The "other" videogame boss tourney - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The "other" videogame bosses poll" , posted Fri 8 Apr 02:06:post reply

Here are the rules, quite simple ones:

-Straight voting, post up to five (5) choices, in a week or so the one who got more votes wins.

-The character must be a FINAL boss of a game, or at least be before it if he's more important (example: Kuja from Final Fantasy IX is practically the final boss, so he's valid). If the boss is riding a robot or something similar, the pilot is the character that counts (like Dr Wily). Hidden bosses are valid.

-Any gaming genre besides fighting games are valid. Sidescroller beat'em ups are valid.

-Post WHY you like that character, and which game is it from. If you only list them, the votes won't be counted.

-Feel free to comment on other votes, remember that if you flame your votes won't be counted.

[this message was edited by Rid on Fri 8 Apr 02:11]


6266th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The" , posted Fri 8 Apr 03:26:post reply

Willy (Rockman) because of the two frames animation "eyebrows up, eyebrows down". I used to do the same all the time.

Datatsushi (boss of Siren) because of this.

The thing that destroys (final boss of Romancing Sa.Ga 3, at the bottom of the page) : because of its name. Its appearance is nearly as classy as its name. All its scenario is resumed in it. And it does it so well.

The 7 heroes (final boss of Romancing Sa.Ga 2, bottom of the page as well) : Once you've killed all 7 heroes, you have to destroy their real body, a ball of flesh, and each hero appears like a new member after you inflict enough damage. Sick, but great. Also, I loved the 7 heroes were not just general of the final boss, but the final boss itself.

Also, for both RS bosses, the fight is long, difficult, extremely entertaining, and has the best music of both games which already have some of the best tunes ever created for a RPG. Kawazu knows how to create an ambiance, and RS is one of the rare series where you KNOW you are fighting the last boss, and that it is the final battle, not just a fight against a boss with more HP than the others. I think I would add Saruin to the list after I'll get Minstrel Song, though.

EDIT : 5th is Medusa from Kid Icarus. The first boss I ever saw whose only face took the entire screen, on the poor little NES.
Sorry Devilot.


[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 9 Apr 20:02]

550th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"boss!" , posted Fri 8 Apr 03:27:post reply

1.Ghaleon. Ghaleon! GHALEON! Lunar series.
I've never seen a better RPG villain with a more interesting character, particularly as it progresses through the Silver Star remake. More dispairing and misguided than a simple "evil guy," and sets up Lunar's clash between his Hobbesian vision of a guiding ruler/God versus free will humanism really beautifully. His redemption in Lunar 2 gives me chills. Plus his articulate, sneering demeanor and evil laugh are great (Japanese and English alike), and even Square lifted his design a bit for Chrono Trigger's Maou/Magus and Xenogear's Graf. Groovy.

2. Cefca - Final Fantasy VI
In contrast, I also love Cefca's smirking, gleeful nihilism and his laughing sound effect. He makes demented evil FUN to watch, sort of like a video game Richard III. ("And what could be more wonderful than the sound of hundreds of voices shrieking in unison!" Yikes.) Angelic madness at the end is great, too.

3. Dr. Eggman/Robotnik, Sonic series
"Am I evil, or am I a genius? I have all the technology in my's time for me to take over the world!" So says an Eggman cel for Sonic Adventure. I like his logic, his radical glasses, and his delightfully murderous machines he tries to use against Sonic.

4. Dracula - Akumajou Dracula/Castlevania
He's a classy bastard who's not above donning hideous monster forms in certain games to kick ass. His castle appears out of illusion and mankind's evil heart once every century, I want it.

5. Metal Sonic, Sonic series
(edit, thanks to IronD for reminding me)
In reality, it's the Sonic CD version of Metal Sonic I like, with the cool Stardust Speedway race with him set to radical music (US music was better than the Japanese score, really), but I'll use his appearance as Knuckles' last boss in Sonic&Knuckles to get him into the running. Ah, Sonic memories...


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 8 Apr 09:38]

Time Mage
2089th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 03:47post reply

Since there are so many games and so many people, and not all have played the same games, bosses should be named like "FFIX pre-final boss", and then an explanation under spoiler brackets, or something similar.
One thing is speaking about fighting games bosses, that are known and whose story isn't very important, and other is possibly spoiling something important/interesting about an adventure game or an rpg. Well, that's my opinion, at least.

547th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):The" , posted Fri 8 Apr 04:17post reply

two frames animation "eyebrows up, eyebrows down". I used to do the same all the time.

Wait, "used to"...there are other things to do?

Too bad Rockman X's Vava/Vile can't make it, meanwhile. He was far cooler than Sigma.


160th Post

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"Re(1):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 04:28post reply

1. Mada (SMT:N secret boss) - Any boss that is shaped like "that" is just awesome.

2. Purge (SC5pt2)-"sing with us!" HEART2HEART

(um I'll think of more later I guess)


Variable Savior
277th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 04:44post reply

1. Mada (SMT:N secret boss) - Any boss that is shaped like "that" is just awesome.

You mean Mara (Shibuya), right? 'Cause Mada wasn't exactly secret...

Blood marks heaven's path

2522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 05:17post reply

geh, this is hard.

1) Ummm, final boss dragon/thingie from Panzer Dragoon Saga, because it's big.

2) Boss Darm from Ys books 1 and 2, cause he's all EVIL and stuff.

3) the lil shooty dot from Radiant silvergun because yeah...curtain fire.

4) that Mad Gear boss from Final Fight. I forget his name.

5) Doppelbganger from Silent Hill 3, cause that was creepy, even as a boss battle. Almost the end! Kinda!

