in the sense of converting the spirit of the jokes into English is good...in other words, the Japanese yahari pun won't stay in there but the funniness of the "punny name" idea will stay (if Butz is used right), rather than rewriting it to a different kind of joke not related to an odd name. Maybe the time for Butz has arrived after all!
But people have been wanting good translations for centuries because they can't just learn every language of every mode of entertainment they want to enjoy. The lame otaku who want everything the same but in English so they can understand it are indeed lazy like you said, but it's perfectly possible for other people to want the original experience simply so they can enjoy it. Even in America. The punishment for their laziness is that the exact flavor of the original won't always translate perfectly, but just telling people to go learn the language might seem sort of elitist to them, too. Do I want a Crime and Punishment that "Americanizes" the story? Of course not. Now I have to go learn Russian, Spanish, and Chinese to read their great novels.
DarkZero 1193th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):butz butz butz butz!!!!" , posted Thu 7 Apr 13:01
quote: Oh, I was all for the "they shouldn't have translated it to begin with", but now they have started, they ought to go as far as possible to make the product viable.A Japanese courtroom adventure game is going to be a purely niche game no matter what you do to it Yeah, but if you change it around so it becomes an american courtroom adventure game so that retards like that particular guy I hate will say it was surely inspired by Ally Mc Beal and Law&Order? Why wouldn't it work, if it's marketed to fans of these shows, with as few emphasis on the original Japanisity of the game as possible?
It wouldn't work because there are already tons of Law & Order and CSI PC games that sell like crap. And those are just crap PC games, which anyone with a computer made in the last seven or eight years can play. The "installed base" for those games is many, many times larger than the Nintendo DS, because there are many more old (and new) PCs out there than there are Nintendo DS units.
I really think that this game is off-beat enough that you can't make it any less off-beat or more friendly to the mainstream. It's really a lot like Katamari Damacy. It has to be what it is or just not be brought over at all. Unfortunately, it seems like we're getting neither of those.
Pollyanna 982th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):Mmmmhh..." , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:26
quote: you forget how hot and sexy those two people are though. I'm glad to hear you like it - what's the scrolling like? will it excite and amaze? Assuming I liked the first, which I did, will I like the remake, the music especially? Did they put shitty footfall sounds in it again? Are there b00bz?
XOXO ~brandon sheffield
I didn't notice any foot noises, but I'll have to go back and play it again to confirm that for you. Also, I don't know what you mean by "scrolling".
Anyway, the important thing is that the soundtrack is GREAT. That's all I cared about and it totally delivers. I don't know if it's as good as the PC Engine version, but there are a few songs I like better already.
The artwork is AWFUL, though. Adol looks OK and Dogi reminds me of The Rock with his sideburns, but Elena and Chester look terrible terrible terrible. The person just doesn't know how to draw. Their proportions are horrible. I wish they had Akiman do all of the art, instead of just the cover. His Elena and Adol were so cuuute (though I still like the Ys Eternal opening Adol best). The opening sucks ass, too.
The voice acting is...mediocre. It's sort of strange and the actors aren't all that good. Adol sounds all right though, and surprisingly, he talks a lot. I was offended at first, but I just find it interesting now.
The gamplay is a little better, but mostly identical. You can do a fun little sword combo now (by holding the attack button) that ends in a special move (but adds a delay after you do it). It's mostly for show, but it's an alternative to tapping the button rapidly.
Anyway, if you liked Ys 3 you WILL like the remake. The art sucks, but it plays just fine and the music is awesome. I wasn't looking for anything spectacular, but I wanted an excuse to play YS 3 again and this totally delivers.
PS: The item shopkeeper has really huge boobs. It made me think that maybe they should make an Ys game with soft core sex scenes involving every girl Adol meets.
~Gregory Takazawa
Pollyanna 984th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(9):Mmmmhh..." , posted Fri 8 Apr 09:54
OK...there's no walking noise. Uhm...as for "turbo slashing"...well, you just do a combo with like...five hits, so some of the level up cheese has definitely been eliminated. That certainly was a key part of Ys 3, but I really don't miss it.
I wish there was an "auto" ring button, though. R1 pulls up your item menu to select an item (not equipment) and R2 uses the selected item. Handy. L1 pulls up the ring menu and L2 does...nothing. If it turned the ring on and off, that would be really great, especially in those "turn this ring on for 1 second, then turn this ring on" moments."
