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Iggy 6257th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Devil Donovan in Vampire Collection is real" , posted Sat 9 Apr 06:17
Or at least much closer. Also, it really seems to be Demitri's sprite arranged, in a very ugly Mugen-fashion (like, Demitri's pant are of the color of Donovan's skin, and so on), but still. Also, the game will have a Savior/Savior2/Hunter2 arranged version, like the PS1 port I guess, and "the game still has a lot of secrets!".
They can add Lilith fû Morrigan from MvC1, or Anita from MSH, and I think many will cry if they indeed edit Rose's sprtie to make an adult Anita. Since most of the fans will probably just play with the new characters a few times before coming back to the original games, they can do whantever they want.
Masturbation material kitaaaa !
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Burning Ranger 1155th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(1):Devil Donovan in Vampire Collection is " , posted Sat 9 Apr 06:45
quote: Or at least much closer. Also, it really seems to be Demitri's sprite arranged, in a very ugly Mugen-fashion (like, Demitri's pant are of the color of Donovan's skin, and so on), but still. Also, the game will have a Savior/Savior2/Hunter2 arranged version, like the PS1 port I guess, and "the game still has a lot of secrets!".
They can add Lilith fû Morrigan from MvC1, or Anita from MSH, and I think many will cry if they indeed edit Rose's sprtie to make an adult Anita. Since most of the fans will probably just play with the new characters a few times before coming back to the original games, they can do whantever they want.
Masturbation material kitaaaa !
I think the only way I'll get this if it comes out on Xbox with Xbox Live support. Otherwise, I have the Saturn version of Vampire Hunter, so I'm happy (since I think VH is the best of the series).
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger
 "The war is over the fight is just beginning..."
Pollyanna 998th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Iyah!" , posted Sun 10 Apr 19:05
quote: But it will have an ugly boxart, and the characters will be called Huitzil, Rikuo and other nonsense. Also, the winning quotes will be dumb, Q bee won't scary, Buletta won't be fun and Lilith won't say things that no character of Nabokov would have dared to use and that could send you to jail if a cop visits your appartment at this precise moment.
I forgot about the win phrases. I really hate Capcom of America for that (and so many other things). The name changes also make no sense, except Huitzil, which makes more sense than Phobos, though I don't care.
Also, is Gallon called something different in Mexico? I recall reading that...