6) Tony Danza


161th Post

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"Re(3):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 06:02post reply

1. Mada (SMT:N secret boss) - Any boss that is shaped like "that" is just awesome.

You mean Mara (Shibuya), right? 'Cause Mada wasn't exactly secret...

I knew I spelled it wrong!

Yes , I meant Mara.


1680th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 06:40:post reply

1. Dracula of Casltevania 1 - Because he used to kick my Ass back in the day, nowadays I beat him in one or two tries. Damn Konami, give me a hard Dracula I beg you! AND NO MORE GAMES WHERE I DON'T FIGHT DRACULA COUGH COUGH LAMENT OF INNOCENCE!!!!!!

Oh and I also love how in part one I knocked the guy's head clean off, thought I won and then he turned into an ugly ass gargoyle bat! This scared the bajesus out of me!

2. Mother Brain in Super Metroid - Oh snap. I thought my Ass was a goner. There she was taking all my energy and I sat there thinking damn, what did I do wrong? Next thing I know my Metroid buddy from the Gameboy game came and saved my Ass. This is one of the greatest events in Gaming History.

3. Dr. Wily, Megaman 2 on the Gameboy - Defeating the old guy and making him bow before you is classic. I wish Capcom would come up with more creative robots for Wily to fight you in but looks like the series is over. That reappearing disappearing joint is hella lame after seeing it in three different games. One of my favorites aside from his hologram in MM2 was his final version in MM2 for the Gameboy. First a plane, then it combined with a tank, and then it combined with another part to create a big robot. That ruled!

4. King Wart in Super Mario Bros. 2 (US Version) - I love his song and curse Nintendo for remixing it and not letting you hear the original version in the Super Nes remake. Just figuring out you have to feed him vegetables when at first you thought you just had to hit him with them. And when you defeated him he turned black and white! Then the dream people carried him away and f****d him up big time! Not to mention in the end you get to see him laugh as Mario dreams making you think he will come back. Super Mario Bros. 2 is still my favorite in the series ESPECIALLY since Princess Peach doesn't get captured for once.

5. Link's shadow in Zelda II the Adventure of Link - Not only did the big slime that landed on you in the final stage scare the crap out of me, there I was. Finally defeated the last Boss. And just when I thought I beat the game, my Shadow comes to life and kicks my Ass! I yelled like a little bitch!

Wow, all my choices are old school and 2D... but they really don't make bosses like they used to. Shout out goes out to my boys Megaman Juno of Megaman Legends 1, Sigma of MMX7, and Sephiroth of FF7. Would of made the list if I had more than five. And I'm sure there are a bunch of 3D ones I'm forgetting about.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 8 Apr 11:13]

1678th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 06:48post reply

geh, this is hard.

4) that Mad Gear boss from Final Fight. I forget his name.


Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Iron D
2652th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:35post reply

1. Ultros and Chupon (bosses from FFVI): Hey they count as one, because they were one boss fight. Why do I like them? One word: FUNGAAAAAAAAH!

2. Shredder in a machine (TMNT IV: Turtles in Time boss of third stage): It was the first time I saw a boss fight like this. You were looking at the characters you were playing through the view of the guy you were fighting. And you hurt him by throwing foot soldiers at him. Fun as heck, and the Turtles games always had great boss music.

3. End boss from stage 2 of Silhouette Mirage, the big fish girl: I can't remember her name, but that's one of the most f'ed up designs for any videogame character ever. It's fun fighting her just for all of the comments she makes while fighting her. "Smash, smash, smash!". "Mommy! My leg is hit!". Man I really need a tag or avatar for her...

4. Mecha/Metal Sonic (bosses in various Sonic games): Awesome, very evil looking designs, and they were always fun to fight against. And for those who don't know, they are two different entities, but they're similar enough to be thrown together.

5. Bravoo Man (mid boss of stage 1 in Gunstar Heroes): Because he's f'in BRAVOO MAN! Is any more explanation needed?

Waaaaaaaay too many honorable mentions, incuding a host of beat 'em up bosses, RPG bosses, Contra bosses, Mario bosses, Sonic bosses, Reala from Nights, a bunch of Panzer Dragoon bosses....good god. Just too many honorable mentions...

Zelkin. Pimped.

165th Post

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"Re(1):" , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:49:post reply

1) Dr Wily (classic Megaman games): He's been one of my role models since I was a kid. That, and as Iggy put it, you gotta love the eyebrows thing.

2) Dr Robotnik (classic Sonic games): Again, my love for lazy evil scientists continues. You gotta love his whacky creations (Death Egg, Mecha-Sonic) and his funny running away sprites.

3) Sturm (Advance Wars 1 and 2): In the first game he looked like an evil mechanical snifit that blew smoke out of his mouth and he had a huge army. Second game he had cool underlings which he abused and had an even bigger army and his gigantic Death Ray. Any boss is made cooler when you give him a Death Ray.

4) Deathevan (Breath of Fire 2): Ahhhh, good old Saint Eva. Really, my liking of him comes less from his actually design and more from his role in the whole story. A benevolent ancient god that wishes to give the world peace through death, because we all know that the dead can't kill each and do violence (well, the undead can, but that is different).

5) Cefca/Kefka (Final Fantasy VI): Gotta love the laugh, his oh so yummy evilness, and the fact that when he does get power, he seems more bored than anyone else and still does what he loves (Gigantic beams of Judgment at random).

Note: I may change my last two votes later. Trying to think about all the bosses I have loved is kind of hard, but I think this is a pretty good top 5.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

[this message was edited by EternalNewbie on Fri 8 Apr 08:54]

3335th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Picks" , posted Fri 8 Apr 08:55post reply

Mmmhh, this "Last Boss only" rule is a bit tricky. Can I choose Wesker even if you don't control the character when you fight against him? After all, he's the last person Chris battles in Code Veronica after killing Alexia.
If not, then my choices:

Dr. Wily- He's a classic villain, I don't think he can be topped.