I guess "Dogi" style would have to involve bursting through a wall somehow. I guess I equate Ys and sex because it has bad CG like so many adult games. If it had real sex, I wouldn't play it, though. I can only tolerate silly, ecchi sex.
Pollyanna 985th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "The Dogi house" , posted Fri 8 Apr 18:41
OH OH! I think I know what you mean by scrolling now. Ys 3 on PS2 doesn't scroll as much! Like...when you walk from one area to another, it often "switches screens" rather than scrolling. Not always, but sometimes. This really didn't bother me at all, but if you're big on (relatively) insignificant details, it may drive you crazy.
I guess, going back to the original Ys 3, the gameplay is quite different, too. I would say "better", but if you're addicted to the quirkiness and sort of...brokeness of the original Ys 3, then you may find this unplayable.
Also, it's sinfully easy. You'll play it on hard if you're smart. On normal, I killed most of the bosses in a matter of seconds, and that's without trying to level up. It made for a terribly short game.
My final verdict is that the changes that may or may not be for the better may irritate hardcore fans (are there casual Ys fans?). The soundtrack is not PC Engine good, but it's second and the game is not excellent by any stretch, but is a fun way to reunite with an old love.
Best wishes ~Verlise Moyes
Pollyanna 990th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(5):The Dogi house" , posted Sun 10 Apr 05:07
quote: Do you think it could be released in the US?
Not a chance in hell, and that's perfectly fine. I mean...it wouldn't sell 10 copies and it's not even that good. You really don't need Japanese to play it, though. The plot is...what's the word I'm looking for? Insipid? It's 90% gameplay. It also isn't particularly better than the PC Engine version, which was released in English (along with the inferior, but decent SNES and Genesis versions).
I liked the Ys II OVA fairly well, but the first one was uglier and they screwed up Dark Fact, so I couldn't stand it. If you're looking for good Ys Music, there's a "Best Of" CD that has excellent samples from a number of good albums. I love the symphonic CDs and the JDK CDs and pretty much any CD with "To Make the End of Battle" on it.
Hmmm...you know, when Ys Eternal (or actually Ys I*II Complete) came outo n PC, I thought it had a big, beautiful box, but then YSVI had an even bigger box (though not as pretty). By Ys 9, you won't be able to carry it home with you.
IkariDC 320th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):The Dogi house" , posted Mon 11 Apr 02:38
Not a chance in hell, and that's perfectly fine. I mean...it wouldn't sell 10 copies and it's not even that good. You really don't need Japanese to play it, though. The plot is...what's the word I'm looking for? Insipid? It's 90% gameplay. It also isn't particularly better than the PC Engine version, which was released in English (along with the inferior, but decent SNES and Genesis versions).
Well, I really didn't think about sales, you're right! Then again, you're right about the language issue, as they are action rpgs. When I played Ys Eternal in japanese, there were only about two times I got stuck in the game, for example, in the Darm Tower, when you had to hit a certain column with the hammer. I was stuck because I didn't knew what was going on and what the game was suggesting I should look for, but in most cases, the trial and error method was always succesfull. But of course, if the game is available in english, that's the version I'd like to play.
I liked the Ys II OVA fairly well, but the first one was uglier and they screwed up Dark Fact, so I couldn't stand it. If you're looking for good Ys Music, there's a "Best Of" CD that has excellent samples from a number of good albums. I love the symphonic CDs and the JDK CDs and pretty much any CD with "To Make the End of Battle" on it.
I think the first OVA was from 1989, it's quite good for that time, if you ask me. Of course the Ys II OVA is far better in designs, animation and music quality. I'm not sure what do you mean by screwing up Dark Fact. He really looked badass in Ys Eternal! I even don't know how did I beat him. The battle was too much, finally I decided there was no way of beating him, and I entered in a "I'm not thinking in what I'm doing" kind of trance, facing him over and over again, until I won.
Yes, the "Best of" CD is very good. I like most of the arranged CDs, and love the arrangements by the JDK Band. I also like the symphonic arrangements, like in "Ys Symphony '95", but for some reason, I find "Ys Healing" to be boring and uninteresting.
