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27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 00:41post reply

So what do you think about the next Xbox?
With a lot of Japanese developers, I believe Xbox2 will be better. Equal to PS3. And maybe... just maybe, beat PS3.
M$ has a great marketing division, Halo, BioWare, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Rare, Father of Final Fantasy, Maker of Street Fighter, Maker of Rez and several SEGA's franchise.

And, hey. I'm not a fanboy, ok. I owned PS2, Xbox, GameCube, and recently PSP.


1241th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 01:34post reply

There's really not much I can say about 360/Xbox 2/Xenon ... or really any next gen system since they won't be unvieled until next month.

It's great that they have Mizuguchi, Sakaguchi, and Okamoto on board... but the producer is only one member of the team, so let's hope they've gathered up some talented guys to work for them.

X-box does dominate online play though, that's for sure. I like how all the X-box 2 games will have some component and that it tracks your high scores and compares it to everyone else in the world. It's enough to make me want a dsl line dedicated to just gaming.

One thing that has me excited about the next gen systems is the chance for a true photo-realistic game... something like Half Life 2, but even better. I'm also hoping they can perfect cel shading to the point where it looks just like it was hand drawn.

1933th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 02:49post reply

There's really not much I can say about 360/Xbox 2/Xenon ... or really any next gen system since they won't be unvieled until next month.

That's sort of the problem isn't it? Even the company pre-release hype hasn't started up yet. First we're going to have to sort through early press releases where the power and abilites of the machine are spun to such an extent that the new game system sounds like it is the most powerful device ever built by human hands. Then we'll have to see what the early titles are looking like and what sort of third party support the system can expect... really, I may not have a solid opinion on the new Xbox for another two years.

843th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 04:23post reply

2523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 05:18post reply


802th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 05:30post reply


OMG LOLERZ!! ME 2!!!1!!11111

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 07:22post reply


OMG LOLERZ!! ME 2!!!1!!11111

Last post. Is it wrong to wish for the industry to crash and burn with the new consoles? Of course the new XBOX will rock it supports HD tv. Shifting paradigms and bringing us into the HD ERA= Microsoft.

P.S. J Allard is a dick!

2525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 07:35post reply


Last post. Is it wrong to wish for the industry to crash and burn with the new consoles? Of course the new XBOX will rock it supports HD tv. Shifting paradigms and bringing us into the HD ERA= Microsoft.

well...there are certainly nicer things to wish for.

good games will still come out. They slip through, every once in a while. I can name a few games worth really playing through, from the current gen - ico, beyond good and evil, dodonpachi daiohjo, silent hill 2 and 3, Rez, Resident Evil 4...there are legitimately good games out there that provide memorable experiences. I can only hope that the next step "forward" will have some looks backward as well.

983th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:29post reply

I'm afraid for the game market. Games already cost too much to I'm hoping that new technology allows for companies to make games smarter instead of more expensive. Also, I'm hoping it'll slow down the current overproduction of titles and bring new focus to some companies.

Wishful thinking, but it's possible.

2526th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:42post reply

Wishful thinking, but it's possible.

It's possible, yeah. And I'm seeing some things that indicate it might be happening, so...yes.

The main thing is getting informed game designers. That's the hard bit.

1242th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 11:04post reply

There are some teams out there that get it... the Prince of Persia team at Ubisoft is a great example. When they did SOT they spent the time to build up the game and even get the original creator involved... and that game landed up to be one of the best of 2003.

Then you have just the opposite... like Bungie. Halo 3 is going to be a huge selling point for the next X-box... so M$ is just basically giving them a gigantic budget with a team larger than most RPG teams. It's definitely become an industry of quantity over quality... for every Valve software there's 10 Bungies.

I guess that's why it's going to be more important than ever to be an informed gamer.

1491th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 11:50:post reply

I guess that's why it's going to be more important than ever to be an informed gamer.

Let's be careful that this sentiment doesn't lead to ignoring personal preference for the sake of a supposed higher good. If there's a game company that most informed gamers consider big/evil/misguided/etc., yet they put out a game where, from previews/reviews that cover the gameplay features, it seems I'm really going to enjoy it (even if most reviewers and informed gamers hate it, or they pass up on it to avoid supporting the supposedly-wrong companies), I'm still gonna support that company by buying the game -- even if it was a situation where it was more quantity over quality for funding. [Of course, given how backlogged I am with games, I probably won't be buying it until it falls to a $20 price point, unless a game's possible rarity demands that I buy it sooner.]