Kefka- I know some people don't like him, but I found his insanity to be refreshing in a medium where the bad guy has a deep motivation and/or wants to conquer the world/universe/reality. Kefka just wants to destroy it all because he's insane.

Vergil- Even though the game is pretty recent, it's now a classic to me. And that part when he confronts Mundus at the end was like pure fanboy bliss.

The Boss/Joy- Loyal to the end.

Nobunaga- Another fairly recent game series that became instant classics to me, I just hope Onimusha 3 is not the end of the series (or maybe the next games won't be samurai related, perhaps they would be situated in the future with a new Onimusha... Henry perhaps?)

548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 09:28post reply

Good call on liking those guys, IronD, but aren't a lot of them not FINAL bosses like Rid said? I was trying to find a way to put Metal Sonic as my fifth vote...he could kinda count since he's in Knuckles' version of Sonic and Knuckles. Shredder was way cooler in his 3D machine (I died so many times before throwing soldiers at him), but thanks to his being the (less cool) last boss too, seems like he can still count!

If Chupon/Typhon and Ultros/Orthros, despite their mistranslated names, had been last bosses in FFVI, I woulda gone crazy. Awesome.


Iron D
2653th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Just a suggestion." , posted Fri 8 Apr 09:52post reply

Good call on liking those guys, IronD, but aren't a lot of them not FINAL bosses like Rid said? I was trying to find a way to put Metal Sonic as my fifth vote...he could kinda count since he's in Knuckles' version of Sonic and Knuckles. Shredder was way cooler in his 3D machine (I died so many times before throwing soldiers at him), but thanks to his being the (less cool) last boss too, seems like he can still count!

If Chupon/Typhon and Ultros/Orthros, despite their mistranslated names, had been last bosses in FFVI, I woulda gone crazy. Awesome.

Aaarrgh! Next time I'll pay more attention. I didn't see that FINAL boss part. In that case:

1. Mecha Sonic: Because he was Knuckles' last boss in S&K like Maou said, plus isn't he the last boss of Sonic Heroes (I own SH, but I'm not even going to try to get all of the emeralds for the last stage)?

2. SEPHIROTH: I like Kefka, but I always thought he was overrated. Sephiroth has the legendary theme, and is the only last boss cool enough to have an orchestra named after him. PLUS, he's so evil, he can't be contained as a difficult boss in just one game.

3. Dr Eggman/Robotnik: For the above mentioned reasons. He's the epitome of the "evil genius who wants to take over the world" character.

4. Super Shredder (TMNT: Turtles in Time/Hyperstone Heist): Awesome theme song, and that whole teleporting around thing was just too darn cool. Plus nothing screams "climatic last battle" like fighting in front of a misplaced statue of liberty.

5. Mr. X (Streets of Rage series): The epitome of "the bad guy that won't quit". You beat the crap out of him in twice, only to have him show up again as a brain in a container in the third game! Mr. X rules!

And, as before, many, many honorable mentions.

Zelkin. Pimped.

Red Falcon
5442th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Bosses!" , posted Fri 8 Apr 11:15:post reply

Gyabba: Because he's THE Contra boss. Big angry alien face with a double jaw and snakes for arms.. and then his BRAIN even attacks you. What could be cooler than that?

Seppukumaru: Loves the most EXTREME SPORTS you can imagine, including using a death-star like object as a shotput... Seppuku IS a sport.

Gal Agiese: Both his English AND Japanese voice are awful, so he's awesome. KOSHYAKU NINGEN ME!

Wily: Of course Wily is great. He should have made "Spike Man" or "Invincible Man"..

Edit: Dracula. Removed somebody else. How could I forget him? He's the epitome of cool.. he even manages to look completely different every time, despite being allegedly the same person! Now THAT takes skill.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Fri 8 Apr 11:20]

165th Post

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Regular Customer

"Question" , posted Fri 8 Apr 13:45post reply

Quick question, what about bosses that were the mastermind behind everything, but never were fought or were fought but were just a puppet for the greater evil? Reason I ask is that if they are ok, I would like to change my last two votes. I am mainly curious about Dr Doppler from Megaman X 3 and Dr Weil from Megaman Zero 3. I love those two crazy scientists. I mean, Dr Doppler was cool and you fought him at the end, but was just a puppet for Sigma who took the place of last boss battle because it is his job to do that. I mean, Sigma was cool, but never had a real good "thing" going for him throughout the series like Wily. Sigma was always the last boss, but wasn't really in charge of anyone but the thing he was manipulating. Wily also did that now and then, but he was a crazy old man with a flying saucer and stern eye-brow raising look. As for Dr Weil, he was in charge of EVERYTHING that went down in Zero 3, but you only fought his creations all the way through the game (which he wasn't really piloting, he just let them attack Zero). Although, he might be the boss of the next game Zero 4 which comes out at the end of this month, we don't know yet. So those two OK choices?

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

6547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Question" , posted Fri 8 Apr 19:07post reply

Quick question, what about bosses that were the mastermind behind everything, but never were fought or were fought but were just a puppet for the greater evil? Reason I ask is that if they are ok, I would like to change my last two votes. I am mainly curious about Dr Doppler from Megaman X 3 and Dr Weil from Megaman Zero 3. I love those two crazy scientists. I mean, Dr Doppler was cool and you fought him at the end, but was just a puppet for Sigma who took the place of last boss battle because it is his job to do that. I mean, Sigma was cool, but never had a real good "thing" going for him throughout the series like Wily. Sigma was always the last boss, but wasn't really in charge of anyone but the thing he was manipulating. Wily also did that now and then, but he was a crazy old man with a flying saucer and stern eye-brow raising look. As for Dr Weil, he was in charge of EVERYTHING that went down in Zero 3, but you only fought his creations all the way through the game (which he wasn't really piloting, he just let them attack Zero). Although, he might be the boss of the next game Zero 4 which comes out at the end of this month, we don't know yet. So those two OK choices?