Hmmm...you know, when Ys Eternal (or actually Ys I*II Complete) came outo n PC, I thought it had a big, beautiful box, but then YSVI had an even bigger box (though not as pretty). By Ys 9, you won't be able to carry it home with you.
Hahaha, good point! Those Falcom game packages are really awesome, PC games in Japan are usually released with all that stuff? Pretty much every Limited Edition console game pales in comparison with those!
By the way, do you know if the "Ys SPECIAL COLLECTION -ALL ABOUT FALCOM-" DVD that came with the preordered copies of Ys VI on PC is worth the trouble and the money? I'm thinking of hunting it down at Yahoo Japan. I'm really interested in the live footage of the JDK Band in that DVD, but I don't know if it's an entire live or just some songs.
Pollyanna 1001th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(7):The Dogi house" , posted Mon 11 Apr 06:07
quote: I think the first OVA was from 1989, it's quite good for that time, if you ask me. Of course the Ys II OVA is far better in designs, animation and music quality. I'm not sure what do you mean by screwing up Dark Fact. He really looked badass in Ys Eternal!
Yes, the "Best of" CD is very good. I like most of the arranged CDs, and love the arrangements by the JDK Band. I also like the symphonic arrangements, like in "Ys Symphony '95", but for some reason, I find "Ys Healing" to be boring and uninteresting.
By the way, do you know if the "Ys SPECIAL COLLECTION -ALL ABOUT FALCOM-" DVD that came with the preordered copies of Ys VI on PC is worth the trouble and the money? I'm thinking of hunting it down at Yahoo Japan. I'm really interested in the live footage of the JDK Band in that DVD, but I don't know if it's an entire live or just some songs.
I have the DVD and it's...well, I really enjoyed it, but it's nothing special. If you just want it for JDK band, then it's not worth your time. Seeing them play was indeed cool, but it was a very short segment. The DVD is all music videos featuring different games and anime. So, it will play a song (usually arranged) from a game and show footage of all the different versions of it. So if you're into Falcom, it's a great "history" to have, though I would have preferred a JDK concert, myself. Man...they're pretty lame looking, though...unless you like bad hair bands.
I liked Ys Healing, but...it's rather unexciting. I was just happy for an original type of arrange. I think my least favorite Ys CD is the "Symphonic" one (which is actually digital) that came with Ys Eternal.
Oh, and I think Dark Fact looked bad in the OVA, not Ys Eternal. He looked better than ever in Ys Eternal, ESPECIALLY in the opening, when he was painfully sexy. I think Adol looked his best then, too.
Hmmm...as for CPU packages...Ys is a pretty big release and I didn't notice a lot of PC games with that calibur in Japan...at least in terms of bonuses.
IkariDC 323th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(9):The Dogi house" , posted Tue 12 Apr 03:40
I have the DVD and it's...well, I really enjoyed it, but it's nothing special. If you just want it for JDK band, then it's not worth your time. Seeing them play was indeed cool, but it was a very short segment. The DVD is all music videos featuring different games and anime. So, it will play a song (usually arranged) from a game and show footage of all the different versions of it. So if you're into Falcom, it's a great "history" to have, though I would have preferred a JDK concert, myself. Man...they're pretty lame looking, though...unless you like bad hair bands.
I see, so the DVD is just a nice bonus. What a let down, I wanted to see and listen to the JDK Band live! Now me and my friends who introduced me to the series with the MSX ports are very dissapointed... Bad hair bands! Yes I saw how do they look like XD But I wanted to see their performance and their live sound, because the only two videos I saw of them were playing "To Make the End of Battle" (ahh their version is the best!), one with the Ys II OVA pieces, and the other that was like a PV, that came as a bonus in the american Ys OVA. The thing is that in both videos, the sound is the studio version of the track, it's not live sound.
Oh, and I think Dark Fact looked bad in the OVA, not Ys Eternal. He looked better than ever in Ys Eternal, ESPECIALLY in the opening, when he was painfully sexy. I think Adol looked his best then, too.
Yes, I know. I just pointed out that I liked him very much in Eternal. I just didn't know why you did not like him in the OVA. Because of the character design? Because his personality? The voice?
now excuse me while I vote in a fighting girls competition.
Wait for me!