... or am I just misinterpreting what might be meant by that line and the accompanying post?


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Fri 8 Apr 12:02]

1244th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 8 Apr 14:24:post reply

Oh don't get me wrong... personal preference is also a major factor in buying games. Even though One Piece Grand Battle Rush has a disappointing cast, bad hit detection, and really isn't a very good game... I'm a One Piece fan so I still got and play it.

There's not many pro reviewers these days that I really trust. I mostly go by word of mouth from places like right here. I probably would not have given Shadow of Rome a second glance... but after seeing the posts about it, I gave it a shot and was really blown away. Capcom USA really made a gem (well the Octavinius stages kind of blow)... and it's sad that the game will go largely unknown... especially with God of War out now.

I think what's important is to know what you like... then stay around people with similar taste in games. It's so easy to get drawn into the hype these days... hell this thread started from the hype of a system yet to be revealed.

edit- hmmm I just realized that I do seem to be ragging on Bungie. That's just a weird thing for me since so many people I know are like "OMG TEH HALO2!" like they've never played a good PC FPS before. Maybe EA would fit better in the analogy... especially their sports department. Releasing practically the same game every year with only minor tweaks... or the milking of the "Street" franchise... that's what's wrong with the industry... but they did give us Fight Night... so they're not totally evil.

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Fri 8 Apr 14:31]

2530th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 01:06post reply

yes, well I like Halo 2, and I cannot play PC FPS for shit, nor do I enjoy doing so. Halo 2 is indeed the first FPS I have enjoyed.

Likely because it's an area in which I'm not 'hardcore', so it needs to be slightly more mainstream and simplistic for me to get into it.

But on a side note, I don't like the Prince of Persia team. They killed Beyond Good and Evil's chances of having a future. Damn.

Though I don't want a Beyond Good and Evil 2, I DO want a new game from the same team.

72th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 08:52post reply


well...there are certainly nicer things to wish for.

I'm really just rebelling against the idea of 70.00 games and it being an EA/ Activision world. If original games emerge from that muck, I will wholeheartedly embrace the next generation...after a price cut.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:53post reply


But on a side note, I don't like the Prince of Persia team. They killed Beyond Good and Evil's chances of having a future. Damn.

Though I don't want a Beyond Good and Evil 2, I DO want a new game from the same team.

I wanted a decent sequel to SoT, but we got the yucky WW, so I'm no longer much of a fan of the team.

That said, the Xbox 360/Next/Whatever is shaping up nicely -- Microsoft really seems to be going for strong 3rd party support amongst Japanese developers instead of making the machine home to almost solely FPSes (and I haven't liked an FPS since Quake I unless you count Metroid Prime). They really seem to understand what gamers want to buy whereas Sony seems to be relying on hype and brand loyalty (it worked for the big N, right? wait...) and Nintendo is off being all artsy and creative. Since all the next gen consoles are backwards-compatible, buying an Xbox 2 will also allow me to play what I missed on Microsoft's current console (namely Jade Empire).

598th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 12:38post reply

Since all the next gen consoles are backwards-compatible, buying an Xbox 2 will also allow me to play what I missed on Microsoft's current console (namely Jade Empire).

Is the new X-box backwards-compatible? I didn't hear about that...

Playstation 2 just has many good titles on it, mainly because the installed userbase is much larger than X-box and Gamecube in Japan. Larger installed user base = more publishers creating content = more killer apps. If the PS3 sells more than the X-box Next in Japan (a likely occurance), we're going to have a repeat of the current generation, at least in Japan. However in America, companies are publishing on both platforms, or inking exclusivity deals with one platform or another. It's more balanced in the US.

Nintendo alienated all its third party developers and relied too much on nostolgia, so that's basically why it is where it is right now. I think.