The bosses you fought: while the mastermind behind all may be the "boss", he isn't the "game final boss"

987th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Question" , posted Fri 8 Apr 19:20post reply

I feel the necessity to mention Great Father from Persona 2 (Innocent Sin). Fighting all of the main character's fathers as a grotesque tentacle mass was absolutely amazing, creepy and stragely fulfilling. I just wish that the different parents would have said disturbing things throughout the fight

90th Post

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Occasional Customer

"tough choices" , posted Fri 8 Apr 21:59post reply

1.The obvious choice: The Boss from MGS3
Splendid background, great music, unfathomable drama, right after an hour and a half of intense rushdown ...completed while wearing a Kabuki face paint. Summarizes the game quite well.

2.The hype choice: XIGA from Radiant Silvergun
...aaah the class, the fear, the excitement. He's also here as a PR of all those fantastic Saturn boss fights such as the dragon of Dragon Force II, the last bos of Azel, King Dragon from Falcom Classics Xanadu, PepsiMan in Fighting Vipers... no wait, actually...

3.The "secret boss" choice: Pepsiman from Fighting Vipers
He's got it all: class, strengh, glucids. Also, I love how you actually needed to lose a perfect round in order to get the chance to meet him. I am impressed to be able to remember pretty well how I met him : I got my ass scrapped by Raxel in his elevator stage, through a guitar hit that knoked me out of the glass wall. I can even remember where that was and when : at a friend's house, at sunset. Hell, I can evn remember the peculiar smell of that flat. Pepsiman was my favorite character in Fighting Vipers, and a good reason to despise FV2 even before it came out.

4.The underground choice: the final form of the final Boss in Hell from Doukutsu Monogatari
I don't really remember if the boss was that great, but it wasn't a let down, which is a miracle considering how intense and impressive the whole game was. So, if only for not being a let down, that final boss was a great achievement.

5.The lazy choice: Kefka from FFVI
I don't give a f*** about the character, but that scrolling background boss idea was awesome.

1934th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"random choices" , posted Fri 8 Apr 23:41post reply

Belger from Final Fight: I never felt more heroic then when I punched a crippled old man out of a window.

Master Meio from Strider: He sounds like a community theatre version of Baba Yaga and he throws fish at you.

Mr. Big from NARC: At first he's just another wheelchair bound boss but then he turns into a gigantic head that you have to blast the flesh off of in order to crush his tounge tossing skull. NARC may be one of the greatest lousy games ever made.

Gannon from Legend of Zelda: He was just a big pig guy but the battle with him was the culmination of the first game I played that felt like it had an epic sweep to it and not just a matter of going from the beginning of the game to the end.

Harry MacDowell from GunGrave: It was a memorable boss fight because it was everything that other boss fights are not.

147th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):random choices" , posted Sat 9 Apr 03:30post reply

1 - Dr.Wily (Classic Rockman)
A classic

2 - Kefka (FFVI)

3 - Seppukumaru (Ganbare Goemon IV)
Thanks to Red Falcon for making me remember him.

4 - Count Dracula (Castlevania)
"Die monster, you don't belong in this world!"

5 - Koopa (Mario)
For no specific reason.


29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):The" , posted Sat 9 Apr 04:44post reply

[.01]sephiroth | final fantasy vii - i'm not that huge a fan of his, but i agree his final battle coupled with that fantastic music just ... wow.

[.02]cefca | final fantasy vi - loved the music, loved the scrolling, loved the laugh. just downright evil <3

[.03]the boss | mgs iii - i've not finished the game yet, but god i love her character and her story. i need to get this game done quick.

[.04]the queen | ico - took me a death or two to realize how to survive her attacks, but man it was great just seeing the effects of her power and how the sword repelled it. much love for this game <3

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):The" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:04post reply

Too bad Rockman X's Vava/Vile can't make it, meanwhile. He was far cooler than Sigma.

Much as I love the Boba Fett wanna-be, he pales compared to the boss of the X series.

My picks:

Sigma (Rockman X/Mega Man X) - Quite possibly one of my favorite bosses to fight against. His evolutions/new bodies are usually for the most part impressive.

X7 and X8 Sigmas were exceptional.

Plutonium Boss (Blaster Master) - By far the scariest boss encounter of my entire gameing career. I remember having nightmares about the guy for the longest time when I finally reached him. Even after all these years, my heart still races whenever I hook up the old NES and take him on; despite the fact that I've beaten him numerous times.

Dr. Wily (Rockman/Mega Man) - A true classic. Too bad his appearing/disappearing ufo pattern got redundant in the later games.

Gannon (Legend of Zelda) - Been awhile since I played Zelda, but I had fond memories of fighting Gannon.

Can't think of anyone else except the true end boss of Duel Savior if that counts.

Absude amount of autoguard on just about every attack, a beam super which pushes you too far for any kind of retailiation if blocked and an unblockable super where it eats you (Suprised this one doesn't kill you automatically.) The music while fighting the thing's pretty nice too.

6551th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:18post reply

Dhaos-sama (Tales of Phantasia): he was evil, yes, but he had his reasons. And those were strong enough to make the heroes doubt of their quest for revenge. His overall coolness makes him my favorite videogame villain. His anime counterpart is as impressive as expected, so far.

Satan-sama (Puyo Puyo): he's a freak. He collects Kaa-kun merchandishe and later falls in love with a teen girl. He dances with maracas. He wears a mask and pretends he's somebody else. He never leaves his castle. Freak, I said. But fun! I hope he notices Rulue's love someday.

Golden Silver (Gunstar Heroes): he LOOKS powerful, he doesn't dies easily, and in the end, he's defeated in a tragic way that still makes sense. A good boss for maybe my favorite 16 bit game. The opening screen with him is quite impressive too.

1682th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:30post reply

Looks like Dr. Wily is winning hands down.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

0th Post

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"Behold my true form!" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:34post reply

1. Shadow Link - Adventure of Link. Difficult, unexpected, and yet so fitting (and cool).

2. Dragon Lord - Dragon Warrior/Quest I.
More of a personal choice there, as it was the first time I'd seen the now cliche "true form" bit used.

3. Dracula - Castlevania.
I needn't explain this.

4. Bowser - Super Mario Bros.
While I wasn't a huge fan of SMW, the SMW Bowser just rocks. Sure, that battle was half just a tech demo for the SNES, but there's still a real "whoa" factor to the third form even today.

5. Mr X - Resident Evil 2
Okay, you've still got Birkin's last form to unload your leftovers on, but Mr X gets the last real *battle*. He's been chasing you through the second half of the game without saying a word, and when he climbs out of that vat of molten metal all in flames and the music swells, you know you're in deep. Ada's appearance at the end just cements Mr X right here.

Iron D
2655th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 11:51post reply

Golden Silver (Gunstar Heroes): he LOOKS powerful, he doesn't dies easily, and in the end, he's defeated in a tragic way that still makes sense. A good boss for maybe my favorite 16 bit game. The opening screen with him is quite impressive too.

Not to mention that he makes a comeback as one of the many last bosses in Guardian Heroes. Seeing him in that game was just too cool. He even had those floating gem things with him (in his final form, anyway).

Zelkin. Pimped.

6263th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 17:00post reply

I'm surprised Ganon in the first Zelda game gets so many votes... I remember even as a kid I was really surprised by him : an ugly sprite tht doesn't looks like anything (what is it ? a bat-rat-pig-human?), extremely easy if you read the manual and even more after the so difficult last dungeon... It felt like a joke to me.
Compared to Dracula, Bowser and all the hammers, Medusa in Kid Icarus, Mother Brain, the other games I played around the same time, he felt really lame.


863th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 19:02:post reply

Doh (Arkanoid): unexpected & psychedelic
The 2 Papuans with the skull masks in Jungle King: so minimalist
Donkey Kong from the eponymous game: 1st boss I encountered in video games
Lego Dark Vador from Lego Star Wars: anticlimatctic
Willy from Double Dragon Advance: a machine gunner vs a wrestler

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Sat 9 Apr 20:12]

2979th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The first three of Rid" , posted Sat 9 Apr 19:42post reply

Wow hard question, there is so many good bosses...So:

- Lucifer in Ghoules & Ghosts the 1st impresive boss I saw.

- Romeo gilderstein, Vagrant story, or how can a character be so bad when they think they're fighting for a right cause.

- The Boss MGS3, one of the best videogame character ever, she's strong, nice, and she give you one of the greatest battle ever.

- "The True" Dracula from symphony of the night. Easy, but realy nice and charismatic.

- The final boss in Xenogear (forget is name) on of the best RPG boss ever.

There is two infinite things in the world.
Universe and Human stupidity...Well for the universe I'm not sure....

1684th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Behold my true form!" , posted Sat 9 Apr 22:11post reply

1. Shadow Link - Adventure of Link. Difficult, unexpected, and yet so fitting (and cool).

I called him Link's Shadow, Shadow Link sounds better and is probably right. That's two votes for the shade man!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

864th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Behold my true form!" , posted Sat 9 Apr 22:45:post reply

Hitler (Boss of Bionic Commandos, arcade version)[I'm kidding of course].

[this message was edited by kikkoken on Sat 9 Apr 23:10]

487th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Behold my true form!" , posted Sun 10 Apr 02:03post reply

1. Mother Brain (Phantasy Star II). She looked really cool and led to a memorable ending.

2. The Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2). Basically really great bosses on their own and even better when in a giant mass that attacks you 7 times a round by the time you reach the final form.

3. Memory of ****** (Silent Hill 3). An interesting fight and a neat boss. I really liked the pulsating effect they did on the model if you look closely. You can also see this same thing begin happening to Heather in that one room (you should know by now which one I mean).

4. G. Silver (Gunstar Heroes). Hell yes. Still a challenge even if you know what you're doing.

5. Giant Octopus that dies in one hit (Parodius). A WTF final boss if there ever was one.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

600th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Just a suggestion." , posted Sun 10 Apr 02:48post reply

I was trying to find a way to put Metal Sonic as my fifth vote...he could kinda count since he's in Knuckles' version of Sonic and Knuckles.

Metal Sonic is the last boss in Sonic Heroes. I can't believe you guys missed that (or maybe I can, since the game was so forgettable).


1. Dr. Wily (Megaman) - Because he's the mad scientist that makes mad robots and even steals some occasionally. He made Zero, who actually outlasted Dr. Light's creation.

2. Eggman (Sonic series) - I honestly didn't like him until they redesigned him for the Sonic Adventure series, he didn't look completely goofy from then on. Double plus that Sonic sees Eggman as a form of entertainment rather than the evil evil bad guy rival. Eggman is pretty goofy but he also knows his shit. And he's mad fun to use in Sonic Adventure 2.

3. Ghaleon (Lunar) - Not Ghaleon, dear Quark... MAGIC EMPEROR GHALEON. Actively takes part in taunting Alex personally and makes a lot of smartass remarks in the process.