844th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 13:51post reply


That said, the Xbox 360/Next/Whatever is shaping up nicely -- Microsoft really seems to be going for strong 3rd party support amongst Japanese developers instead of making the machine home to almost solely FPSes (and I haven't liked an FPS since Quake I unless you count Metroid Prime). They really seem to understand what gamers want to buy whereas Sony seems to be relying on hype and brand loyalty (it worked for the big N, right? wait...) and Nintendo is off being all artsy and creative. Since all the next gen consoles are backwards-compatible, buying an Xbox 2 will also allow me to play what I missed on Microsoft's current console (namely Jade Empire).

List of companies supporting the X-Box 360:

It should be said that, according to one of the Mizuguchi/Okamoto/Sakaguchi interviews, games made for the X-Box 360 cannot be ported to PS3, even if they wanted to. If that´s really true, every game will be exclusive.

Also... Jade Empire is getting great reviews (9.4, 9.9, and so on).

362th Post

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Silver Customer

"X86 = RISC?" , posted Sat 9 Apr 14:13post reply


for every Valve software there's 10 Bungies

And to think that the Bungie name use to stand for dedication and quality... oh the irony of it all...


Is the new X-box backwards-compatible? I didn't hear about that...

Given the defference in architecture between the two systems (X86 vs. RISC), would backwards-compatiblity even be possible through any means other than emulation?


It should be said that, according to one of the Mizuguchi/Okamoto/Sakaguchi interviews, games made for the X-Box 360 cannot be ported to PS3, even if they wanted to. If that´s really true, every game will be exclusive.

Even then companies could always make multiple versions of the same game. For instance, Red Storm is already doing that with a few of their titles, so it's entirely possible that others may do the same.

1246th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):X86 = RISC?" , posted Sat 9 Apr 14:29post reply

So far the only next gen system that has been officially confirmed as being backwards compatible is Nintendo Revolution. If the rumors about how powerful the cel processor is are actually true, then I see the PS3 having no problem being backwards compatible through emulation... Xbox 2 I dunno. They're switching the GPU and all sorts of stuff... they'll probably let you keep your X-live name and stuff, but I don't think it will be fully backwards compatible.

Again I also guess I shouldn't have ragged on Bungie. While the Halo games really didn't innovate anything that hasn't been done in previous PC fps games... they're still very well made. Also not all huge budget titles turn into Enter the Matrix... God of War is a shining example of that. Given time and money... great things can happen... talent tends to help too.

6264th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 17:08post reply

Nintendo alienated all its third party developers and relied too much on nostolgia, so that's basically why it is where it is right now. I think.

You mean, one of the most successful and wealthiest gaming companies ? Waoh. Who knew antisocial business practices could be such a good idea?
Also, before bashing Sony, remember they are also the ones making some of the most innovative games for their system, the first names being Ico and Siren for example.

And bashing Sony's hype machine and then praising the Game Creatorrrrs on the Bako Next/2/360 is just plain funny.


Undead Fred
2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Xbox 360" , posted Sat 9 Apr 18:07post reply

So what do you think about the next Xbox?

It's a premature ejaculation.

Really, consoles like the PSX and PS2 have been pushed to the fullest of their potential before moving on to a new console generation. Hell, EVERY console I've seen so far has done that but the XBox... it's got a lot of potential to last a few more years, but since we're hasty and wasteful here in the US, we've got to hurry out a new generation of the console since it will somehow completely guarantee a winning position in the gaming market. Personally, I don't really see that happening... I think it'll do okay, but since a lot of people still have XBoxes that they had only bought a few years ago (and possibly spent large amounts of money having repaired), and the console hasn't shown itself to be wearing thin in terms of power, I doubt a majority of people will be rushing out to spend ANOTHER $300 on a console just yet. And if the Japanese market doesn't seriously love this new XBox, then they'll still be behind. I don't know, I may be wrong, but I can't see this one topping the first one as far as sales go.

1091th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Xbox 360" , posted Sun 10 Apr 08:54post reply

Lets just put it this way. The fact is, ironically, Microsoft is the only company still respecting the 2D fighting market. Frankly Sony doesn't.

Undead Fred
2287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Xbox 360" , posted Sun 10 Apr 09:22post reply

Lets just put it this way. The fact is, ironically, Microsoft is the only company still respecting the 2D fighting market. Frankly Sony doesn't.

This is true. At least Sony USA doesn't, anyway...

601th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sun 10 Apr 14:41post reply

You mean, one of the most successful and wealthiest gaming companies ? Waoh. Who knew antisocial business practices could be such a good idea?