4. Copy X (Megaman Zero) - Because it was about time that Dr. Wily's creation gets to blow up Dr. Light's creation... well, sort of. Close enough.

5. Sima Yi (Destiny of an Emperor) - Because there's nothing like saying 'screw you' to the Wei emperor and taking over, using a skill to revive your entire army in one turn, and have a special attack that requires you to input a code to beat it.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

552th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Just a suggestion." , posted Mon 11 Apr 05:21post reply

"Sonic Heroes?" What is this "Sonic Heroes?" Hah, nah, I just haven't owned a system with Sonic on it since 16bit days (Sonic CD forever). You get fifty bonus points for voting for Ghaleon, too. Eggman definitely looked way cooler in Sonic Adventure series, I hear, once he got that snappy coat. (Is he still called Robotnik in America? I gathered that they changed it back or something...)


1498th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Mon 11 Apr 09:34post reply

-Carmen Sandiego. Though admittedly most of her coolness comes from her shows rather than her games (does that disqualify her?) the sheer fact that her crimes are merely an attempt to prove that she's smarter than you--and actually pulling it off--was always cool. She had a sense of class to her villainy. Plus, she wears a turtleneck, which is usually only beaten in coolness/cuteness by girls with glasses.

-Dr. Robotnik. Cause it's Eggman of course.

-Ganondorf. And yes, I'll be honest. A major part of it was seeing that "DUDE, GANON IS A NEGRO!!!" But Ganondorf is cool regardless of race. Seeing him in Smash Bros. Melee was an awesome bonus. I regret not having LoZ:OoT anymore.

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

Iron D
2657th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Just a suggestion." , posted Mon 11 Apr 11:22post reply

"Sonic Heroes?" What is this "Sonic Heroes?" Hah, nah, I just haven't owned a system with Sonic on it since 16bit days (Sonic CD forever). You get fifty bonus points for voting for Ghaleon, too. Eggman definitely looked way cooler in Sonic Adventure series, I hear, once he got that snappy coat. (Is he still called Robotnik in America? I gathered that they changed it back or something...)

Robotnik is officially now Eggman in the States, which he has been since Sonic Adventure 1. And I actually mentioned MechaSonic being Sonic Heroes' last boss in my second posting in this thread.

And it's good to see you posting again, Zam. I guess my e-mail got through to you, eh?

Zelkin. Pimped.

1499th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Just a suggestion." , posted Mon 11 Apr 12:17post reply

And it's good to see you posting again, Zam. I guess my e-mail got through to you, eh?

I don't know if I should say thank you or you suck :P

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

783th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Just a suggestion." , posted Mon 11 Apr 14:59:post reply

So I'm reporting to this thread as I said I would...first the obvious ones.

1. Ghaleon (Lunar SSSC): "Not Ghaleon, dear Quark... MAGIC EMPEROR GHALEON!" Yes yes that brilliant quote sums up his aura quite well. This guy pissed the hell out of me cuz the bastard's tough. His sense of humor is like the RPG's equivalent of Krauser- brilliant.

2. Kefka (FF6): Totally insane, totally evil...this guy pissed me off not with his toughness but with his twisted mind. And I really like his theme music. Much more so than even Sephiroth's theme if you don't mind me saying so. When he descends on you slowly from heaven- I was soooo pumped up to kick his ass to oblivion. Oh, and he has "goner" and "fallen angel." Brilliant moves.

Who else? Let's see...

3. Liquid Snake (MGS): I'm still in the beginning of MGS3 so... But Liquid...this bastard NEVER dies. He has that Geese syndrome which seems to be going around now adays and has successfully infected Heihachi. I wouldn't want to see how diehard Liquid becomes in old age.

4. Deus (Xenogears): Granted, the final boss is Urubolous but he's just part of Deus anyways I think... Anyway, quite possibly the coolest multi-part boss ever. And freakin TOUGH to beat. Hmmm, what's with me and tough bosses. Anyhow, all the sub-bosses and the strategies involved in taking Deus down were quite memorable. Good music too. Xenogears had some really awesome sub-bosses too- whose names I have forgotten for some reason.

5. Dracula (Castlevania): "You take men's souls and make them your slaves! Perhaps the same can be said of all religions. Your words are as empty as your soul." Why is that dialogue so memorable anyway? Is it cuz it's sooo corny that I can't help but remember it? It's great that he transforms and stuff though. That's always a plus.

Honorable Mentions: Mr. X, Gyabba, Alma...

Special Remark: I had heard that Star Ocean 2 had this hidden final boss who is supposedly infamous for the difficulty level. I seek his head.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Mon 11 Apr 15:02]

Undead Fred
2296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Mon 11 Apr 17:18post reply

-Ganondorf. And yes, I'll be honest. A major part of it was seeing that "DUDE, GANON IS A NEGRO!!!" But Ganondorf is cool regardless of race. Seeing him in Smash Bros. Melee was an awesome bonus. I regret not having LoZ:OoT anymore.

Heh heh heh. Man, I didn't think he was of African descent, or from the human race, for that matter. Besides, isn't his skin... like, green anyway?

Anyway, my choices would have to be:

Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)- Creepy, unstoppable, and a great design. Very imposing, too. My favorite version was the one with the giant knife.

Gouji Rokkaku (Jet Grind Radio)- Not that tough of a boss fight, but the game was so great, that it was a great way to finish off the game: an epic battle on a giant turntable over Tokyo.

Volgin (Metal Gear Solid 3)- I know he's pretty new, but I thought he was a good boss fight. Plus, the electricity and Bryan Fury look won points with me.

And I also vote for Dr. Wily. I liked fighting his creations more, but it never got old fighting him again.

I can't really think of other ones (or better entries)... I'm too tired. But runner up to Ultimecia from FF8 for the most gigantic pain in the ass fight I've ever had in a RPG. And yes, I'm sure there are much worse in other RPG's, but I haven't seen them yet.

166th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Mon 11 Apr 18:21post reply

But runner up to Ultimecia from FF8 for the most gigantic pain in the ass fight I've ever had in a RPG. And yes, I'm sure there are much worse in other RPG's, but I haven't seen them yet.

*shudder* I absolutely HATED Ultimecia. Out of everyone I knew, I am the only one that seemed to have a problem with her, but everyone else I know doesn't believe me when I tell them about her cheap ass tactic she used against me alot. Did anyone else have the problem where she would cast Hell's Circle (you know, that move that brings everyone's HP down to 1) and then Meteor? I had Ultima maxed out on my people's special defense so they absorbed any elemental spell, but Meteor was always non-elemental. I know I was a bit unfair to her other incarnations (really, I just used Aura and then Lion Heart limit break each time), but that last form would always just do that stupid game-over combo of Hell's Circle followed immediatly by Meteor. Grrrrrr........ *hides in corner mumbling to self*

NOTE: I did eventually beat her, but it was like my 20th try and after that, I have never touched the game again.

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

554th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"totally boss" , posted Tue 12 Apr 01:21post reply

Phoenix, you're a champion!

Eternal Newbie: I agree, Ultimacia was delightfully difficult, probably the toughest last boss Square's ever had next to Xenogears' Deus...the multi-part fun and the last form were mind-blowing. It's especially fun since in VIII, it was surprisingly easy for your guys to suck at the end of the game if you didn't pay attention...great stuff. I voted for others just because she isn't as memorable character-wise despite her tragic predestined fate to be defeated thanks to time looping.


Undead Fred
2299th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):totally boss" , posted Tue 12 Apr 02:42post reply

*shudder* I absolutely HATED Ultimecia. Out of everyone I knew, I am the only one that seemed to have a problem with her, but everyone else I know doesn't believe me when I tell them about her cheap ass tactic she used against me alot. Did anyone else have the problem where she would cast Hell's Circle (you know, that move that brings everyone's HP down to 1) and then Meteor? I had Ultima maxed out on my people's special defense so they absorbed any elemental spell, but Meteor was always non-elemental. I know I was a bit unfair to her other incarnations (really, I just used Aura and then Lion Heart limit break each time), but that last form would always just do that stupid game-over combo of Hell's Circle followed immediatly by Meteor. Grrrrrr........ *hides in corner mumbling to self*

NOTE: I did eventually beat her, but it was like my 20th try and after that, I have never touched the game again.

Eternal Newbie: I agree, Ultimacia was delightfully difficult, probably the toughest last boss Square's ever had next to Xenogears' Deus...the multi-part fun and the last form were mind-blowing. It's especially fun since in VIII, it was surprisingly easy for your guys to suck at the end of the game if you didn't pay attention...great stuff. I voted for others just because she isn't as memorable character-wise despite her tragic predestined fate to be defeated thanks to time looping.

Heh heh heh. Fun??? Man, I'm all for a good challenge, but fighting Ultimecia was that kind of fun like, chewing your own arm off fun. I don't mind when a boss changes forms and makes things harder, but Jesus... FOUR forms? And each one is more cruel than the last... I think what made her fight so unbearable was that it took several hours to get through those other forms, so when she pulls that cheap Hell's Circle + Meteor combo (I did get killed by that once or twice)... it just makes you want to smash your controller into the wall.

At least the ending was very satisfying. But like Newbie said, after beating her, I never touched the game again. Heh heh.

150th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 03:23post reply

But runner up to Ultimecia from FF8 for the most gigantic pain in the ass fight I've ever had in a RPG. And yes, I'm sure there are much worse in other RPG's, but I haven't seen them yet.

*shudder* I absolutely HATED Ultimecia. Out of everyone I knew, I am the only one that seemed to have a problem with her, but everyone else I know doesn't believe me when I tell them about her cheap ass tactic she used against me alot. Did anyone else have the problem where she would cast Hell's Circle (you know, that move that brings everyone's HP down to 1) and then Meteor? I had Ultima maxed out on my people's special defense so they absorbed any elemental spell, but Meteor was always non-elemental. I know I was a bit unfair to her other incarnations (really, I just used Aura and then Lion Heart limit break each time), but that last form would always just do that stupid game-over combo of Hell's Circle followed immediatly by Meteor. Grrrrrr........ *hides in corner mumbling to self*

NOTE: I did eventually beat her, but it was like my 20th try and after that, I have never touched the game again.

Is that so?
I always used the Meltdown - Aura - Renzokuken (the last level of it, which name I can't remember right now) and never had trouble beating her.

And the ending is reall well made, but FFVIII = Crappus Maximus.


1501th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 07:30post reply

-Ganondorf. And yes, I'll be honest. A major part of it was seeing that "DUDE, GANON IS A NEGRO!!!" But Ganondorf is cool regardless of race. Seeing him in Smash Bros. Melee was an awesome bonus. I regret not having LoZ:OoT anymore.
Heh heh heh. Man, I didn't think he was of African descent, or from the human race, for that matter. Besides, isn't his skin... like, green anyway?

Ganondorf's skin is brown with a small hint of green. Besides, he comes from a dark skinned desert people so I figured that was Nintendo's intention.

(runs off to rant about Nintendo not having any blacks in the Mushroom Kingdom...)