They're sitting on a lot of cash, yes. But if there's no growth within the company, there go the investors. They'll burn a lot of cash trying to get them back too. If Nintendo revolution fails, it's going to be very difficult for them to catch up at all.


Also, before bashing Sony, remember they are also the ones making some of the most innovative games for their system, the first names being Ico and Siren for example.

I agree, and Siren is fricking scary. I just started playing it recently. The reading in Japanese is damn difficult though.


6272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Sun 10 Apr 18:30:post reply

They're sitting on a lot of cash, yes. But if there's no growth within the company, there go the investors. They'll burn a lot of cash trying to get them back too. If Nintendo revolution fails, it's going to be very difficult for them to catch up at all.

They have two portable devices alive and selling like hot dogs, they already said this was their priority, They don't need to worry. They are even healthier now than when the N64 bombed.
Sony is in trouble on the other hand. The other branches of the company are doing poorly, the PSP rtequires a lot on investment, and if it doesn't sell enough or if the PS3 fails, I can see them going down.

Also, Miyamoto is a jerk and I want to kick him in the nuts everytime I see him talking of virtually anything.

I insist on the "it's fun to see people trash the hype machine of Sony and then praise the Game Creatorrrrs that joined the X Box 2". The first test for Games Republic will be released on the 30/06 but if it still sucks as badly as it did the last time we saw it, I'm sure Okamoto will duck with some "and that's why we need the X Box 2!" or some shit.
Being a Game Creatorrrrrr is quite a job.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 10 Apr 18:46]

602th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Mon 11 Apr 00:00post reply


They have two portable devices alive and selling like hot dogs, they already said this was their priority, They don't need to worry. They are even healthier now than when the N64 bombed.

That may be true, but does that mean that Nintendo will become a portable gaming company and forever shy away from non-portable hardware?

I wouldn't say that Nintendo is 'healthy', but I wouldn't say it's going down yet. Nintendo just needs to create more original, winning franchises, which is eXtremely risky (so much so that the x needs to be capitalized). Also they need to fix their image in America, and make it more 'adult', as much as I think it's stupid, it's necessary.

Sony is in trouble on the other hand. The other branches of the company are doing poorly, the PSP rtequires a lot on investment, and if it doesn't sell enough or if the PS3 fails, I can see them going down.

I agree that Sony that is in trouble in regards to its TV and Audio departments. However, PS2 is still doing well. PSP is hmm, hard to call right now.

I'm doubting that the PS3 will utterly fail. Unless the hardware simply sucks, and the games are utter crap, then Sony seems like they have next-gen already. It's Sony's game to lose.

All my opinion, but hmm, it's tough to call right ?


6275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Mon 11 Apr 00:06post reply

I wouldn't say that Nintendo is 'healthy'

I would.


73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Xbox 360" , posted Thu 14 Apr 02:16post reply

It seems like that is the name now. And Goldman Sachs expects it to sell 3 Million units.

I understand kind of, their reasoning to call it 360. They want to be Revolution before the Revolution, plus having Xbox2 against PS3 would make Bill Gates feel insecure. Any bets on how long they'll support this machine? 3 years? 4?

1585th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"shipping vs. selling" , posted Thu 14 Apr 04:58post reply

It seems like that is the name now. And Goldman Sachs expects it to sell 3 Million units.

I think it's important to distinguish between units shipped and units sold to actual consumers.

So it's more like Goldman Sachs is predicting that Microsoft will anticipate possibly selling this many units.

It's still a favorable prediction, though.

/ / /

311th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Controller 360" , posted Thu 14 Apr 05:27:post reply

Thoughts? (besides the likelihood of you hiding it behind your TV when people come over)

[this message was edited by deisied on Thu 14 Apr 05:28]

Burning Ranger
1157th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Xbox 360" , posted Thu 14 Apr 07:52post reply


Really, consoles like the PSX and PS2 have been pushed to the fullest of their potential before moving on to a new console generation. Hell, EVERY console I've seen so far has done that but the XBox... it's got a lot of potential to last a few more years, but since we're hasty and wasteful here in the US, we've got to hurry out a new generation of the console since it will somehow completely guarantee a winning position in the gaming market. Personally, I don't really see that happening... I think it'll do okay, but since a lot of people still have XBoxes that they had only bought a few years ago (and possibly spent large amounts of money having repaired), and the console hasn't shown itself to be wearing thin in terms of power, I doubt a majority of people will be rushing out to spend ANOTHER $300 on a console just yet. And if the Japanese market doesn't seriously love this new XBox, then they'll still be behind. I don't know, I may be wrong, but I can't see this one topping the first one as far as sales go.