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

Red Falcon
5444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 12:01:post reply

Ganondorf is a Gerudo, a race characterized by only having male children once every 100 years... and enormous noses. He also had a stint as a blue pig man back in the day, although he was originally a bearded man (he became a pig because of the Dark World crud I forget about). I don't think Nintendo really had any intent to have references to real ethnic groups in these games; Japan isn't a country that really has much interest in PC; it's monoethnic, so different ethnicities tend not to be a focus. I mean, one could hardly claim the gorons or zoras were a reference to any real group of people... and truthfully, if a chara is cool, should his ethnicity really matter?

Edit: BTW, anybody notice how his name keeps getting longer and longer? First it was Ganon, then it was Ganondorf, now it's "Ganondorf Dragmire"... soon we'll have "Ganonindorf Krebulin Dragmireson The Fourth, Esquire and Attorney at Law" on our hands.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 12 Apr 12:04]

167th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 12:24post reply

I was always under the impression Ganondorf and the Gerudo people were a slight take off Arabic type people. I mean, the whole dark but not black skin thing, the almost belly-dancer get up for some of the girls, the living in the desert. I don't know, that was always my take. I mean, not to be racist or anything, but if I had to create a steorotype of Arabic people, it would be kind of similar to the Gerudo, but with turbans. Well, that and the fact that also the Gerudo people are mainly female rather than Arabic male run type stuff. Well, actually, are the Gerudo mainly a female or male dominated race? I mean, they are almost all female run and organized, but wasn't Ganondorf still their king, as was tradition for that one male born every 100 years?

The Hachishinkan -- The Weil Numbers.

Red Falcon
5444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 12:37post reply

I guess it's visible in the "belly dancer garb" as you say, but they largely lack any traits in common with a real people. It's difficult for people to create TRULY "different" cultures, so things that really exist are often used as a reference point, even if the end result isn't actually supposed to be anything like them. This is the same with aliens in sci-fi, they often have many human characteristics despite their appearances. If you want to read something about a species that is.. well, TRULY different, read something like Hal Clement's "Cycle of Fire". Anyway, back to the point; Americans tend to assume the rest of the world is as varied as the U.S. is ethnically, but more often than not this isn't the case, and thusly their respective country's entertainment focus is different. Watch any Indian or Chinese movie and look for how often non-Indian or Chinese people show up. But ANYWAY, back to the REAL POINT of this thread. I'll add some honorable mentions!

Honorable Mentions:
Mother Brain: A big ol' brain in a glass jar and a criminal mastermind!

Lassic/Lashiec: The first RPG boss I remember as truly being "cool". Seeing him return in 4 was a real treat!

Best site EVER:Link Here

6290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Tue 12 Apr 19:23post reply

Neither Ganon nor the Dorf suffix sound very african. Or at least not from any of the languages of my side of Africa.
Americans tend to assume the rest of the world is as varied as the U.S. is ethnically, but more often than not this isn't the case

Also, many Americans tend to assume the other countries had vast ethnics struggles and wars and all, so they think everybody should be as ashamed as they are of what they have done to their minorities.
The fact most american black people are too far from Africa to have any ties with it beside the color of the skin doesn't help either.


1507th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Desert Jungle Action" , posted Tue 12 Apr 21:55post reply

I was always under the impression Ganondorf and the Gerudo people were a slight take off Arabic type people. I mean, the whole dark but not black skin thing, the almost belly-dancer get up for some of the girls, the living in the desert. I don't know, that was always my take. I mean, not to be racist or anything, but if I had to create a steorotype of Arabic people, it would be kind of similar to the Gerudo, but with turbans. Well, that and the fact that also the Gerudo people are mainly female rather than Arabic male run type stuff. Well, actually, are the Gerudo mainly a female or male dominated race? I mean, they are almost all female run and organized, but wasn't Ganondorf still their king, as was tradition for that one male born every 100 years?

The "who runs things" is an intriguing question. I know in Africa, a though women are considered "lower" in status, they are almost always the ones in charge of commerce, can usually own land, and are able to participate in the legal system--things arabic women are usually denied. I'm pretty sure that though the Gerudo aren't officially black or arabic it just seems like that was the inspiration. Miyamoto is known for hiding in jokes and referencing homages. To my understanding, "Gerudo" is actually an ancient god from India while "Ganondorf" is supposed to be a homage to Lord Of The Rings.

And maybe I am a little biased in my opinion but as stated, though I like black characters they don't have to be black to be cool (points at Eggman, Carmen)

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

Iron D
2658th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):dialup sucks...anyways..." , posted Wed 13 Apr 12:04post reply

Also, many Americans tend to assume the other countries had vast ethnics struggles and wars and all, so they think everybody should be as ashamed as they are of what they have done to their minorities.
The fact most american black people are too far from Africa to have any ties with it beside the color of the skin doesn't help either.

Very well put, Iggy. And very true.

Zelkin. Pimped.

6576th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Last day for voting!" , posted Mon 18 Apr 00:46post reply

Tomorrow this closes, so...

374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Last day for voting!" , posted Mon 18 Apr 14:54:post reply

Another boss contest. I like a lot of the choices they put up.

EDIT: Go ahead and toss in a vote for Bowser from me if it's not too late.

[this message was edited by Grahf on Mon 18 Apr 14:55]

6578th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"And the winner is..." , posted Wed 20 Apr 20:21post reply

1st place goes to Dr Wily with 9 votes!

2nd place goes for Dracula and Kefka with 7 votes each.

3rd place goes to Dr Robotnik with 5 votes.

4th place goes to Ghaleon, The Boss (MGS) and Koopa, 3 votes each.

Thanks everybody for voting

574th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):And the winner is..." , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:32post reply

Hooray! Huzzah for mobilization of the Ghaleon vote! And to think that Wily beat Eggman overall! Someone needs to make his Death Eggs cooler.I was expecting them to Square off in the finals, though. Eggman vs. Koopa, it's a match everyone's been waiting for...