Well, I will say that the first machine out the door has the disadvantage that the next thing to come out might be better than the first. I think the Dreamcast was a good example of this. Dreamcast was the first 128-bit machine out the door, but the the PS2 came out after and had some better aspects (but some not so better *cough* Jaggies-galore *cough cough*). The new X-box may have the same problem if Sony decides not to show their cards at the same time.

As for popularity, I bet the Xbox will survive in the US if not in Japan. While it may not have a lot of Japanese developers (actually, it does), there will be a ton of US and European developers itching to release games on it. And of course, MS has Halo, which is a killer app for the Western market.

Still... too early to tell, but thats my $.02.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

"The war is over the fight is just beginning..."

1944th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Controller 360" , posted Thu 14 Apr 22:40post reply

Thoughts? (besides the likelihood of you hiding it behind your TV when people come over)

The first thing the shape and that hospital white brings to mind is the ungainly DC controllers. It looks more comfortable to hold than the DC catamaran but I do wonder how much this thing will weigh. The buttons still look a little small for my taste. Then again, I don't know how big this controller is; the buttons may be fine but look tiny when placed on a mammoth controller. At least it doesn't have a giant "X" logo slapped onto the middle of it for no good reason.

Undead Fred
2303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 15 Apr 01:29post reply

Well, I will say that the first machine out the door has the disadvantage that the next thing to come out might be better than the first. I think the Dreamcast was a good example of this. Dreamcast was the first 128-bit machine out the door, but the the PS2 came out after and had some better aspects (but some not so better *cough* Jaggies-galore *cough cough*). The new X-box may have the same problem if Sony decides not to show their cards at the same time.

As for popularity, I bet the Xbox will survive in the US if not in Japan. While it may not have a lot of Japanese developers (actually, it does), there will be a ton of US and European developers itching to release games on it. And of course, MS has Halo, which is a killer app for the Western market.

Still... too early to tell, but thats my $.02.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too... Microsoft's got this stupid idea that rushing out a new console generation a year before the rest will make them "win," but as you said, the next generation can easily see what their specs are and top them. PS2 did that to Dreamcast, then XBox did that to PS2. But if you'll notice, high power didn't guarantee that the XBox was the king of the market. So, that must have been when they decided that it was just that they were "late" to the market. It couldn't have been their system, right? It can do great things, so it had to be that they were late.... and nothing to do with getting more game makers from Japan to make games for the console. At least they SAY they're doing it now, and maybe the Japanese market will actually get into this new XBox. Personally, I don't care if it fails or succeeds... the XBox 1 cost so much money (buying it, then repair costs when it breaks 5 or 6 times, plus the DVD remote if you want to watch DVD's on it) that I would rather systems like that stay at a #2 rank.

472th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 15 Apr 01:45:post reply

If the next XBox is much smaller and doesn't look like a modern-day Atari 5200, I think it will already improve its standing overseas.

This will be an interesting 3-company race for years to come. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all have deep pockets and can afford to take risks and such. MS might make it a closer race with Sony next time around, but I don't think Nintendo will be much of a factor once again. The fact that they have horrible and old-fashioned relations with 3rd-parties will keep them from really taking off. Sony really has to work more on online gaming to take some thunder away from MS in the states. I think XBox Live alone helped MS sell many more systems.

Ishmael: Where did you get your sig pic?

[this message was edited by EddyT on Fri 15 Apr 01:47]

364th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Controller 360" , posted Fri 15 Apr 02:12post reply



If it is as similar to Logitech's wireless XBox controler as it looks, then I'll probably like it.

1947th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Xbox 360" , posted Fri 15 Apr 03:24post reply

Ishmael: Where did you get your sig pic?

The shot of Sun Shang Xiang came from an artbook scan I found over on this nice DW page.